Our Allies Consider Biden Adm The Most Disastrous Adm In United States Since 1956.

far less then died the four years before 2016. Trump did a great job of cleaning up the mess he inherited....Xiden just made it worse.

Just like the border, Covid, the economy, everything

You bleach-drinkers live in your own little world, don't you?

The economy is in FAR better shape than it was last year, are you on drugs? Covid, despite all you rednecks refusing to get your shots, is better than it was last year. The border- well, that's your weird hangup, not mine.

On Afghanistan. Trump blatantly surrendered to the Taliban. Period. That Biden was left to clean up the mess is just sad, but we are better off that he is.
UK and France. Where do you think Suez is? Go be stupid somewhere else.
On 5 November1956, Britain and France landed paratroopers along the Suez Canal. Before the Egyptian forces were defeated, they had blocked the canal to all shipping by sinking 40 ships in the canal. It later became clear that Israel, France and Britain had conspired to plan out the invasion.

Funny, I thought Bush was the guy who invaded Afghanistan... but you leave that part out.

Yes, Bush got authorization, from Biden and others in Congress to go in and get those responsible for 9.11 and ensure it doesn't happen again....he did...but it was Obama that called it the War of Necessity....

This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity,” Obama told the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars conference -- cautioning that the insurgency would not be defeated overnight. “Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which Al Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans.”

Xiden I guess is fine leaving them unchecked, and willing to deal with a even larger safe haven for terrorist to plot to kill Americans...heck they already were before Xiden pulled the troops out
You bleach-drinkers live in your own little world, don't you?

The economy is in FAR better shape than it was last year, are you on drugs? Covid, despite all you rednecks refusing to get your shots, is better than it was last year. The border- well, that's your weird hangup, not mine.

On Afghanistan. Trump blatantly surrendered to the Taliban. Period. That Biden was left to clean up the mess is just sad, but we are better off that he is.
hahaha huh?

Yes, the economy is in better shape then when there were full lock downs...wow...hahahah....but barely.
Yes, Bush got authorization, from Biden and others in Congress to go in and get those responsible for 9.11 and ensure it doesn't happen again....he did...but it was Obama that called it the War of Necessity....

Again, that's like saying it's my fault if I ask you to rewire my house and you burn it down. Bush is the one who decided that our "strategy" was to pay dope-dealing warlords to fight the Taliban for us. Then stop fighting the war to go after Saddam to avenge his daddy!

This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity,” Obama told the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars conference -- cautioning that the insurgency would not be defeated overnight. “Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which Al Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans.”

Here's the thing. He said this before he managed to kill Bin Laden. Once Bin Laden was dead, there was really no reason to continue.

The ironic thing is we wanted to end Afghanistan, Obama and Trump promised to but never delivered, Biden has managed to deliver, and we are upset because it looks messy.

Xiden I guess is fine leaving them unchecked, and willing to deal with a even larger safe haven for terrorist to plot to kill Americans...heck they already were before Xiden pulled the troops out

No, he just realized that supporting dope-dealing child molesters wasn't worth sinking more money into.

hahaha huh?

Yes, the economy is in better shape then when there were full lock downs...wow...hahahah....but barely.

My economic sitatution has never been better. I'm going to post my best year this year... I am completely debt free and I'm about to sell my property for 20% more than I paid for it and will upgrade to a nicer one.
Again, that's like saying it's my fault if I ask you to rewire my house and you burn it down. Bush is the one who decided that our "strategy" was to pay dope-dealing warlords to fight the Taliban for us. Then stop fighting the war to go after Saddam to avenge his daddy!

Here's the thing. He said this before he managed to kill Bin Laden. Once Bin Laden was dead, there was really no reason to continue.

The ironic thing is we wanted to end Afghanistan, Obama and Trump promised to but never delivered, Biden has managed to deliver, and we are upset because it looks messy.

No, he just realized that supporting dope-dealing child molesters wasn't worth sinking more money into.

My economic sitatution has never been better. I'm going to post my best year this year... I am completely debt free and I'm about to sell my property for 20% more than I paid for it and will upgrade to a nicer one.
1) well none of that is really true....but moreover, if Xiden didn't like Bush's plan in Afgan, he had 8 years with Obama to change it....oh and they did.
2) Xiden didn't want to kill
Bin Laden.... with that said, I'm fine with wanting to leave and leaving...there is just a right way to do it, and a Xiden way of doing it....the Xiden way is deadly
How does it feel to be a vicious liar. Is it a source of pride for you? Are you a Christian, sir?
Actually he forgot to add Russia. Biden gave Putin a pipeline and now gave China Afghanistan and all our technology secrets and you're defending this.
Actually he forgot to add Russia. Biden gave Putin a pipeline and now gave China Afghanistan and all our technology secrets and you're defending this.

LOLOL.. you are an idiot.. Biden gave our European allies affordable natural gas.
Are you some kind of a retard?
I am an informed observer of the facts

i’ve laid out the reasons for staying several tome so i wont repeat myself here unless you insist

but even an intelligent and orderly withdrawall under trump would have been a mistake

and the biden fiasco is even worse

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