Our Allies Consider Biden Adm The Most Disastrous Adm In United States Since 1956.

1) well none of that is really true....but moreover, if Xiden didn't like Bush's plan in Afgan, he had 8 years with Obama to change it....oh and they did.
2) Xiden didn't want to kill
Bin Laden.... with that said, I'm fine with wanting to leave and leaving...there is just a right way to do it, and a Xiden way of doing it....the Xiden way is deadly

Biden was reluctant to carry out a covert military mission in an allied country that could have gone south (and almost did). Kind of wish someone had done that in 1980 when Jimmy Carter carried out the Desert One Fiasco.

Biden was the first one to realize that Afghanistan WAS a waste of money and lives... but Bush, Obama and Trump kept dumping money and lives into the place.
I think that includes most Americans

The lib news media was too busy serving the agrnda of Black Lies Matter or dickless males pretending to be women to keep the public informed about the afghan situation

and I include myself among those who were not paying close attention

But Stumbling Joe was supposed to know and didnt

Uh, yeah, Riots in the streets were more important to Americans than a war that no one cared about after 2015 or so.

The reality- everyone knew Afghanistan was a lost cause and it would fall the minute we pulled out troops.
Biden was reluctant to carry out a covert military mission in an allied country that could have gone south (and almost did). Kind of wish someone had done that in 1980 when Jimmy Carter carried out the Desert One Fiasco.

Biden was the first one to realize that Afghanistan WAS a waste of money and lives... but Bush, Obama and Trump kept dumping money and lives into the place.
odd how he spent all that time wasting money there then.

Xiden was simply the first and only to surrender to terrorist
odd how he spent all that time wasting money there then.

Xiden was simply the first and only to surrender to terrorist
So you don't think we should ever leave Afghanistan, why did you feel that way when Trump pulled 13K troops out of there? Why didn't you show that sentiment when he was talking about America leaving in May?
So you don't think we should ever leave Afghanistan, why did you feel that way when Trump pulled 13K troops out of there? Why didn't you show that sentiment when he was talking about America leaving in May?
1) I never said never...
2) `13K wasn't all of them
3) because i am all for America leaving at some point, I of course don't have all the intel that Xiden ignored.
1) I never said never...
2) `13K wasn't all of them
3) because i am all for America leaving at some point, I of course don't have all the intel that Xiden ignored.

So you are fine with leaving, you just don't like that leaving happened under Biden. Got it. Oh, and that we had about a week of a sloppy evacuation because the Afghans wouldn't fight our war for us anymore.
Even RINOs like Meghan McCain (that supported him) have realized Joe Dufus is a piece of shit.


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