Our Arrogant, Incompetent, Deep State Ruling Class

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.
That's a LIE

They counted on YOU being lazy, and not reading it, and BLINDLY following what they tell you to say
How long did it take you to read it?
Took me about 5 minutes. Mr Cost is a good writer, but I disagree with most of his assumptions, and I have not yet lost my contempt for Trump supporters as he has. However, starting from the point that the 'Russia interference investigation' is a hoax is where we parted company. Nevertheless, I appreciate Cost's opinions as worth considering.
It took you 5 minutes to read a 457 page report?

And you wonder why everyone thinks you’re a liar.
Sorry weather. I thought you meant the article you posted. I haven't read the report. Since we are a cheap family, my daughter is printing it off and plans to pass it around.
Donald Trump has now tweeted 53 times in 24 hours in an effort to change the narrative away from his criminal conduct and impeachable actions
“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.
That's a LIE

They counted on YOU being lazy, and not reading it, and BLINDLY following what they tell you to say
How long did it take you to read it?
Took me about 5 minutes. Mr Cost is a good writer, but I disagree with most of his assumptions, and I have not yet lost my contempt for Trump supporters as he has. However, starting from the point that the 'Russia interference investigation' is a hoax is where we parted company. Nevertheless, I appreciate Cost's opinions as worth considering.
Paying Russia for Dirt on Trump is the Only Collusion that is Not a Hoax.
Donald Trump has now tweeted 53 times in 24 hours in an effort to change the narrative away from his criminal conduct and impeachable actions
And you’ll fall for it like you have every time for two years.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
georgephillip yes sir, I'm laughing at you!! for sure. go look it up twit!!!
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
georgephillip yes sir, I'm laughing at you!! for sure. go look it up twit!!!
I drink George’s tears like a fine wine.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
h georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
Is there no end to your innocence?

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

"'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,' Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. 'I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'

"As it turns out, that same day, the Russians — whether they had tuned in or not — made their first effort to break into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment unsealed Friday by the special counsel’s office that charged 12 Russians with election hacking."
The swamp and its deep state knew a Trump win could eventually dissolve their little monarch they have built for themselves....that is why they are fighting so hard to stop him....and the fools in the media are helping them...the dupes in the dem party are cheering them on to their own detriment....
Electing Trump showed the world that the people that were thought to be so wise and learned are actually very unintelligent....and the people that were thought to be so charitable are anything but charitable......
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
h georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
Is there no end to your innocence?

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

"'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,' Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. 'I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'

"As it turns out, that same day, the Russians — whether they had tuned in or not — made their first effort to break into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment unsealed Friday by the special counsel’s office that charged 12 Russians with election hacking."

Son, if you could read, you'd be dangerous. here, from your own link, and read it carefully...
"“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"

why would he say find, if they weren't already gone? the comment itself makes your entire post pooh pooh fling.

Sometimes it is exhilarating to post in here. wow, that felt so fking good.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

That's when I stopped reading. The Orange Virus is a part of the elite class, thus the rest of your argument is moot.
Go vote for millionaire Bernie who gives so much charity to those in need. Oh wait, Bernie the millionaire doesn’t give squat to anyone in need.
I'll vote for Bernie, the day he takes his own fking advice and hands his millions to the poor. till then, I piss on his name.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

That's when I stopped reading. The Orange Virus is a part of the elite class, thus the rest of your argument is moot.
Go vote for millionaire Bernie who gives so much charity to those in need. Oh wait, Bernie the millionaire doesn’t give squat to anyone in need.

Thanks for the suggestion, but people like you don't tell people like me what to do.
The swamp and its deep state knew a Trump win could eventually dissolve their little monarch they have built for themselves....that is why they are fighting so hard to stop him....and the fools in the media are helping them...the dupes in the dem party are cheering them on to their own detriment....
Electing Trump showed the world that the people that were thought to be so wise and learned are actually very unintelligent....and the people that were thought to be so charitable are anything but charitable......
they are not the media. A true Media is objective. without objectivity, they are the democratic party praising their folks constantly, and presenting boilerplate documents of what to say!! Scripted isn't journalism. sorry, journalism is in itself about being objective.
Did you read what Mueller said about "Collusion"?
there was none by trump or anyone in the campaign. no sealed indictments, = exonerated.

Collusion isn't a crime anyway, didn't actually make sense to investigate something not a crime. why did they waste 30 million to do that?
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

That's when I stopped reading. The Orange Virus is a part of the elite class, thus the rest of your argument is moot.
Go vote for millionaire Bernie who gives so much charity to those in need. Oh wait, Bernie the millionaire doesn’t give squat to anyone in need.

Thanks for the suggestion, but people like you don't tell people like me what to do.
I just did. Now go to hell. There. I did it again.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
h georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
Is there no end to your innocence?

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

"'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,' Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. 'I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'

"As it turns out, that same day, the Russians — whether they had tuned in or not — made their first effort to break into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment unsealed Friday by the special counsel’s office that charged 12 Russians with election hacking."

Son, if you could read, you'd be dangerous. here, from your own link, and read it carefully...
"“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"

why would he say find, if they weren't already gone? the comment itself makes your entire post pooh pooh fling.

Sometimes it is exhilarating to post in here. wow, that felt so fking good.
"“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"
And within hours Russia began searching for those emails.
Why is that threatening to you?

Better catch up before your boy goes off to prison without you.

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