Our Arrogant, Incompetent, Deep State Ruling Class

The swamp and its deep state knew a Trump win could eventually dissolve their little monarch they have built for themselves....that is why they are fighting so hard to stop him....and the fools in the media are helping them...the dupes in the dem party are cheering them on to their own detriment....
Electing Trump showed the world that the people that were thought to be so wise and learned are actually very unintelligent....and the people that were thought to be so charitable are anything but charitable......
they are not the media. A true Media is objective. without objectivity, they are the democratic party praising their folks constantly, and presenting boilerplate documents of what to say!! Scripted isn't journalism. sorry, journalism is in itself about being objective.
every event, and every breaking news, they use the same lines, scripted from their bigger bosses the DNC. It is exhilarating to watch them all do the two step together.

even the three schmucks on the late shows, use the same fking scripted lines. hilarious.

It must truly suck to take orders like that. they can't deviate, if they do, they're out of work. doh!!!!!
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

That's when I stopped reading. The Orange Virus is a part of the elite class, thus the rest of your argument is moot.
Go vote for millionaire Bernie who gives so much charity to those in need. Oh wait, Bernie the millionaire doesn’t give squat to anyone in need.

Thanks for the suggestion, but people like you don't tell people like me what to do.
I just did. Now go to hell. There. I did it again.

LOL, And I'll tell you right to your face to go eat shit and die, wingertard.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

That's when I stopped reading. The Orange Virus is a part of the elite class, thus the rest of your argument is moot.
Go vote for millionaire Bernie who gives so much charity to those in need. Oh wait, Bernie the millionaire doesn’t give squat to anyone in need.

Thanks for the suggestion, but people like you don't tell people like me what to do.
I just did. Now go to hell. There. I did it again.

LOL, And I'll tell you right to your face to go eat shit and die, wingertard.
Stop telling me what to do.
The swamp and its deep state knew a Trump win could eventually dissolve their little monarch they have built for themselves....that is why they are fighting so hard to stop him....and the fools in the media are helping them...the dupes in the dem party are cheering them on to their own detriment....
Electing Trump showed the world that the people that were thought to be so wise and learned are actually very unintelligent....and the people that were thought to be so charitable are anything but charitable......
they are not the media. A true Media is objective. without objectivity, they are the democratic party praising their folks constantly, and presenting boilerplate documents of what to say!! Scripted isn't journalism. sorry, journalism is in itself about being objective.
every event, and every breaking news, they use the same lines, scripted from their bigger bosses the DNC. It is exhilarating to watch them all do the two step together.

even the three schmucks on the late shows, use the same fking scripted lines. hilarious.

It must truly suck to take orders like that. they can't deviate, if they do, they're out of work. doh!!!!!
We knew the Mueller report would be entertaining, the Lefts response is exceeding expectations.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Your link:

"Put yourself in Trump’s shoes in January 2017. You know that you did not collude with Russia."

How would you know you didn't collude with Russia when five hours after you publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, her server was hacked for the first time by Russians?
oh georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
h georgie, you are truly a dupe. nope that isn't what he said and hitlery's email was hacked a year before the statement trump did make was made. wow. dude, you need to get you some edumacation.
Is there no end to your innocence?

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

"'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,' Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. 'I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'

"As it turns out, that same day, the Russians — whether they had tuned in or not — made their first effort to break into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment unsealed Friday by the special counsel’s office that charged 12 Russians with election hacking."

Son, if you could read, you'd be dangerous. here, from your own link, and read it carefully...
"“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"

why would he say find, if they weren't already gone? the comment itself makes your entire post pooh pooh fling.

Sometimes it is exhilarating to post in here. wow, that felt so fking good.
"“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"
And within hours Russia began searching for those emails.
Why is that threatening to you?

Better catch up before your boy goes off to prison without you.
hahahahahahahaahaha holy fk. son, you are not Samson, and Goliath is kicking your ass right now. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::boohoo::boo_hoo14::dig::eek2::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::dunno::flirtysmile4:
The swamp and its deep state knew a Trump win could eventually dissolve their little monarch they have built for themselves....that is why they are fighting so hard to stop him....and the fools in the media are helping them...the dupes in the dem party are cheering them on to their own detriment....
Electing Trump showed the world that the people that were thought to be so wise and learned are actually very unintelligent....and the people that were thought to be so charitable are anything but charitable......
they are not the media. A true Media is objective. without objectivity, they are the democratic party praising their folks constantly, and presenting boilerplate documents of what to say!! Scripted isn't journalism. sorry, journalism is in itself about being objective.
every event, and every breaking news, they use the same lines, scripted from their bigger bosses the DNC. It is exhilarating to watch them all do the two step together.

even the three schmucks on the late shows, use the same fking scripted lines. hilarious.

It must truly suck to take orders like that. they can't deviate, if they do, they're out of work. doh!!!!!
We knew the Mueller report would be entertaining, the Lefts response is exceeding expectations.
georgie boi is truly cracking me up. he wants what he learned to be soooo true that he can't even read the material in the links he provides that contradicts what it is he is posting. hilarious my man.
Did you read what Mueller said about "Collusion"?
there was none by trump or anyone in the campaign. no sealed indictments, = exonerated.

Collusion isn't a crime anyway, didn't actually make sense to investigate something not a crime. why did they waste 30 million to do that?

The answer is in Mueller's summary.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”

Part one of the Mueller report said no such thing. It found no collusion in terms of the Trump campaign meeting with Russians and telling them what they need to do. What it showed was that the Trump campaign knew of Russian efforts to help the Russians and accepted the help. That is what the meeting with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton was about. Manafort provided a roadmap for Russians to help Trump by giving the strategy and polling data to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Then we have Roger Stone who
knew Podesta's e-mails would be on WikiLeaks before they were put up. There are only 2 groups he could have gotten that from. The Assange group and the Russians who hacked the e-mails.

The fact is that Russian bots have continued to use social media to help Republicans. There is no fantasy and social media companies have admitted that it did happen in 2016.

The fact is that the economic crisis was a pox on both sides. Both sides wanted to make it too easy for people to buy homes. The fact is that Obamacare was partially successful. It did increase the number of people getting insurance so they got that part right. Trump is following the same policy that Obama followed. Trump's premature withdrawal from Syria helps Russia and Iran.
Last edited:
Did you read what Mueller said about "Collusion"?
there was none by trump or anyone in the campaign. no sealed indictments, = exonerated.

Collusion isn't a crime anyway, didn't actually make sense to investigate something not a crime. why did they waste 30 million to do that?

The answer is in Mueller's summary.
there's also this from the summary.


That's it in a nutshell dude. you can take all 400 pages of that document and burn it after that statement. no collusion no obstruction= exonerated.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”

Part one of the Mueller report said no such thing. It found no collusion in terms of the Trump campaign meeting with Russians and telling them what they need to do. What it showed was that the Trump campaign knew of Russian efforts to help the Russians and accepted the help. That is what the meeting with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton was about. Manafort provided a roadmap for Russians to help Trump by giving the strategy and polling data to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Then we have R

drop mic
Did you read what Mueller said about "Collusion"?
there was none by trump or anyone in the campaign. no sealed indictments, = exonerated.

Collusion isn't a crime anyway, didn't actually make sense to investigate something not a crime. why did they waste 30 million to do that?

The answer is in Mueller's summary.
there's also this from the summary.

View attachment 257500

That's it in a nutshell dude. you can take all 400 pages of that document and burn it after that statement. no collusion no obstruction= exonerated.

No, that's not what he stated about "collusion". But, yes I'm sure the Trumpublicans would love for it all to be burned except that little bit. Cant't wait till the House get's the un-redacted version.
Did you read what Mueller said about "Collusion"?
there was none by trump or anyone in the campaign. no sealed indictments, = exonerated.

Collusion isn't a crime anyway, didn't actually make sense to investigate something not a crime. why did they waste 30 million to do that?

The answer is in Mueller's summary.
there's also this from the summary.

View attachment 257500

That's it in a nutshell dude. you can take all 400 pages of that document and burn it after that statement. no collusion no obstruction= exonerated.

No, that's not what he stated about "collusion". But, yes I'm sure the Trumpublicans would love for it all to be burned except that little bit. Cant't wait till the House get's the un-redacted version.
Well dude, that’s his summary. Post the part where he says they colluded and obstructed criminally
Trump the Outsider....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



Oh wow, the celebrity billionaire met Presidents at a party!

I have a musician friend who’s played twice at the White House. He must be a DC insider!!!

I met King Hussein of Jordan in 1982. He met with Ronald Reagan, So I must be a DC insider too. Politicians meeting the Richest guy in New York, they were probably courting Campaign contributions. Dems are really freaked about a President who actually keeps his word. They are so used to saying whatever they want and doing nothing. They think we should just accept their greatness and send our tax money so they can give it to people. They are the Party of Voting Serial Killers, Infanticide, Free Shit (Cali has a Corner on that Market), Welfare for all, Trains across the ocean, And 900,000 wind mills.
They have no plan to better America only one to steal the freedom we enjoy. If you don't agree you're a Nazi White Supremacist, and a threat to " Democracy" ? We do not live in a Democracy ! We live in a Democratic Republic. Our Founders Knew true "Democracy" was no more than MOB rule. Nazi's loved mob rule.

Did you go to King Hussein of Jordan wedding or did he come to yours?

I met him In El Paso Texas during a review of Jordanian Military contingent Training at Fort Bliss in 1982. Ever meet a King scumbag. I also guarded the Airfield At White sands Missile range in 1982 and Observed history up close as the Space Shuttle Columbia made it's only Soft Surface Landing during STS-3. What have you ever done turd! I was also at the Battle of Easting and Medina Ridge during Desert Storm 7th Corps. You have your right to be a Dumbass because of minr and others sacrifices. SOOOOOOOO...…..:anj_stfu: you know nothing and probably live with your Grandma :fu:
Trump the Outsider....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



Oh wow, the celebrity billionaire met Presidents at a party!

I have a musician friend who’s played twice at the White House. He must be a DC insider!!!

I met King Hussein of Jordan in 1982. He met with Ronald Reagan, So I must be a DC insider too. Politicians meeting the Richest guy in New York, they were probably courting Campaign contributions. Dems are really freaked about a President who actually keeps his word. They are so used to saying whatever they want and doing nothing. They think we should just accept their greatness and send our tax money so they can give it to people. They are the Party of Voting Serial Killers, Infanticide, Free Shit (Cali has a Corner on that Market), Welfare for all, Trains across the ocean, And 900,000 wind mills.
They have no plan to better America only one to steal the freedom we enjoy. If you don't agree you're a Nazi White Supremacist, and a threat to " Democracy" ? We do not live in a Democracy ! We live in a Democratic Republic. Our Founders Knew true "Democracy" was no more than MOB rule. Nazi's loved mob rule.

Did you go to King Hussein of Jordan wedding or did he come to yours?

You're pretty old to be as ignorant as you are. Did your parents use lead based paint I hear it causes TDS. And KMA !:cul2:
I met him In El Paso Texas during a review of Jordanian Military contingent Training at Fort Bliss in 1982. Ever meet a King scumbag. I also guarded the Airfield At White sands Missile range in 1982 and Observed history up close as the Space Shuttle Columbia made it's only Soft Surface Landing during STS-3. What have you ever done turd! I was also at the Battle of Easting and Medina Ridge during Desert Storm 7th Corps. You have your right to be a Dumbass because of minr and others sacrifices.

I have met a king, though he was just the Crown Prince when I met him. At the closing festivities of Cope Tiger in Korat, Maha Vajiralongkorn was there as he flew his F-5 in the exercise. The last night they had one hell of a party with some amazing foods from both Thailand and Singapore as well as more to drink than they should have. The crown prince showed up for a time and they had the official greeting line.

I also briefed the President of South Korea and the US CJCS from my post inside the HTAC at Osan AFB as they were touring the location.

I have also met 3 presidents as they came through the Marine Corps Air Stations I was at, shook their hands and have a damn funny story about Clinton and one of his trips to MCAS Beaufort if you would like to hear it.

Sorry that I have never guarded any airfields, but I have been the Operations Chief at two Marine Corps air fields as well as the Yuma Training Range Complex.

All in all, in my 20 years in the Marine Corps I did a hell of a lot, thanks for asking.
I met him In El Paso Texas during a review of Jordanian Military contingent Training at Fort Bliss in 1982. Ever meet a King scumbag. I also guarded the Airfield At White sands Missile range in 1982 and Observed history up close as the Space Shuttle Columbia made it's only Soft Surface Landing during STS-3. What have you ever done turd! I was also at the Battle of Easting and Medina Ridge during Desert Storm 7th Corps. You have your right to be a Dumbass because of minr and others sacrifices.

I have met a king, though he was just the Crown Prince when I met him. At the closing festivities of Cope Tiger in Korat, Maha Vajiralongkorn was there as he flew his F-5 in the exercise. The last night they had one hell of a party with some amazing foods from both Thailand and Singapore as well as more to drink than they should have. The crown prince showed up for a time and they had the official greeting line.

I also briefed the President of South Korea and the US CJCS from my post inside the HTAC at Osan AFB as they were touring the location.

I have also met 3 presidents as they came through the Marine Corps Air Stations I was at, shook their hands and have a damn funny story about Clinton and one of his trips to MCAS Beaufort if you would like to hear it.

Sorry that I have never guarded any airfields, but I have been the Operations Chief at two Marine Corps air fields as well as the Yuma Training Range Complex.

Thank you for your service also! I love stories. being a dick lets me get to know more about people than playing nice all the time. You are a credit to America for you selfless service

All in all, in my 20 years in the Marine Corps I did a hell of a lot, thanks for asking.
Meanwhile back in reality....our "competent" President hasn't had a secretary of defense in 4 months.

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