Our broken country..I am ashamed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I have never been ashamed of my country, and I still cling to the belief that the REAL America is still here. But I am ashamed of the country we appear to be to the world at this point in time.

"... elected officials and political leaders have indulged the polite fancy that conservatives and liberals both have similar, good-natured wishes for America at heart, with but honest, good-faith disagreements about the best policy means to achieve those shared ends.
"It’s time for that happy horsecrap to end.
"In case you missed it, Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services was caught on tape (released today) essentially admitting to the sale (by Planned Parenthood affiliates) of aborted baby parts. Some troglodyte liberals initially suggested that the video was edited unfairly, a curious defense in light of the fact that PPFA wasn’t making this claim themselves. The full video was released this afternoon which indicates why – there is no way to interpret the full interaction in any other light."

"Planned Parenthood isn’t disputing at all that they are involved in this practice at all. Their defense is that it isn’t illegal – because they don’t charge a fee for the actual organs themselves, but rather essentially an administrative fee for finding the organs in the first place.
"Well. I don’t really know the law in this area to know whether PPFA has found a valid legal loophole, nor do I give much of a damn. Here is what is relevant to me – a group that receives my tax dollars is in the business of performing abortions and selling (technically or not, it amounts to the same thing) the discarded body parts of unborn babies.
"And here is the problem – a pretty significant part of the country is essentially okay that this is happening."

Our Broken Country RedState

"All at once you step on something soft. You feel it with your foot. Even through your shoe you have the sense of something unusual, something marked by a special “give.” it is a foreignness upon the pavement. Instinct pulls your foot away in an awkward little movement. You look down, and you see . . . a tiny naked body, its arms and legs flung apart, its head thrown back, its mouth agape, its face serious. A bird, you think, fallen from its next. But there is no next here on 73rd Street no bird so big. It is rubber, then. A model, a . . . joke. Yes, that’s it, a joke. And you bend to see. Because you must. And it is no joke. Such a gray softness can be but one thing. It is a baby, and dead. You cover your mouth, your eyes. You are fixed. Horror has found its chink and crawled in, and you will never be the same as you were. Years later you will step from a sidewalk to a lawn, and you will start at its softness, and think of that upon which you have just trod."

- Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery by Richard Selzer
I agree. Never thought id feel this way about my homeland. But my oh my...we have some evil and some mental illness running rampant in our society.

I dont see how we reverse it.
I agree. Never thought id feel this way about my homeland. But my oh my...we have some evil and some mental illness running rampant in our society.

I dont see how we reverse it.
"Our broken country..I am ashamed"


Our Nation is not 'broken,' the notion is ridiculous, hyperbolic idiocy. In fact, the best America is yet to come.

And you should be ashamed for your ignorance, hatred, and bigotry.
"Our broken country..I am ashamed"


Our Nation is not 'broken,' the notion is ridiculous, hyperbolic idiocy. In fact, the best America is yet to come.

And you should be ashamed for your ignorance, hatred, and bigotry.
We are ashamed because of the idiot in the White House.
So we're saying they /weren't/ talking about fees for the donations to medical science then?

I need to see some hard evidence of this conspiracy theory before I condemn it as such.
I agree. Never thought id feel this way about my homeland. But my oh my...we have some evil and some mental illness running rampant in our society.

I dont see how we reverse it.
Outlaw liberalism.

The ultimate goal of the far right- outlawing the opposition.
Opposition to America should be against the law, it is the left that is wrong with America.
"Our broken country..I am ashamed"


Our Nation is not 'broken,' the notion is ridiculous, hyperbolic idiocy. In fact, the best America is yet to come.

And you should be ashamed for your ignorance, hatred, and bigotry.
We are ashamed because of the idiot in the White House.

It's not just him. There is blame all around, some of it ours for not standing up as the people
Long as bigots are bitter and acting a curmudgeon, America is doing good.
"Our broken country..I am ashamed"


Our Nation is not 'broken,' the notion is ridiculous, hyperbolic idiocy. In fact, the best America is yet to come.

And you should be ashamed for your ignorance, hatred, and bigotry.
So should you
For the last couple of days I have thought of our children's futures and I am very afraid for them

What jackass thinks being concerned about one's children's futures is funny? Oh wait, the ones that support murdering them and selling their body parts

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