Our broken country..I am ashamed

We need to stop electing extremist and focus on electing people that want to better America.
Supporters of fetal tissue research and transplant point to the many medical advances that these types of cells have supported.

In the mid-20th century, researchers used fetal tissue to discover multiple vaccines still in use today. The 1954 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to scientists who developed the polio vaccine using cultures from fetal kidney cells. One version of the rubella vaccine also came from research done on tissue taken from an aborted fetus.


In the 1980s and 1990s, research shifted toward fetal tissue transplant as a possible treatment for diseases ranging from diabetes to Parkinson's. Research using fetal tissue has waned in recent years, New York University's Caplan says, as researchers began to see embryonic stem cells as a more promising way to treat disease.

Still, some scientists have continued to defend Planned Parenthood's practice, citing the possibility of medical advance.

"Obtaining cells from legally obtained abortions for potentially lifesaving purposes is ethically permissible and indeed ethically necessary," Cohen, the microbiologist from Nebraska, argued in his 2009 testimony.

This is the argument Planned Parenthood makes, too.

"At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does," spokesperson Eric Ferrero said in a statement.


Anyway, the crime is selling them for profit.

Which the doc talks about.

As well as altering the procedure to accommodate said harvest.
She never said a word about selling the tissue for a profit. The cut parts of the video make it clear the only charge was cover expenses.

Yes, she did. She named a price, and then she went into a discussion about how much better it was to recoup more than just expenses. You need to pay closer attention.
Libtards can't pay attention, they are too stupid.

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