Our budget needs to introduce V.A.T. on INDULGING LUXURIES & needs a tax on wealth.


Aug 7, 2010
I, Igor Zupnik do suggest that a responsible government will want to introduce a LUXURY VAT on all luxury goods and services and transactions and that a government representing the whole society will want to introduce an annual 2% - 5% WELFARE TAX, i.e. a TAX ON THE RICH CITIZENS, MEMBERS OF OUR COMMON SOCIETY – as a new concept - for everybody who owns more than $ 15 million. The public has to recognize and to debate a new vantage point, a new tax perspective has to be adopted whereby the constant calls by the rich and by the very rich and by the super rich for the poorest and for the middle classes in great debt to pay tax even on their benefits and meagre wages and on their average salaries is being outgrown world wide by a NEW public and popular preference and by a most obvious option and by a bubbling national culture that insists on an annual 2% - 5% welfare tax on every citizen who is worth more than $15 million. Dear President and dear Senators, Republicans and Democrats and dear Representatives of the people, of the populus that has elected you to judge wisely and with common sense for the common people, for the common members of our society, courage, you will see that the rich and the very rich will be proud and happy to have helped to banish the common enemy across society: POVERTY ! Such tax policy logic and such national tax culture will heal those who give and those who receive.
Poverty is coming closer and will swallow up billions world wide into destitution & hunger if governments around the world don't utilize every idle penny that is stashed & horded away in various bank accounts without a purpose for the many. Governments and voters around the world, please demand and introduce a LUXURY V.A.T. and an annual 2% -5% WELLFARE TAX for the rich, we can do it for all our sakes and benefits. Have courage to try to create a healthy society respecting the sensible needs of the many. Let the politicians and the media not impose restrictions and commitments and lecturing on just the poor and on all those middle classes drowned in debt, to tighten their belts and to pay their own health insurance with money which they have not got, BUT let the politicians and the media PLEASE tell ALSO the rich straight into their faces to open their tight and filled purses. Tell also all those who are so wonderfully comfortable and snag – thank you very much – so please DO tell the many rich and all those who are very rich, who have simply too much as such, who are too rich for their own good, for all that wealth drowns them and dries so many helpless in our society, across so many communities. So many of the rich float in a world of self indulgence and mindsets of many of the rich and of the very rich are so profoundly void of and disconnected from the realities of every day lives of the many tens of millions of their fellow citizens too many of whom just survive a life that is full of desperation & full of constant devastation because they are simply not earning enough.
This policy can not hurt, it will heal those who give and those who will receive.
Allow the rich to develop a sense of making a difference to their fellow citizens.
Aug 7, 2010, Yours sincerely, Igor Zupnik

please pay attention and try to concentrate on what is being proposed, thank you

those who are so very concerned about the survival of capitalism are strangely locked into a block of assumption and fears which make it difficult to them to comprehend the suffering, illnesses and destitution of those many tens millions who have absolutely nothing, the centuries of the primordial capitalism are long gone, a new a more sophisticated, more balanced, a much more educated and enlightened thinking has emerged for some time and it is this line of reasoning if you care to care: unless all members of a society can live with some dignity and with some chances to improve and to develop and to grow, the rich and the very rich will be always seen by the poor as the 'down and out';
that is a reflection and perhaps an indication how disconnected the rich and the very rich are and who have not given it a real thought in detail how much good all round they would do by supporting and by sponsoring with a small fraction of their wealth as proposed here; look at the many millionaires who formed a club in the USA long time ago whose purpose it has been to share part of their wealth with the wider society because their conscious tells them that it is the right thing to do, the honorable thing to do, the dignified thing to do, the logical thing to do, the economically highly essential thing to do, the present billionaires who have decided to simply donate a large part of their astronomical wealth to charities is just another development in this long tradition whereby the rich and the very rich KNOW AND SENSE DEEPLY WITHIN THEIR BEING, WITHIN THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS that the whole society can be more dynamic, more productive which would be good for every body, a greater number of the work force can become consumers and customers which will increase the flow and the circulation of money and of capital; MOST UNFORTUNATELLY IT IS ALL THOSE MANY, THE OUTSPOKEN DEVOTEES OF AN IDEAL OF THE UNHINDERED AND UNTAXED BUSINESS CULTURE AND ETHOS - WHAT DID I SAY - ETHOS - IN THIS CONTEXTS - I DON'T THINK SO - THESE DEVOTEED TO A PRINCIPLE IN SOCIETY WHO HAVE NO INCLING WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE RICH, VERY RICH OR SUPER RICH HEAR THEMSELVE SAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR DECADES THINGS WHICH NO LONGER MAKE ANY REAL SENSE IN THE COMPLEX GLOBAL ECONOMY WITH OVER 6 BILLION PEOPLE, CITIZENS, MOST OF WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE CONSUMERS WITH WAGES SO THAT THEY COULD GENERATE INCOME FOR EVERY BODY, in comparison those who advocate the policy of wanting to stagnate large sections of a now completely interconnected society of today through some conservative economic dogmas which were popular 250 years ago is NOT a real answer, is it? a new sense of cooperation and of coordination in all the big corporations and in all the huge industries and in all industrialized countries and economies has been emerging gradually because every body has recognized and admitted that mutually respecting each others health and care needs and financial necessities and securities IS THE ONLY REALISTIC WAY INTO A HEALTHY SOCIETY OF HEALTHY PEOPLE WHO ARE ABLE TO CREATE AND TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY ECONOMY - NOW THE GLOBAL ECONOMY PERSPECTIVE SHOWS THIS EVEN MORE TO BE A VITAL PRINCIPLE - ALL THIS IS NOT SOME SORT OF PRIMITIVE MARXIST DOGMA, AS ONE person observed earlier and SUGGESTED - THIS IS COMMON SENSE INTO WHICH SO MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WAKING UP, thank you for your searching mind sets, igor, 7 aug 2010
Please compare the validity of the sensation of financial superiority of the rich with the sense of devastation, of hopelessness and of destitution of the many millions living on the bread line who are also the voters and who are your fellow citizens.

What value has got the feeling of financial superiority and of endless opulence which the rich and the very rich get when they choose to buy one or several cars, boats, yachts into their households and into their companies each of which are worth more $ 50,000 ?

Tax the super expensive cruises and tax all those super expensive art purchases.

Allow the rich citizens to sponsor the poor children
who live in the over crowded big cities and in the remote rural areas.

Allow the rich to develop a sense of making a difference to their fellow citizens.
The last time our Imperial Government imposed draconian Luxury Taxes it hurt the very people it meant to help proving once again that the Socialist Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The "Yacht Tax" did nothing but cause massive UE in the Shipyards as the Uber Wealthy had their toys built overseas, registered overseas and brought them home.

Joe, Bill and Mary once employed by the Yacht builder were now permanently unemployed.

That mink stole worn by Ms Gotrocks was also purchased overseas and Mr Gotrocks was proud to pay the extremely low "duty" on his purchase as he and Ms Gotrocks sailed home on their new yacht.

I am beginning to believe that all Dems and most Pubs are denser than Neutron Stars.
Fuck you, Comrade

Just between you and me Frank, I want to let you know with all sincerity how truly stupid I believe you are.
I'd like you to take a moment, just one short period of time and read your post. Of course the "Fuck you, Comrade" remark is childish, glib (in its most negative useage) and non responsive to a long post.
But, I direct your limited concentration to your signature line, and the figures for unemployment you attribute to FDR.
Now, think real hard about the numbers for 1932 and 1933. Does anything occur to you?
Not only are these the highest figures for the noted period, but, and here is the kicker, FDR did not take the oath of office until March 4, 1933!
Yes Frank, the highest unemployment period was for the year 1932, and that fact makes you appear to be a fucking idiot - of course in your case it's not an appearence.
Fuck you, Comrade

Just between you and me Frank, I want to let you know with all sincerity how truly stupid I believe you are.
I'd like you to take a moment, just one short period of time and read your post. Of course the "Fuck you, Comrade" remark is childish, glib (in its most negative useage) and non responsive to a long post.
But, I direct your limited concentration to your signature line, and the figures for unemployment you attribute to FDR.
Now, think real hard about the numbers for 1932 and 1933. Does anything occur to you?
Not only are these the highest figures for the noted period, but, and here is the kicker, FDR did not take the oath of office until March 4, 1933!
Yes Frank, the highest unemployment period was for the year 1932, and that fact makes you appear to be a fucking idiot - of course in your case it's not an appearence.

I used the numbers from 1932 not because they were FDR's, but because they were part of the Great Depression and I think it was important to show how FDR kept his jackboot on the throat of the US economy from then on.

But I'm glad you finally decided to revisit the concept after almost a week. So, how are you making out on pointing out when FDR's "Greatness" kicked in! He AVERAGED 19% unemployment right up to the start of WWII.

Here's the data set again, please tell me what year the greatness finally kicked in. When did the New Deal rescue us from the Great Depression?

FDR US Unemployment 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. = 19.1% average

Then tell me how you feel about this FDR Accomplishment. Tuskegee Experiments: 28 men died directly of syphilis, 100 were dead of related complications, 40 of their wives had been infected, and 19 of their children had been born with congenital syphilis.

Are you proud that FDR and the Dems “used human beings as laboratory animals in a long and inefficient study of how long it takes syphilis to kill someone.”
Fuck you, Comrade

Just between you and me Frank, I want to let you know with all sincerity how truly stupid I believe you are.
I'd like you to take a moment, just one short period of time and read your post. Of course the "Fuck you, Comrade" remark is childish, glib (in its most negative useage) and non responsive to a long post.
But, I direct your limited concentration to your signature line, and the figures for unemployment you attribute to FDR.
Now, think real hard about the numbers for 1932 and 1933. Does anything occur to you?
Not only are these the highest figures for the noted period, but, and here is the kicker, FDR did not take the oath of office until March 4, 1933!
Yes Frank, the highest unemployment period was for the year 1932, and that fact makes you appear to be a fucking idiot - of course in your case it's not an appearence.


I, Igor Zupnik do suggest that a responsible government will want to introduce a LUXURY VAT on all luxury goods and services and transactions and that a government representing the whole society will want to introduce an annual 2% - 5% WELFARE TAX, i.e. a TAX ON THE RICH CITIZENS, MEMBERS OF OUR COMMON SOCIETY – as a new concept - for everybody who owns more than $ 15 million. The public has to recognize and to debate a new vantage point, a new tax perspective has to be adopted whereby the constant calls by the rich and by the very rich and by the super rich for the poorest and for the middle classes in great debt to pay tax even on their benefits and meagre wages and on their average salaries is being outgrown world wide by a NEW public and popular preference and by a most obvious option and by a bubbling national culture that insists on an annual 2% - 5% welfare tax on every citizen who is worth more than $15 million. Dear President and dear Senators, Republicans and Democrats and dear Representatives of the people, of the populus that has elected you to judge wisely and with common sense for the common people, for the common members of our society, courage, you will see that the rich and the very rich will be proud and happy to have helped to banish the common enemy across society: POVERTY ! Such tax policy logic and such national tax culture will heal those who give and those who receive.
Poverty is coming closer and will swallow up billions world wide into destitution & hunger if governments around the world don't utilize every idle penny that is stashed & horded away in various bank accounts without a purpose for the many. Governments and voters around the world, please demand and introduce a LUXURY V.A.T. and an annual 2% -5% WELLFARE TAX for the rich, we can do it for all our sakes and benefits. Have courage to try to create a healthy society respecting the sensible needs of the many. Let the politicians and the media not impose restrictions and commitments and lecturing on just the poor and on all those middle classes drowned in debt, to tighten their belts and to pay their own health insurance with money which they have not got, BUT let the politicians and the media PLEASE tell ALSO the rich straight into their faces to open their tight and filled purses. Tell also all those who are so wonderfully comfortable and snag – thank you very much – so please DO tell the many rich and all those who are very rich, who have simply too much as such, who are too rich for their own good, for all that wealth drowns them and dries so many helpless in our society, across so many communities. So many of the rich float in a world of self indulgence and mindsets of many of the rich and of the very rich are so profoundly void of and disconnected from the realities of every day lives of the many tens of millions of their fellow citizens too many of whom just survive a life that is full of desperation & full of constant devastation because they are simply not earning enough.
This policy can not hurt, it will heal those who give and those who will receive.
Allow the rich to develop a sense of making a difference to their fellow citizens.
Aug 7, 2010, Yours sincerely, Igor Zupnik

please pay attention and try to concentrate on what is being proposed, thank you

those who are so very concerned about the survival of capitalism are strangely locked into a block of assumption and fears which make it difficult to them to comprehend the suffering, illnesses and destitution of those many tens millions who have absolutely nothing, the centuries of the primordial capitalism are long gone, a new a more sophisticated, more balanced, a much more educated and enlightened thinking has emerged for some time and it is this line of reasoning if you care to care: unless all members of a society can live with some dignity and with some chances to improve and to develop and to grow, the rich and the very rich will be always seen by the poor as the 'down and out';
that is a reflection and perhaps an indication how disconnected the rich and the very rich are and who have not given it a real thought in detail how much good all round they would do by supporting and by sponsoring with a small fraction of their wealth as proposed here; look at the many millionaires who formed a club in the USA long time ago whose purpose it has been to share part of their wealth with the wider society because their conscious tells them that it is the right thing to do, the honorable thing to do, the dignified thing to do, the logical thing to do, the economically highly essential thing to do, the present billionaires who have decided to simply donate a large part of their astronomical wealth to charities is just another development in this long tradition whereby the rich and the very rich KNOW AND SENSE DEEPLY WITHIN THEIR BEING, WITHIN THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS that the whole society can be more dynamic, more productive which would be good for every body, a greater number of the work force can become consumers and customers which will increase the flow and the circulation of money and of capital; MOST UNFORTUNATELLY IT IS ALL THOSE MANY, THE OUTSPOKEN DEVOTEES OF AN IDEAL OF THE UNHINDERED AND UNTAXED BUSINESS CULTURE AND ETHOS - WHAT DID I SAY - ETHOS - IN THIS CONTEXTS - I DON'T THINK SO - THESE DEVOTEED TO A PRINCIPLE IN SOCIETY WHO HAVE NO INCLING WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE RICH, VERY RICH OR SUPER RICH HEAR THEMSELVE SAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR DECADES THINGS WHICH NO LONGER MAKE ANY REAL SENSE IN THE COMPLEX GLOBAL ECONOMY WITH OVER 6 BILLION PEOPLE, CITIZENS, MOST OF WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE CONSUMERS WITH WAGES SO THAT THEY COULD GENERATE INCOME FOR EVERY BODY, in comparison those who advocate the policy of wanting to stagnate large sections of a now completely interconnected society of today through some conservative economic dogmas which were popular 250 years ago is NOT a real answer, is it? a new sense of cooperation and of coordination in all the big corporations and in all the huge industries and in all industrialized countries and economies has been emerging gradually because every body has recognized and admitted that mutually respecting each others health and care needs and financial necessities and securities IS THE ONLY REALISTIC WAY INTO A HEALTHY SOCIETY OF HEALTHY PEOPLE WHO ARE ABLE TO CREATE AND TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY ECONOMY - NOW THE GLOBAL ECONOMY PERSPECTIVE SHOWS THIS EVEN MORE TO BE A VITAL PRINCIPLE - ALL THIS IS NOT SOME SORT OF PRIMITIVE MARXIST DOGMA, AS ONE person observed earlier and SUGGESTED - THIS IS COMMON SENSE INTO WHICH SO MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WAKING UP, thank you for your searching mind sets, igor, 7 aug 2010
Please compare the validity of the sensation of financial superiority of the rich with the sense of devastation, of hopelessness and of destitution of the many millions living on the bread line who are also the voters and who are your fellow citizens.

What value has got the feeling of financial superiority and of endless opulence which the rich and the very rich get when they choose to buy one or several cars, boats, yachts into their households and into their companies each of which are worth more $ 50,000 ?

Tax the super expensive cruises and tax all those super expensive art purchases.

Allow the rich citizens to sponsor the poor children
who live in the over crowded big cities and in the remote rural areas.

Allow the rich to develop a sense of making a difference to their fellow citizens.

I see you've fixed your signature line, though it remains a dishonest and cherry picked stat. Mark Twain must have been prescient and 'saw' your kind when he wrote: "there are liars, damn liars and statistics"; you are a damn liar Frank.

For the graph on unemployment in the U.S. 1929 - 1942 see the link below.

The Great Depression
I see you've fixed your signature line, though it remains a dishonest and cherry picked stat. Mark Twain must have been prescient and 'saw' your kind when he wrote: "there are liars, damn liars and statistics"; you are a damn liar Frank.

For the graph on unemployment in the U.S. 1929 - 1942 see the link below.

The Great Depression

I fixed it to add Tuskegee to FDR and Dems other great accomplishment: the Great Depression.

So, Freddo, what year did the Greatness start?

Wry, "I can handle things, I'm smart, not like everybody says. Not dumb, I'm smart, and I want respect!"
I see you've fixed your signature line, though it remains a dishonest and cherry picked stat. Mark Twain must have been prescient and 'saw' your kind when he wrote: "there are liars, damn liars and statistics"; you are a damn liar Frank.

For the graph on unemployment in the U.S. 1929 - 1942 see the link below.

The Great Depression

Another fucking retard who can't be bothered reading what he links to.

"Further, it was not until 1941, when World War II was underway, that the official unemployment rate finally fell below 10%."

So, the article agrees with me that the "Greatness" never kicked in and FDR was a miserable failure.

Thanks, Freddo. Maybe you should go to Las Vegas and learn the casino business?
I, Igor Zupnik do suggest <snip> a lot of collectivist nonsense </snip>

Igor, you are wrong bud. Incredibly so, preposterously so.

I see you've fixed your signature line, though it remains a dishonest and cherry picked stat. Mark Twain must have been prescient and 'saw' your kind when he wrote: "there are liars, damn liars and statistics"; you are a damn liar Frank.

For the graph on unemployment in the U.S. 1929 - 1942 see the link below.

The Great Depression

Another fucking retard who can't be bothered reading what he links to.

"Further, it was not until 1941, when World War II was underway, that the official unemployment rate finally fell below 10%."

So, the article agrees with me that the "Greatness" never kicked in and FDR was a miserable failure.

Thanks, Freddo. Maybe you should go to Las Vegas and learn the casino business?

Spin all you want, stats need context. The graph clearly hows a huge uptake of unemployment before FDR took office. The Great Depression began in August 1929, two months before the Crash.
In his first inaugural address FDR stated:
"Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency."

FDR did not cause the Great Depression and Obama did not cause the Great Recession. There was a reason the homeless in 1930 called their neighborhoods "Hooverville".
This also provides context:

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I see you've fixed your signature line, though it remains a dishonest and cherry picked stat. Mark Twain must have been prescient and 'saw' your kind when he wrote: "there are liars, damn liars and statistics"; you are a damn liar Frank.

For the graph on unemployment in the U.S. 1929 - 1942 see the link below.

The Great Depression

Another fucking retard who can't be bothered reading what he links to.

"Further, it was not until 1941, when World War II was underway, that the official unemployment rate finally fell below 10%."

So, the article agrees with me that the "Greatness" never kicked in and FDR was a miserable failure.

Thanks, Freddo. Maybe you should go to Las Vegas and learn the casino business?

Spin all you want, stats need context. The graph clearly hows a huge uptake of unemployment before FDR took office. The Great Depression began in August 1929, two months before the Crash.
In his first inaugural address FDR stated:
"Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency."

FDR did not cause the Great Depression and Obama did not cause the Great Recession. There was a reason the homeless in 1930 called their neighborhoods "Hooverville".

So you still can't point out when FDR economic greatness kicked in. Just grow a sack and admit it!
FDR didn't cause the despression, he just milked it for all the political mileage he could. And prolonged it in the process.

As does Obama with the current economic downturn.

"Never let a crisis go to waste"
The last time our Imperial Government imposed draconian Luxury Taxes it hurt the very people it meant to help proving once again that the Socialist Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The "Yacht Tax" did nothing but cause massive UE in the Shipyards as the Uber Wealthy had their toys built overseas, registered overseas and brought them home.

Joe, Bill and Mary once employed by the Yacht builder were now permanently unemployed.

That mink stole worn by Ms Gotrocks was also purchased overseas and Mr Gotrocks was proud to pay the extremely low "duty" on his purchase as he and Ms Gotrocks sailed home on their new yacht.

I am beginning to believe that all Dems and most Pubs are denser than Neutron Stars.
What you are talking about here is quite simply and obviously evasion. And the solution to that problem is equally obvious and equally simple. Confiscation!

Excessive wealth equates to excessive political power and it should not be tolerated in a true democracy. Assets accumulated within this Nation represents a portion of this Nation's resources. Survival of this Nation depends on equitable distribution of its resources. And while there is nothing wrong with the accumulation of wealth, excessive wealth must be subjected to a corrective tax.
What you are talking about here is quite simply and obviously evasion. And the solution to that problem is equally obvious and equally simple. Confiscation!

Excessive wealth equates to excessive political power and it should not be tolerated in a true democracy. Assets accumulated within this Nation represents a portion of this Nation's resources. Survival of this Nation depends on equitable distribution of its resources. And while there is nothing wrong with the accumulation of wealth, excessive wealth must be subjected to a corrective tax.
FDR didn't cause the despression, he just milked it for all the political mileage he could. And prolonged it in the process.

As does Obama with the current economic downturn.

"Never let a crisis go to waste"

Gee, another strong and powerful argument, loaded with facts, analysis and insight.

Is the common characteristic of all those who call themselves conservative absolute ignorance of history?

Answer: Yes it is!
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