Our Civilization Peaked Around 1970

1965 through the early 80s were best in my opinion and i was there . As said , one paycheck fed and housed everyone in a family [usually] . There were less laws and rules and regulations and ENFORCERS of those rules , laws and regulations . Then it started going to heck in the mid 60s in my opinion with the first infringements that i recall being mandatory motorcycle helmet laws that effected me . And around that same 1965 time a gun could still be purchased through the mail through advertisements in 'huntin magazines' .
People that became adults around 1970 are the ones that have had the most influence on how the world is today.
and then the helmet laws , seatbelt laws , smoking laws , Gun Laws , hunting licenses . Motorcycle endorsements and it costs big money to get the mandated training from what i hear . Just saying , i think its funny how FREE American residents are . Especially the YOUNGER Millenal types or everyone that came after the BOOMERS .
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1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.

That was before the ramifications of the 1968 Immigration reforms set in.
People that became adults around 1970 are the ones that have had the most influence on how the world is today.
--------------------------------------------- might be a good point . I of course would say or BLAME the 1960s hippies and college pwick organizer students that went into politics Wheelie.
Boat Ramps were free
Salt Water Fishing Licenses were not required.
There was no charge for going into parks
In 1970, rifle racks in the back of pick-up truck with rifles in them could still be found in school parking lots.
Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts could still bring their Scout knives to School with them,
The Miami Dolphins were a winning Team
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1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.

That was before the ramifications of the 1968 Immigration reforms set in.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Concerning immigration . 1n 1970 Census it was MOSTLY about 210 million with more Whites then Blacks and at times we Black and White AMERICANS were at each others Throats . And then with lefty dem meddling in the mid 60s the USA got third worlders from all over the world speaking different languages , customs , traditions , religions and Diversity . In my earlier times in the 60s and 70s it was Blacks and White fighting but at least we were Americans and as things went forward i believe that we would have become ONE Race known as Americans . Course , its my opinion that Government fecked it all up and did so purposely for votes or growth or taxpayer money redistribution to imported third worlders that can't support themselves Pure T.
and then the helmet laws , seatbelt laws , smoking laws , Gun Laws , hunting licenses . Motorcycle endorsements and it costs big money to get the mandated training from what i hear . Just saying , i think its funny how FREE American residents are . Especially the YOUNGER Millenal types or everyone that came after the BOOMERS .
I doesn't cost big money to get a motorcycle endorsement, at least in my state. You can take a course that's about $120, bikes provided that is worth the money for the safety skills they teach you. You don't have to spend for that and can just pass a regular road test. Also getting a motorcycle permit is very easy and cheap. In the good old USA you can get a permit and buy the fastest bike you can get your hands on no problem as a teenager if you have the cash, Europe has a tougher tiered liscensing system for motorcyclists where you aren't allowed higher performance bikes without age, experience, and more tests.
i know about Europe from past reading but i think its differnt in every state and even if it is free , well , i don;t like the Government Regulation in any state Wheelie . I remember , think it was 1968 and i had been riding 'mc' on the road since about 1965 . Anyway , State said , come in sign a paper and we will give you a 'mc' endorsement . I said , feck that but good old DAD said , hey kid go get the Endorsement or THEY , the Government men will get you eventually . And he is correct , Government rules , laws , regulations and Gov itself is an ever tightening Noose Wheelie .
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No major argument with 1970 but my pick would be Nov 21, 1963. Before JFK assassination, LBJ turning Vietnam over to the military, MLK and RFK being struck down, the Charles Manson murders, the Cuyahoga River catches fire. But I do agree the 70's kicked this decline into high gear. The oil embargo which brought about the double nickel speed limit and inflation that forced the necessity of the 2 wage earner family. We had Detroit putting out cars that sucked, while there was a 180° turn from anything labelled Made in Japan as being looked upon as a piece of junk. Nixon resigns, Evil Knievel's Snake River Canyon jump and Nixon's pardon (both taking place on my 20th birthday), Ford begins the practice of ex-presidents cashing in their holding of the office, hostages in Iran and Carter holding himself hostage in Washington until it came time to campaign. Terrible era, but at least we had some good fireworks to celebrate the bicentennial.
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Holy crap, this thread belongs in the Get Off My Lawn forum.

You'd have to be blind not to see that this country has been on a downward spiral since the 70s.
------------------------------------------------- just an observation is that many of the liberals , dems are Government paid people , maybe teachers that cater to imported third worlders and thats how they make their money to pay the rent and pay for their filthy likes and diversions .
No major argument with 1970 but my pick would be Nov 21, 1963. Before JFK assassination, LBJ turning Vietnam over to the military, MLK and RFK being struck down, the Charles Manson murders, the Cuyahoga River catches fire. But I do agree the 70's kicked this decline into high gear. The oil embargo which brought about the double nickel speed limit and inflation that forced the necessity of the 2 wage earner family. We had Detroit putting out cars that sucked, while there was a 180° turn from anything labelled Made in Japan as being looked upon as a piece of junk. Nixon resigns, Evil Knievel's Snake River Canyon jump and Nixon's pardon (both taking place on my 20th birthday), Ford begins the practice of ex-presidents cashing in their holding of the office, hostages in Iran and Carter holding himself hostage in Washington until it came time to campaign. Terrible era, but at least we had some good fireworks to celebrate the bicentennial.
-------------------------------------------- Bicentenial was nice , i remember the coinage and the little parade in my small town that was full of Americans . 2 wage earners never happend at my house and i don't know anyone that had 2 wage earners until the femi nazis wanted to go to work or school to become social workers and i think that happened in the mid 80s and then it happened mostly to young 30 year old males that already had jobs and a couple of kids so they were hung up by the nutz and were stuck .:afro:
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Led Zeppelin IV

Oh hell yea! The music in 1970 was far and above much more creative than the shit that is out today. Today's music is garbage. And no, I'm not some old guy that doesn't get. The music today really does suck.

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