Our Civilization Peaked Around 1970

1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.

Polyester suits were not dressing well.
We took off our leisure suits.

Kids today are stuck with their stupid tattoos that’ll be really gross in a few decades of skin movement.
Likely there as a commentary in 1970 about the civilization peaking in 1950 or whenever.

In 1950, someone was probably longing for the 1920's.
Feel free to provide examples, this isn’t the Fantasy channel.
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.

- Socrates
And they probably were.

Greece peaked and has been a third world nation since.

Nice try.
I think you missed an important one. Phones were firmly attached to a cord.

The 70's were a me time, which had its own set of issues.
1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.
Oh, hey, I remember those days too. I remember unions, collective bargaining where the middle class finally could send the kids to college and pay off the mortgage and all that good stuff. And all you needed was in your neighborhood, like Ma & Pa drug stores and cleaners and theaters and grocers...and schools. Then Reagan and Republicans started the snowball of union-busting and WalMart started demanding vendors look to China for cheap goods and Americans chose cheap over home made. Oh yeah, and there were no message boards so people had to face their opponents so folks acted more like grown-ups instead of petulant brats..
People understood there was a social contract back then. The employers realized that there was an unspoken responsibility to their employees to afford them not only a decent paycheck but dignity. Persons from all walks of life understood their roles and accepted them. Again, now we have a system where social security--the greatest social contract of all--contributions capped by income so someone like Bill Gates stops contributing after they have made $128K or something like that; around 10AM on January 1. This is just one example of how we've forgotten about the greater good. I read Jack Welch's book. He talked about NBC news briefly in the book and mentioned to them that they are not "immune" (I think that was the word) from being a profit center for General Electric. Think about that for a second...
1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.
--------------------------------------------GOOD Post and true . 1970 it was about 210 million in census mostly blacks and whites and a FEW others but in 1970 we were all Americans .
1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.
Oh, hey, I remember those days too. I remember unions, collective bargaining where the middle class finally could send the kids to college and pay off the mortgage and all that good stuff. And all you needed was in your neighborhood, like Ma & Pa drug stores and cleaners and theaters and grocers...and schools. Then Reagan and Republicans started the snowball of union-busting and WalMart started demanding vendors look to China for cheap goods and Americans chose cheap over home made. Oh yeah, and there were no message boards so people had to face their opponents so folks acted more like grown-ups instead of petulant brats..
So you agree with the OP.
Likely there as a commentary in 1970 about the civilization peaking in 1950 or whenever.

In 1950, someone was probably longing for the 1920's.
Feel free to provide examples, this isn’t the Fantasy channel.
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.

- Socrates
------------------------------------------ and in Socrates time Socrates could beat the zhit out of them as a way of correcting their bad behaviour and it was none of the States business ED .
You could leave your doors unlocked and not worry about it.
You didn't need to know Spanish to do business in downtown Miami.
1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.
Oh, hey, I remember those days too. I remember unions, collective bargaining where the middle class finally could send the kids to college and pay off the mortgage and all that good stuff. And all you needed was in your neighborhood, like Ma & Pa drug stores and cleaners and theaters and grocers...and schools. Then Reagan and Republicans started the snowball of union-busting and WalMart started demanding vendors look to China for cheap goods and Americans chose cheap over home made. Oh yeah, and there were no message boards so people had to face their opponents so folks acted more like grown-ups instead of petulant brats..

Yeah; I voted for that azzhole Ronny RayGun in 1980 & the next thing you know he fvcked the PATCO union; many were X military. I knew a few that were life time military & controllers yet RayGun screwed them up the poop shoot.
That WAS the 'beginning of the end' of unions in the US. HOW ironic is it that we now have a (so called) Republican in the Whitey House saying he is gonna make 'merica great again, when it was a Republican that initiated the down fall of labor unions in the US?
These fvcking idiots will fall for anything.
1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.

Today is not that bad.
we have better cars
the internet changed everything
we have better medicine
we have less pollution
the berlin wall came down
but today's music stinks
1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.

Polyester suits were not dressing well.

It was back then buddy! Polyester was the cats pajamas!

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