Our Country is in BIG Trouble

BLM is to be commended.

It has shown that this unpleasantness between two certain ethnicities is intractable.

Our 16th President (before he was elected) voiced this sentiment when he stated that the most humane solution was for the nation's two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations.
BLM is to be commended.

It has shown that this unpleasantness between two certain ethnicities is intractable.

Our 16th President (before he was elected) voiced this sentiment when he stated that the most humane solution was for the nation's two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations.
BLM is to be commended.

It has shown that this unpleasantness between two certain ethnicities is intractable.

Our 16th President (before he was elected) voiced this sentiment when he stated that the most humane solution was for the nation's two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations.

Thank you for your "link" response.

I am a computer illiterate elderly man who can barely type this response let alone know how to link to anything.

So just go to Google and type in Mr. Lincoln's opinions about this topic. You will discover that he was for colonization but he realized the difficulties involved in such ventures as Liberia. He wondered whether it would be possible for some people to move to islands in the Caribbean.

Have a nice day!
BLM is to be commended.

It has shown that this unpleasantness between two certain ethnicities is intractable.

Our 16th President (before he was elected) voiced this sentiment when he stated that the most humane solution was for the nation's two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations.
Lincoln may have said that at one time and then he evolved. Surely you`ve heard of the Civil War.
BLM is to be commended.

It has shown that this unpleasantness between two certain ethnicities is intractable.

Our 16th President (before he was elected) voiced this sentiment when he stated that the most humane solution was for the nation's two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations.
Lincoln may have said that at one time and then he evolved. Surely you`ve heard of the Civil War.

According to what I have read, he was for colonization of some kind even during most of his presidency.

Yes, you are correct. I have read that he did evolve and did come to advocate voting rights for African American (men).

Yes, I have heard of the Civil War. This is 2020. Look at the mess that we are still in. It is my opinion that this unpleasantness is absolutely 100 percent intractable. But maybe I am wrong. (I'm not, of course.)
BLM is to be commended.

It has shown that this unpleasantness between two certain ethnicities is intractable.

Our 16th President (before he was elected) voiced this sentiment when he stated that the most humane solution was for the nation's two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations.
Foner traces how Lincoln first supported this kind of colonization — the idea that slaves should be freed and then encouraged or required to leave the United States — for well over a decade. Like Henry Clay, Lincoln also supported repealing slavery gradually — and possibly compensating slave owners for their losses after slaves were freed.

It was not until the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared the freedom of all slaves and then named 10 specific states where the law would take effect, that Lincoln publicly rejected his earlier views.

Lincoln," says Foner. "[The abolishment of slavery is] immediate, not gradual. There is no mention of compensation and there is nothing in it about colonization. After the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln says nothing publicly about colonization."

Foner says many factors led to Lincoln's shift in his position regarding former slaves. Neither slave owners nor slaves supported colonization. Slavery was beginning to disintegrate in the South. And the Union Army was looking for new soldiers to enlist — and they found willing African-American men waiting for them in the South.

"As soon as the Union Army went into the South, slaves began running away from plantations to Union lines," Foner says. "And this forced the question of slavery onto the national agenda."
He always thought the slaves should be free, and the south looks like they thought they would win the civil war.
You are right, but he changed his mind, it was not that
two largest ethnicities (at that time) to live in separate nations and could not exist together. He was pondering what to do with the slaves and he decided to set them free.

But saying that it appears that most of the whites do not respect blacks.
Mind your own business.

. So a few burnt up some stores and some looting was going on, so what
That comment makes you a vile ignorant POS.
Guess all those minority owned businesses should glady give up their life savings for the cause of criminals.

Pathetic moron.
I suspect right wingers are to blame for setting fires: Sure enough.
  • The "boogaloo" movement was defined in the charging document as "a term used by extremists to signify coming civil war and/or fall of civilization." The three men previously served in the US Navy, Army, and Air Force, according to the filing.
  • Each defendant was charged with conspiracy to damage and destroy by using fire and explosives, and possession of an unregistered firearm.
  • According to the filing, the men in late May discussed "causing an incident to incite chaos and possibly a riot" in response to George Floyd's death.
Three former US servicemen and self-proclaimed members of the far-right "boogaloo" movement were arrested on domestic terrorism charges and accused of carrying unregistered firearms and trying to spark violence during protests against police brutality.

According to the charging document, which was reviewed by Business Insider, the three defendants previously served in the US Navy, US Army, and US Air Force.
Prog Women....The Russians and the Chinese are laughing at us. You will find out when it gets bad enough, you won't be listened to. Black guys should be a warning to what happens when men are suppressed. They have not figured out they ain't on top of the favorite group list. This is not a TV show or movie.
The voice of the sane is being drowned out while our country burns. Educated black men and women are to be applauded for their efforts to speak to the country of those who refuse to hear.


Our country is in trouble. Big trouble.

What else can you conclude when you watch looters and rioters take control of our streets and the police stand by.

What else can you conclude when the dominant media, celebrities and politicians fall over themselves making excuses for law-breakers in the name of “social justice."

What else can you conclude when major corporations rush to pledge millions to organizations like Black Lives Matter in an attempt to buy themselves protection from the left-wing hate machine. We have to broadcast a different message.

America is a great country for everyone of every race who works hard and plays by the rules.

Eloquent, forceful voices like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Burgess Owens, and Jason Riley are speaking out against the ugliness they are seeing and hearing: the destructive lies about our beloved America.

Here’s what they are saying:

“No one -- not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted….BLACK AMERICA, WAKE UP. ENLIGHTEN YOURSELVES. DO NOT BE OWNED BY A MAINSTREAM MEDIA AGENDA.”

“One of the big #FakeNews narratives is that ‘institutional,’ ‘structural’ and ‘systemic’ racism remain a major problem in America, when, in fact, race has never been a more insignificant barrier to success in America.”

“There is nothing white liberals fear more than a God fearing, educated, black man.”
No my friends...there is no systemic racism in America...just Systemic “Marxist Elitism”...an EVIL that uses, abuses and discards anyone for POWER.”

"Don’t let the Media fool you! The majority of Americans support the police. Do not support the destroying of their city.
The biggest problem with growing up black in America… IS not racism, police brutality, or black on black crime… It’s the Mental Brainwashing.”

"Black activists and white progressives stress racism because it serves their own interests, not because it actually improves the station of blacks.”
Everybody knew this is how Trump's Presidency would end. It's why you voted for him, and why the majority voted against him.
I didnt know YOUR TEMPER TANTRUM would go THIS far!
Blacks have been demanding "Reparations" for decades and now it looks as though they are getting it. Black people who are real Americans despise this entire reparations agenda, but they are being drowned out by emotionally manipulated people, the Media and Race hustlers like Al Sharpton.
Real Americans understand that we are owed reparations. Posting pictures of sellouts mean nothing. Maybe you ask Candice to return that $37,500 white folks gave her for her victimhood.
. So a few burnt up some stores and some looting was going on, so what
That comment makes you a vile ignorant POS.
Guess all those minority owned businesses should glady give up their life savings for the cause of criminals.

Pathetic moron.
I suspect right wingers are to blame for setting fires: Sure enough.
  • The "boogaloo" movement was defined in the charging document as "a term used by extremists to signify coming civil war and/or fall of civilization." The three men previously served in the US Navy, Army, and Air Force, according to the filing.
  • Each defendant was charged with conspiracy to damage and destroy by using fire and explosives, and possession of an unregistered firearm.
  • According to the filing, the men in late May discussed "causing an incident to incite chaos and possibly a riot" in response to George Floyd's death.
Three former US servicemen and self-proclaimed members of the far-right "boogaloo" movement were arrested on domestic terrorism charges and accused of carrying unregistered firearms and trying to spark violence during protests against police brutality.

According to the charging document, which was reviewed by Business Insider, the three defendants previously served in the US Navy, US Army, and US Air Force.
Prog Women....The Russians and the Chinese are laughing at us. You will find out when it gets bad enough, you won't be listened to. Black guys should be a warning to what happens when men are suppressed. They have not figured out they ain't on top of the favorite group list. This is not a TV show or movie.
White men like you are losing this one. Time is up.

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