Our Country is in BIG Trouble

The voice of the sane is being drowned out while our country burns. Educated black men and women are to be applauded for their efforts to speak to the country of those who refuse to hear.


Our country is in trouble. Big trouble.

What else can you conclude when you watch looters and rioters take control of our streets and the police stand by.

What else can you conclude when the dominant media, celebrities and politicians fall over themselves making excuses for law-breakers in the name of “social justice."

What else can you conclude when major corporations rush to pledge millions to organizations like Black Lives Matter in an attempt to buy themselves protection from the left-wing hate machine. We have to broadcast a different message.

America is a great country for everyone of every race who works hard and plays by the rules.

Eloquent, forceful voices like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Burgess Owens, and Jason Riley are speaking out against the ugliness they are seeing and hearing: the destructive lies about our beloved America.

Here’s what they are saying:

“No one -- not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted….BLACK AMERICA, WAKE UP. ENLIGHTEN YOURSELVES. DO NOT BE OWNED BY A MAINSTREAM MEDIA AGENDA.”

“One of the big #FakeNews narratives is that ‘institutional,’ ‘structural’ and ‘systemic’ racism remain a major problem in America, when, in fact, race has never been a more insignificant barrier to success in America.”

“There is nothing white liberals fear more than a God fearing, educated, black man.”
No my friends...there is no systemic racism in America...just Systemic “Marxist Elitism”...an EVIL that uses, abuses and discards anyone for POWER.”

"Don’t let the Media fool you! The majority of Americans support the police. Do not support the destroying of their city.
The biggest problem with growing up black in America… IS not racism, police brutality, or black on black crime… It’s the Mental Brainwashing.”

"Black activists and white progressives stress racism because it serves their own interests, not because it actually improves the station of blacks.”
Everybody knew this is how Trump's Presidency would end. It's why you voted for him, and why the majority voted against him.
I'm one of everybody and didn't have a clue our great presidents' term would bring out the anarchists. His next term is going to restore law and order and at great expense, no doubt.

Yes we are becoming a military country. Don't be so nice to them, HIT their Head when you put them in the car. and those SOB's , get rid of them.

So what is a Owens, a journalist and everybody and their brother is one.
Everybody knew this is how Trump's Presidency would end. It's why you voted for him, and why the majority voted against him.

They are all this stupid folks...

The bed wetters still can not believe their beloved sociopath hag was defeated by the World's Richest Professional Clown, but these are not cognizant people.

They have created a circumstance in which they have become so loathsome and isolated that they root for chaos, decline, and civil unrest. Then they have the gall to parrot asinine gibberish about it being the nasty orange man's fault.

I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I wrote in Ted Cruz. I was convinced Trump was still a democrook at heart, and only entered the race to undermine the republicrats. After seeing his results I can not wait to right my wrong and vote for him. I hope he gets balls deep in the left's ass in the second term and puts mother fuckers in GITMO, and if he wants to have them thrown out of helicopters I'll re-enlist for flight school.

The voice of the sane is being drowned out while our country burns. Educated black men and women are to be applauded for their efforts to speak to the country of those who refuse to hear.


Our country is in trouble. Big trouble.

What else can you conclude when you watch looters and rioters take control of our streets and the police stand by.

What else can you conclude when the dominant media, celebrities and politicians fall over themselves making excuses for law-breakers in the name of “social justice."

What else can you conclude when major corporations rush to pledge millions to organizations like Black Lives Matter in an attempt to buy themselves protection from the left-wing hate machine. We have to broadcast a different message.

America is a great country for everyone of every race who works hard and plays by the rules.

Eloquent, forceful voices like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Burgess Owens, and Jason Riley are speaking out against the ugliness they are seeing and hearing: the destructive lies about our beloved America.

Here’s what they are saying:

“No one -- not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted….BLACK AMERICA, WAKE UP. ENLIGHTEN YOURSELVES. DO NOT BE OWNED BY A MAINSTREAM MEDIA AGENDA.”

“One of the big #FakeNews narratives is that ‘institutional,’ ‘structural’ and ‘systemic’ racism remain a major problem in America, when, in fact, race has never been a more insignificant barrier to success in America.”

“There is nothing white liberals fear more than a God fearing, educated, black man.”
No my friends...there is no systemic racism in America...just Systemic “Marxist Elitism”...an EVIL that uses, abuses and discards anyone for POWER.”

"Don’t let the Media fool you! The majority of Americans support the police. Do not support the destroying of their city.
The biggest problem with growing up black in America… IS not racism, police brutality, or black on black crime… It’s the Mental Brainwashing.”

"Black activists and white progressives stress racism because it serves their own interests, not because it actually improves the station of blacks.”
Everybody knew this is how Trump's Presidency would end. It's why you voted for him, and why the majority voted against him.
I'm one of everybody and didn't have a clue our great presidents' term would bring out the anarchists. His next term is going to restore law and order and at great expense, no doubt.

Yes we are becoming a military country. Don't be so nice to them, HIT their Head when you put them in the car. and those SOB's , get rid of them.
Yeah, let's make this thread all about racism, not the voices of a few intelligent black men and women. Good job!!!!!! Your tactics are so predictable and boring. Yawn.
Everybody knew this is how Trump's Presidency would end. It's why you voted for him, and why the majority voted against him.

They are all this stupid folks...

The bed wetters still can not believe their beloved sociopath hag was defeated by the World's Richest Professional Clown, but these are not cognizant people.

They have created a circumstance in which they have become so loathsome and isolated that they root for chaos, decline, and civil unrest. Then they have the gall to parrot asinine gibberish about it being the nasty orange man's fault.

I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I wrote in Ted Cruz. I was convinced Trump was still a democrook at heart, and only entered the race to undermine the republicrats. After seeing his results I can not wait to right my wrong and vote for him. I hope he gets balls deep in the left's ass in the second term and puts mother fuckers in GITMO, and if he wants to have them thrown out of helicopters I'll re-enlist for flight school.

Let's hear you explain with SPECIFICS how the unconscionable actions of Officer Chauvin are President Trump's fault.
When you tell Trump or one of his cultists that a black life matters, they convulse in fury over it. It's why the only action Trump's brain can come up with to deal with these protests is to pour gas onto the fire.

You got that on a smartphone...dumbass ?
You think showing us a few black republicans are going to make republicans out of us.

Now tell us about the hurricanes looters??
Law enforcement authorities are arresting around 10 suspected looters every night in an area of the Florida Panhandle left in the dark since Hurricane Michael crashed ashore a week ago. ... In some areas of the county, spray-painted signs warn “Looters will be shot” and “You steal, we kill”.Oct 17, 2018
Looters target Florida homes left in dark from Hurricane ...
My post had nothing to do with the reformation of any political ideology. Just as I am not coming to your side I wouldn't expect anyone to come to Trumps' side. But the soon will and in a landslide.

I am a never tramper, for years, he has been a crook and a womanizer. So a few burnt up some stores and some looting was going on, so what. Frickin birther shit. I would not vote republican for all the money in the world, the new republicans make me ill.

Let's hope it's your store that get's burned.

Let's hope it's your store that is looted.

And when a 38 leaves the barrel, let's hope it is your empty head it passes through.
Let's hear you explain with SPECIFICS how the unconscionable actions of Officer Chauvin are President Trump's fault.
When you tell Trump or one of his cultists that a black life matters, they convulse in fury over it. It's why the only action Trump's brain can come up with to deal with these protests is to pour gas onto the fire.

You got that on a smartphone...dumbass ?
I watched it live, snowflake
Let's hear you explain with SPECIFICS how the unconscionable actions of Officer Chauvin are President Trump's fault.
When you tell Trump or one of his cultists that a black life matters, they convulse in fury over it. It's why the only action Trump's brain can come up with to deal with these protests is to pour gas onto the fire.

You got that on a smartphone...dumbass ?
I watched it live, snowflake

What you watched was your fantasy.
. So a few burnt up some stores and some looting was going on, so what
That comment makes you a vile ignorant POS.
Guess all those minority owned businesses should glady give up their life savings for the cause of criminals.

Pathetic moron.
Yes we are becoming a military country. Don't be so nice to them, HIT their Head when you put them in the car. and those SOB's , get rid of them.

So what is a Owens, a journalist and everybody and their brother is one.

I swear...

I can FEEL the stupid when I unblock Pinheadlope's posts....

It's painful at times but cathartic to ridicule. Still I have to wonder if someone keeps her locked in a basement or pays someone to keep her from walking into traffic.

The country is changing. What we're seeing now is the last gasp of those who can't come to grips with that fact.

You are confused as usual.

The racist destructive Blacks are tearing the country apart and the asshole Moon Bats are helping because they want to this country made into a socialist shithole.

The reality that you are confused about is the tremendous crime by Blacks, so many of them on welfare, so many of them abandoning their falimies and being the useful idiots of the Democrats.
The country is changing. What we're seeing now is the last gasp of those who can't come to grips with that fact.

You are confused as usual.

The racist destructive Blacks are tearing the country apart and the asshole Moon Bats are helping because they want to this country made into a socialist shithole.

The reality that you are confused about is the tremendous crime by Blacks, so many of them on welfare, so many of them abandoning their falimies and being the useful idiots of the Democrats.
And there ya go!
Let's hear you explain with SPECIFICS how the unconscionable actions of Officer Chauvin are President Trump's fault.
When you tell Trump or one of his cultists that a black life matters, they convulse in fury over it. It's why the only action Trump's brain can come up with to deal with these protests is to pour gas onto the fire.

You got that on a smartphone...dumbass ?
I watched it live, snowflake

What you watched was your fantasy.
I watched Trump talk like a dictator, then open fire on a peaceful crowd so he could take a picture. FUCK YOU, statist piece of trash.

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