Our Exhausted American Mediocracy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Our Exhausted American Mediocracy

The unlikely 2016 election of Donald Trump—the first president without either prior political or military office—was a repudiation of the American “aristocracy.” By “rule of the best” I mean the ancien régime was no longer understood to suggest wealth and birth (alone), but instead envisioned itself as a supposed national meritocracy of those with proper degrees, and long service in the top hierarchies of government, media, blue-chip law firms, Wall Street, high tech, and academia.... The 2016 election and refutation of the ruling class did not signal that those without such educations and qualifications were de facto better suited to direct the country. Instead, the lesson was that the past record of governance and the current stature of our assumed best and brightest certainly did not justify their reputations or authority, much less their outsized self-regard. In short, instead of being a meritocracy, they amount to a mediocracy, neither great nor awful, but mostly mediocre.... Remember the “new normal”? Our economic czars had simply decided anemic economic growth was the best Americans could expect and that 3 percent annualized GDP growth was out of the realm of possibility. Big government incompetence combined with Wall Street buccaneerism had almost melted down the economy in 2008. Recent presidents had doubled the debt—twice.... Few could explain how recent agreements such as the Paris Climate Accord or Iran deal could ever have achieved their stated aims, much less were in America’s interest. War planners had not translated interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya into strategic advantage—much less lasting victory—and never offered reasons to be in such places that appealed to half the country.... Most elites had assumed the deindustrialized red-state interior was doomed to a sort of preordained and irreversible decline, much of it supposedly self-induced. In more candid moments, elites jested that red-state losers might be better replaced by new immigrants, both legal and illegal.... The point of this tour of our elite is not to excuse Trump’s often retaliatory crassness or bombast, but to remind us that our self-righteous anti- and pre-Trump aristocracy was so often a mediocracy. It had assumed status and privilege largely on suspect criteria. Its record abroad and at home inspired little confidence. Doing mostly the opposite of what elite conventional wisdom advocated since January 2017 has made the nation stronger, not weaker.... Strangest of all, the elite’s furious venom directed at Trump, couched in ethical pretense, has had the odd effect to remind the American people how unethical and incompetent these people were, are, and likely will continue to be.

The abused criticism of Donald Trump is that he is a narcissist. Well, as Dizzy Dean used to say, "If you can do it, it ain't bragging". Much of the distaste for Trump is that "he isn't one of us". This is an attitude stemming from the assumption of credit for the accomplishments of others, those accomplishments often being self proclaimed. It is the narcissism of poseurs. They are, in two words, elitist snobs.
In their frenetic pursuit of President Trump, the biased Media, Hollywood, and the “Ruling Elites” have exposed themselves far more than they have exposed anything to do with him.
'The blood of rage runs from their eyes'... to borrow a phrase. They scream about “White Privilege” yet most all the author refers to, are white. A self-appointed “Privilegedtocracy” who see us “Deplorables” as little more than human livestock... disobedient livestock... to be replaced with a more obedient foreign livestock, to be kept ignorant and dependent. Their virulent insane Trump hatred has shown us once again hate is indeed a form of fear. All could be lost if the “Deplorables” are not contained. So any and all “weapons” race, sex, economic status, religion will be used to attempt to divide America.
It’s hard to find any politicians on the Democrat side and awful few on the Republican side that one might consider to have even an average ability.
Really, what would you think after meeting a Pelosi, Occasional Cortex, Flake, Bloomberg on the street?
Elites for the most part tried to hide their failures and indiscretions in past eras. Not in ours. Much is going on in the background that doesn't make it into the newspapers. The fact that nobody knew meant that elites could think well of themselves without contradiction. Idiots, all. Why are they continually elected?
Beautifully written OP. Is it original, or should there be a link? It tries to describe how angry 2016 voters were after 8-years of Obama and the dems, and with the "establishment" GOP swampy losers

This sentence captures the situation as well as any I've seen:
"Strangest of all, the elite’s furious venom directed at Trump, couched in ethical pretense, has had the odd effect to remind the American people how unethical and incompetent these people were, are, and likely will continue to be."

That sentence captures the "never Trumper" RINOs perfectly. From Romney, to the Bushes, to Kasich, Steve Schmidt, Nicolle Wallace, and the rest of the loser class.
List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia

The establishment GOP was less than "mediocre", they were undeserving of their positions. They most likely got "bought" by big money donors and thought they actually earned and deserved their positions. "The Weekly Standard" crashed into the Trump iceberg, with assholes like Bill Kristol who put up his own Mormon candidate as a 3rd party to suck off the Mormon voters, but Trump still won UT.

Looking at the new democrat committee chairs, mediocre looks way too complimentary, those low IQ morons don't deserve to be in government, they just know how to run the urban plantations and harvest votes.
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Beautifully written OP. Is it original, or should there be a link? It tries to describe how angry 2016 voters were after 8-years of Obama and the dems, and with the "establishment" GOP swampy losers?

This sentence captures the situation as well as any I've seen:
"Strangest of all, the elite’s furious venom directed at Trump, couched in ethical pretense, has had the odd effect to remind the American people how unethical and incompetent these people were, are, and likely will continue to be."

That sentence captures the "never Trumper" RINOs perfectly. From Romney, to the Bushes, to Kasich, Steve Schmidt, Nicolle Wallace, and the rest of the loser class.
List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia

The establishment GOP was less than "mediocre", they were undeserving of their positions. They most likely got "bought" by big money donors and thought they actually earned and deserved their positions. "The Weekly Standard" crashed into the Trump iceberg, with assholes like Bill Kristol who put up his own Mormon candidate as a 3rd party to suck off the Mormon voters, but Trump still won UT.

Looking at the new democrat committee chairs, mediocre looks way too complimentary, those low IQ morons don't deserve to be in government, they just know how to run the urban plantations and harvest votes.

Victor Hanson is a great and astute author and scholar. I like reading his essays and pass them on to others.

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