Our Fearless President

The left can't even see what's happening before their eyes. Everything getting accomplished is happening without Demonrat participation.

They obstruct and play hate politics at every corner, it's amazing what Trump and Republicans have accomplished despite Democrats.

agreed.I am not a trump supporter.I hate his foreign policys but his domestic policys have been great for america. Just wish he would stand up to our corrupt military thats always starting wars with other countries is my beef with him.
Wait- you blame the military for the wars being started?

Not the Presidents who send the troops to those wars?
He IS the right man for our time!

you mean the sackless pussy who fires people by tweet

that fearless president?


Yesterday, some of the talking heads on the opinion shows said that Trump rarely fires someone in person himself. He either does it by tweet or has someone else deliver the news.

How many CEO's actually fire people?

And who's famous for the line, "you're fired!"

and going bankrupt

one was tv

one was real

try to keep up, trumpling

Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?
you mean the sackless pussy who fires people by tweet

that fearless president?


Yesterday, some of the talking heads on the opinion shows said that Trump rarely fires someone in person himself. He either does it by tweet or has someone else deliver the news.

How many CEO's actually fire people?

And who's famous for the line, "you're fired!"

and going bankrupt

one was tv

one was real

try to keep up, trumpling

Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?

i didn't
Yesterday, some of the talking heads on the opinion shows said that Trump rarely fires someone in person himself. He either does it by tweet or has someone else deliver the news.

How many CEO's actually fire people?

And who's famous for the line, "you're fired!"

and going bankrupt

one was tv

one was real

try to keep up, trumpling

Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?

i didn't

So you think it's pretty stupid to say someone voted for Trump who didn't?
What a joke....president pussy is terrified of his own shadow.....

What makes you say that?
All of his behavior. Thanks for asking!

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a curious thing. Have you sought treatment? The first step is admitting you have a problem
Thanks for your dimestore psychology, trumpkin!

So then why did you vote for Trump, dumb ass? I keep telling you it made no sense at the time just like it makes no sense now. Stop making excuses and just say you screwed up
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What a joke....president pussy is terrified of his own shadow.....

What makes you say that?
All of his behavior. Thanks for asking!

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a curious thing. Have you sought treatment? The first step is admitting you have a problem
Thanks for your dimestore psychology, trumpkin!

So then why did you vote for Trump, dumb ass? I keep telling you it made no sense at the time just like it makes no sense now. Stop making excuses and just say you screwed up
Are you having a stroke? Is someone there with you?
How many CEO's actually fire people?

And who's famous for the line, "you're fired!"

and going bankrupt

one was tv

one was real

try to keep up, trumpling

Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?

i didn't

So you think it's pretty stupid to say someone voted for Trump who didn't?

i think it's pretty stupid to think that one had to vote for trump to be a trumpling, trumpling.
how about the many millions spent in mar a largo playing golf ,,,,and this pos
Trump gets more accomplished for the American People in a single year while playing golf than Obama accomplished in 8 years.
You call it accomplished I call it pissing on America ,,,,and you ask for more
Once You Get Past the Smell, You Got It Licked

To soothe your hurt feelings, suck on a Hillalollipop.
You can suck on trumps
What makes you say that?
All of his behavior. Thanks for asking!

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a curious thing. Have you sought treatment? The first step is admitting you have a problem
Thanks for your dimestore psychology, trumpkin!

So then why did you vote for Trump, dumb ass? I keep telling you it made no sense at the time just like it makes no sense now. Stop making excuses and just say you screwed up
Are you having a stroke? Is someone there with you?

Back atcha, brainless twit
Inspiring level of discourse... 1st and foremost we need to cut through not only the PC talk but also the smooth, Beltway politician talk. We need someone to make choices based on the Nation's short and long term best interests and to do so no matter how caustic and overwhelming the MSM trumpets.

Yup, voted for Hillary... lol
And who's famous for the line, "you're fired!"

and going bankrupt

one was tv

one was real

try to keep up, trumpling

Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?

i didn't

So you think it's pretty stupid to say someone voted for Trump who didn't?

i think it's pretty stupid to think that one had to vote for trump to be a trumpling, trumpling.

Make all the excuses you want, trumpetter, but your voting for Trump is on you. Just own up to your own mistakes
and going bankrupt

one was tv

one was real

try to keep up, trumpling

Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?

i didn't

So you think it's pretty stupid to say someone voted for Trump who didn't?

i think it's pretty stupid to think that one had to vote for trump to be a trumpling, trumpling.

Make all the excuses you want, trumpetter, but your voting for Trump is on you. Just own up to your own mistakes
Can it be on me too... I'm standing taller and prouder every day... G7 will be some good shit... can't you wait?
Well why did you vote for Trump then if you hate him so much?

i didn't

So you think it's pretty stupid to say someone voted for Trump who didn't?

i think it's pretty stupid to think that one had to vote for trump to be a trumpling, trumpling.

Make all the excuses you want, trumpetter, but your voting for Trump is on you. Just own up to your own mistakes
Can it be on me too... I'm standing taller and prouder every day... G7 will be some good shit... can't you wait?

Del's an idiot who calls everyone he disagrees with a Trump supporter.

The Democrat party taught him one set of talking points and he's not smart enough to memorize a second set or tailor it to anyone else's views. So if you disagree with him, you're a Trump supporter.

Oh, he also thinks he's smarter than Republicans because he isn't all black and white like they are.

Del has issues ...

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