Our Government Is Run By Imbeciles

Perfect example of stupidity. Our congress offered a prayer in remembrance for our enemies.

What's the definition of Treason?

Oh yes......offering aid & COMFORT to our enemies.

This is treason.

Since Jesus said to pray for your enemy and we claim to be a christian nation....
Perfect example of stupidity. Our congress offered a prayer in remembrance for our enemies.

What's the definition of Treason?

Oh yes......offering aid & COMFORT to our enemies.

This is treason.

We have to remember that the Senate is a Democrat majority, thus its regret for the death of the Butcher of Iran.
At least there are former Iranians in the US and Europe that are cheering his death.
These right wingers are sad, failed, broken people
Perfect example of stupidity. Our congress offered a prayer in remembrance for our enemies.

What's the definition of Treason?

Oh yes......offering aid & COMFORT to our enemies.

This is treason.

This is why congress is loathed by so many Americans.
There's always something to be pissed off about.
It pleases me to see you pissed off everyday while also contenting that you LOVE America more. Fuck, for 3+ years you have been hoping and praying for America to fail.

It's a huge shock to me that so many in our government are sucking our enemy's dick so openly.
So is Putin a Friend or an Enemy?
Because trump has swallowed entire Dick.

America was so great, and that's what pisses you off the most.
Yeah....I'm not the Hamas loving jerkoff here.

What's ironic is Hamas would slit your throat in a micro-second and not even think twice about it.

It's a huge shock to me that so many in our government are sucking our enemy's dick so openly.

Talking about needing reconditioning.

As a boy I was taught a lesson by my parents that you seem to have missed. Perhaps your Folks didn’t love you enough.

Do not speak ill of the dead.

In Church I was taught that praying for forgiveness of others, and asking God to show mercy was a good Christian thing to do.

Perhaps this will ring a bell. Forgive. It is used rather frequently in the Bible to teach us to let go of anger and hatred.

You see I trust in God to decide what is right with the souls of the Departed. I don’t have an opinion on it. If God decides to send a soul to Hell, it isn’t my call. If God decides to grant them access to His Kingdom. Again I am in no position to argue the point.

I would hope the Lord shows mercy to the departed. Apparently you believe that you get to decide such things.

As for Hamas. I’ve had people trying to kill me before. I didn’t hate them. Why should I hate anyone? I could and did kill without hatred. Another of those lessons I suppose you missed out on growing up.
As a boy I was taught a lesson by my parents that you seem to have missed. Perhaps your Folks didn’t love you enough.

Do not speak ill of the dead.

In Church I was taught that praying for forgiveness of others, and asking God to show mercy was a good Christian thing to do.

Perhaps this will ring a bell. Forgive. It is used rather frequently in the Bible to teach us to let go of anger and hatred.

You see I trust in God to decide what is right with the souls of the Departed. I don’t have an opinion on it. If God decides to send a soul to Hell, it isn’t my call. If God decides to grant them access to His Kingdom. Again I am in no position to argue the point.

I would hope the Lord shows mercy to the departed. Apparently you believe that you get to decide such things.

As for Hamas. I’ve had people trying to kill me before. I didn’t hate them. Why should I hate anyone? I could and did kill without hatred. Another of those lessons I suppose you missed out on growing up.
You really are a silly little pissant.

I wasn't speaking evil of the dead, only the traitors among us.
I'm a warrior. I've been taught not to show mercy to evil. The kind of evil that this Butcher Of Iran represents.

How many innocent men, women, and children did this bastard kill.

I won't pray for his soul because there's no point praying for it. He sold his soul to the Devil decades ago.

And when our government starts blubbering over the death of our enemies then they tell us who's side they truly represent. Certainly not ours.

There, now I spoke evil of this dead prick, for the first time.
It pleases me to see you pissed off everyday while also contenting that you LOVE America more. Fuck, for 3+ years you have been hoping and praying for America to fail.

So is Putin a Friend or an Enemy?
Because trump has swallowed entire Dick.
You're actually still believing that silly hoax??

I would think that all of the recent admissions (by guilty parties) that have been published in the media would help you to finally see the light.

How many times do they have to tell you assholes that Trump did not collude with Russia????

That fake story was created by NeverTrumpers and sold to the press by the Hillary Campaign.
Perfect example of stupidity. Our congress offered a prayer in remembrance for our enemies.

What's the definition of Treason?

Oh yes......offering aid & COMFORT to our enemies.

This is treason.

Treason Runs Wild
What's the Reason?
Treason Wins Only When

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