OUR GOVERNMENT IS SERIOUSLY BROKEN. 11.9 million people living in the open illegal


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

11.9 million people living in the open illegally in the country and 8.3 million in the workforce illegally? And we have ample immigration laws to deal with it? We have a seriously broken government. Not a broken immigration system. The punishment for illegal immigration is deportation not legalization and we cannot do it when it was done effectively three time at times when we have less resources? To effectively control illegal immigration we have to punish both businesses and illegal workers. We ran the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan and Iraq and we cannot run illegal alien out of the country? We do not need new immigration laws to control illegal immigration, we just need to enforce the one we have.
Bringing them “out of the shadows” do not make us safe. The two Boston bombers we know who they were and we let them legally. Those who brought down the twin towers on 9/11 killing 3,000 Americans were not in the country illegally. Knowing who they are does not make us safer.
If you believe the day after Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty will secure our borders and be safer and know who is here and control illegal immigration I have beach side property to sell you in Death Valley and you are a Village Idiot.
There is absolute no credibility in the “Gang of Eight” Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty bill. The good, bad and the ugly of it all.
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make them legal and you save SS

HOW? They will also collect SS via SSI and Medicaid because they would not have paid enough into SS. When the 11.9 million are legalized they will cost us more. They will completely break SS, SSI, Medidare and Medicaid. If businesses have to pay them more they will hire less creating unemployment and more on unemployment insurance and food stamps and they will also continue to look for cheap illegal labor that will continue to enter illegal. You cannot possible believe legalization will change that? :cuckoo:


Immigration Reform Could Cost Social Security Billions

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Why Immigration Can't Save Social Security
The logic of saving Social Security through immigration, which makes sense at first glance, falls apart when you inspect the details.
Why Immigration Can?t Save Social Security ? The American Magazine

Crist: You know what would save Social Security? Amnesty!
Next, the idea of saving Social Security by legalizing illegal immigrants is ludicrous. Crist’s formula only works if every illegal was 18 years old and willing to work until age 65 — and even then it would only postpone the eventual collapse. The bills Crist cites would only have allowed illegals who had resided in the country for years to get a fast track to legalization. They would pay into Social Security for half the time or less that other Americans do, but draw the same benefits at the end. The impact of adding millions of recipients in such circumstances would create a much higher level of unfunded liabilities for the SSA — as well as Medicare.
Crist: You know what would save Social Security? Amnesty! « Hot Air

Contrary To Amnesty Supporters, Illegal Aliens Drain Social Security
Illegal immigrant workers, often with false identities, can’t avoid paying into Social Security but are not eligible to receive retirement benefits for their illegal work. But if they receive amnesty, they can qualify for Social Security retirement benefits based on their earlier illegal work. And those benefits will amount to much more than what they paid into Social Security!

A single male illegal immigrant who works for very low wages and is now 25 years old will receive (at today’s value) $15,596 more in Social Security retirement benefits. A similar female illegal immigrant will receive $20,936 more in retirement benefits.

11.9 million people living in the open illegally in the country and 8.3 million in the workforce illegally? And we have ample immigration laws to deal with it? We have a seriously broken government. Not a broken immigration system. The punishment for illegal immigration is deportation not legalization and we cannot do it when it was done effectively three time at times when we have less resources? To effectively control illegal immigration we have to punish both businesses and illegal workers. We ran the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan and Iraq and we cannot run illegal alien out of the country? We do not need new immigration laws to control illegal immigration, we just need to enforce the one we have.
Bringing them “out of the shadows” do not make us safe. The two Boston bombers we know who they were and we let them legally. Those who brought down the twin towers on 9/11 killing 3,000 Americans were not in the country illegally. Knowing who they are does not make us safer.
If you believe the day after Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty will secure our borders and be safer and know who is here and control illegal immigration I have beach side property to sell you in Death Valley and you are a Village Idiot.
There is absolute no credibility in the “Gang of Eight” Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty bill. The good, bad and the ugly of it all.

I too am appalled at the failure of our Immigration teams, and businesses. I mean, INS and ICE know neighborhoods where they claim, "most illegals live," yet they do nothing to round them up and ship them out. I think it is bullshit to have that many illegals, and know where a lot of them are, and just leave them on their own. A lot of these illegals are the ones committing crimes. Hell I worked construction one summer and an illegal Mexican was working with us. He told me on a daily basis that if he committed a serious crime, he would just leave and go back to Mexico. He said he had no ties to this country, and he was only here to make money and then go back to Mexico. So happy we are here for illegals to rape our country, and then leave with a smile (sarcasm).
Anytime someone who entered the country illegal committing a federal crime, setting aside the rule of law and allowing them to stay regardless of fines, etc is amnesty. The cost of amnesty far exceeds the cost of deportation we have stopped because we do not have funding for but we are going to find funding for amnesty?
A friend of mine, a 81 year Filipino woman entered the country legally at age 62, worked a few years, declared legally blind and is collecting social security, Medicaid, and free healthcare and medication, food stamps, living in subsidized housing, collecting government commodities and send them to family in Philippines. She is an perfect example of many of those who will benefit from amnesty will be doing further straining our entitlement programs. She also owns property in the Philippines that she get monthly payment from and no way a back ground check can detect this. How do you run a back ground check on someone who is from Mexico?
What are you complaining about LilOlLady, you voted for Obama and this is high on his priority list.
Destroy "white America" by filling the country up with Mexicans. When he gets done with America its going to be a third world shit hole.
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