Our Intel Community Wants War With Russia for Job Security


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Another Trumplican "let's surrender because my cult leader tells me to" post. Grow a pair!
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This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.

Among the aspects of this ongoing political hurricane I find most entrancing, is the American Left's transformation from cute and cuddly anti-neo-con singing kumbaya around the bonfire with the fairies and elves, to chicken hawks thirsting for a cocktail of Russian and Republican blood. Just a few years back the PC viper crowd was still restricted to their campuses, and even they had yet to take out the knives.

Now we've got Antifa, a million screaming faeries pouring off campuses everywhere trailing rainbow pixie dust, and, as of yesterday--a few ten millions of angry care bears turned vampiric. I mean, would you just look at how the rainbows and flowers on their chests have turned over night into cruise missiles and multi-launch rocket systems. It's like I want to laugh but have Pepsi up my nose.

On a more serious note, the Brits screwed up siding with HRC for fear of an American President who could stop the invasion from Mordor, and expose involuntary spit-swapping with Syria, Iran, Isis and that AWOL uranium from North Africa via neo-Carthage, which had to be razed again? Isn't it worth noting the insanity of at least seven modern militaries fighting within the borders of one relatively small, relatively treeless nation without blowing each other up very effectively, or starting WW3, when most of those nations are at least undeclared enemies and butted up against the most volatile nation on the planet?

Yeah, I agree, our alphabet agencies have become soup.
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Amazing how American Conservatives take sides with Putin over our own intelligence agencies

This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.

Among the aspects of this ongoing political hurricane I find most entrancing, is the American Left's transformation from cute and cuddly ant-neo-con singing kumbaya around the bonfire with the fairies and elves, to chicken hawks thirsting for a cocktail of Russian and Republican blood.

The Democrats are trying to deflect the growing sentiment that it is they who are the more dangerous enemy to the United States to second-stringer Russia. The Russians themselves provided the opportunity.

Had Hillary won, you would have heard nothing of this after the election.
Another Trumplican "let's surrender because my cult leader tells me to" post. Grow a pair!

Surrender implies the laying down of arms, not the extending of them to shake hands, and stop the bullets. Don't know about you, but personally, I'd rather not be sent to fight the likes of the 76th Guards Air Assault Division somewhere in Eastern Europe because ten million screaming fairies marching on Washington convinced our President not to meet a specific man in person or extend an olive branch.

See, you have to earn what you want. Protesting violently, harassing government officials and threatening their kids might work some places, but that's not how we do things in America. If you're revolution looks like one big hissy tantrum, maybe you ought to step back and away from all the noise.
Amazing how American Conservatives take sides with Putin over our own intelligence agencies


Considering Obama picked a bonafide Communist to run his intelligence agency, those at the top remain highly suspect.
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
people that only react with smilies have no case either :p
Democrats want war with Russia so they can say Trump is a republican war monger whose ineptitude blundered into WWIII.
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Lying traitor go back to russia!
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Lying traitor go back to russia!

Care to be a bit more specific?
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time an

He is already on my ignore listd we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Lying traitor go back to russia!

Care to be a bit more specific?
He's a troll, so dont expect an answer.
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Lying traitor go back to russia!

Care to be a bit more specific?
Not realy you know what a peice of shit Trump and his supporters are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump shows true colors yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach Trump the traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time an

He is already on my ignore listd we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Lying traitor go back to russia!

Care to be a bit more specific?
He's a troll, so dont expect an answer.
Wow if that's not the pot calling the kettle black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
nobody takes right wing, "intelligence" seriously.
This whole flap about Russia 'attacking' us during our election is the biggest bunch of ignorant tripe I think I have ever read. 'Interfering' in elections of different countries goes on all the time and we have done our share of it too, from overthrowing an elected Iranian President back in the 50's to Obamas attempt to steer the Israeli elections leftward, the US has 'attacked' nations every year since the end of WW2.

And what is most laughable isthis claim that the Adam Smarts have determined it was Russia. How? Where did they analyze the servers for Hillary when she had them thoroughly Bleach Bitted? And she had no security on them anyway and allowed other nations to access her top secret data she stored on it. Figuring out who left what would be like following a persons tracks after it was obscured by a cattle stampede. They didnt get anything there.

No onion farm for them to trace as the Russians dont use the ones on the dark web, they use their own. The CIA did not scan those, I promise.

They did not analyze the DNC servers for which they were refused access to anyway. Their password for Podesta account was 'password', I kid you not.

None of this scullduggery described by Vox was needed as there was no security to work around when you have access to the account of the top guy at the DNC, lol.

So lets get down to brass tacks:
1. Everyone that can tries to influence everyone elses elections to their own interests. We do, the EU does, the Chiinese do and so does Russia. What are we supposed to declare war on everyone? The neocons would have a month long endless series of orgasms if we did.

2. A child could have hacked the DNC servers and Hillary had nothing to hack on her servers. Apparently she thought hers were secure because trhey were hidden in her bathroom, lol.

3. This is nothing more than politics. If the Russians seriously 'hacked' our elections (a completely meaningless phrase) then HOW MANY VOTES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? HOW MANY STATES DID THEY FLIP TO TRUMP? If you cant answer any of that then you have NO CASE.
Lying traitor go back to russia!

Care to be a bit more specific?
Not realy you know what a peice of shit Trump and his supporters are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump shows true colors yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach Trump the traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So just screaming at the sky again.....carry on,it's entertaining.

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