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Our Kennedy.

The one reason we looked uglier in the '80's, is because we were uglier. It was when the baby boomers, the generation that was supposed to be different, just gave up and sold out completely. Kennedy's time was the time of "Ask not what your country can do for you." Reagan's was the time of "Greed is good."

Very true.

The Reagan years ushered in an era of ignorance and reactionary fear; as social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and rightwing extremists fought against a Nation becoming more inclusive, diverse, and desirous to promote and protect individual liberty.
Bill Maher running his silly mouth. Bill Maher is a mediocre shock jock...dependent upon cuteness and adolescence to make a living...from the adoration of simpletons...and you silly bastards attach some value to what he says? What is the world coming to? This entire thread is based upon the words of a fucking idiot! JFK was one of the best men that ever lived. There is no way he would have approved of today's liberalism. He bravely served in the military on PT 109...he fought against oppression, communism and LYING...he would NOT have approved of Obama, Reid, Pelosi and all of the leeches that run the Liberal front today.

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So liberals....how does JFK's speech "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" fit into your welfare world???

It fits in quite well. We like to make welfare, food stamps and other services available to the poor and needy who can't afford it and can't make enough to buy it, or can't work due to disabilities - and we don't mind paying higher taxes to do it...that's what we do for our country.

What do you do for your country? Whine and cry about those services?
So liberals....how does JFK's speech "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" fit into your welfare world???


It is a call to PUBLIC service, not private greed.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
'Surely you jest.

You have the most wealthy souls in America calling for public service. Tell me you realize this at the time.

Is that what you tell yourself so as not to feel guilty that you begrudge children food?

It is a call to PUBLIC service, not private greed.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
'Surely you jest.

You have the most wealthy souls in America calling for public service. Tell me you realize this at the time.

Is that what you tell yourself so as not to feel guilty that you begrudge children food?

Really? You're playing the You-must-hate-children card? What happened? Run out of race cards or did you misplace your you-must-hate-the-elderly cards? Perhaps you have some you-hate-clean-water cards under the sofa cushions that you can play every time your argument is too vacuous to stand on its own. Personally, if I were you I would stick some war-on-women cards up my sleeve just in case you get boxed in by facts and reality.
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So liberals....how does JFK's speech "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" fit into your welfare world???


It is a call to PUBLIC service, not private greed.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
'Surely you jest.

You have the most wealthy souls in America calling for public service. Tell me you realize this at the time.

Here is an idea...educate yourself. The Kennedy legacy is public service.

President Kennedy gave one of my favorite speeches less than a month before his murder.

On Oct. 26, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave a Convocation address as part of the ground breaking ceremonies for the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College.



"Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. And I think, as your president said, that it must be a source of satisfaction to you that this school's graduates have recognized it. And I hope that the students who are here now will also recognize it in the future. Although Amherst has been in the forefront of extending aid to needy and talented students, private colleges, taken as a whole, draw 50 percent of their students from the wealthiest 10 percent of our nation. And even state universities and other public institutions derive 25 percent of their students from this group. In March 1962, persons of 18 years or older who had not completed high school made up 46 percent of the total labor force, and such persons comprised 64 percent of those who were unemployed. And in 1958, the lowest fifth of families in the United States had 4.5 percent of the total personal income, the highest fifth, 45.5 percent.

There is inherited wealth in this country and also inherited poverty. And unless the graduates of this college and other colleges like it who are given a running start in life, unless they are willing to put back into our society those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compassion—unless they're willing to put those qualities back into the service of the Great Republic, then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible.

The problems which this country now faces are staggering, both at home and abroad. We need the service, in the great sense, of every educated man or woman to find 10 million jobs in the next 2 1/2 years, to govern our relations—a country which lived in isolation for 150 years, and is now suddenly the leader of the free world—to govern our relations with over 100 countries, to govern those relations with success, so that the balance of power remains strong on the side of freedom, to make it possible for Americans of all different races and creeds to live together in harmony, to make it possible for a world to exist in diversity and freedom. All this requires the best of all of us.

And therefore, I am proud to come to this college, whose graduates have recognized this obligation and to say to those who are now here that the need is endless, and I'm confident that you will respond.

Robert Frost said it:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I hope that road will not be the less traveled by, and I hope your commitment to the great public interest in years to come will be worthy of your long inheritance since your beginning.

Quite the opposite.

And you might have noticed it was Kennedy's brother (Who you folks vilified to no end) that helped Obama get elected and worked with him on health care.

prior to obama, teddy (the swimmer) kennedy was the most liberal member of the senate. He accomplished nothing in all his years in the senate, but he did allow a girl to die. What a hero!

No US Senator has a longer list of accomplishments than Ted Kennedy.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight: Ted Kennedy Leaves Long, Impressive Legacy

"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die"
Senator Edward M. Kennedy

To bad his girlfriend drowned before hearing those words.
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Unfortunately the Dimocrats of today instead of saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".
Are saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, DEMAND IT !"
JFK wouldn't be a Democrap today.

He was pro-military, anti-communist, a Catholic, pro-low taxes, pro-business, etc.

Hmmmm, except for the Catholic angle.....he looks like Romney.

The Democraps would just roll out some black, Hispanic, Asian....woman that is also a lesbian to run against him.


Kennedy started the Peace Corps, was working on a health care plan that would become Medicare, wanted to spend more on education and science..and wanted to go to the moon. That and he wanted to get the civil rights act passed.

None of that is at all conservative.

horseshit, shallow. helping people is a conservative belief, medicare was passed with GOP votes, the moon landing was supported by people from both parties and with all political viewpoints. The civil rights act would not have passed without GOP votes and was fillibustered by democrats.

your view of history is totally incorrect. were you taught by a member of the teachers union?

well that is what happens when you get all of your view points

from MSLSD and truthout

So liberals....how does JFK's speech "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" fit into your welfare world???


It is a call to PUBLIC service, not private greed.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy


If you tax the rich into oblivion, who will save the poor? Who will help them (the poor) prosper?
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'Surely you jest.

You have the most wealthy souls in America calling for public service. Tell me you realize this at the time.

Is that what you tell yourself so as not to feel guilty that you begrudge children food?

Really? You're playing the You-must-hate-children card? What happened? Run out of race cards or did you misplace your you-must-hate-the-elderly cards? Perhaps you have some you-hate-clean-water cards under the sofa cushions that you can play every time your argument is too vacuous to stand on its own. Personally, if I were you I would stick some war-on-women cards up my sleeve just in case you get boxed in by facts and reality.

You pretty much nailed it. Liberals could give a shit about the downtrodden poor. It's complete bullshit. They play the fake "let's do it for the chiltren card," as a means of increasing Governmental control over people's lives and eroding individual freedom and liberty. Their entire agenda is about power and control. Nothing more.
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

Kennedy wasn't advocating get rid of programs to help the poor. What he was advocating with those folks with means to start working for the good of the country..instead of just themselves.

You folks pervert everything that is good and pure.
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Nobody calls Reagan "our Kennedy"

Kennedy would get primaried out in today Progressive Dem Party, he's to the right of most modern Presidents


Quite the opposite.

And you might have noticed it was Kennedy's brother (Who you folks vilified to no end) that helped Obama get elected and worked with him on health care.

prior to obama, teddy (the swimmer) kennedy was the most liberal member of the senate. He accomplished nothing in all his years in the senate, but he did allow a girl to die. What a hero!

Like I said, you guys continue to vilify him, even in death.

Romney has a body on his record, for nearly the exact same thing..a car accident.

So does Laura Bush. Not a peep from you guys.

And bar none, Edward Kennedy was one of the most successful Senators in the history of congress.

Ted Kennedy's legislative record - National populist | Examiner.com
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

Kennedy was advocating get rid of programs to help the poor. What he was advocating with those folks with means to start working for the good of the country..instead of just themselves.

You folks pervert everything that is good and pure.


Really now? Could you make more sense in the future? I can't make heads or tails of this post.

Quite the opposite.

And you might have noticed it was Kennedy's brother (Who you folks vilified to no end) that helped Obama get elected and worked with him on health care.

prior to obama, teddy (the swimmer) kennedy was the most liberal member of the senate. He accomplished nothing in all his years in the senate, but he did allow a girl to die. What a hero!

Like I said, you guys continue to vilify him, even in death.

Romney has a body on his record, for nearly the exact same thing..a car accident.

So does Laura Bush. Not a peep from you guys.

And bar none, Edward Kennedy was one of the most successful Senators in the history of congress.

Ted Kennedy's legislative record - National populist | Examiner.com

Who said we were vilifying him? Had he been a Democrat today, he would have been laughed off of Capitol Hill.

Kennedy started the Peace Corps, was working on a health care plan that would become Medicare, wanted to spend more on education and science..and wanted to go to the moon. That and he wanted to get the civil rights act passed.

None of that is at all conservative.

horseshit, shallow. helping people is a conservative belief, medicare was passed with GOP votes, the moon landing was supported by people from both parties and with all political viewpoints. The civil rights act would not have passed without GOP votes and was fillibustered by democrats.

your view of history is totally incorrect. were you taught by a member of the teachers union?

well that is what happens when you get all of your view points

from MSLSD and truthout


The GOP of yesterday isn't the GOP of today.

But the conservative vs. liberal paradigm? Yeah..that carries on.

It's conservatives that want to do away with Medicare, civil rights, science and education.
prior to obama, teddy (the swimmer) kennedy was the most liberal member of the senate. He accomplished nothing in all his years in the senate, but he did allow a girl to die. What a hero!

Like I said, you guys continue to vilify him, even in death.

Romney has a body on his record, for nearly the exact same thing..a car accident.

So does Laura Bush. Not a peep from you guys.

And bar none, Edward Kennedy was one of the most successful Senators in the history of congress.

Ted Kennedy's legislative record - National populist | Examiner.com

Who said we were vilifying him? Had he been a Democrat today, he would have been laughed off of Capitol Hill.

Go back.

Re-read the post.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

Kennedy was advocating get rid of programs to help the poor. What he was advocating with those folks with means to start working for the good of the country..instead of just themselves.

You folks pervert everything that is good and pure.


Really now? Could you make more sense in the future? I can't make heads or tails of this post.

It was a mis-type.

I fixed the post.

Kennedy wasn't

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