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Our Kennedy.

Like I said, you guys continue to vilify him, even in death.

Romney has a body on his record, for nearly the exact same thing..a car accident.

So does Laura Bush. Not a peep from you guys.

And bar none, Edward Kennedy was one of the most successful Senators in the history of congress.

Ted Kennedy's legislative record - National populist | Examiner.com

Who said we were vilifying him? Had he been a Democrat today, he would have been laughed off of Capitol Hill.

Go back.

Re-read the post.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?
Who said we were vilifying him? Had he been a Democrat today, he would have been laughed off of Capitol Hill.

Go back.

Re-read the post.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?

Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.



"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

Kennedy wasn't advocating get rid of programs to help the poor. What he was advocating with those folks with means to start working for the good of the country..instead of just themselves.

You folks pervert everything that is good and pure.

you mean like slaves used to work for their masters?

aren't you liberals just so forward thinking...you want people to be slaves for you so you can crow how much you all care for the poor ..
Well last I heard we were born in FREE COUNTRY to make our live as we wished...that's either to be poor or rich without you stealing our money from us to make us your all's SLAVES for your dumb sayings
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Go back.

Re-read the post.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?

Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.



Yes, his famous I am a liberal speech is hallmark.

And just look how the conservatives want to own this:

In the words of Robert D. Marcus: "Kennedy entered office with ambitions to eradicate poverty and to raise America’s eyes to the stars through the space program."[3]

Amongst the legislation passed by Congress during the Kennedy Administration, unemployment benefits were expanded, aid was provided to cities to improve housing and transportation, funds were allocated to continue the construction of a national highway system started under Eisenhower, a water pollution control act was passed to protect the country’s rivers and streams, and an agricultural act to raise farmers’ incomes was made law.[4]

A significant amount of anti-poverty legislation was passed by Congress, including increases in social security benefits and in the minimum wage, several housing bills, and aid to economically distressed areas. A few antirecession public works packages
,[3] together with a number of measures designed to assist farmers,[5] were introduced.

Major expansions and improvements were made in Social Security (including retirement at 62 for men), hospital construction, library services, family farm assistance and reclamation.[6]

Food stamps for low-income Americans were reintroduced,

food distribution to the poor was increased,

and there was an expansion in school milk and school lunch distribution. The most comprehensive farm legislation since 1938 was carried out, with expansions in rural electrification, soil conservation, crop insurance, farm credit, and marketing orders.

In September 1961, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency was established as the focal point in government for the “planning, negotiation, and execution of international disarmament and arms control agreements.”[7]

Altogether, the New Frontier witnessed the passage of a broad range of important social and economic reforms.[8]
According to Theodore White, under John F. Kennedy, more new legislation was actually approved and passed into law than at any other time since the Thirties.[9]

When Congress recessed in the latter part of 1961, 33 out of 53 bills that Kennedy had submitted to Congress were enacted. A year later, 40 out of 54 bills that the Kennedy Administration had proposed were passed by Congress, and in 1963 35 out of 58 “must” bills were enacted. As noted by Larry O’Brien, "A myth had arisen that he [Kennedy] was uninterested in Congress, or that he “failed” with Congress. The facts, I believe, are otherwise. Kennedy’s legislative record in 1961–63 was the best of any President since Roosevelt’s first term."[10]
The Kennedy Administration pushed an economic stimulus program through congress in an effort to kick-start the American economy following an economic downturn. On February 2, 1961, Kennedy sent a comprehensive Economic Message to Congress which had been in preparation for several weeks. The legislative proposals put forward in this message included:[6]

  1. The addition of a temporary thirteen-week supplement to jobless benefits,
  2. The extension of aid to the children of unemployed workers,
  3. The redevelopment of distressed areas,
  4. An increase in Social Security payments and the encouragement of earlier retirement,
  5. An increase in the minimum wage and an extension in coverage,
  6. The provision of emergency relief to feed grain farmers, and
  7. The financing of a comprehensive homebuilding and slum clearance program.
The following month, the first of these seven measures became law, and the remaining six measures had been signed by the end of June.
New Frontier
Go back.

Re-read the post.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?

Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.




Anywho, you can't stick to the topic of your own thread, which was about John F. Kennedy. Given the list I generated of policy decisions made by him, his staff or his party, I'd say that aligns him with more with conservatives than liberals.

The sad part here is that you consider the man an object, not a role model. "Our Kennedy." How pathetic.

Of course, Laura Bush ran a stop sign. In 1963. And of course, Ted Kennedy had his moment in the Chappaquiddick in 1969. Funny I don't see you vilifying him at all.
Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?

Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.



Yes, his famous I am a liberal speech is hallmark.

And just look how the conservatives want to own this:

In the words of Robert D. Marcus: "Kennedy entered office with ambitions to eradicate poverty and to raise America’s eyes to the stars through the space program."[3]

Amongst the legislation passed by Congress during the Kennedy Administration, unemployment benefits were expanded, aid was provided to cities to improve housing and transportation, funds were allocated to continue the construction of a national highway system started under Eisenhower, a water pollution control act was passed to protect the country’s rivers and streams, and an agricultural act to raise farmers’ incomes was made law.[4]

A significant amount of anti-poverty legislation was passed by Congress, including increases in social security benefits and in the minimum wage, several housing bills, and aid to economically distressed areas. A few antirecession public works packages
,[3] together with a number of measures designed to assist farmers,[5] were introduced.

Major expansions and improvements were made in Social Security (including retirement at 62 for men), hospital construction, library services, family farm assistance and reclamation.[6]

Food stamps for low-income Americans were reintroduced,

food distribution to the poor was increased,

and there was an expansion in school milk and school lunch distribution. The most comprehensive farm legislation since 1938 was carried out, with expansions in rural electrification, soil conservation, crop insurance, farm credit, and marketing orders.

In September 1961, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency was established as the focal point in government for the “planning, negotiation, and execution of international disarmament and arms control agreements.”[7]

Altogether, the New Frontier witnessed the passage of a broad range of important social and economic reforms.[8]
According to Theodore White, under John F. Kennedy, more new legislation was actually approved and passed into law than at any other time since the Thirties.[9]

When Congress recessed in the latter part of 1961, 33 out of 53 bills that Kennedy had submitted to Congress were enacted. A year later, 40 out of 54 bills that the Kennedy Administration had proposed were passed by Congress, and in 1963 35 out of 58 “must” bills were enacted. As noted by Larry O’Brien, "A myth had arisen that he [Kennedy] was uninterested in Congress, or that he “failed” with Congress. The facts, I believe, are otherwise. Kennedy’s legislative record in 1961–63 was the best of any President since Roosevelt’s first term."[10]
The Kennedy Administration pushed an economic stimulus program through congress in an effort to kick-start the American economy following an economic downturn. On February 2, 1961, Kennedy sent a comprehensive Economic Message to Congress which had been in preparation for several weeks. The legislative proposals put forward in this message included:[6]

  1. The addition of a temporary thirteen-week supplement to jobless benefits,
  2. The extension of aid to the children of unemployed workers,
  3. The redevelopment of distressed areas,
  4. An increase in Social Security payments and the encouragement of earlier retirement,
  5. An increase in the minimum wage and an extension in coverage,
  6. The provision of emergency relief to feed grain farmers, and
  7. The financing of a comprehensive homebuilding and slum clearance program.
The following month, the first of these seven measures became law, and the remaining six measures had been signed by the end of June.
New Frontier

Need I quote you what I quoted Sallow with earlier?
JFK wouldn't be a Democrap today.

He was pro-military, anti-communist, a Catholic, pro-low taxes, pro-business, etc.

Hmmmm, except for the Catholic angle.....he looks like Romney.

The Democraps would just roll out some black, Hispanic, Asian....woman that is also a lesbian to run against him.


Kennedy started the Peace Corps, was working on a health care plan that would become Medicare, wanted to spend more on education and science..and wanted to go to the moon. That and he wanted to get the civil rights act passed.

None of that is at all conservative.


1) Expanded our military

2) Sanctioned multiple attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro

3) Allowed U-2 spying on Russia's missile sites

4) Expanded the space program

5) Was anti-Communist

6) In 1963 before his death he:
  • a) Cut the corporate tax rate from 52 to 47%

  • b) Cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%
7) Advocated pro-growth economic policy in general

8) Was pro-Israel

9) Founded the US-Israeli military alliance

10) Advocated a coup of the Iraqi government

11) Launched the invasion of the Bay of Pigs

12) Signed Proclamation 3504 authorizing the naval quarantine of Communist Cuba

So, were any of these things liberal by your standards? The irony here is that he seems awfully and eerily similar to Bush is a lot of ways. Especially his attitudes toward Iraq, his economic policies, his attitude towards Israel and his military strategy overall. His campaign against communism was similar in scope to Bush's War on Terrorism. You can't say that the Space program was a liberal thing, since many presidents built upon it, the first moon landing in July 1969 happened on Nixon's watch. You have no clue how conservative he was. In fact had he been around today, he'd have more in common with Republicans than Democrats.

(Pause for effect)
And just look how the conservatives want to own this:

In the words of Robert D. Marcus: "Kennedy entered office with ambitions to eradicate poverty and to raise America’s eyes to the stars through the space program."[3]

Amongst the legislation passed by Congress during the Kennedy Administration, unemployment benefits were expanded, aid was provided to cities to improve housing and transportation, funds were allocated to continue the construction of a national highway system started under Eisenhower, a water pollution control act was passed to protect the country’s rivers and streams, and an agricultural act to raise farmers’ incomes was made law.[4]

A significant amount of anti-poverty legislation was passed by Congress, including increases in social security benefits and in the minimum wage, several housing bills, and aid to economically distressed areas. A few antirecession public works packages
,[3] together with a number of measures designed to assist farmers,[5] were introduced.

Major expansions and improvements were made in Social Security (including retirement at 62 for men), hospital construction, library services, family farm assistance and reclamation.[6]

Food stamps for low-income Americans were reintroduced,

food distribution to the poor was increased,

and there was an expansion in school milk and school lunch distribution. The most comprehensive farm legislation since 1938 was carried out, with expansions in rural electrification, soil conservation, crop insurance, farm credit, and marketing orders.

In September 1961, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency was established as the focal point in government for the “planning, negotiation, and execution of international disarmament and arms control agreements.”[7]

Altogether, the New Frontier witnessed the passage of a broad range of important social and economic reforms.[8]
According to Theodore White, under John F. Kennedy, more new legislation was actually approved and passed into law than at any other time since the Thirties.[9]

When Congress recessed in the latter part of 1961, 33 out of 53 bills that Kennedy had submitted to Congress were enacted. A year later, 40 out of 54 bills that the Kennedy Administration had proposed were passed by Congress, and in 1963 35 out of 58 “must” bills were enacted. As noted by Larry O’Brien, "A myth had arisen that he [Kennedy] was uninterested in Congress, or that he “failed” with Congress. The facts, I believe, are otherwise. Kennedy’s legislative record in 1961–63 was the best of any President since Roosevelt’s first term."[10]
The Kennedy Administration pushed an economic stimulus program through congress in an effort to kick-start the American economy following an economic downturn. On February 2, 1961, Kennedy sent a comprehensive Economic Message to Congress which had been in preparation for several weeks. The legislative proposals put forward in this message included:[6]

  1. The addition of a temporary thirteen-week supplement to jobless benefits,
  2. The extension of aid to the children of unemployed workers,
  3. The redevelopment of distressed areas,
  4. An increase in Social Security payments and the encouragement of earlier retirement,
  5. An increase in the minimum wage and an extension in coverage,
  6. The provision of emergency relief to feed grain farmers, and
  7. The financing of a comprehensive homebuilding and slum clearance program.
The following month, the first of these seven measures became law, and the remaining six measures had been signed by the end of June.
New Frontier
Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?

Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.




Anywho, you can't stick to the topic of your own thread, which was about John F. Kennedy. Given the list I generated of policy decisions made by him, his staff or his party, I'd say that aligns him with more with conservatives than liberals.

The sad part here is that you consider the man an object, not a role model. "Our Kennedy." How pathetic.

Of course, Laura Bush ran a stop sign. In 1963. And of course, Ted Kennedy had his moment in the Chappaquiddick in 1969. Funny I don't see you vilifying him at all.

Wait what?

The Topic of my thread is John Kennedy. A self described Liberal.

And no, most of the stuff he advocated for isn't within the realm of conservativism.

I didn't vilify either Laura Bush or Edward Kennedy. Neither have Liberals.

It's conservatives that seem to forget that both Laura Bush and Mitt Romney were involved in accidents that resulted in fatalities while labeling Edward Kennedy a criminal for his accident.
What you need to do is ignore what I just showed you for the cognitive dissonance to not be so uncomfortable.

I ignored it because I have substantive proof to the contrary. Democrats were way more conservative back in the 1960s than they are now. The party you belong to has moved significantly to the far left side of the ideological spectrum, whereas Democrats of that era were left of center. Republicans of that era were right of center, and ironically pushed for and backed many of the policies Kennedy proposed. Bipartisanship was a regular occurrence in most cases back then.

What you need to do is ignore history to make the butthurt not seem so uncomfortable.
Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party Nomination
September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal."

But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind,

someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions,

someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

But first, I would like to say what I understand the word "Liberal" to mean and explain in the process why I consider myself to be a "Liberal," and what it means in the presidential election of 1960.

Accepting the NY Liberal Party Nomination, 1960 . JFK . WGBH American Experience | PBS
Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.




Anywho, you can't stick to the topic of your own thread, which was about John F. Kennedy. Given the list I generated of policy decisions made by him, his staff or his party, I'd say that aligns him with more with conservatives than liberals.

The sad part here is that you consider the man an object, not a role model. "Our Kennedy." How pathetic.

Of course, Laura Bush ran a stop sign. In 1963. And of course, Ted Kennedy had his moment in the Chappaquiddick in 1969. Funny I don't see you vilifying him at all.

Wait what?

The Topic of my thread is John Kennedy. A self described Liberal.

And no, most of the stuff he advocated for isn't within the realm of conservativism.

I didn't vilify either Laura Bush or Edward Kennedy. Neither have Liberals.

It's conservatives that seem to forget that both Laura Bush and Mitt Romney were involved in accidents that resulted in fatalities while labeling Edward Kennedy a criminal for his accident.

LOL, you mentioning them (Mitt and Laura) in accidents seems to me like you're vilifying them. Hey, you brought it up, not me.

Kennedy started the Peace Corps, was working on a health care plan that would become Medicare, wanted to spend more on education and science..and wanted to go to the moon. That and he wanted to get the civil rights act passed.

None of that is at all conservative.


1) Expanded our military

2) Sanctioned multiple attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro

3) Allowed U-2 spying on Russia's missile sites

4) Expanded the space program

5) Was anti-Communist

6) In 1963 before his death he:
  • a) Cut the corporate tax rate from 52 to 47%

  • b) Cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%
7) Advocated pro-growth economic policy in general

8) Was pro-Israel

9) Founded the US-Israeli military alliance

10) Advocated a coup of the Iraqi government

11) Launched the invasion of the Bay of Pigs

12) Signed Proclamation 3504 authorizing the naval quarantine of Communist Cuba

So, were any of these things liberal by your standards? The irony here is that he seems awfully and eerily similar to Bush is a lot of ways. Especially his attitudes toward Iraq, his economic policies, his attitude towards Israel and his military strategy overall. His campaign against communism was similar in scope to Bush's War on Terrorism. You can't say that the Space program was a liberal thing, since many presidents built upon it, the first moon landing in July 1969 happened on Nixon's watch. You have no clue how conservative he was. In fact had he been around today, he'd have more in common with Republicans than Democrats.

(Pause for effect)

Pause for what effect?

You folks were calling him a communist. Heck, you folks were calling Eisenhower a communist. And yeah..Eisenhower was a liberal Republican.

By the way, you folks STILL TO THIS DAY call liberals, communists.

Some of our MOST ANTI-COMMUNIST Presidents, were Liberal.
Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party Nomination
September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal."

But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind,

someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions,

someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

But first, I would like to say what I understand the word "Liberal" to mean and explain in the process why I consider myself to be a "Liberal," and what it means in the presidential election of 1960.

Accepting the NY Liberal Party Nomination, 1960 . JFK . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Spare me your citations.

"NY Liberal Party"? Need I repeat myself?

1) Expanded our military

2) Sanctioned multiple attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro

3) Allowed U-2 spying on Russia's missile sites

4) Expanded the space program

5) Was anti-Communist

6) In 1963 before his death he:
  • a) Cut the corporate tax rate from 52 to 47%

  • b) Cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%
7) Advocated pro-growth economic policy in general

8) Was pro-Israel

9) Founded the US-Israeli military alliance

10) Advocated a coup of the Iraqi government

11) Launched the invasion of the Bay of Pigs

12) Signed Proclamation 3504 authorizing the naval quarantine of Communist Cuba

So, were any of these things liberal by your standards? The irony here is that he seems awfully and eerily similar to Bush is a lot of ways. Especially his attitudes toward Iraq, his economic policies, his attitude towards Israel and his military strategy overall. His campaign against communism was similar in scope to Bush's War on Terrorism. You can't say that the Space program was a liberal thing, since many presidents built upon it, the first moon landing in July 1969 happened on Nixon's watch. You have no clue how conservative he was. In fact had he been around today, he'd have more in common with Republicans than Democrats.

(Pause for effect)

Pause for what effect?

You folks were calling him a communist.

By the way, you folks STILL TO THIS DAY call liberal communists.

Some of our MOST ANTI-COMMUNIST Presidents, were Liberal.

oh brother, you liberals think so highly of yourselves...it's an embarrassing trait

1) Expanded our military

2) Sanctioned multiple attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro

3) Allowed U-2 spying on Russia's missile sites

4) Expanded the space program

5) Was anti-Communist

6) In 1963 before his death he:
  • a) Cut the corporate tax rate from 52 to 47%

  • b) Cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%
7) Advocated pro-growth economic policy in general

8) Was pro-Israel

9) Founded the US-Israeli military alliance

10) Advocated a coup of the Iraqi government

11) Launched the invasion of the Bay of Pigs

12) Signed Proclamation 3504 authorizing the naval quarantine of Communist Cuba

So, were any of these things liberal by your standards? The irony here is that he seems awfully and eerily similar to Bush is a lot of ways. Especially his attitudes toward Iraq, his economic policies, his attitude towards Israel and his military strategy overall. His campaign against communism was similar in scope to Bush's War on Terrorism. You can't say that the Space program was a liberal thing, since many presidents built upon it, the first moon landing in July 1969 happened on Nixon's watch. You have no clue how conservative he was. In fact had he been around today, he'd have more in common with Republicans than Democrats.

(Pause for effect)

Pause for what effect?

You folks were calling him a communist.

By the way, you folks STILL TO THIS DAY call liberal communists.

Some of our MOST ANTI-COMMUNIST Presidents, were Liberal.

Have I ever called JFK a communist? Have I called Obama a communist? Have I called YOU a communist? Perhaps you should stop lying now.

To boot, some of our most anti communist presidents were Conservative. Your point? Everyone hates Communism.
Look at JFK's great conservative heroes:

This is an important election -- in many ways as important as any this century -- and I think that the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party here in New York, and those who believe in progress all over the United States, should be associated with us in this great effort.

The reason that Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson had influence abroad, and the United States in their time had it, was because they moved this country here at home, because they stood for something here in the United States, for expanding the benefits of our society to our own people, and the people around the world looked to us as a symbol of hope.

I think it is our task to re-create the same atmosphere in our own time. Our national elections have often proved to be the turning point in the course of our country. I am proposing that 1960 be another turning point in the history of the great Republic.
Some pundits are saying it's 1928 all over again.

I say it's 1932 all over again.
I say this is the great opportunity that we will have in our time to move our people and this country and the people of the free world beyond the new frontiers of the 1960s.

Accepting the NY Liberal Party Nomination, 1960 . JFK . WGBH American Experience | PBS
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What you need to do is ignore what I just showed you for the cognitive dissonance to not be so uncomfortable.

I ignored it because I have substantive proof to the contrary. Democrats were way more conservative back in the 1960s than they are now. The party you belong to has moved significantly to the far left side of the ideological spectrum, whereas Democrats of that era were left of center. Republicans of that era were right of center, and ironically pushed for and backed many of the policies Kennedy proposed. Bipartisanship was a regular occurrence in most cases back then.

What you need to do is ignore history to make the butthurt not seem so uncomfortable.

Yeah..some of them were.

We called them "DixieCrats".

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