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Our Kennedy.

we don't have to "pervert" liberal ideology...

it is perverted and harmful to others, where it make's them dependents of government instead of preaching, standing on their own as free people in a free country

it's that slave mentality of liberal ideology..what better way for them to have CONTROL over people

You have it backwards. It is conservative economic policies which created the "takers". Bush is the guy who came up with "earned income credits" because he didn't want to raise the minimum wage. Food stamp recipients tripled under Ronald Reagan, and wages for the working class stagnanted from 1980 onward.

The conservative media has been villifed the poor since Reagan's "welfare queen" lie of the 1980's to distract the gullible and the stupid from the real sources of poverty, all the while transferring the wealth of the nation to the richest individuals and corporations.

Liberal idealogy seeks to level the playing field, and give everyone an equal opportunity to succeed. Conservative policies tilt the playing field to favour the rich. If you're stupid enough to believe that Republicans want smaller government and a balanced budget, despite all reasonable evidence to the contrary, you truly are deserving of the "sheeple" label you keep trying to pin on liberals.

EIC's started in 1975 and have been revamped several times since then, to say Bush came up with EIC's is not correct.

Food stamp recipients went down, not up under Reagan, another incorrect statement.

The facts are the real median income rose by $4,000 under Reagan.

Liberal ideology wants an elite class to tell the rest what to do.

Republicans want as much spending and government as the Democrats. Conservatives want small government, less spending, balanced budgets.
Liberals have made up and actually believe they are "superior" and so is their Ideology...then ask why people can't stand them

that's why they worship a man like Obama...he is nothing but his Ideology..He was good at community agitating...about the only thing...Now he's agitating us and our country to TRANSFORM into his warped Visions while take our FREEDOMS from us...and so are his followers..

and he is as intolerant, hateful, a thug when he doesn't get his way, arrogant and cold...

that is the Liberal...we see here everyday
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"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

Kennedy wasn't advocating get rid of programs to help the poor. What he was advocating with those folks with means to start working for the good of the country..instead of just themselves.

You folks pervert everything that is good and pure.

start working for the good of the country..instead of just themselves.

if only today's Congress would adhere to that...
"Ask not what your country can do for you" was Kennedy's call to young people to serve in the Peace Corps at slave wages for two years. It was not a rant against expecting government handouts, but a call to public service.

The fact that conservatives don't understand this and try to pervert into something it isn't is all you need to know about how they continually try to pervert liberal idealogy.

Here is the quote in entirety, where is public service mentioned?

"Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You"

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this responsibility — I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
horseshit, shallow. helping people is a conservative belief, medicare was passed with GOP votes, the moon landing was supported by people from both parties and with all political viewpoints. The civil rights act would not have passed without GOP votes and was fillibustered by democrats.

your view of history is totally incorrect. were you taught by a member of the teachers union?

well that is what happens when you get all of your view points

from MSLSD and truthout


The GOP of yesterday isn't the GOP of today.

But the conservative vs. liberal paradigm? Yeah..that carries on.

It's conservatives that want to do away with Medicare, civil rights, science and education.

been talking to Dean?....
Go back.

Re-read the post.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Oh, I think I do. You've been exuding butthurt from the moment I knocked your "Kennedy isn't a conservative" argument out of the park.

Romney has a body on his record? Link?

So does Laura Bush? Also, link?

Okay..first off..

I was posting about vilifying Edward Kennedy.

That continues to this day.

Secondly? Romney had an accident in France killing his passenger. You can google it.

Laura Bush had an accident that killed her ex boyfriend.

You can google that too.

You not very good at "gotcha" or much else.




Sallow did those 2 run away from the scene of the accident?....just asking....
we don't have to "pervert" liberal ideology...

it is perverted and harmful to others, where it make's them dependents of government instead of preaching, standing on their own as free people in a free country

it's that slave mentality of liberal ideology..what better way for them to have CONTROL over people

You have it backwards. It is conservative economic policies which created the "takers". Bush is the guy who came up with "earned income credits" because he didn't want to raise the minimum wage. Food stamp recipients tripled under Ronald Reagan, and wages for the working class stagnanted from 1980 onward.

The conservative media has been villifed the poor since Reagan's "welfare queen" lie of the 1980's to distract the gullible and the stupid from the real sources of poverty, all the while transferring the wealth of the nation to the richest individuals and corporations.

Liberal idealogy seeks to level the playing field, and give everyone an equal opportunity to succeed. Conservative policies tilt the playing field to favour the rich. If you're stupid enough to believe that Republicans want smaller government and a balanced budget, despite all reasonable evidence to the contrary, you truly are deserving of the "sheeple" label you keep trying to pin on liberals.

yeah, by force or a gun at people's heads
you aren't all that, you just think you are
you people are doing a FINE job of leveling the playing field with ABORTION
funny you don't think the same about them
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well that is what happens when you get all of your view points

from MSLSD and truthout


The GOP of yesterday isn't the GOP of today.

But the conservative vs. liberal paradigm? Yeah..that carries on.

It's conservatives that want to do away with Medicare, civil rights, science and education.

been talking to Dean?....

It's liberals like rdean, and sallow that keep lying and are not honest.
You folks pervert everything that is good and pure.

and you liberals don't?
Liberals believe people are basically good, conservatives believe people are basically evil.
Liberals believe in raising people up, conservatives believe in pushing people down.
Liberals believe in encouragement, conservatives believe in scorn.
Liberals always stand up for the little guy, conservatives always stand up for the big guy.

you people are nothing but, perversion
you couldn't live with yourselves if you didn't have that
I find the liberal ideology to be PHONY and just downright sick and evil

they can support abortion, then carry on about wanting to even the playing field, they care more for people...blah blah blah is all I hear
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It's liberals like rdean, and sallow that keep lying and are not honest.

Yeah that's why those who use Fox as their news source know less about current events than people who don't watch TV at all. Because Fox news is so full of misstatements, and outright lies that their viewers have no clue what's really going on in the world. Of course, if they told the truth, more people would be voting for the Democratic party, because the facts are that the Republicans don't have the best interests of the people of the United States as their over-riding concern. Their hearts and souls have been sold to the highest bidder.
It's liberals like rdean, and sallow that keep lying and are not honest.

Yeah that's why those who use Fox as their news source know less about current events than people who don't watch TV at all. Because Fox news is so full of misstatements, and outright lies that their viewers have no clue what's really going on in the world. Of course, if they told the truth, more people would be voting for the Democratic party, because the facts are that the Republicans don't have the best interests of the people of the United States as their over-riding concern. Their hearts and souls have been sold to the highest bidder.

right here folks is liberals..

everything is fox fox fox fox fox fox news
nobody can think for themselves in their uppity warped world
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Bwa ha.

Nice cop out Sallow. Kennedy was highly interventionist. Read the Kennedy Doctrine and get back to me. And as a side note, who entered the US into WWII?


Did JFK send in US troops during the Bay of Pigs invasion?
Did JFK send in US troops during the Cuban missile crisis??
Did JFK send in troops when the Berlin Wall went up???

At EVERY turn, JFK was NON-interventionist.

And we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient - that we are only six percent of the world's population - that we cannot impose our will upon the other ninety-four percent of mankind - that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity - and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”
President John F. Kennedy

He was very much interventionist. He sent an additional thousand advisors into vietnam breaking the earlier geneva contract. LBJ continued his dream by sending/forcing troops in the hundreds of thousands into the area. We never had any business there.

TOTAL bullshit...


The biggest lie of our time, after the Warren Report, is the notion that Johnson
merely continued or expanded Kennedy's policy in Vietnam after the

NSAM 263, signed on Oct. 11, 1963, officially approved and implemented the same
McNamara-Taylor recommendations that had prompted the press statement of Oct. 2.
They recommended that:

"A program be established to train Vietnamese so that essential functions now
performed by U.S. military personnel can be carried out by Vietnamese by the end
of 1965. It should be possible to withdraw the bulk of U.S. personnel by that

"In accordance with the program to train progressively Vietnamese to take over
military functions, the Defense Department should announce in the very near
future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the
end of 1963.
This action should be explained in low key as an initial step in a
long-term program to replace U.S. personnel with trained Vietnamese without
impairment of the war effort" (Pentagon Papers, NY: Bantam, 1971, pp. 211-212).

The withdrawal policy was confirmed at a news conference on Oct. 31, where
Kennedy said in response to a reporter's question if there was "any speedup in
the withdrawal from Vietnam":
JFK was a liberal. If you hated Teddy's politics, you would have hated Jack and Bobby's too. Ted dedicated his public life to carrying out his two brother's unfinished agenda.

The Great Society was based on our slain President's New Frontier. The following were President Kennedy's agenda and proposals:

Civil Rights Bill
War on Poverty

And JFK did not believe in trickle down economics.

JFK, The Demand-Side Tax Cutter

JFK lowered taxes, but supply-siders wrongly claim he's their patron saint.


"The Revenue Act of 1964 was aimed at the demand, rather than the supply, side of the economy," said Arthur Okun, one of Kennedy's economic advisers.

This distinction, taught in Economics 101, seldom makes it into the Washington sound-bite wars. A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it. A supply-side cut sees business investment as the key to growth. Government gives money to businesses and wealthy individuals to invest, ultimately benefiting all Americans. Back in the early 1960s, tax cutting was as contentious as it is today, but it was liberal demand-siders who were calling for the cuts and generating the controversy.

When Kennedy ran for president in 1960 amid a sluggish economy, he vowed to "get the country moving again." After his election, his advisers, led by chief economist Walter Heller, urged a classically Keynesian solution: running a deficit to stimulate growth. (The $10 billion deficit Heller recommended, bold at the time, seems laughably small by today's standards.) In Keynesian theory, a tax cut aimed at consumers would have a "multiplier" effect, since each dollar that a taxpayer spent would go to another taxpayer, who would in effect spend it again—meaning the deficit would be short-lived.

At first Kennedy balked at Heller's Keynesianism. He even proposed a balanced budget in his first State of the Union address. But Heller and his team won over the president. By mid-1962 Kennedy had seen the Keynesian light, and in January 1963 he declared that "the enactment this year of tax reduction and tax reform overshadows all other domestic issues in this Congress."

The plan Kennedy's team drafted had many elements, including the closing of loopholes (the "tax reform" Kennedy spoke of).Ultimately, in the form that Lyndon Johnson signed into law, it reduced tax withholding rates, initiated a new standard deduction, and boosted the top deduction for child care expenses, among other provisions. It did lower the top tax bracket significantly, although from a vastly higher starting point than anything we've seen in recent years: 91 percent on marginal income greater than $400,000. And he cut it only to 70 percent, hardly the mark of a future Club for Growth member.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

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