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Our Kennedy.

Jfk. Bought election. Bay of pigs. Cuban missile crisis. Vietnnam. Classless husband. Another empty suit offering meaningless platitudes like hope. Still, heads above his drunken younger brother teddy, the fredo of the family.

and the rest of those in that clan of rapist, murderers, drug addicts, drug overdoses, drunken car running off bridges drowning women and leaving them in their cars...

all that family has done all their lives is SUCK off taxpayers for their living...And they're hailed as heroes for it

something wrong with our society

Well said Stephanie.

And I would add that JFK's Hitler-admiring daddy Joe, when US Ambassador in London in 1940 assured FDR that Britain would surrender to Germany like any day now.

(As the historical knowledge possessed by some of you is - shall we say? - imperfect perhaps I should add that Britain did not surrender in 1940, or at any other time).
Really? You're playing the You-must-hate-children card? What happened? Run out of race cards or did you misplace your you-must-hate-the-elderly cards? Perhaps you have some you-hate-clean-water cards under the sofa cushions that you can play every time your argument is too vacuous to stand on its own. Personally, if I were you I would stick some war-on-women cards up my sleeve just in case you get boxed in by facts and reality.

Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

How many children have died of starvation due to Republican cuts? There are tons of resources for everyone to get food.

I am afraid you have not grasped to Marxist-Leninist concept of 'objective reality'. Don't let your mind be clouded by those silly 'fact' things.

It goes like this. Republicans are evil: check. Evil people starve children: check.
Therefore: Thousands of children have died because of Republican cuts!

It's quite easy. I'm sure you will soon get the hang of it.
Jfk. Bought election. Bay of pigs. Cuban missile crisis. Vietnnam. Classless husband. Another empty suit offering meaningless platitudes like hope. Still, heads above his drunken younger brother teddy, the fredo of the family.

and the rest of those in that clan of rapist, murderers, drug addicts, drug overdoses, drunken car running off bridges drowning women and leaving them in their cars...

all that family has done all their lives is SUCK off taxpayers for their living...And they're hailed as heroes for it

something wrong with our society

Well said Stephanie.

And I would add that JFK's Hitler-admiring daddy Joe, when US Ambassador in London in 1940 assured FDR that Britain would surrender to Germany like any day now.

(As the historical knowledge possessed by some of you is - shall we say? - imperfect perhaps I should add that Britain did not surrender in 1940, or at any other time).

Historical knowledge? You have the nerve to question someone's historical knowledge, then follow it up with ignorant right wing bullshit? Old man Kennedy was not admiring of Hitler, he was admiring of not getting the US into a war. He supported the Conservative Prime Minister Chamberlain's attempt to prevent war. Even though Hitler double crossed Chamberlain, it bought time for England to built arms and to form alliances that would be crucial to England and Europe's survival. If old man Kennedy had an ulterior motive, it was because he feared for the lives of his three eldest sons, Joe, Jack and Bobby, all of whom were or soon would be eligible to serve.
Maher doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground... Kennedy would be today's right of center moderate within the democrat party- hell. he'd probably have switched parties JUST LIKE Reagan did with the quip " I didn't leave the democrat part- the democrat party left me".

Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

How many children have died of starvation due to Republican cuts? There are tons of resources for everyone to get food.

I am afraid you have not grasped to Marxist-Leninist concept of 'objective reality'. Don't let your mind be clouded by those silly 'fact' things.

It goes like this. Republicans are evil: check. Evil people starve children: check.
Therefore: Thousands of children have died because of Republican cuts!

It's quite easy. I'm sure you will soon get the hang of it.

You know, old Harry S. Truman had you right wing cocksuckers nailed 65 years ago. And that was when Republicans were more centrist.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948
Is that what you tell yourself so as not to feel guilty that you begrudge children food?

Really? You're playing the You-must-hate-children card? What happened? Run out of race cards or did you misplace your you-must-hate-the-elderly cards? Perhaps you have some you-hate-clean-water cards under the sofa cushions that you can play every time your argument is too vacuous to stand on its own. Personally, if I were you I would stick some war-on-women cards up my sleeve just in case you get boxed in by facts and reality.

Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

Where did Democrats get this feeling that it's up to Government to provide by stealing from those who take responsibility for their lives. Sure Democrats win elections and they get the chickenshit entitlement votes but people should Man-up or Lady-up to responsibility,

Some people do deserve or have earned the right to help so they can get back on track and they should be helped but making a life of dependance is no better than freeloading and civil slavery to the government.

Well..just sayin...:lol:
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JFK was a liberal. If you hated Teddy's politics, you would have hated Jack and Bobby's too. Ted dedicated his public life to carrying out his two brother's unfinished agenda.

The Great Society was based on our slain President's New Frontier. The following were President Kennedy's agenda and proposals:

Civil Rights Bill
War on Poverty

And JFK did not believe in trickle down economics.

JFK, The Demand-Side Tax Cutter

JFK lowered taxes, but supply-siders wrongly claim he's their patron saint.


"The Revenue Act of 1964 was aimed at the demand, rather than the supply, side of the economy," said Arthur Okun, one of Kennedy's economic advisers.

This distinction, taught in Economics 101, seldom makes it into the Washington sound-bite wars. A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it. A supply-side cut sees business investment as the key to growth. Government gives money to businesses and wealthy individuals to invest, ultimately benefiting all Americans. Back in the early 1960s, tax cutting was as contentious as it is today, but it was liberal demand-siders who were calling for the cuts and generating the controversy.

When Kennedy ran for president in 1960 amid a sluggish economy, he vowed to "get the country moving again." After his election, his advisers, led by chief economist Walter Heller, urged a classically Keynesian solution: running a deficit to stimulate growth. (The $10 billion deficit Heller recommended, bold at the time, seems laughably small by today's standards.) In Keynesian theory, a tax cut aimed at consumers would have a "multiplier" effect, since each dollar that a taxpayer spent would go to another taxpayer, who would in effect spend it again—meaning the deficit would be short-lived.

At first Kennedy balked at Heller's Keynesianism. He even proposed a balanced budget in his first State of the Union address. But Heller and his team won over the president. By mid-1962 Kennedy had seen the Keynesian light, and in January 1963 he declared that "the enactment this year of tax reduction and tax reform overshadows all other domestic issues in this Congress."

The plan Kennedy's team drafted had many elements, including the closing of loopholes (the "tax reform" Kennedy spoke of).Ultimately, in the form that Lyndon Johnson signed into law, it reduced tax withholding rates, initiated a new standard deduction, and boosted the top deduction for child care expenses, among other provisions. It did lower the top tax bracket significantly, although from a vastly higher starting point than anything we've seen in recent years: 91 percent on marginal income greater than $400,000. And he cut it only to 70 percent, hardly the mark of a future Club for Growth member.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

Nobody hated JfK......
and I've been helping the poor for 45 years of my working life
so you all can take this how only you liberals are the saints for the poor
JfK wasn't any more special than any other President..He just wasn't the RADICAL that you liberals support and are today
Nobody hated jfk....um......he was murdered you fucking hag....someone hated him enough to remove him from the picture. Seriously just die off already you moronic piece of shit. You lying worthless troll.

You are why our educational system is doing so poorly. They pump out retards like you to infest this world with your stupidity.
I find the liberal ideology to be PHONY and just downright sick and evil

they can support abortion, then carry on about wanting to even the playing field, they care more for people...blah blah blah is all I hear

And you are a talking point bot. You dont think for yourself period. Nothing about you I cant find someplace else, said by someone smarter.

You are not even a fart in history.

Sweet Nothings Plasma..:lol:

Oh good cancer lump decided to chime in and show how stupid he is.
Maher doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground... Kennedy would be today's right of center moderate within the democrat party- hell. he'd probably have switched parties JUST LIKE Reagan did with the quip " I didn't leave the democrat part- the democrat party left me".


"We have all seen these circus elephants complete with tusks, ivory in their head and thick skins, who move around the circus ring and grab the tail of the elephant ahead of them.

I cannot believe that California or the Nation, on next Tuesday, in the most difficult and dangerous and revolutionary period in world history, can put the control of this country in the hands of those who have opposed progress for 25 years."
Senator John F. Kennedy - November 2, 1960
I find the liberal ideology to be PHONY and just downright sick and evil

they can support abortion, then carry on about wanting to even the playing field, they care more for people...blah blah blah is all I hear

And you are a talking point bot. You dont think for yourself period. Nothing about you I cant find someplace else, said by someone smarter.

You are not even a fart in history.


You're an expert on farts...........

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How many children have died of starvation due to Republican cuts? There are tons of resources for everyone to get food.

I am afraid you have not grasped to Marxist-Leninist concept of 'objective reality'. Don't let your mind be clouded by those silly 'fact' things.

It goes like this. Republicans are evil: check. Evil people starve children: check.
Therefore: Thousands of children have died because of Republican cuts!

It's quite easy. I'm sure you will soon get the hang of it.

You know, old Harry S. Truman had you right wing cocksuckers nailed 65 years ago. And that was when Republicans were more centrist.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

You know what's REALLY funny, Bfgrn? That you probably think that 'ole Harry "The Buck Stops Here" Truman would find Barack Obama admirable. Truman was a man who put that sign on his desk in the Oval Office because he was willing to take the heat for doing the right thing even when it was politically unpopular. Barack Obama's sign would read "The Buck Stops THERE!!!"

Harry was straight up Kansas honest...Barry is straight up Chicago dishonest.
Really? You're playing the You-must-hate-children card? What happened? Run out of race cards or did you misplace your you-must-hate-the-elderly cards? Perhaps you have some you-hate-clean-water cards under the sofa cushions that you can play every time your argument is too vacuous to stand on its own. Personally, if I were you I would stick some war-on-women cards up my sleeve just in case you get boxed in by facts and reality.

Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

Where did Democrats get this feeling that it's up to Government to provide by stealing from those who take responsibility for their lives. Sure Democrats win elections and they get the chickenshit entitlement votes but people should Man-up or Lady-up to responsibility,

Some people do deserve or have earned the right to help so they can get back on track and they should be helped but making a life of dependance is no better than freeloading and civil slavery to the government.

Well..just sayin...:lol:

Basically what you are protecting are those that steal from us all. Most of the rich, didn't "earn" their riches. They inherited it. They used guile and ruthlessness to con it out of people. Taxes do many things and some of those things are to add parity to an unfair system.

Otherwise there is a more "righteous" way to "redistribute" wealth. And it starts with guillotines.

I am afraid you have not grasped to Marxist-Leninist concept of 'objective reality'. Don't let your mind be clouded by those silly 'fact' things.

It goes like this. Republicans are evil: check. Evil people starve children: check.
Therefore: Thousands of children have died because of Republican cuts!

It's quite easy. I'm sure you will soon get the hang of it.

You know, old Harry S. Truman had you right wing cocksuckers nailed 65 years ago. And that was when Republicans were more centrist.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

You know what's REALLY funny, Bfgrn? That you probably think that 'ole Harry "The Buck Stops Here" Truman would find Barack Obama admirable. Truman was a man who put that sign on his desk in the Oval Office because he was willing to take the heat for doing the right thing even when it was politically unpopular. Barack Obama's sign would read "The Buck Stops THERE!!!"

Harry was straight up Kansas honest...Barry is straight up Chicago dishonest.

Truman had lower approval ratings than Obama.
Really? You're playing the You-must-hate-children card? What happened? Run out of race cards or did you misplace your you-must-hate-the-elderly cards? Perhaps you have some you-hate-clean-water cards under the sofa cushions that you can play every time your argument is too vacuous to stand on its own. Personally, if I were you I would stick some war-on-women cards up my sleeve just in case you get boxed in by facts and reality.

Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

How many children have died of starvation due to Republican cuts? There are tons of resources for everyone to get food.

If there were tons of resources for everyone to get "adequate, nutritious" food, we wouldn't have such a large number of people that are suffering from food insecurity. And the statistics below are from before Republicans decided to cut even more.

It is not okay for people to suffer from food insecurity just because they don't die, although it seems that some Republican/conservatives would prefer these people would just hurry up and die and release them of any further obligation to provide any kind of funding.

Feeding America's study, funded by ConAgra Foods, is based on 2009 statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which runs 15 food aid programs, including the nationwide free and subsidized school lunch program and WIC, a supplemental food program that provides tailored food supplements to pregnant women and families with children under age 5 whose household income is less than 185 percent of the gross federal poverty limit. That's an annual gross income of $41,348 for a family of four.

The study also breaks down child food insecurity rates by congressional district, which could send a powerful message to Washington. The proposed House budget for 2012 includes substantial cuts to food aid programs in the 2012 budget cycle. The cuts could affect up to 350,000 recipients of the WIC program alone. The Emergency Food Assistance Program, which provides agricultural products to food banks to pass on to the poor, is also facing a proposed $50 million cut, representing one fifth of the budget for this program.

HUNGER HURTS: Millions of American Kids Go Hungry - ABC News

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the legislation proposed by House Republicans would reduce spending on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program by $39 billion over the next 10 years.
It also would reduce the number of Americans receiving food stamps by 14 million - from 48 million to 34 million - by 2023, CBO estimates.
And it would cut funding for job training while imposing new work requirements, according to Stacy Dean, vice president for food assistance policy at the liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
"This proposal is incredibly harsh,'' she said.

House Republicans Planning Cut to Food Aid - Bread for the World: Have Faith. End Hunger.
Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

Where did Democrats get this feeling that it's up to Government to provide by stealing from those who take responsibility for their lives. Sure Democrats win elections and they get the chickenshit entitlement votes but people should Man-up or Lady-up to responsibility,

Some people do deserve or have earned the right to help so they can get back on track and they should be helped but making a life of dependance is no better than freeloading and civil slavery to the government.

Well..just sayin...:lol:

Basically what you are protecting are those that steal from us all. Most of the rich, didn't "earn" their riches. They inherited it. They used guile and ruthlessness to con it out of people. Taxes do many things and some of those things are to add parity to an unfair system.

Otherwise there is a more "righteous" way to "redistribute" wealth. And it starts with guillotines.

You are such an idiot..:lol:...moving on..
Where did Democrats get this feeling that it's up to Government to provide by stealing from those who take responsibility for their lives. Sure Democrats win elections and they get the chickenshit entitlement votes but people should Man-up or Lady-up to responsibility,

Some people do deserve or have earned the right to help so they can get back on track and they should be helped but making a life of dependance is no better than freeloading and civil slavery to the government.

Well..just sayin...:lol:

Basically what you are protecting are those that steal from us all. Most of the rich, didn't "earn" their riches. They inherited it. They used guile and ruthlessness to con it out of people. Taxes do many things and some of those things are to add parity to an unfair system.

Otherwise there is a more "righteous" way to "redistribute" wealth. And it starts with guillotines.

You are such an idiot..:lol:...moving on..

And you are a poopy pants Diaper head.

Wait a minute!

Ted Nugent are you Lumpy 1??????

Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

Where did Democrats get this feeling that it's up to Government to provide by stealing from those who take responsibility for their lives. Sure Democrats win elections and they get the chickenshit entitlement votes but people should Man-up or Lady-up to responsibility,

Some people do deserve or have earned the right to help so they can get back on track and they should be helped but making a life of dependance is no better than freeloading and civil slavery to the government.

Well..just sayin...:lol:

Basically what you are protecting are those that steal from us all. Most of the rich, didn't "earn" their riches. They inherited it. They used guile and ruthlessness to con it out of people. Taxes do many things and some of those things are to add parity to an unfair system.

Otherwise there is a more "righteous" way to "redistribute" wealth. And it starts with guillotines.

That's a compelling cartoon.

Unfortunately, it glosses over ways that blacks have been harmed by some of things which people of good intent actually did hope would help them. And which may have helped to a large degree but which may need to be tweaked now.
Really? You're trying to tell me there is some other excuse other than not giving a damn, to cut programs that provide food for children? And, it's not my fault that the Republican party wants to hurt seniors, minorities, women and children, so, if you don't want those cards thrown at you, don't support such nonsense.

How many children have died of starvation due to Republican cuts? There are tons of resources for everyone to get food.

Yes there is...We fell on hard time's just recently and I looked up charities that give out food
tons of them out there...But the liberal ideology, if it's not from the government it isn't WORTHY and that make people not caring

Sure there are many food pantries and charitable organizations handing out some food, etc., but it is still not enough to take care of the masses of poor people. And, the government is still providing the majority of the food that is being provided - but thanks to Republican/conservatives like you, you would like the government to leave it entirely to these church and charity organizations to feed all the hungry.

Churches and charitable organizations do not have the volunteers, nor the resources or the money to do the certifying of who is needy and who isn't. Most of the people coming to these places to get food are being recommended by churches or schools who are not equipped to figure out whether there are people that are able to work but don't in those families, and many times people that don't really need or deserve it are the ones getting most of it. I've seen how some people will lie to get free stuff - and they are not all minorities, either, like you, for instance. Some of these people don't have the luxury of a car to take them to a food pantry, like you, either.

But, what the hey, you really aren't concerned with the logistics, right, you just want your taxes to be lowered, and if some of them happen to die, well, that's none of your concern.
Basically what you are protecting are those that steal from us all. Most of the rich, didn't "earn" their riches. They inherited it. They used guile and ruthlessness to con it out of people. Taxes do many things and some of those things are to add parity to an unfair system.

Otherwise there is a more "righteous" way to "redistribute" wealth. And it starts with guillotines.

You are such an idiot..:lol:...moving on..

And you are a poopy pants Diaper head.

Wait a minute!

Ted Nugent are you Lumpy 1??????


Try to think for a change ..The rich and the corporations end up passing their higher costs onto the price of their products and services, your question , who ends up paying?
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