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Our Kennedy.

So much hate.. I'm glad I don't have your life.

My life is fine..hating someone takes zero energy. Dont think so highly of yourself.

So much stress in hating, laughing is far better for you..you should try it..

I'd rather not have to pay for your heart operations and trust me, there no fun.

No kidding, that guy is one angry guy. The anger in his posts make me laugh. A lot of hate for such a small mind.
You know, old Harry S. Truman had you right wing cocksuckers nailed 65 years ago. And that was when Republicans were more centrist.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

You know what's REALLY funny, Bfgrn? That you probably think that 'ole Harry "The Buck Stops Here" Truman would find Barack Obama admirable. Truman was a man who put that sign on his desk in the Oval Office because he was willing to take the heat for doing the right thing even when it was politically unpopular. Barack Obama's sign would read "The Buck Stops THERE!!!"

Harry was straight up Kansas honest...Barry is straight up Chicago dishonest.

Truman had lower approval ratings than Obama.

And yet Truman is one of our most respected Presidents! Why? Because he took doing the JOB of being President seriously. There isn't a prayer of that happening with Barack Obama because five years into his being President he STILL hasn't grasped how it's all supposed to work. He's still campaigning because that's all he knows how to do.
My life is fine..hating someone takes zero energy. Dont think so highly of yourself.

So much stress in hating, laughing is far better for you..you should try it..

I'd rather not have to pay for your heart operations and trust me, there no fun.

No kidding, that guy is one angry guy. The anger in his posts make me laugh. A lot of hate for such a small mind.

hey even he says he is a Dick.....what do expect?....
Bill Maher nails it.

Bill Maher on JFK vs Reagan: 'Our Kennedy Is Kennedy' | Video Cafe

Bill Maher had a few words for the Republicans who still "get a lump in their throat" for "their Kennedy" Ronald Reagan during his New Rules segment this Friday night.

MAHER: Now, I don't know if all politics is local, but I do think all politics is tribal and just as some people are dog people and others are cat people, some have a chip in their brain to be Democrats and others to be Republicans. We have Kennedy, you have Reagan. We have marijuana, you have Metamucil.

We want gays in the military. You want them in the airport restroom. [...]

The one reason we looked uglier in the '80's, is because we were uglier. It was when the baby boomers, the generation that was supposed to be different, just gave up and sold out completely. Kennedy's time was the time of "Ask not what your country can do for you." Reagan's was the time of "Greed is good."

JFK was far from perfect, but he was a true wit and a sex machine and he knew how to wear a pair of shades. Reagan was an amiable square in a cowboy hat who had sex with a woman he called mommie.

Kennedy was James Bond. Reagan was Matlock. Love him or hate him, we win. Republicans can call Reagan their Kennedy all they want, but it's like calling Miller High Life 'the champagne of beer. It's why calling someone your Kennedy will never really cut it, because our Kennedy, is Kennedy.

Damn, Maher does have a way with words.
and the rest of those in that clan of rapist, murderers, drug addicts, drug overdoses, drunken car running off bridges drowning women and leaving them in their cars...

all that family has done all their lives is SUCK off taxpayers for their living...And they're hailed as heroes for it

something wrong with our society

Well said Stephanie.

And I would add that JFK's Hitler-admiring daddy Joe, when US Ambassador in London in 1940 assured FDR that Britain would surrender to Germany like any day now.

(As the historical knowledge possessed by some of you is - shall we say? - imperfect perhaps I should add that Britain did not surrender in 1940, or at any other time).

Historical knowledge? You have the nerve to question someone's historical knowledge, then follow it up with ignorant right wing bullshit? Old man Kennedy was not admiring of Hitler, he was admiring of not getting the US into a war. He supported the Conservative Prime Minister Chamberlain's attempt to prevent war. Even though Hitler double crossed Chamberlain, it bought time for England to built arms and to form alliances that would be crucial to England and Europe's survival. If old man Kennedy had an ulterior motive, it was because he feared for the lives of his three eldest sons, Joe, Jack and Bobby, all of whom were or soon would be eligible to serve.

Kennedy was still telling his boss FDR that Britain was about to surrender after Chamberlain's resignation and Churchill succeeding to the Prime Ministership.

Yes England bought time to build arms. But 'form alliances'? - I can't think of any. One with the US would have been nice but that wasn't going to happen. The US only being interested in selling war materiel cash on the nail. The UK had to wait until Hitler declared war on the US before it had the USA as an ally.

That Joe Kennedy admired Hitler is a matter of historical fact, which no amount of bluster about 'right-wing (?) bullshit' can expunge.
You know what's REALLY funny, Bfgrn? That you probably think that 'ole Harry "The Buck Stops Here" Truman would find Barack Obama admirable. Truman was a man who put that sign on his desk in the Oval Office because he was willing to take the heat for doing the right thing even when it was politically unpopular. Barack Obama's sign would read "The Buck Stops THERE!!!"

Harry was straight up Kansas honest...Barry is straight up Chicago dishonest.

Truman had lower approval ratings than Obama.

And yet Truman is one of our most respected Presidents! Why? Because he took doing the JOB of being President seriously. There isn't a prayer of that happening with Barack Obama because five years into his being President he STILL hasn't grasped how it's all supposed to work. He's still campaigning because that's all he knows how to do.

Excellent post Oldstyle.
Bill Maher nails it.

Bill Maher on JFK vs Reagan: 'Our Kennedy Is Kennedy' | Video Cafe

Bill Maher had a few words for the Republicans who still "get a lump in their throat" for "their Kennedy" Ronald Reagan during his New Rules segment this Friday night.

MAHER: Now, I don't know if all politics is local, but I do think all politics is tribal and just as some people are dog people and others are cat people, some have a chip in their brain to be Democrats and others to be Republicans. We have Kennedy, you have Reagan. We have marijuana, you have Metamucil.

We want gays in the military. You want them in the airport restroom. [...]

The one reason we looked uglier in the '80's, is because we were uglier. It was when the baby boomers, the generation that was supposed to be different, just gave up and sold out completely. Kennedy's time was the time of "Ask not what your country can do for you." Reagan's was the time of "Greed is good."

JFK was far from perfect, but he was a true wit and a sex machine and he knew how to wear a pair of shades. Reagan was an amiable square in a cowboy hat who had sex with a woman he called mommie.

Kennedy was James Bond. Reagan was Matlock. Love him or hate him, we win. Republicans can call Reagan their Kennedy all they want, but it's like calling Miller High Life 'the champagne of beer. It's why calling someone your Kennedy will never really cut it, because our Kennedy, is Kennedy.

it's almost laughable to me how some of you people idealize JFK. He is adored because he was assassinated, and because of a good propaganda campaign by Jackie. As far as accomplishments? not much there really, as he was only president for less than 3 yrs but of course he was one of the greatest presidents of all time:doubt:

"Our Kennedy" Jackie would be proud

How Jackie Kennedy Invented the Camelot Legend After JFK’s Death

While the nation was still grieving JFK’s assassination, she used an influential magazine profile to rewrite her husband’s legacy and spawn Camelot.

Few events in the postwar era have cast such a long shadow over our national life as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy fifty years ago this month. The murder of a handsome and vigorous president shocked the nation to its core and shook the faith of many Americans in their institutions and way of life.

Those who were living at the time would never forget the moving scenes associated with President Kennedy’s death: the Zapruder film depicting the assassination in a frame-by-frame sequence; the courageous widow arriving with the coffin at Andrews Air Force Base still wearing her bloodstained dress; the throng of mourners lined up for blocks outside the Capitol to pay respects to the fallen president; the accused assassin gunned down two days later while in police custody and in full view of a national television audience; the little boy saluting the coffin of his slain father; the somber march to Arlington National Cemetery; the eternal flame affixed to the gravesite. These scenes were repeated endlessly on television at the time and then reproduced in popular magazines and, still later, in documentary films. They came to be viewed as defining events of the era.

In their grief, Americans were inclined to take to heart the various myths and legends that grew up around President Kennedy within days of the assassination. Though the assassin was a communist and an admirer of Fidel Castro, many insisted that President Kennedy was a martyr to the cause of civil rights who deserved a place of honor next to Abraham Lincoln as a champion of racial justice. Others held him up as a great statesman who labored for international peace

How Jackie Kennedy Invented the Camelot Legend After JFK?s Death

Ya mad bro?

it's almost laughable to me how some of you people idealize JFK. He is adored because he was assassinated, and because of a good propaganda campaign by Jackie. As far as accomplishments? not much there really, as he was only president for less than 3 yrs but of course he was one of the greatest presidents of all time:doubt:

"Our Kennedy" Jackie would be proud

How Jackie Kennedy Invented the Camelot Legend After JFK’s Death

While the nation was still grieving JFK’s assassination, she used an influential magazine profile to rewrite her husband’s legacy and spawn Camelot.

Few events in the postwar era have cast such a long shadow over our national life as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy fifty years ago this month. The murder of a handsome and vigorous president shocked the nation to its core and shook the faith of many Americans in their institutions and way of life.

Those who were living at the time would never forget the moving scenes associated with President Kennedy’s death: the Zapruder film depicting the assassination in a frame-by-frame sequence; the courageous widow arriving with the coffin at Andrews Air Force Base still wearing her bloodstained dress; the throng of mourners lined up for blocks outside the Capitol to pay respects to the fallen president; the accused assassin gunned down two days later while in police custody and in full view of a national television audience; the little boy saluting the coffin of his slain father; the somber march to Arlington National Cemetery; the eternal flame affixed to the gravesite. These scenes were repeated endlessly on television at the time and then reproduced in popular magazines and, still later, in documentary films. They came to be viewed as defining events of the era.

In their grief, Americans were inclined to take to heart the various myths and legends that grew up around President Kennedy within days of the assassination. Though the assassin was a communist and an admirer of Fidel Castro, many insisted that President Kennedy was a martyr to the cause of civil rights who deserved a place of honor next to Abraham Lincoln as a champion of racial justice. Others held him up as a great statesman who labored for international peace

How Jackie Kennedy Invented the Camelot Legend After JFK?s Death

Ya mad bro?

Why would i be mad? Reagan stands on his own and Kennedy? Not much there really.
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it's almost laughable to me how some of you people idealize JFK. He is adored because he was assassinated, and because of a good propaganda campaign by Jackie. As far as accomplishments? not much there really, as he was only president for less than 3 yrs but of course he was one of the greatest presidents of all time:doubt:

"Our Kennedy" Jackie would be proud


How Jackie Kennedy Invented the Camelot Legend After JFK?s Death

Ya mad bro?

Why would i be mad? Reagan stands on his own and Kennedy? Not much there really.

Reagan stands on his own as a lying treacherous traitor that lead this country into financial cataclysm.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was a fucking embarrassment.
Kennedy would never make it past the media today. Not the way he and his brothers bed hopped.

Back when he ran the media would never have put his womanizing on the front page. Different story today though. Hell. He'd be front page 24/7.

Wonder how much of an embarrassment Kennedy would have been to the DNC if the media had publicized his womanizing??
Ya mad bro?

Why would i be mad? Reagan stands on his own and Kennedy? Not much there really.

Reagan stands on his own as a lying treacherous traitor that lead this country into financial cataclysm.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was a fucking embarrassment.

As long as the majority of Americans think Reagan was an excellent president (according to every poll I've read) and according to most polls, most people thought he was better than Kennedy, then I guess you are entitled to place yourself in the tiny far left inconsequential I-hate-Reagan niche. More power to you.
Why would i be mad? Reagan stands on his own and Kennedy? Not much there really.

Reagan stands on his own as a lying treacherous traitor that lead this country into financial cataclysm.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was a fucking embarrassment.

As long as the majority of Americans think Reagan was an excellent president (according to every poll I've read) and according to most polls, most people thought he was better than Kennedy, then I guess you are entitled to place yourself in the tiny far left inconsequential I-hate-Reagan niche. More power to you.

I get that.

Reagan was much like the drug he promoted, cocaine.

He made the country feel good, but in reality? He was terrible to the health of the country.

Osama Bin Laden, trained and financed mostly by the Reagan administration went on to kill several thousand Americans and destroy some pretty expensive real estate.

That's in addition to every other fucking Reagan screw up.
LOL...and what drug is Barry like, Sallow? Just a hint...you might want to stay away from the drug analogies when YOUR guy was a charter member of the "Choom Gang"! Just saying...
Kennedy would never make it past the media today. Not the way he and his brothers bed hopped.

Back when he ran the media would never have put his womanizing on the front page. Different story today though. Hell. He'd be front page 24/7.

Wonder how much of an embarrassment Kennedy would have been to the DNC if the media had publicized his womanizing??
Reagan mentioned Kennedy often.
Kennedy would never make it past the media today. Not the way he and his brothers bed hopped.

Back when he ran the media would never have put his womanizing on the front page. Different story today though. Hell. He'd be front page 24/7.

Wonder how much of an embarrassment Kennedy would have been to the DNC if the media had publicized his womanizing??

Probably not any more than Eisenhower's affair would have.

Seems you have a one-sided view of skanky.
Why would i be mad? Reagan stands on his own and Kennedy? Not much there really.

Reagan stands on his own as a lying treacherous traitor that lead this country into financial cataclysm.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was a fucking embarrassment.

As long as the majority of Americans think Reagan was an excellent president (according to every poll I've read) and according to most polls, most people thought he was better than Kennedy, then I guess you are entitled to place yourself in the tiny far left inconsequential I-hate-Reagan niche. More power to you.

Goes to show that taste is in the mouth. You all's hero Clint Eastwood, didn't think Reagan was so great.....that's funny.

Clint Eastwood: Reagan wasn?t a ?great president? | The Raw Story

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