Our Level of "Fucked"


(As always, I SO wish people would look up the definition of "Communism" and stop tossing it around like it actually means something other than really stupid rw red meat.)


I SO wish that feeble minded lolberals ^ would stop pretending that the meaning of socialist and communist and so forth were meaningfully distinguishable from the modern American version of "liberal' or the laughably dishonest moniker of "progressive."

Those aren't "liberals", they are collectivist progressives, and they are evil.
What do you believe to be our present level of FUCKED?

You loved all the "I'm The Decider" executive orders, and Patriot Acts, and enhanced interrogation, and huge new Homeland Security bureaucracy when it was Bush.

Didn't you know that those powers would eventually end up in the hands of a Democrat?

Or did you actually believe Turd Blossom's vow of endless Republican majority?

* * * *

I did?

Listen you dishonest hack assclown silly bitch, I'll tell YOU what I do or do not "love."

YOUR say so on anything is worthless since you are generally hostile to honesty.

Furthermore, you dopey silly useless rancid twat, only fucking morons like you would categorically oppose Executive Orders. SOMETIMES they are themselves lawless. OTHER times they may be legitimate.

I DID endorse the USA PATRIOT Act and still do. Was there a point in your noting that? IT is not apparent, you silly trite ineffectual hack bitch.

I DO endorse (within bounds and certain limits) the use of "enhanced" interrogation. So what?

I was never a big proponent of the "Department" of "Homeland Security."

Why must you lie about almost everything to make what you imagine are "arguments," you hapless twat?

That was quite eloquent.
I guess you didn't get to beat up your family today?
You loved all the "I'm The Decider" executive orders, and Patriot Acts, and enhanced interrogation, and huge new Homeland Security bureaucracy when it was Bush.

Didn't you know that those powers would eventually end up in the hands of a Democrat?

Or did you actually believe Turd Blossom's vow of endless Republican majority?

* * * *

I did?

Listen you dishonest hack assclown silly bitch, I'll tell YOU what I do or do not "love."

YOUR say so on anything is worthless since you are generally hostile to honesty.

Furthermore, you dopey silly useless rancid twat, only fucking morons like you would categorically oppose Executive Orders. SOMETIMES they are themselves lawless. OTHER times they may be legitimate.

I DID endorse the USA PATRIOT Act and still do. Was there a point in your noting that? IT is not apparent, you silly trite ineffectual hack bitch.

I DO endorse (within bounds and certain limits) the use of "enhanced" interrogation. So what?

I was never a big proponent of the "Department" of "Homeland Security."

Why must you lie about almost everything to make what you imagine are "arguments," you hapless twat?

That was quite eloquent.
I guess you didn't get to beat up your family today?
His posts resemble spittle on a monitor whenever he knows he's been bested by superior posters, superior intellects.

True story!
It's all fucked. If you think the other team is the only one that is totalitarian or dictatorial or power mad or out to fuck us all in the ass, then you clearly have a serious vision problem.

If everyone in America woke up to the fact both Republicans and Democrats are batshit crazy maniacs, the country would instantly right itself. Just like that. But everyone is so goddam obsessed with finding the fault in the other team, and thinking their team's shit doesn't stink, that right now we are all fucked. And fucked hard.

Interesting. YOiu are wrong on at least two separate levels.

First (and more minor) you are flatly wrong that the GOP is as bad as (even close to being as bad as) the extreme left wing liberal Democrat Parody in terms of any tendency toward being "totalitarian or dictatorial or power mad or out to fuck us all in the ass".

Secondly and more significantly, you are wrong that the KIND and SCOPE of the danger this Republic is now confronting is similar to any "threat" posed by the GOP. The GOP is a weak-willed leadership clusterfuck. But the damn Democrat Parody is hell bent on acquiring and using power and making DAMN sure that they impose it on all of us DESPITE and CONTRARY TO the Constitutional prohibitions.

The entire federal government has been transformed into a collectivist state. Over the last century, Progressives have transformed it into what it is now, which is a system that has disemboweled Federalism and state rights. It is a system that not only sees the Constitution as a living breathing transforming document, they see federal laws much in the same way as Executive Orders run counter to them.

Now the current system, no matter which party is in power, is to grow and expand government. Even Reagan did as much. No real good can now come from it other than increasing collectivist despotism and wars abroad.

The only hope is for states to rise up and amend the Constitution via article V. The first amendments should be to try and fix the last amendments that created the Federal income tax and too away state rights to appoint people to the Senate. We must first impose term limits and get the career leaches out of office. Congress should be forced to create a society that they must participate in and end the aristocracy. Then they must impose a balanced budget amendment to curb the corruption of simply printing money out their arse and throwing it at anyone they wish to control around the world.

Until these things are accomplished, I'm not really interested in voting anymore. In fact, I could care less who wins at the federal level anymore. I'm more interested in my state representatives who may decide to push states toward amending the Constitution and completely bypassing the collectivist cluster in Washington.
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I did?

Listen you dishonest hack assclown silly bitch, I'll tell YOU what I do or do not "love."

YOUR say so on anything is worthless since you are generally hostile to honesty.

Furthermore, you dopey silly useless rancid twat, only fucking morons like you would categorically oppose Executive Orders. SOMETIMES they are themselves lawless. OTHER times they may be legitimate.

I DID endorse the USA PATRIOT Act and still do. Was there a point in your noting that? IT is not apparent, you silly trite ineffectual hack bitch.

I DO endorse (within bounds and certain limits) the use of "enhanced" interrogation. So what?

I was never a big proponent of the "Department" of "Homeland Security."

Why must you lie about almost everything to make what you imagine are "arguments," you hapless twat?

That was quite eloquent.
I guess you didn't get to beat up your family today?
His posts resemble spittle on a monitor whenever he knows he's been bested by superior posters, superior intellects.

True story!

The funniest part of Tranny's post is that the fuckwit douchenozzle actually wants to pretend that he has ever "bested" me AND that he deems himself to be a superior intellect.


Of course, back here in reality, he is a decidedly inferior intellect. this is why he relies on dishonesty so heavily. And he has never "bested" me in any argument. He couldn't. He has nothing to work with.
Consider that Ilar and the far right here represent maybe 12% of the country, I am glad they feel things are going badly for them. I told them several years ago this day would come. Idiots.

Considering that far left wing radicals like Fakey make up their "statistics" on the spot, it is a wonder that anybody reads anhything that hack poseur posts for anything other than the laugh value.

And yet, well known socks like Indeependent actually give the pathetic pussy, Fakey, props for his worthless shit.
You loved all the "I'm The Decider" executive orders, and Patriot Acts, and enhanced interrogation, and huge new Homeland Security bureaucracy when it was Bush.

Didn't you know that those powers would eventually end up in the hands of a Democrat?

Or did you actually believe Turd Blossom's vow of endless Republican majority?

* * * *

I did?

Listen you dishonest hack assclown silly bitch, I'll tell YOU what I do or do not "love."

YOUR say so on anything is worthless since you are generally hostile to honesty.

Furthermore, you dopey silly useless rancid twat, only fucking morons like you would categorically oppose Executive Orders. SOMETIMES they are themselves lawless. OTHER times they may be legitimate.

I DID endorse the USA PATRIOT Act and still do. Was there a point in your noting that? IT is not apparent, you silly trite ineffectual hack bitch.

I DO endorse (within bounds and certain limits) the use of "enhanced" interrogation. So what?

I was never a big proponent of the "Department" of "Homeland Security."

Why must you lie about almost everything to make what you imagine are "arguments," you hapless twat?

That was quite eloquent.
I guess you didn't get to beat up your family today?

What does the sock mean when he speaks of eloquence?
I read a post somewhere this morning where the GOP leadership has actively worked against anything they see as conservative, especially the Tea Party and other similar organizations.

As I've said time and time again, the ONLY way to get us back on the right track is to attack the problem at the lowest level. If you disagree with GOP tactics and goals, see what it takes to become a party activist at your precinct level. See what positions are open and volunteer for one. Then, when they have county level GOP meetings, attend and see what you can do to get like minded people to side with you.

Here's what's available where I live @ Clark County Republican Party (Nevada) - Clark County Republican Party

Check your own local GOP and see what there is for you to do.

Once you've done that and become active IS WHEN YOU CAN GRIPE! :eusa_whistle:
Consider that Ilar and the far right here represent maybe 12% of the country, I am glad they feel things are going badly for them. I told them several years ago this day would come. Idiots.

Considering that far left wing radicals like Fakey make up their "statistics" on the spot, it is a wonder that anybody reads anhything that hack poseur posts for anything other than the laugh value.

And yet, well known socks like Indeependent actually give the pathetic pussy, Fakey, props for his worthless shit.

According to your math, ad hominem = fact.

Try reading a financial publication once in a while; and actually read the WHOLE article.
I did?

Listen you dishonest hack assclown silly bitch, I'll tell YOU what I do or do not "love."

YOUR say so on anything is worthless since you are generally hostile to honesty.

Furthermore, you dopey silly useless rancid twat, only fucking morons like you would categorically oppose Executive Orders. SOMETIMES they are themselves lawless. OTHER times they may be legitimate.

I DID endorse the USA PATRIOT Act and still do. Was there a point in your noting that? IT is not apparent, you silly trite ineffectual hack bitch.

I DO endorse (within bounds and certain limits) the use of "enhanced" interrogation. So what?

I was never a big proponent of the "Department" of "Homeland Security."

Why must you lie about almost everything to make what you imagine are "arguments," you hapless twat?

That was quite eloquent.
I guess you didn't get to beat up your family today?

What does the sock mean when he speaks of eloquence?

Seems you have pretty thin skin compared to your tough avatar.
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We're totally fucked, but that doesn't mean we can't live well off of the corpse of our once free society until the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse occurs.
We're totally fucked, but that doesn't mean we can't live well off of the corpse of our once free society until the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse occurs.

I suppose.

Not that we really WANT to scavenge like a bunch of vultures.

Plus, the freakin' zombies will get all the juicy brains anyway.
I have a pretty full wine cellar with a corkscrew and some glasses. When it all goes to hell, I'll just make myself comfy.

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