Our Level of "Fucked"

What do you believe to be our present level of FUCKED?

I mean, I see the news. The Imperial Dictatorial Obumbler. The vacillating, weak-willed almost utterly ineffective Republican House "Leadership." The resulting unwillingness to fight ObumblerCare. The SCOTUS abandoning the law in favor of cheap seat political pandering in permitting that clearly un-Constitutional mess to continue. The rising threat of left wing socialist policies. Their unseemly unGodly agenda to further their cause. The fact that no matter how scummy they may be, they have proved a determination and willingness to stay their course. Their measure of "success" is hard to deny. Look how they use Saul Alinsky divide and conquer tactics so often and so effectively. They DO change the tone of the debate. They control the message itself with their hand maiden propagandist house organ, the laughably liberal main stream media. Class warfare. Race consciousness -- even outright racist talking points (like the entire message of filthy organizations like La Raza). And other highly charged divisive and dishonest talking points (such as "Income inequality" )are taken seriously despite how utterly ridiculous they actually are. And now, without even putting up resistance, the RINO led House "leadership" is completely caving-in on the matter of illegal immigration.

How do we BEGIN to measure the level of just how FUCKED we are?

Normally, I may not be a full fledged optimist, but I mostly tend to harbor hope. I like to imagine hope and maybe even believe that, over time, logic and reason will WORK to refute the propaganda of the lying lefties.

But, upon further reflection, I am now feeling most decidedly pessimistic. It occurs to me that within a few years, a decade or two at best, we will probably live in an unquestionably one Party Republic. And I am asking:

is there any realistic chance that this disaster, already well along the way to fruition, might yet be averted?

I KNOW that the usual lolberal suspects will relish the notion that the USA will soon be run by just ONE Party (their Party, the liberal Democrat Party) unless something dramatic happens -- soon.

But for rational people, that prospect isn't "good" news to be hoped-for. It is a true disaster. To them -- you -- I ask: is it already too late? Can it be avoided? If there is still a way out, what is the path?
The only way the numbskulls in Washington ever get it is through massive citizen noncompliance.

We saw that with millions ignoring the truly dumb 55 mph national speed limit.

We are seeing that right now, as states ignore the feds and the DEA and legalize marijuana.

Though it is difficult to predict what the next mass event of noncompliance may be, let's hope it doesn't involve truckers parking their rigs for any extended period. A general strike by them could bring the nation to its knees in the span of a mere few days.
I am becoming more and more interested in Levin's proposal for a collective STATES' effort to seek Amendments to the US Constitution.
I am becoming more and more interested in Levin's proposal for a collective STATES' effort to seek Amendments to the US Constitution.
That takes effort. Besides, that still presumes that outlaws are going to suddenly begin complying with the law.

Far, far more probable is a massive noncompliance event. Maybe even to the point of a tax revolt.
They DO change the tone of the debate. They control the message itself with their hand maiden propagandist house organ, the laughably liberal main stream media.
This is where indoctrination starts. With the language. And Republicans and conservatives feed right into it. For example, the United States is now a democracy, and Rush Limbaugh calls himself the Doctor of Democracy.
They DO change the tone of the debate. They control the message itself with their hand maiden propagandist house organ, the laughably liberal main stream media.
This is where indoctrination starts. With the language. And Republicans and conservatives feed right into it. For example, the United States is now a democracy, and Rush Limbaugh calls himself the Doctor of Democracy.

We are indeed NOT a democracy.

We are supposed to be a Republic, but sadly, we have permitted that to get BADLY diluted, too.
What do you believe to be our present level of FUCKED?

You loved all the "I'm The Decider" executive orders, and Patriot Acts, and enhanced interrogation, and huge new Homeland Security bureaucracy when it was Bush.

Didn't you know that those powers would eventually end up in the hands of a Democrat?

Or did you actually believe Turd Blossom's vow of endless Republican majority?

What a silly bitch you are!

I don't care which party is in control, as a firm believer in the Life Cycle of Empires we're already on the downhill slide and have been for the last 30 years. Don't get me wrong, we'll still have our up times but it will be fleeting in comparison. I wonder how people will view us 100 to 200 years from now........
What do you believe to be our present level of FUCKED?

You loved all the "I'm The Decider" executive orders, and Patriot Acts, and enhanced interrogation, and huge new Homeland Security bureaucracy when it was Bush.

Didn't you know that those powers would eventually end up in the hands of a Democrat?

Or did you actually believe Turd Blossom's vow of endless Republican majority?

* * * *

I did?

Listen you dishonest hack assclown silly bitch, I'll tell YOU what I do or do not "love."

YOUR say so on anything is worthless since you are generally hostile to honesty.

Furthermore, you dopey silly useless rancid twat, only fucking morons like you would categorically oppose Executive Orders. SOMETIMES they are themselves lawless. OTHER times they may be legitimate.

I DID endorse the USA PATRIOT Act and still do. Was there a point in your noting that? IT is not apparent, you silly trite ineffectual hack bitch.

I DO endorse (within bounds and certain limits) the use of "enhanced" interrogation. So what?

I was never a big proponent of the "Department" of "Homeland Security."

Why must you lie about almost everything to make what you imagine are "arguments," you hapless twat?
Our level of fucked is 4.7.

On a scale of 1 to 10 you are going far too easy on the scumbags responsible for this disaster.

Condi Rice
Scooter Libby

As always, morons like Tranny couldn't cite a proper name if his life depended on it.

Of course, Symplyassholic (a/k/a Tranny), being the poor addled dipshit motherfucker he is, couldn't find his ass with both hands if he was sitting on his hands.

(As always, I SO wish people would look up the definition of "Communism" and stop tossing it around like it actually means something other than really stupid rw red meat.)


(As always, I SO wish people would look up the definition of "Communism" and stop tossing it around like it actually means something other than really stupid rw red meat.)


I SO wish that feeble minded lolberals ^ would stop pretending that the meaning of socialist and communist and so forth were meaningfully distinguishable from the modern American version of "liberal' or the laughably dishonest moniker of "progressive."
On a scale of 1 to 10 you are going far too easy on the scumbags responsible for this disaster.

The American people?

No. But certainly they do have some of the responsibility. They keep putting the villainous scumbag lolberal Democratics and fellow socialist scum into positions of power and authority.

Yes, completely.

The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) knew men and women had a hard time making better decisions after getting knowledge about the past. He once cynically commented, “What experience and history teach us is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.”

Empires have seven stages of development:
(1) the age of outburst (or pioneers),
(2) the age of conquests,
(3) the age of commerce,
(4) the age of affluence,
(5) the age of intellect,
(6) the age of decadence, and
(7) the age of decline and collapse.

Each stage helps to lead to the next as the values of the empire’s people change over time. Military, political, economic, and religious developments all influence an empire’s people to act and believe differently over time.

Consider that Ilar and the far right here represent maybe 12% of the country, I am glad they feel things are going badly for them. I told them several years ago this day would come. Idiots.

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