Our president has no balls.

My son worked the oil fields of North Dakota. Their company couldn't wait for them to finish drilling so they could use it somewhere else. He made so much Money, he worked two weeks out of the month and then commuted home to Washington state. That drilling lead to gas prices dropping.
The first oil wells didn't even have to be pumped, the oil was under pressure and just had to be collected. I suspect your son's wells had to be frac'd, a big added expense. There is still lot's of oil in the earth but the cheap stuff is becoming scarce, a trend that will continue.
The first oil wells didn't even have to be pumped, the oil was under pressure and just had to be collected. I suspect your son's wells had to be frac'd, a big added expense. There is still lot's of oil in the earth but the cheap stuff is becoming scarce, a trend that will continue.
And, as in tar sands, it requires more fresh water to extract and refine and pollutes more. The idea that we should continue to use oil till it runs out is absolutely stupid.
You mean, you disagree with the global scientific community.

Get it straight.
Yes, I disagree with much of the effects and the timeline they have presented. The reality is they don't have a clue, but hysteria is profitable and it funds the research. It also helps to control the masses.
The first oil wells didn't even have to be pumped, the oil was under pressure and just had to be collected. I suspect your son's wells had to be frac'd, a big added expense. There is still lot's of oil in the earth but the cheap stuff is becoming scarce, a trend that will continue.
Bullshit! They did frac for oil, but they could bring in a well in only a few days. I guess that is why he got paid about $30 an hour for his labor.
Bullshit! They did frac for oil, but they could bring in a well in only a few days. I guess that is why he got paid about $30 an hour for his labor.


$30/hour is "so much money??"

I guess you and I have different opinions of what qualifies as so much money.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.
I think because we don't want get nuked and are trying to avoid wwIII
These are the shitheads that brought us massive inflation, high cost of energy, millions of Illegals, a stolen election and enabled Putin to do his dirty work.

Yes, I disagree with much of the effects and the timeline they have presented. The reality is they don't have a clue, but hysteria is profitable and it funds the research. It also helps to control the masses.
Gee, that’s arrogance based upon a daily does of Fix News.
Notice how the world seems to start falling apart just when a repo admin takes office. Now, here are the complaints coming in. The liberals just can’t seem to repair the damage fast enough for them . They set fire to the house, now the the contractor we elected to repair the damage, can’t seem to rebuild fast enough. Typical GOP plan to get re-elected so they can keep America in a perpetual recession.
And less pollution then coal, but still pollution.
Gagging on Gaia

"Pollution" is a dishonest and entrapping term taken from a pagan superstition. The Unabomber Cult's mindless worship of Nature belongs back in the Stone Age, and so do they.

Industrial and automobile byproducts cleanse the air. Natural air, which the primitive and dangerous degenerates use their unearned power to make us call "Clean Air," is the most toxic of all atmospheres humans have had to deal with.

It is treason to the human race for weak and ignorant critics of the cult to portray them as merely over-reacting idealists. Hidden behind their fake starry-eyed poses are vicious psychopathic misfits who want to get even with normal people for rejecting their defective personalities.

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