Our president has no balls.

Right this might help...

Keystone XL is a complete red herring... The refineries can get enough as it wants really... But this is a global commodity, if US or Russia produce m ore oil the Arabs produce less... Simple.. Arabs will still be the largest producer and set the price of oil on the market..
When America Dies, Its Epitaph Will Be TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION

The Democracks' plan to get oil from Iran instead of Russia will be opposed by the Saudis, who know that Iran is a bigger threat to them than even to Israel.

However, using it as a bluff would make the Saudis start pumping cheap oil furiously. But our Diploma Dumbo ruling class, both government and private, is incapable of doing anything clever. All those Sissies in Suitcoats are sickening.
Eisenhower may have been our last president, except for the Army Bonos attack that is shows our famous generals attacked the vets of WW1.
VFW Freikorps

President Hoover was rightfully concerned that the Depression would lead to a violent Communist, or even Fascist, takeover. It was happening all over the world at the time. Just like the internment of Japanese-Americans, it's best to not take chances in times of extreme danger.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Because Ukraine is not a nato country. Check flight radar 24 and no planes are travelling over it anyway.
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Hes not weak. Hes there because the people chose him over that idiot Trump who is now supporting the communists. Well done mogadon.
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.
You never bleated a word when the same happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why suddenly shift the blame to a dem potus?
Because Ukraine is not a nato country. Check flight radar 24 and no planes are travelling over it anyway.

Hes not weak. Hes there because the people chose him over that idiot Trump who is now supporting the communists. Well done mogadon.

You never bleated a word when the same happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why suddenly shift the blame to a dem potus?
Yes, he is weak from the beginning of the invasion Biden said : he will not send troop to Ukraine , he could had leave a doubt but no he said go ahead and invade Ukraine .:rolleyes:
Yes, he is weak from the beginning of the invasion Biden said : he will not send troop to Ukraine , he could had leave a doubt but no he said go ahead and invade Ukraine .:rolleyes:
He cannot send troops under the nato agreement.
You need to check what nato is about.
He did not say go ahead. He abided by the rules.
Last week the gop were supporting putin, now youve changed the opposite. Make up your mind.
VFW Freikorps

President Hoover was rightfully concerned that the Depression would lead to a violent Communist, or even Fascist, takeover. It was happening all over the world at the time. Just like the internment of Japanese-Americans, it's best to not take chances in times of extreme danger.

Joe McCarthy was also right about the communist taking over our own nation.
"Telling the truth in national deciet is a revolutionary act" Paraquote.
He cannot send troops under the nato agreement.
You need to check what nato is about.
He did not say go ahead. He abided by the rules.
Last week the gop were supporting putin, now youve changed the opposite. Make up your mind.
I know what Nato is about, i said the way he respond to the invasion leaving no doubt about the respond coming from the USA, he could have said no problem go ahead it would had been the same. :rolleyes:
I know what Nato is about, i said the way he respond to the invasion leaving no doubt about the respond coming from the USA, he could have said no problem go ahead it would had been the same. :rolleyes:
Thats your ignorant opinion. Its not my fault you understand nothing.
Joe McCarthy was also right about the communist taking over our own nation.
"Telling the truth in national deciet is a revolutionary act" Paraquote.
Here we go again. Regurgitate the old communist threat always relied on by the republicans.
Its a possibility if Trump is relected and let's in his butt buddy vlad in.
There is decay from within.
Thats your ignorant opinion. Its not my fault you understand nothing.
I think it is you who don't wan't to see are WEAK Biden really is or if you are blind and really don't see well you could buy yourself a pair of glasses .
Kooky Yooky

Zellyjelly's greatest gimmick is making the West think he's Davy Crockett at the Alamo. "There's a sucker born every minute" is an well-played scheme in show business.

Davey was given a lesson on welfare when he was asking for a mans vote. He learned a great lesson that day. Short version,


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