Our president has no balls.

The things I care about whining about. Other things I will still ignore. And yeah, trust me, your point is still wrong and you’re simply desperate to put me in my place I guess lol.
billy just about everyone here puts you in your place.....yea i know you dont think so....
So you DO support fascist dictatorships !
Of course……the difference is simple, we are a democracy. Russia is insisting the nighborhood countries can’t have anything to do with nato, all democracies. They’re insisting they become fascist dictatorships So they can take them over.
The Monroe Doctrine does not sanction foreign powers anywhere near us In our hemisphere. If Cuba wanted to become a free nation, no problem. But letting in a foreign dictatorship in Russia in the 60s, no go. That’s where the Monroe doctrine comes in.

Maybe you didn’t notice that . Fascist supporting republicans don‘t. They have always been against free elections.
After ww2 we turned our foes into free sovereign countries where the people could choose. Guess you’re arguing for the return to kings and queens and dictatorships.
I’ve driven over potholes deeper than your depth of reason
...because Putin decided to invade Ukraine.

Some people understand the difference between Monday morning quarterbacking and an honest evaluation of events in the past with the benefit of hindsight.

And some don't.

Anyone with any sense should have been able to foresee that being Germany becoming dependent on Russia for their energy was a bad move on their part. Their worshipping at the throne of Climate Change clouded their judgment. The same happens here in the US. Why are we buying any oil from Russia when we can simply allow more leases for drilling on federal land? You know why and I know why. The Climate Change nuts haven't figured out that our economy cannot run on solar panels and wind turbines.
Oil and gas are finite resources so they will eventually run out. We can wait until they do or we can transition slowly and methodically starting now.

I don't know many that have a problem with developing alternatives to fossil fuels. What many do have a problem with is our irresponsible rush to do so before it is feasible. Countries that do so will beholden to those that are much more pragmatic and will ultimately fall to those countries. It is nice to live in fantasy land, but reality can't be avoided. We aren't all going to die from climate change in the near term and it makes absolutely no sense for us to stop drilling in our country all the while buying oil from others. That is just plain stupid. We obviously need it and are burning it so why not mine it ourselves? It is the same net effect on the climate whether we do it or some other country does it for us.
We have advanced missile systems to take these murderers out. No boots on the ground required.
Wow you are fucking clueless...

Russia has just got them into a Afghanistan times 10...

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
So your solution is to join them in the shit...

Fucking clueless idiot... A full scale war in Ukraine would kill millions you idiot...
Good thing we have not done that

No new oil and gas leases on federal lands is most certainly a start. We already import oil from all over the world even though we have plenty here. The greenies hope most are not able to see the writing on the wall.
I disagree. We have no earthly right to tell anyone, let alone an ally, where they are allowed to buy oil and NG from. How would you feel if the EU put sanctions on a pipeline we were using/building?

Would you be ok with that?

Germany would like to spend all their money on social programs and not contribute their "fair share" to NATO and then become energy dependent on a country that would love nothing more than to take control of all of Europe. We protect them, so yes we absolutely have a say, unless they would no longer like our military support.
No new oil and gas leases on federal lands is most certainly a start.

That was going well for Biden's first year.

We already import oil from all over the world even though we have plenty here.

We always have. Mostly because not all oil is the same and not all is good for the same thing.

That and we also export all over the world because oil is a global commodity and any oil taken out of the ground in the US does not belong to "us", but to the multinational company that does the extraction.
Germany would like to spend all their money on social programs and not contribute their "fair share" to NATO and then become energy dependent on a country that would love nothing more than to take control of all of Europe. We protect them, so yes we absolutely have a say, unless they would no longer like our military support.

I would be 100% on board with no longer "protecting" the EU with our military. But if we did that we could not longer boss them around like we do.
Anyone with any sense should have been able to foresee that being Germany becoming dependent on Russia for their energy was a bad move on their part. Their worshipping at the throne of Climate Change clouded their judgment. The same happens here in the US. Why are we buying any oil from Russia when we can simply allow more leases for drilling on federal land? You know why and I know why. The Climate Change nuts haven't figured out that our economy cannot run on solar panels and wind turbines.
Germany dependence on Russian Gas has nothing to to do with Climate Change... If anything there rush to alternative Energy is actually apart of the energy security policy...

Germany stated to get out of Coal decades ago due to acid rain, anyway where did you think the coal came from?

Germany is getting out of Nuclear but again not due to Climate Change but concerns about the safety of Nuclear...

There was a proposal by Quatar to build a pipeline from Quatar to Europe through Syria, but that was stopped when Russia got ahold of Syria...

To show you more...
EU was trying to leverage GeoThermal in Iceland, technology not ready for mass scale and Russia have spent money pushing that it would destabilise the plates underneath Iceland(pretty much crap)...

What they are implementing is importing Gas from Texas, frack it in Texas, liquify it and send it over on ships to put into the European Gas network... This looks like the most immediate answer to Europe supply problem...

And in case you are wondering, yes, this means the price of Gas in US will go up... But so will the fracking...
Asked and answered.
Right this might help...

Keystone XL is a complete red herring... The refineries can get enough as it wants really... But this is a global commodity, if US or Russia produce m ore oil the Arabs produce less... Simple.. Arabs will still be the largest producer and set the price of oil on the market..
Wow you are fucking clueless...

Russia has just got them into a Afghanistan times 10...

So your solution is to join them in the shit...

Fucking clueless idiot... A full scale war in Ukraine would kill millions you idiot...
Bullshit. Can't be scared to save millions of innocent civilians. Gotta do what's right. You are gutless human waste.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.
A direct US vs. Russia conflict could lead to nuclear war, dumbfuck.
Let me ask all you Trumptards something. You pride yourselves over the fact Trump kept us out of wars.

But now you start a topic to whine that Biden isn't going full warmongering on Putin.

How do you manage this kind of mental compartmentalization in your pointy heads?

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