Our President supports returning to talking filibuster

The Dems do not want to end the filibuster, only return it to its former glory.

Make them speak
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
You should. You should worry the next time they take any of those because they will likely use every bit of power the branch has to further their agenda and punish the opposition. That's what happens when democrats overreach, and they always do.
Empty threat

They already do
It has been an empty threat until recently. Typically, Republicans are meek and docile creatures eager to get along, but that's changing.
It has been an empty threat until recently. Typically, Republicans are meek and docile creatures eager to get along, but that's changing.
You don't actually believe that. You are lying to yourself out loud, and it is pathetic to watch.
Up until TRUMP! hit the scene, the Republicans were more worried about being statesmen and appearing to get along than getting down and dirty in the mud with democrats and actually fighting. TRUMP! changed that dynamic and now Republicans are starting to realize that they're in a fight with opponents that have no principles and will fight dirty.
Up until TRUMP! hit the scene, the Republicans were more worried about being statesmen and appearing to get along than getting down and dirty in the mud

Not allowing Obama to fill Scalias empty seat was BEFORE Trump
Up until TRUMP! hit the scene, the Republicans were more worried about being statesmen and appearing to get along than getting down and dirty in the mud with democrats and actually fighting.
Just so laughable absurd. Republicans haven't changed one iota since Trump drooled on their convention. They just talk like 4th graders and broadcast more idiotic lies. They are the same obstructionist party of "no" they have been for 20 years.
let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
Too bad Trump lost the Senate for them
AND they're trying to boot Lisa Murkowski out of the GOP so there's another -1. Sad!
Lisa Murkowski has to ask.....What has the GOP done for me lately?
Really?...the GOP set the stage for everyone to have an opportunity to do for themself...it works better that way in a nation the size and shape as this....your problem RW is you want to sit on your ass while I cover your bills....there isn't anywhere in the world where that happens....no matter what you have been told.....socialism is a scam....
Our President supports returning to talking filibuster

Of course. He supported it when his Dem heroes were blocking the Civil Rights Act.
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
That is not an if. It is a when. It is amazing how you are willing to hand the parties a massive power boost. It is not just asinine, it is obviously so.
Not likely to see another republican president for 12 years to clear out the current crowd the might support another insurrection and nobody will forget a republican president that tried to overthrow and throw out the results of free elections all the way up to receiving the elector vote in the Senate and trying to get their Vice President to go against the constitution to cheat the majority of the electorate of their vote. You guys can just wander in the desert for a generation or so.

That same bullshit is said after EVERY president. The left was dead for decades after Clinton. The right was dead for decades too after bush. That is until 2 whole years later and they make a comeback in congress and end up taking the presidency 8 years later - as is the norm. Then the left was dead after Obama. I mean, they could not even beat the reality TV star they all thought was a buffoon.

Biden likely will not run in 4 years and, to be quite frank, there is a good chance that the republicans take the top office back next time around. The woke left will drive the middle back to the right and without an incumbent on the ticket the seat is up for grabs. This is not even mentioning the backlash that is starting to form between the government, the media and big tech.
As much as W. sucked nobody said it was the end for the republicans, only that we needed to change immediately.
Yes they were. That you were not listening is not relevant. The prediction that one party is done for over the foreseeable future is an extremely common projection that almost always turns out to be bullshit.
We did. After the 8 years of Obama, nobody said the left or the democrats were dead (although some of the hard left are as deserving oblivion as many on the right), but they had made the mistake of running Hillary. Neither Bush, nor Obama tried to destroy free elections and the right to self rule under a representative form of government and our constitution. Nobody in the history of the country has made that attempt before. Nobody else ever invited a mob to Washington and sent them to march on the capital in an attempt to overthrow an election, sparking a deadly attack on our duly elected Senators and Representatives while in session doing the people's business in our Capital Building. Many on the right wing side cannot even discern the difference between a riot in a city by thugs looking to loot private property in a city or state with over-indulgent elected officials, and an attack on our country's government itself.
God the bullshit here.

You realize that we have actually fought a civil war, right? Stop with he hyperbolic bullshit. No one 'invited' a mob anywhere. No one started a damn insurrection. Violent protesters attacked the capitol and were beat down. They are going to jail. The FBI is investigating every single person that may have ever contacted one of these people.

And yes, many cannot explain the difference. Last time I asked you the difference you couldn't explain it either.
I'll explain to ya, Lucy, we never to an oath to a city government or local politician's control or management or saluted a city flag. We did take an oath to the protect and defend the constitution and have saluted our country's flag in this country and abroad, as it is the symbol of our country, that constitution and that government of the people, by the people and for the people. You people forgot that or more likely did not care, as real American would not have supported efforts in support of trump's personal agenda against our country. Tough sh#t for you and the minority in this country that are like you.
Still waiting for that explanation. An oath is what makes one different than the other? 'You people?' Who the fuck are you talking to?

HERE is the damn difference. One caused 2 BILLION in damages. One caused just over 30 million in damages. One caused more than 60 times the damages. One caused almost 20 deaths. One caused 5 deaths. One killed 4 times the other. One was an attack on a symbol of our government. A symbol that is going to be repaired easily. A symbol that was immediately secured by troops and cops. One that immediately had a barrier erected and the manning to protect it erected. The other was virtually ignored by many authorities and even encouraged by others. One had peoples homes and businesses destroyed. Assets that are forever gone for those people. No one is swooping in to rebuild their lives or restore their livelihood. One has the FBI and the police all over them, arresting anyone that they can find attached to the rioters or are part of its organization. The other, those instigators are largely ignored.

It is funny that you think it is no big deal when your house gets burned to the ground but do not dare touch a government building. Well, police stations, those are okay to burn to the ground. they do not matter.

The real difference is that one riot was sparked at a symbol of our nation and directed at the government based on lies told by the president. Very, very bad to be sure. It was not, however, an insurrection. It was not a 'close call' for democracy. Those are bullshit hyperbolic lines fed to the people by a media that needs your eyes on their breaking news to make money. The other was sparked by bullshit lies from that same media and elected government officials who benefit from racial division in this nation that unleashed a lot of pent up rage onto the streets directed at Joe Normal who has nothing to do with this whatsoever. That means one makes for MUCH better headlines and a fits a narrative the media wants to push. The rather sad fact is the actual affects of the BLM riots are FAR worse than the riot at the capital in reality.

Listen 'Lucy:' I actually condemn and am disgusted by ALL the violence. I do not let months of killing, burning, looting and mayhem that extends TO THIS FUCKING DAY slide because I can jump up and down pointing at the other side and say 'look over there, that is soooo much worse.' So, tough shit for you and the minority 'like you' trying to paint those of us not buying into that bullshit as some Trump sycophants because you cant take the partisan glasses off.
I oft
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

I often wondered why republicans didnt do that when they controlled the senate
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
You should. You should worry the next time they take any of those because they will likely use every bit of power the branch has to further their agenda and punish the opposition. That's what happens when democrats overreach, and they always do.
There is no possibility for learning here.

The last time they pulled this idiocy the republicans smashed the courts in the democrats face, hard. I have no doubt they are going to do this at some point again, to the massive detriment of the nation.

How is appointing jurists that adhere to our laws a detriment to the nation?
Did I say that? No, I did not.

Single party rule is a detriment to our nation. Getting rid of the last vestige of a voice the minority party has will be a major detriment with our current political proclivities.
I oft
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

I often wondered why republicans didnt do that when they controlled the senate
Because they were well aware that today, a day when the democrats have all the power, was going to come and they wanted to retain a voice at that time.

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