Our president!

Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

No one cares. And that's not why you posted the hit piece or people of your ilk continue to spread this manure. It's because you're threatened by the color of her skin and the fact that she's articulate and has an opinion. And is about to be VP.
The current guy in the WH has banged porn stars and Playboy models. Some while his current wife was carrying his child. And you worship the ground he walks on.
Actually I don't, I think Trump is a great president. That's about it. But please show me where I mentioned her race, I don't recall that. How racist of you.

Standard denial. That way, you never have to defend it. And then you turn it around. Same old playbook.
See Post #41.
I don't judge someone on their race. I wait till the open their mouth to judge them. You played the race card in your first response. Must suck going around seeing colors all day long.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

your chosen one was the manwhore of NYC ... openly cheating on his 1st wife & had it splashed all over the tabloids - humiliating her & their 3 young spawn.

then he knocks up his CONcubine, & has a 4th kid by a 2nd baby mama - THEN

he marries a a skeezy ' model ' who had no problems getting pics of herself grabbing her own pussy & in bed with another woman.

THAT is his third baby mama who dropped a 5th kid.

& yet you voted for him.


you're dismissed - you little deplorable you.
Awe, Trump learned from the master of cheating Clinton, and Hillary was stupid enough to stay with him hoping to be president. How did that work out? Lol

donny has to pay for what he gets.

at least bubba got it for free. & hillary sure didn't stay with HIM for the cash.

Actually it cost Clinton big time, settled out of court. Hillary stayed with him so she could be the first female president. Now she can die an old hag as Harris maybe will be the first female president.

hillary is living her life & has no CONcerns at all.

donny is desperate as fuck to stay in office, cause he's in some deep poo.

tee hee.
You will get him this time. Lol hillary needs someone to change her shit bag. The devil is just waiting on her arrival. That's what she has to look forward to.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

No one cares. And that's not why you posted the hit piece or people of your ilk continue to spread this manure. It's because you're threatened by the color of her skin and the fact that she's articulate and has an opinion. And is about to be VP.
The current guy in the WH has banged porn stars and Playboy models. Some while his current wife was carrying his child. And you worship the ground he walks on.
Actually I don't, I think Trump is a great president. That's about it. But please show me where I mentioned her race, I don't recall that. How racist of you.

Standard denial. That way, you never have to defend it. And then you turn it around. Same old playbook.
See Post #41.
I don't judge someone on their race. I wait till the open their mouth to judge them. You played the race card in your first response. Must suck going around seeing colors all day long.

I call them as I see them. And you..are easy to spot. ^Shrug^. Again. Standard denial.
lol ...

donny's gone in 15 days & 3 hrs.

get used to it.
Maybe not, anyway if he doesn't prove democrats cheated. Harris will be an illegitimate president.

lol ... did it hurt when president tinkles brainwashed you?
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump is a man that represented we the people. The first president that has done that in my lifetime since Reagan. That's why you hate him.

i'm willing to bet that brainwashing didn't hurt a bit. seems yer brain cells have vacated just in time,'eh?
No brain washing, what has Biden done for the people in his 50 years? Besides voting to lock up minorities or writing the tax laws that let's as you claim, Trump to pay no taxes.
Hey everybody!

We got a NEGRO as Vice President
Lets spread lies and call her a whore
I didn't mention race, you did. I can see a problem with you.
Didn’t have to did ya?

You know how them Negroes are, damn sex fiends
No Negro woman can accomplish anything without offering sex

Good thing you started this thread to warn normal white folks
I don't care about race, you seem to. I realize Harris is too stupid to have done it on her own. Seems liberals need help in making a living.
Sure you don’t Skippy

Tell us the part where some of your best friends are Negroes
I have lots of friends, I consider them friends not a color. Must suck to live like that.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

No one cares. And that's not why you posted the hit piece or people of your ilk continue to spread this manure. It's because you're threatened by the color of her skin and the fact that she's articulate and has an opinion. And is about to be VP.
The current guy in the WH has banged porn stars and Playboy models. Some while his current wife was carrying his child. And you worship the ground he walks on.
Actually I don't, I think Trump is a great president. That's about it. But please show me where I mentioned her race, I don't recall that. How racist of you.

Standard denial. That way, you never have to defend it. And then you turn it around. Same old playbook.
See Post #41.
I don't judge someone on their race. I wait till the open their mouth to judge them. You played the race card in your first response. Must suck going around seeing colors all day long.

I call them as I see them. And you..are easy to spot. ^Shrug^. Again. Standard denial.
Like I said, must suck to be you.
lol ...

donny's gone in 15 days & 3 hrs.

get used to it.
Maybe not, anyway if he doesn't prove democrats cheated. Harris will be an illegitimate president.

lol ... did it hurt when president tinkles brainwashed you?
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump is a man that represented we the people. The first president that has done that in my lifetime since Reagan. That's why you hate him.

i'm willing to bet that brainwashing didn't hurt a bit. seems yer brain cells have vacated just in time,'eh?
No brain washing, what has Biden done for the people in his 50 years? Besides voting to lock up minorities or writing the tax laws that let's as you claim, Trump to pay no taxes.
Biden has chaired the Justice committee and Foreign Relations
As VP, he represented the White House in negotiating Stimulus and Obamacare
lol ...

donny's gone in 15 days & 3 hrs.

get used to it.
Maybe not, anyway if he doesn't prove democrats cheated. Harris will be an illegitimate president.

lol ... did it hurt when president tinkles brainwashed you?
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump is a man that represented we the people. The first president that has done that in my lifetime since Reagan. That's why you hate him.

i'm willing to bet that brainwashing didn't hurt a bit. seems yer brain cells have vacated just in time,'eh?
No brain washing, what has Biden done for the people in his 50 years? Besides voting to lock up minorities or writing the tax laws that let's as you claim, Trump to pay no taxes.
Biden has chaired the Justice committee and Foreign Relations
As VP, he represented the White House in negotiating Stimulus and Obamacare
Had made millions of his foreign policies. How did that help Americans? Obama care failure? Lol, thanks for proving my point.
lol ...

donny's gone in 15 days & 3 hrs.

get used to it.
Maybe not, anyway if he doesn't prove democrats cheated. Harris will be an illegitimate president.

lol ... did it hurt when president tinkles brainwashed you?
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump is a man that represented we the people. The first president that has done that in my lifetime since Reagan. That's why you hate him.

i'm willing to bet that brainwashing didn't hurt a bit. seems yer brain cells have vacated just in time,'eh?
No brain washing, what has Biden done for the people in his 50 years? Besides voting to lock up minorities or writing the tax laws that let's as you claim, Trump to pay no taxes.
Biden has chaired the Justice committee and Foreign Relations
As VP, he represented the White House in negotiating Stimulus and Obamacare
Had made millions of his foreign policies. How did that help Americans? Obama care failure? Lol, thanks for proving my point.

For a guy who is supposed to have made Billions ....
Biden does not have that much money

Not only that.....But he actually releases his tax returns
Liberals have shown their true selves in this thread. First calling me a racist, when I never mentioned her race. Then bringing Trump in it. Well the fact is you chose a presidential candidate that sexually assaults children openly and a vice president that slept her way to where she is. Never pretend any of you have any decency left.
lol ...

donny's gone in 15 days & 3 hrs.

get used to it.
Maybe not, anyway if he doesn't prove democrats cheated. Harris will be an illegitimate president.

lol ... did it hurt when president tinkles brainwashed you?
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump is a man that represented we the people. The first president that has done that in my lifetime since Reagan. That's why you hate him.

i'm willing to bet that brainwashing didn't hurt a bit. seems yer brain cells have vacated just in time,'eh?
No brain washing, what has Biden done for the people in his 50 years? Besides voting to lock up minorities or writing the tax laws that let's as you claim, Trump to pay no taxes.
Biden has chaired the Justice committee and Foreign Relations
As VP, he represented the White House in negotiating Stimulus and Obamacare
Had made millions of his foreign policies. How did that help Americans? Obama care failure? Lol, thanks for proving my point.

For a guy who is supposed to have made Billions ....
Biden does not have that much money

Not only that.....But he actually releases his tax returns
Lol, yeah but he hide his millions well from China.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

Is Willie Brown 112yrs old.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

Is Willie Brown 112yrs old.
Maybe and the maybe president sucked him off. Lol

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