Our president!

Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

Those five people should not have stormed the capital. There are consequences for those actions. As in with the BLM riots, I would have been OK with police shooting all the rioters. Same with the capital. You riot, you get shot. Peaceful protests are allowed by our constitution, once you get violent then all bets are off.

I don't care if you have to shoot a million people. Law and order must be preserved. All those captured on video storming the capital should be hunted down and jailed. Same for the BLM murderers, looters and vandals.

one woman - a Qanon freak who sadly was also an AF vet was shot. 3 died of 'medical emergancies', so there's not much info as to how or where they were at the time of their death. & one was a capital policeman who is reported to have died from the animals beating him to death with a fire extinguisher.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

Those five people should not have stormed the capital. There are consequences for those actions. As in with the BLM riots, I would have been OK with police shooting all the rioters. Same with the capital. You riot, you get shot. Peaceful protests are allowed by our constitution, once you get violent then all bets are off.

I don't care if you have to shoot a million people. Law and order must be preserved. All those captured on video storming the capital should be hunted down and jailed. Same for the BLM murderers, looters and vandals.

one woman - a Qanon freak who sadly was also an AF vet was shot. 3 died of 'medical emergancies', so there's not much info as to how or where they were at the time of their death. & one was a capital policeman who is reported to have died from the animals beating him to death with a fire extinguisher.

Like I said. If they shot every single one of them, I would not shed a tear. You commit a crime, you deserve what you get. We need to empower our police once more.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

i am not a he. never was, never will be.

the vast majority of those protests were peaceful & rioting/looting has never been condoned by me. find one post where i defended those actions.

you can't asswipe.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.


Show me a post of you complaining of 19 people dying during the BLM riots.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

i am not a he. never was, never will be.

the vast majority of those protests were peaceful & rioting/looting has never been condoned by me. find one post where i defended those actions.

you can't asswipe.

Per you leftists "silence is violence"....
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.


Show me a post of you complaining of 19 people dying during the BLM riots.

you made the charge - the onus is on you.

happy finding.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.


Show me a post of you complaining of 19 people dying during the BLM riots.

you made the charge - the onus is on you.

happy finding.

You are making my point.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.

' it ' was just the start ... why go with the rest of that sentence, either?

wtf, azog.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.


Show me a post of you complaining of 19 people dying during the BLM riots.

you made the charge - the onus is on you.

happy finding.

You are making my point.

you're making mine.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.

' it ' was just the start ... why go with the rest of that sentence, either?

wtf, azog.

Let me take a step back. I believe the police should have shot every single protester this summer once they began rioting and looting. I also believe the police should have shot every single protester in DC once they started doing the same.

Do you agree or disagree with me?
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.

' it ' was just the start ... why go with the rest of that sentence, either?

wtf, azog.

Let me take a step back. I believe the police should have shot every single protester this summer once they began rioting and looting. I also believe the police should have shot every single protester in DC once they started doing the same.

Do you agree or disagree with me?

i agree.


& i'd like to see rittenhouse get the death penalty.
Last edited:
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.

' it ' was just the start ... why go with the rest of that sentence, either?

wtf, azog.

Let me take a step back. I believe the police should have shot every single protester this summer once they began rioting and looting. I also believe the police should have shot every single protester in DC once they started doing the same.

Do you agree or disagree with me?

i agree.


& i'd like to see rittonhouse get the death penalty.

I am very shocked. We agree on something. Yet Democrats set up GoFundMe pages to bail out the violent rioters. Death penalty is too late. Shoot on sight. Once you see a perp looting or setting fire to shit or breaking windows. Shoot them and others will not follow suit.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.

' it ' was just the start ... why go with the rest of that sentence, either?

wtf, azog.

Let me take a step back. I believe the police should have shot every single protester this summer once they began rioting and looting. I also believe the police should have shot every single protester in DC once they started doing the same.

Do you agree or disagree with me?

i agree.


& i'd like to see rittonhouse get the death penalty.

I am very shocked. We agree on something. Yet Democrats set up GoFundMe pages to bail out the violent rioters. Death penalty is too late. Shoot on sight. Once you see a perp looting or setting fire to shit or breaking windows. Shoot them and others will not follow suit.

SOME (D)s probably did.

however, i am not a (D).

told ya.

anyhoo ... rittenhouse - who has his own GoFundMe paying for his defense ... killed 2 people in cold blood.
Y-A-W-N. Don't you have Stormfront meeting to get to?
Truth hurts? That is totally true, she slept her way to the top.

No she didn't. Why didn't you just say you don't like dark people? It would be easier and more genuine. Well, at least the ones that don't agree with your political views. :)
So she didn't have an affair with a man double her age?

donny raw dogged both a porn star & playboy bunny at least 1/2 his age whilst still married.

so there is that.
This thread has zero to do with Trump? Why did you bring him into this? You cannot defend the VP elect so you deflect?

zogster - where ya been, boy?

anyhoo -
it has way more to do with seeing it as a very bad attempt at hypocrisy, more than anything. 'specially de-flection.

so there's that as well.
But again it has zero to do with DJT? The whole point is that the new administration has a higher moral standard and yet it doesn't? That is the real hypocrisy.

My dog tore an ACL so I was busy tending to him.

i think it doesn't matter 'cause they are both qualified to hold the office of the president....- where as a failed conman isn't & hasn't been for 4 years, both morally or competantly.

sorry to here about yer dog - i figured you defected to parlour.
He is actually fine. Didn't need surgery. Doc put him under and the ACL was only partially torn and healed literally the day before. He still could not jump as well but now knock on wood he is like 95%. Vet surgeon says he sees that in like 1% of all dogs. I am thankful I have pet insurance. Now that I work from home all the time he is glued to me. At my feet as I type.

That is what really matters. All other banter here is just bullshit. Don't know who is or isn't qualified to hold office but to me based on local politics, business people are generally the most logical and get the most done. Career politicians and those in public service are the opposite.

Only social media I generally do is LinkedIn.

i am glad he is almost all better. last i really saw you post was that you were kinda curious about that site. & i am actually glad to know you didn't go there.

& just so i don't pass the opportunity to at least say that donny sucks bigley & there's no logic for how's he's going to need to leave come 12 noon on jan 20th - - - yet he's throwing a major unconstitutional hissy fit - - - & how people may get hurt or worse over it.
So what. You know it is all hubris and he is going to leave. Time to move on. I did. Sucks he lost but he lost. Sucks the country wants to go far left but it does. I live in a far left state and I am fine so I believe we'll get through this. I hate that my freedom of speech has been thwarted but such is life. Thanks for your kind words about my pal. Funny he was a gift for my oldest but now that she is a young teen he is basically my dog. LOL.

still sticking by it's just 'all hubris', zogarino?

View attachment 438858

5 people died. are you gonna say that you hope they all had life insurance?

19 people died during the BLM protests over police arresting and or shooting criminals. I am still not sure what the hell they were protesting. I did not see you complain about that. At least I am consistent. You are a hypocrite.

Such is life.

He still thinks those riots were peaceful. That's what he is told to believe.

It is a she unless she now identifies as a he and nope. No honest rational person believes they were peaceful. Property destroyed, lives ruined, 19 dead. She is a leftist, she is a hypocrite, she isn't an idiot.

ok. i tried with you. you crossed the line one last time.


it won't happen again.

How did I "cross the line"?
I said you are not an idiot just a hypocrite.

' it ' was just the start ... why go with the rest of that sentence, either?

wtf, azog.

Let me take a step back. I believe the police should have shot every single protester this summer once they began rioting and looting. I also believe the police should have shot every single protester in DC once they started doing the same.

Do you agree or disagree with me?

i agree.


& i'd like to see rittonhouse get the death penalty.

I am very shocked. We agree on something. Yet Democrats set up GoFundMe pages to bail out the violent rioters. Death penalty is too late. Shoot on sight. Once you see a perp looting or setting fire to shit or breaking windows. Shoot them and others will not follow suit.

SOME (D)s probably did.

however, i am not a (D).

told ya.

anyhoo ... rittenhouse - who has his own GoFundMe paying for his defense ... killed 2 people in cold blood.

That’s for the courts to decide now. Once the courts are involved it all goes to hell. Shoot on sight. Fewer will riot and vigilantes won’t exist. Video I saw showed it as self defense but I am not a lawyer

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