Outbreak at Honolulu Nursing Home Shatters ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ Narrative from Every Angle

Liberty and personal responsibility don't mean doing everything you tell us to do. You just used the word "responsibility" two different ways in the same paragraph. Personal responsibility means taking care of ourselves instead of whining for welfare all the time.

Then you spoil it by using "responsibly" by meaning obeying a lot of crazy, cruel mandates and lockdowns and wearing face diapers all the time. Personal responsibility definitely does not mean doing what you say --- or what anyone tells us to do.
Yes that is exactly my point... Taking care of ourselves our families and our communities during pandemic means acting safety and responsibly, you'd think this would be the what any responsible adult would do and advocate for... but no, we have this faction of brats that are actually fighting against acting that way which in turn is causing mandates and regulation which in turn fuels their opposition and they are politicizing the whole thing. It is ridiculous.
This above is not true: the vaccines do NOT protect against Delta, people catch Covid just as much and pass it on just as well as anyone who didn't get vaccinated. Our very last hope is that the illness is less severe.

All that stuff says the vaccines are effective against catching it!! That is totally wrong, and I thought everyone knew that by now.
See the difference between my claims and your claims are mine were backed up with studies that I linked to and yours are just words that you wrote... Anybody can do that... Did you know that 2+2=5 ??
Thats not what I was talking about smart guy... I was talking about personal responsibility
Taking care of yourself is a personal responsibility. Probably the most important. It is no one's decision but their own. You do what you have to to take care of yourself except trying to take away my rights.
Yes that is exactly my point... Taking care of ourselves our families and our communities during pandemic means acting safety and responsibly, you'd think this would be the what any responsible adult would do and advocate for... but no, we have this faction of brats that are actually fighting against acting that way which in turn is causing mandates and regulation which in turn fuels their opposition and they are politicizing the whole thing. It is ridiculous.
No, you plainly don't know what liberty is.

And none of the mandates and maskings and lockdowns you wanted to force everyone into did any good whatsoever, just messed up everyone's lives. While the virus surges happily on, not interested in any futile thing we do to stop it.
Taking care of yourself is a personal responsibility. Probably the most important. It is no one's decision but their own. You do what you have to to take care of yourself except trying to take away my rights.
Its pretty easy... act responsibly and there is no need for laws and regulations... Don't act responsibly then problems occur and the result is going to be regulations and laws, thats how it works.
No, you plainly don't know what liberty is.

And none of the mandates and maskings and lockdowns you wanted to force everyone into did any good whatsoever, just messed up everyone's lives. While the virus surges happily on, not interested in any futile thing we do to stop it.
What makes you think I want mandates and lockdowns? You couldn't be more wrong
Disprove what they say or go away.
Not how it works Douchnozzle. When you shout out 'facts' that are false on their face..like 'the moon is made of cream cheese' one need not go to the moon and get a sample.
Just when i think you've finally plumbed the depths of your ignorance..you keep diving~
No, you plainly don't know what liberty is.

And none of the mandates and maskings and lockdowns you wanted to force everyone into did any good whatsoever, just messed up everyone's lives. While the virus surges happily on, not interested in any futile thing we do to stop it.
I know exactly what liberty is and I know how it is lost... By not acting responsibly
Its pretty easy... act responsibly and there is no need for laws and regulations... Don't act responsibly then problems occur and the result is going to be regulations and laws, thats how it works.
You are not going to tell me, or others, what responsibility is. What part of that do you intolerant freaks have trouble with?
Not how it works Douchnozzle. When you shout out 'facts' that are false on their face..like 'the moon is made of cream cheese' one need not go to the moon and get a sample.
Just when i think you've finally plumbed the depths of your ignorance..you keep diving~
10-4 troll.
See the difference between my claims and your claims are mine were backed up with studies that I linked to and yours are just words that you wrote... Anybody can do that... Did you know that 2+2=5 ??
Huh. I see that some people on both sides here are behind the news arc that is now current --- has been for a few weeks. Your citation was hooey --- since the surge re-started in late July we have known the vaccines don't stop infection (at all) or transmission (at all). There has been a lot written about the vaccines making the disease when people catch it -- and we'll all catch it -- milder. I hope that is true, because almost nothing ever said in the leftwing media has been true so far. I suggest you read some current coronavirus news: you are way behind.
You are not going to tell me, or others, what responsibility is. What part of that do you intolerant freaks have trouble with?
I don't have to tell you... you should know and the fact that so many of you fight against it and act irresponsibly is what brings on the mandates and regulations. It is simple cause and effect
Its pretty easy... act responsibly and there is no need for laws and regulations... Don't act responsibly then problems occur and the result is going to be regulations and laws, thats how it works.
What do you do about the fact that none of the "responsible" actors stopped the disease? In themselves or anyone else. None of it worked. We got the laws and regulations, but nothing stopped the disease.

Maybe what you should do in a case of total futility like that is back off and leave people free.
I don't have to tell you... you should know and the fact that so many of you fight against it and act irresponsibly is what brings on the mandates and regulations. It is simple cause and effect
Naaaaaah, it's just control freaks craving for control over everybody.
Huh. I see that some people on both sides here are behind the news arc that is now current --- has been for a few weeks. Your citation was hooey --- since the surge re-started in late July we have known the vaccines don't stop infection (at all) or transmission (at all). There has been a lot written about the vaccines making the disease when people catch it -- and we'll all catch it -- milder. I hope that is true, because almost nothing ever said in the leftwing media has been true so far. I suggest you read some current coronavirus news: you are way behind.
You are wrong, I posted an article that shows the statistics and what delta did to the efficacy rates of the vaccines. You have posted nothing showing anything that backs up your statement that they have zero effect against Delta transmissions
I know exactly what liberty is and I know how it is lost... By not acting responsibly
The bit you are having trouble with is who the responsibility is directed toward.

We on the right view personal responsibility as responsible to OURSELVES, never to or for other people, who are not our business. We're into minding our own business.

You seem to think that responsibility is inevitably directed outward, as if one person (you, no doubt) could be responsible for everyone else by telling them what to do.

This is a perversion of the term responsible, really.
What do you do about the fact that none of the "responsible" actors stopped the disease? In themselves or anyone else. None of it worked. We got the laws and regulations, but nothing stopped the disease.

Maybe what you should do in a case of total futility like that is back off and leave people free.
You can't stop a disease without a unified effort... Just not possible. We did save many lives and were able to develop good medicines that help treat and prevent illness which is a great thing. Just too bad there were so many tards playing politics, we could have done so much better

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