Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

Of course Israel must be destroyed, but that harms no one.
Israel is the source of harm.
Real Jews know that there is not supposed to be an Israel until the coming of the Messiah.
Israel is a fake country dreamed up by con men like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion.--
/----/ You're pure evil -
Oddly you write about Arabs welcoming Israeli's in the 1920's, but omit the killings and massacres by Arabs against Israeli's during the latter part of the 19th Century.

Here's a good read for you:

Your Guide to Understanding the Roots of the Israel-Hamas War​

That is because all the killing were caused by these well armed Jewish illegal immigrants, who lied about their intentions.
People talk about things like the Hebron riots, but the truth is a Zionist deliberately started the riot by shooting an Arab strawberry vendor to death, over a price argument.
The Zionists were well armed, and the Palestinians unarmed.
There were about 200 deaths on each side.

All the violence was caused deliberately by the illegal Zionist immigrants.
That is obvious since it was Menachim Begin who blew up the King David Hotel, to get rid of the British peace keepers.
He also gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator, again so there would be no one to stop the intended genocide against the native Arabs.
Then compare a map of Palestine before 1946 to one after 1950, and you will see hundreds of Arab villages missing, wiped out by Zionists bent on genocide.
Look up the massacre of the village of Deir Yassin for example.

Do not look at propaganda like Bloomberg.
Although I read the link and it was not as bad as most, it still totally ignored the mass murder, theft, lying, etc., done by the Zionists, and totally tried to blame the Arab for the violence, when historically and in actuality that is totally false.
Moslem never harm Jews, and are forbidden to harm Jews by the Quran.
The Turks, British, etc., never allowed the Palestinians to be armed.
In contrast, the US provided the Zionists with whole arsenals of tanks, bombers, fighter planes, machine guns, etc.
It was massacre after massacre.
Only one man has been identified and it was a one-time event

Palestinian terrorism has been as regular as Old Faithful for 50 years

All the terrorism was by the Zionists.
The unarmed Palestinians were always in the right and were just trying to get publicity, like from airplane hijackings.
Look at a map.
The Zionists massacred hundreds of Arab villages and made them disappear in the 40s.
Just Google the Dead Sea scrolls and you will see how wrong you are. Where you ever got that information from I can't even begin to guess.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Caves Scrolls, are a set of ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period.
The Second Temple period was from about 100 BC to 60 AD, and is not at all contemporary with the fictional events depicted.
And while your link calls it "Hebrew", the reality is that first the Hebrew wrote in Phoenicians, later in Aramaic, and only had a real Hebrew script after the Romans created one about 100 BC.
They were written over 900 years after the events were over.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Caves Scrolls, are a set of ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period.
The Second Temple period was from about 100 BC to 60 AD, and is not at all contemporary with the fictional events depicted.
And while your link calls it "Hebrew", the reality is that first the Hebrew wrote in Phoenicians, later in Aramaic, and only had a real Hebrew script after the Romans created one about 100 BC.
They were written over 900 years after the events were over.
Lol....utter bullshit.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Caves Scrolls, are a set of ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period.
The Second Temple period was from about 100 BC to 60 AD, and is not at all contemporary with the fictional events depicted.
And while your link calls it "Hebrew", the reality is that first the Hebrew wrote in Phoenicians, later in Aramaic, and only had a real Hebrew script after the Romans created one about 100 BC.
They were written over 900 years after the events were over.
Whoah....gonna need a better source. It is agreed upon by most biblical scholars that the tetragrammaton is 3000 years old. Your info comes from WHERE? The book of Charlie?
I see you have never read the Quran....or if you have what does "spread by the sword" mean to you?

The Quran specifically says many times, that "there can be no compulsion when it comes to religion".
It also says Jews and Christians are "Brothers of the Book", meaning they all share the Old Testament.
And they are all Abrahamic, sons of Abraham.
The Quran also says Christianity and Judaism are equally valid ways to heaven.

Not only was Islam never spread by the sword, but Mohammed hardly spread it at all.
The problem was that Asiatic invaded massacred the Moslem leadership in Baghdad, around 1200 AD.
The Asiatics like the Mongols, Moghuls, Turks, etc. only then claimed to be Moslem.
Holy shit....are you freaking kidding me? Your new moniker is Hereby: CONSPIRATO! Islam is based on intolerance...
Just ask the LGBTQ community in the middle-east.

After Baghdad was massacred, Islam reverted to its older Tribal ways of Judaism in the Old Testament.
Lol....utter bullshit.

Whoah....gonna need a better source. It is agreed upon by most biblical scholars that the tetragrammaton is 3000 years old. Your info comes from WHERE? The book of Charlie?

That was basic wiki.
While wiki can be wrong, it is read by so many, that it tends to be corrected if wrong.
No one I have ever heard of ever claims the Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient or accurate in any way.
That was basic wiki.
While wiki can be wrong, it is read by so many, that it tends to be corrected if wrong.
No one I have ever heard of ever claims the Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient or accurate in any way.
They are carbon dated. Ok ..let me step back a bit. I'm open to new ideas. This is a new one for me but rather than dismiss it out of hand I will listen to evidence. I have no problem reading on any subject prolifically.
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Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?
Let the outrage grow... pi$$ing-off Islamist-Terrorist Sympathizers sounds like marvelous fun...

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?
Genocidal Islamophobia is the new (old) antisemitism.

See, connies can't come out and wear actual swastikas, but the next best thing?

Regarding Palestinians - and all Muslims - as subhuman.

Nazi Germany redux, but without the guilt/public shame.

To a defective/deranged psychopath, it's a win/win. :)
I saw tens of thousands, and not one tried to stop the others from doing what they were doing.

So lets kill 4 million people including women and children?

Like I said, you are a fucking degenerate, to no lesser degree than those Hamas animals.
So lets kill 4 million people including women and children?

Like I said, you are a fucking degenerate, to no lesser degree than those Hamas animals.
The ones who want to leave should. No one is stopping them, well, other than hamass who is killing them.
Much ado about nothing. Special recognition goes to Soros (tax exempt) Meda Matters that monitors (and spins) every word ever spoken by a republican politician.

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