Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

Bullshit. You're not Jewish in any way.

It is only Jews who know about and understand what the Diaspora Decree was all about, and why Jews are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
If you read up on Zionists like Netanyahu, he is the one who is not really Jewish, because he admits he is an atheist.
He is committing the sins of arrogance and pride, instead of atoning for it.
Hebrew existed as a spoken language for 3,000 years, but only had a written script after the Romans created it around 100 BC.
The Dead Sea scrolls are from 200 AD to 400 AD, and are not real.
They are fake fantasies written much after the fact, by people who had no first hand information.

As far as who the Palestinians are, obviously they are everyone.
When you look back at the Canaanite rule, you see the Philistine, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, etc.
The Canaanites did not commit genocide, and were multicultural.
All other in the Levant were as well.
The only people who did not fit in where the Hebrew, who claimed to be the Chosen People with a mythical right to their Promised Land.
No other group was so conceited.

The secession of rulers is approximately:

Seleucids (from Alexander the Great)

But none of these rules ever wiped out or attacked the Palestinian natives.
And they in general stayed throughout all the different rulers.
And they were the Canaanites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, Nabateans, etc.
That is who the Palestinians are still.
They never left and no one ever tried to wipe them out, once the Hebrew no longer were a threat.
The rulers came and went, but the people lived on regardless.

You are so full of shit.

"Professor Gershon Galil of the department of biblical studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered an inscription dating from the 10th century BCE (the period of King David's reign), and has shown that this is a Hebrew inscription. The discovery makes this the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research.

Prof. Gershon Galil of the University of Haifa who deciphered the inscription: "It indicates that the Kingdom of Israel already existed in the 10th century BCE and that at least some of the biblical texts were written hundreds of years before the dates presented in current research."

A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written. Prof. Gershon Galil of the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered an inscription dating from the 10th century BCE (the period of King David's reign), and has shown that this is a Hebrew inscription. The discovery makes this the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research and that the Kingdom of Israel already existed at that time."

Jews there first. Nomadic Arabs wandered in and said get out. Jews didn’t so Arabs declared themselves the state if Palestine and said get out we are a state and the Jews didn’t
We are now at 2023.

The original inhabitants of the Levant are the Arab Canaanites, and they go back to 8,000 BC.
They were the first city builders in the entire world.

The Hebrew tribes were nomadic, and except for the Bedouin and Hebrew, the Arabs are never nomadic.

The Hebrew were from the Sinai and did not invade the Land of Canaan until around 1000 BC.
The Hebrew only called themselves Jews after the Jordan River and the Canaanite city of Jerusalem.
But they were defeated and driven out by the Assyrians around 850 BC, so only ruled about 150 years, and had insignificant impact.

The Palestinians never left.
The Palestinians gained their independence by helping Lawrence of Arabia against the Ottoman Empire in WWI.
The Treaty of San Remo created Palestine in 1920.
The Balfour Declaration by the British was to allow the Jews to immigrate, but not rule.
The Jews in Israel are descendants from recent illegal immigrants, who never paid for almost any of the land they stole from the native Arabs.
The quote you are using is being deliberately slandered.
It actually refers only to the Banu Qurayza, who betrayed Mohammed and the other 11 Jewish tribes he was allied with.
Mohammed and the 11 Jewish tribes were allies against the Meccans.
/——/ So, these guys screaming Death to America, Death to Israel every day are just kidding?
Well, heck, just a bunch of fun loving jihadist.
You are so full of shit.

"Professor Gershon Galil of the department of biblical studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered an inscription dating from the 10th century BCE (the period of King David's reign), and has shown that this is a Hebrew inscription. The discovery makes this the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research.

Prof. Gershon Galil of the University of Haifa who deciphered the inscription: "It indicates that the Kingdom of Israel already existed in the 10th century BCE and that at least some of the biblical texts were written hundreds of years before the dates presented in current research."

A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written. Prof. Gershon Galil of the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered an inscription dating from the 10th century BCE (the period of King David's reign), and has shown that this is a Hebrew inscription. The discovery makes this the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research and that the Kingdom of Israel already existed at that time."

An "inscription" can be just a symbol.
There was no Hebrew script until 100 BC.
The reality is that the Hebrew used Phoenician originally, and then switched over to Aramaic.
"Paleo-Hebrew alphabet" is the modern term (coined by Solomon Birnbaum in 1954[1]) used for the script otherwise known as the Phoenician alphabet when used to write Hebrew, or when found in the context of the ancient Israelite kingdoms. This script was used in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah as well as throughout Canaan more generally, during the 10th to 7th centuries BCE.[2][3][4][5] By the 6th or 5th centuries, this script had diverged into numerous national variants, the most successful of these being the Aramaic script, which came to be widely adopted in the Persian empire.

Following the Babylonian exile, the Jews gradually stopped using the Paleo-Hebrew script, and instead adopted a "square" form of the Aramaic alphabet. A similar "square Aramaic script" is still used for contemporary western dialects of Aramaic (Western Neo-Aramaic).
This "square" variant of Aramaic developed into the Hebrew alphabet proper during the Second Temple period, in a process that was not complete before the 1st century CE; for example, the letter samekh developed its closed or circular form only in the middle Hasmonean period, around 100 BCE, and this variant becomes the standard form in early Herodian hands, in the 1st century CE.[6]
The Romans contracted for the current Hebrew script around 100 BC.
Remember King Herod was a Roman.
I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine.

You have repeatedly denied God. So certainly, in the religious sense, you are no Jew at all, but a Godless heathen.

And now, you openly side with those who want to exterminate Jews completely.

I have always believed in God, just not that anyone is a Chosen People of that they have a right to steal what they consider their Promised Land.

No one has ever "wanted to exterminate Jews completely".
The Assyrians, Babylonians, Seleucids, and Romans just got tired of their arrogance and duplicity, and kicked them out.
Hitler did not even kill half the Jews under his rule, and there were even over 100,000 Jews in Hitler's Wehrmacht.
What Hitler was doing with the Holocaust, was to secretly get rid of those he felt were traitors.
/——/ So, these guys screaming Death to America, Death to Israel every day are just kidding?
Well, heck, just a bunch of fun loving jihadist.
View attachment 857109

Of course Israel must be destroyed, but that harms no one.
Israel is the source of harm.
Real Jews know that there is not supposed to be an Israel until the coming of the Messiah.
Israel is a fake country dreamed up by con men like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion.
Hamas did not start the genocide 80 years ago, did not blow up the British peace keepers in the King David Hote, did not gun down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, did not massacre dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
They served with the Waffen SS in Bosnia exterminating Serbs and Jews. Fuck em
Of course Israel must be destroyed, but that harms no one.
Israel is the source of harm.
Real Jews know that there is not supposed to be an Israel until the coming of the Messiah.
Israel is a fake country dreamed up by con men like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion.
Truth there. You want them destroyed.

Ok Flatten Mecca
They served with the Waffen SS in Bosnia exterminating Serbs and Jews. Fuck em

Some Bosnians in Yugoslavia volunteered for the Waffen SS as mountaineer, because they felt Germany would counter the evil British Empire that was harming everyone.
The Waffen SS was not "exterminating Serbs or Jews".
The Serbs simply allied more with Russia.
And none of that has anything at all to do with Palestine.
Truth there. You want them destroyed.

Ok Flatten Mecca

Governments can be evil, and need to be destroyed.
Israel only allows 1 million of the 13 million Palestinians to vote.
So clearly Israel is an evil dictatorship of 7 million descendants of illegal immigrants.

You say "flatten Mecca", but Mecca obviously is the long standing historic location of 14 centuries of culture.
In contrast, there is nothing in Jerusalem that even hints that any Jews ever lived there.
It was just a place where some invading Hebrew temporarily ruled by massacring the native Canaanites.
There was nothing good about that invasion or massacre of the native Canaanites.
Some Bosnians in Yugoslavia volunteered for the Waffen SS as mountaineer, because they felt Germany would counter the evil British Empire that was harming everyone.
The Waffen SS was not "exterminating Serbs or Jews".
The Serbs simply allied more with Russia.
And none of that has anything at all to do with Palestine.
BS The Grand Mufti wanted the Final Solution to.

But our Greatest Generation stomped them and ended it.

They then made Israel a safe Haven. Why would they give to allies of the dirt bags they just fought.

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?
She is clearly unfit for office and should be removed immediately and forever.
That is a total lie.
Moslems in general have always been on good terms with Jews.
Palestinian invited them in during the 1920s, to improve the economy.
NEVER has any Moslem ever expressed any desire to harm Jews over religion.

All the violence was started and caused by the Zionists.
Like the Bombing of the King David hotel to get the British peace keepers to leave.
Gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so the UN could not protect the Arabs.
Then massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Oddly you write about Arabs welcoming Israeli's in the 1920's, but omit the killings and massacres by Arabs against Israeli's during the latter part of the 19th Century.

Here's a good read for you:

Your Guide to Understanding the Roots of the Israel-Hamas War​

And the whack-jobs who blew up the Murrah building were recruited from Americans. Does that mean all Americans are terrorists?
Only one man has been identified and it was a one-time event

Palestinian terrorism has been as regular as Old Faithful for 50 years
Hebrew existed as a spoken language for 3,000 years, but only had a written script after the Romans created it around 100 BC.
The Dead Sea scrolls are from 200 AD to 400 AD, and are not real.
They are fake fantasies written much after the fact, by people who had no first hand information.

As far as who the Palestinians are, obviously they are everyone.
When you look back at the Canaanite rule, you see the Philistine, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, etc.
The Canaanites did not commit genocide, and were multicultural.
All other in the Levant were as well.
The only people who did not fit in where the Hebrew, who claimed to be the Chosen People with a mythical right to their Promised Land.
No other group was so conceited.

The secession of rulers is approximately:

Seleucids (from Alexander the Great)

But none of these rules ever wiped out or attacked the Palestinian natives.
And they in general stayed throughout all the different rulers.
And they were the Canaanites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, Nabateans, etc.
That is who the Palestinians are still.
They never left and no one ever tried to wipe them out, once the Hebrew no longer were a threat.
The rulers came and went, but the people lived on regardless.
Just Google the Dead Sea scrolls and you will see how wrong you are. Where you ever got that information from I can't even begin to guess.

Oddly you write about Arabs welcoming Israeli's in the 1920's, but omit the killings and massacres by Arabs against Israeli's during the latter part of the 19th Century.

Here's a good read for you:

Your Guide to Understanding the Roots of the Israel-Hamas War​

I see you have never read the Quran....or if you have what does "spread by the sword" mean to you?
BS The Grand Mufti wanted the Final Solution to.

But our Greatest Generation stomped them and ended it.

They then made Israel a safe Haven. Why would they give to allies of the dirt bags they just fought.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was not reflective of Palestinians, and sided with Germany, while all the rest of Palestine sided with the Allies.

If the Palestinians had not sided with the Allies and made Palestine a "safe haven", then no Jews would have been allowed to immigrate and there would be no Israel now.
The Nazis were fascists, which is a greedy conspiracy of the wealthy elite, military, and corporations.
And the only people who fit that description in the Mideast are the Israelis.
The Israelis also are the only ones who hate and try to kill others who are not the same culture or religion.
Holy shit....are you freaking kidding me? Your new moniker is Hereby: CONSPIRATO! Islam is based on intolerance...
Just ask the LGBTQ community in the middle-east.

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