Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

Nothing chilling nor promoting outrage for the elimination of Hamas snd those they have intertwined with
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

In 1945, roughly 1 million Jews lived peacefully in the various Arab states of the Middle East, many of them in communities that had existed for thousands of years. After the Arabs rejected the United Nations decision to partition Palestine and create a Jewish state, however, the Jews of the Arab lands became targets of their own governments’ anti-Zionist fervor. As Egypt’s delegate to the UN in 1947 chillingly told the General Assembly: “The lives of one million Jews in Muslim countries will be jeopardized by partition.” The dire warning quickly became the brutal reality.

That is a lie.
Arab nations made laws to prevent Jews from leaving and going to Palestine, where they were being offered free home confiscated illegally from Arab native owners.
They were NOT at all being made to leave any Arab country.
That is a lie.
Arab nations made laws to prevent Jews from leaving and going to Palestine, where they were being offered free home confiscated illegally from Arab native owners.
They were NOT at all being made to leave any Arab country.
Jews there first. Nomadic Arabs wandered in and said get out. Jews didn’t so Arabs declared themselves the state if Palestine and said get out we are a state and the Jews didn’t
We are now at 2023.
I disagree.
Hamas was voted in after decades of the other parties claiming to be trying to do something to liberate the natives, but never did anything, and just got wealthy instead.
Hamas is the only one not greedy, lying, or cheating.
They are doing the only thing that works, which is to make Israel pay for the harm they are illegally causing.

HUH, kinda like Bernie Sanders eh? They are all greedyt

Three top leaders of Hamas alone have a staggering fortune of $11 billion, according to a report by New York Post. Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaleed Mashal have been maintaining their luxury lifestyle in Qatar, a relatively small yet powerful emirate in the Middle East, which provided a safe haven for them

That is a total lie.
Moslems in general have always been on good terms with Jews.
Not true. Muhamad himself wiped out two towns/cities that were predominantly Jewish.

Palestinian invited them in during the 1920s, to improve the economy.
NEVER has any Moslem ever expressed any desire to harm Jews over religion.
See above.

All the violence was started and caused by the Zionists.
That's just the cover story maintained by anti-semites.

Like the Bombing of the King David hotel to get the British peace keepers to leave.
Gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so the UN could not protect the Arabs.
Then massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Bottom line - Arabs have invaded Israel three times. That wasn't because they loved the Jews.
Hamas are the good guys.

You are sad, sick little human.

It is all in comparison with the horrendous evil committed by Zionists from 1940 on.
Nothing Hamas can do in their own native country can at all compare to the evils done by the illegal immigrant Zionists.
Look it up.
Look at Irgun blowing up the King David hotel to wipe out the British peace keepers.
Menachim Begin gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
Look up all the Arab villages on the map around 1945.
By 1950, they are all gone, massacred.
Holy shit you are fucked in the head.

Hamas did not start the genocide 80 years ago, did not blow up the British peace keepers in the King David Hote, did not gun down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, did not massacre dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
What a retarded reply that answered fuck all. That's a unique talent you have. Hang on, but you're a Corbynite.

Israel has been murdering, bombing, gassing, using artillery, using white phosphorus, etc., on Palestinian civilians for 80 years now.
Its not like all the Israelis do not know about the murders.
They know Menachim Begin set the bombs and pulled the trigger.
They know they never bought those homes they live in that used to be Arab.
Although the War started in 1939, On D Day June 6, 1944, we effectively started the end of the German Empire. About one year it took. Hopefully the powers that be deescalate this current war and cool the hot heads we see around the world.

Actually it was the US that illegally caused this whole conflict, by arming Zionist illegal immigrants and letting them have at the unarmed Arab natives.

I do not know who is willing to stop it.
It would be easy to do.
All that needs to be done is force Israel to give up Jerusalem, the West Bank, and all the territory they stole from Gaza.
Instead of the Right of Return, the Arabs who had their land stolen in Israel, could maybe be given other land from Israel, that would then no longer be part of Israel?
But someone has to dictate to Israel, and they likely would have to then be defeated first.
The cowardly French just rolled over and let Hitler march right into their country.

View attachment 856999

Not really.
The problem is the French did not understand how to use tanks.
They thought of them as infantry support and dispersed, when in reality they are more like cavalry and to be concentrated.
Individually tanks are very vulnerable, but together, they can concentrate huge amounts of fire power in weak spot in the enemy line.
So the French were completely out maneuvered and defeated.
It was as if they were totally unarmed in comparison with the way the Germans used tanks.
Which is why it is call Blitzkrieg.
Which is a violation of INTERNATIONAL LAW you blithering baboon!

The point of Hamas getting hostages was to get 8,000 Palestinian hostages that Israel is illegally holding, released.
Which is perfectly legal.
It is Israel that is in violation of INTERNATIONAL LAW, and Hamas just eventually started copying what Israel has always done.
/----/ You got any fake outrage for this call for genocide?
Talaat Mohamed Afifi Salem said: “... we hope that the words of the Prophet Muhammad will be fulfilled: Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, but the rocks and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him — except for the gharqad tree, which is one of the trees of the Jews.”

The quote you are using is being deliberately slandered.
It actually refers only to the Banu Qurayza, who betrayed Mohammed and the other 11 Jewish tribes he was allied with.
Mohammed and the 11 Jewish tribes were allies against the Meccans.
I am Jewish, so I know all about the "sins of arrogance and pride".
This is not the first time Jews have committed these sins, and all Jews should know better by now.

Bullshit. You're not Jewish in any way.
Hebrew and Aramaic are literally 3,000 years old at the very least. The Dead Sea scrolls written in both Hebrew and Aramaic far predate your estimations.
There's no question that the nation of Israel was a warring nation of wanderers. That makes them very similar to the much of the rest of that entire region throughout its millenniums of History. However unless you can make a direct tie between the edomites / Canaanites that were displaced centuries prior to the common era and the current day Palestinians whoever they are I don't think you're going to have a solid argument.

Hebrew existed as a spoken language for 3,000 years, but only had a written script after the Romans created it around 100 BC.
The Dead Sea scrolls are from 200 AD to 400 AD, and are not real.
They are fake fantasies written much after the fact, by people who had no first hand information.

As far as who the Palestinians are, obviously they are everyone.
When you look back at the Canaanite rule, you see the Philistine, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, etc.
The Canaanites did not commit genocide, and were multicultural.
All other in the Levant were as well.
The only people who did not fit in where the Hebrew, who claimed to be the Chosen People with a mythical right to their Promised Land.
No other group was so conceited.

The secession of rulers is approximately:

Seleucids (from Alexander the Great)

But none of these rules ever wiped out or attacked the Palestinian natives.
And they in general stayed throughout all the different rulers.
And they were the Canaanites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, Nabateans, etc.
That is who the Palestinians are still.
They never left and no one ever tried to wipe them out, once the Hebrew no longer were a threat.
The rulers came and went, but the people lived on regardless.

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