Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

Since Hamas has no significant weapons, they are doing exactly as they have to.
What they are doing is exactly what the French Resistance did in the face of the evil invasion of their country.

The cowardly French just rolled over and let Hitler march right into their country.

Pretty much every damn muslim country has run out or killed any non muslims.

Totally not at all true.
Until Israel started handing out free stolen properties to Jews all over the world, most Jews lived in Moslem countries.
In fact, there are still over 30,000 Jews living in Tehran alone.
The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is Jewish.
The Nazis were fascists, which is a greedy conspiracy of the wealthy elite, military, and corporations.
And the only people who fit that description in the Mideast are the Israelis.
The Israelis also are the only ones who hate and try to kill others who are not the same culture or religion.
So are you, bub. So are you.
What Hamas did was to get hostages.
So it is then impossible for that to result or have the intent of genocide.
But clearly the intent of Israel is genocide of the Palestinian natives.
They already are on less than 15% of the original land they had in 1920, and they are being blockaded to starvation.
Which is a violation of INTERNATIONAL LAW you blithering baboon!
Actually if you want historical precedent the Jews took that Land from the edomites about 2500 years ago. They lived on it until about 300 AD ( I believe) as a nation.

Not quite.
The Hebrew tribes left Egypt around 1250 BC but tried going back to their homeland in the Sinai first.
They did not like "the wilderness", so decided to invade the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC.
They were beaten and made to leave by the Assyrians around 850 BC, and never ruled again.
They tried to come back, and the Babylonians beat them and made them leave around 750 BC.
They tried to come back during the Seleucid rule and were beaten.
The Edomites only started ruling around 100 BC, and the Romans used them and the Jews as puppets.
King Herod for example, was an Edomite who pretended to convert to Judaism, but was really a Roman.

If you want confirmation, just look up any history book, and you will see the Bible is a fake document created after 200 AD, and that Jews has no significant impact on any history at all.
They never invented or built anything significant.
They never ruled in any significant way except to destroy the peaceful Canaanites.
They had no Hebrew script until the Romans made one for them around 100 BC.
They were illiterate.

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?
/----/ You got any fake outrage for this call for genocide?
Talaat Mohamed Afifi Salem said: “... we hope that the words of the Prophet Muhammad will be fulfilled: Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, but the rocks and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him — except for the gharqad tree, which is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Not quite.
The Hebrew tribes left Egypt around 1250 BC but tried going back to their homeland in the Sinai first.
They did not like "the wilderness", so decided to invade the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC.
They were beaten and made to leave by the Assyrians around 850 BC, and never ruled again.
They tried to come back, and the Babylonians beat them and made them leave around 750 BC.
They tried to come back during the Seleucid rule and were beaten.
The Edomites only started ruling around 100 BC, and the Romans used them and the Jews as puppets.
King Herod for example, was an Edomite who pretended to convert to Judaism, but was really a Roman.

If you want confirmation, just look up any history book, and you will see the Bible is a fake document created after 200 AD, and that Jews has no significant impact on any history at all.
They never invented or built anything significant.
They never ruled in any significant way except to destroy the peaceful Canaanites.
They had no Hebrew script until the Romans made one for them around 100 BC.
They were illiterate.
Hebrew and Aramaic are literally 3,000 years old at the very least. The Dead Sea scrolls written in both Hebrew and Aramaic far predate your estimations.
There's no question that the nation of Israel was a warring nation of wanderers. That makes them very similar to the much of the rest of that entire region throughout its millenniums of History. However unless you can make a direct tie between the edomites / Canaanites that were displaced centuries prior to the common era and the current day Palestinians whoever they are I don't think you're going to have a solid argument.
Totally not at all true.
Until Israel started handing out free stolen properties to Jews all over the world, most Jews lived in Moslem countries.
In fact, there are still over 30,000 Jews living in Tehran alone.
The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is Jewish.
You are a lying, scum-sucking piece of FILTH.

Jews didn't steal shit. It was British land that was ceded to Jews by the Brits.

During World War I, the Sinai and Palestine campaign of the Allies led to the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. (me: which means, we kicked their towel-head asses) Britain was granted control of the region by League of Nations mandate, in what became known as Mandatory Palestine. The British government publicly committed itself to the creation of a Jewish homeland. Arab nationalism opposed this design, asserting Arab rights over the former Ottoman territories and seeking to prevent Jewish migration. As a result, Arab–Jewish tensions grew in the succeeding decades of British administration. (me again: What right did A-Rabs think they had to the land?? [hint: Invented])

You are a liar.

But, you're also a dimocrap scumbag so being a liar goes without saying.

What's amazing to me is that there aren't any dimocrap scum in here that will jerk your leash back a bit.

On 2nd thought -- It's not the least bit 'amazing'. ALL dimocrap scumbags are -- Well, you're all scumbags.
We dropped leaflets on Hiroshima telling them of a super-bomb. Didn't do a lot of good.

Sometimes, you have to virtually eradicate a people that are always causing trouble. We did it to Japan and to Germany as well.

It wasn't an accident. Germany was defeated in 1944 and were seeking peace, so was Japan. But we made the decision to literally destroy them as a people.

Destroy their history (especially Bushido in Japan) their culture and their Military ways.

Germany wasn't a joke. They were the most efficient, the deadliest Army in Human History to that point.

Rome destroyed Carthage. Totally. They fought three wars against them and finally just eradicated them. Then salted the Earth so nothing there could grow again.

Look what happened in Bosnia. And we went in to save their lousy Muzzie asses. Look at what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs.

It's not an accident. Islam simply refuses to join the rest of the world and become civilized. They truly are savages. Look at history

Those who don't believe that are no better than the murdering, raping, disemboweling, torturing, burning alive scumbags that went into Israel on Oct 7.

Eliminate them. To the last if necessary

Totally wrong.

First of all, we NEVER dropped leaflets.
The bombers carrying the atomic bombs were unescorted, so could easily have been shot down.
The only reason they were not is that we did the raid in secret, on targets we knew were undefended.

And the goal was NOT at all to "eradicate" them.
They were already trying to surrender and we ignored them because our actual goal was to try out the 2 different atomic bomb methods, the uranium sliding core bomb, and the plutonium compressed sphere bomb, to see which was best?
(Little Boy and Fat Man)
The Japanese were just Guinea pigs for our testing.

You also have history completely wrong, like it seems you are blaming the Bosnians for the massacres in Yugoslavia, when clearly it was the Serbs who were the problem.

Not only was Islam the first real civilization in the world, that took care of orphans, widows, etc., but still is.
All the "murdering, raping, disemboweling, torturing, burning alive" is done by greedy western civilization, and not Moslems.
The only thing I have against Islam is they are too strict in my opinion.
But clearly they are the most moral and least violent.
They are not starting world wars like the westerner are constantly doing.
We are invading them, they are not invading us.
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Hamas are the good guys.
Israel had 80 years to stop murdering and stealing, but they never did.
So now there is no other choice.
Israel has to be defeated.
Jews are not the natives, and purchases essentially none of the properties.
The properties are almost all historic homes of native Arabs.

Hamas are the good guys.

You are sad, sick little human.
You are a lying, scum-sucking piece of FILTH.

Jews didn't steal shit. It was British land that was ceded to Jews by the Brits.

You are a liar.

But, you're also a dimocrap scumbag so being a liar goes without saying.

What's amazing to me is that there aren't any dimocrap scum in here that will jerk your leash back a bit.

On 2nd thought -- It's not the least bit 'amazing'. ALL dimocrap scumbags are -- Well, you're all scumbags.

That is a lie.
The British never owned Palestine at all in any way.
In WWI, the Palestinian agreed to help the Allies beat the Ottoman Empire, but only on the condition of independence after the war.
That was finalized in the Treaty of San Remo on 1920.
The British Mandate for Palestine was an obligation for England to protect and prepare Palestine for self rule.

Not only did the British not have any capability to give Palestine to the Jews, but they clearly never wanted to.
The 1922 Churchill Whitepaper at the Avalone Project shows that perfectly.

If the British gave Palestine to the Jewish immigrants as you claimed, then why did the Jewish immigrants blow up the King David Hotel in 1946, and kill the British peace keepers there?
Why did Menachim Begin gun down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte in 1948?

History is easily looked up and verified.
From 1946 to 1950, dozens of Arab villages were illegal massacred by the Zionists, and it was the worst genocide the world has ever seen. Never before had anyone just gone to native villages to wipe them out like that.
Look up "Massacre of Deir Yassin".
It well documented. Albert Einstein happened to be in Jerusalem and was a witness who wrote letters about it.

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