Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Do you read the Newsweek link?
It clearly states the girl's mother and grandmother are alive.
Do you think Newsweek is 'lying'?
Wait and see what transpires in this case pal.
I don't post 'lies'.
The LIB controlled MSM attempted to garner sympathy for the feral bitch by claiming she couldn't be responsible for her actions because she was in such "deep grief" over her mother and grandmother's "sudden deaths".
They tried it with Trayvon putting up photos of when he was twelve. They continually referred to "BIG MIKE' as a "gentle giant".
What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots???
The truth ALWAYS is revealed leaving you ALWAYS looking look fools. It never ends
Last edited:
Not how it works. On duty...cop has civil immunity as long as he is not convicted of a crime. Can sue him as an agent of the government...but can't go after his personal ownings.

Yeah, after a few cities start paying out million dollar settlements, watch how fast they start disowning the bullies.

This guy got FIRED. You think anyone is going to defend him.

The days of being a bully with a badge are over, baby. Time for some professional law enforcement.
We all want the same thing, to take the cops out of the zoos and let the chimps have at each other with no interference. Why are we fighting?
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.

Now THAT'S interesting. So they've been lying all along about the poor bereaved girl who needs sympathy because she just lost her mother. Now we know she acted like a feral chimp because she's a feral chimp. I gotta admit, I got duped by the Left and I should know better.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Face it, you lying Leftwats have been caught in yet another lie. Now watch Hillary and do what she does, she'll show you how to handle being caught in a lie.
Turns out the fucking LIBs have been caught in another lie.
The negro bitch's mother is ALIVE!!!!!
The mother doesn't even know who the feral bitch's father is.
Turns out the bitch's mother couldn't cope with the bitch and had her put in foster care where the bitch wouldn't behave so she was sent to another foster home.
The 'child' is 18 years old BTW.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to sweaty hairy stinky 300 pound negro Bull Dykes in prison.
Hope she enjoys eating fucking cat food sandwiches everyday for lunch.

Okay, you seriously have problems, guy. I thought you were just a racist asshole, but I think we are seeing some more serious issues.

What does any of this have to do with the fact this rent-a-cop beat and brutalized this girl?
No one has been brutalized, but you Leftists sure have been pulling a scam on everyone saying the chimp's mother was dead. She isn't. Another lie by the lying Left.
No its not. They are held to the same laws and courts as everyone else. Self defense is self defense. For everyone.

The System's rigged. Most cops get away with their crimes. And they always have. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans have been completely clueless as to the extent of their arrogant bullying.

And we've only scratched the surface. Police corruption and violence is the norm. It's time to start arresting and prosecuting more aggressively. A message has to be sent.

So YOU say. Most Americans are quite happy with American law enforcement. PROVEN by the fact that juries of American citizens almost always side with the cops.

Don't like it??? Mexico and Syria have plenty of room.
Thats what he meant by most americans being completely clueless. Thanks for citing more evidence of that fact.

Or don't care? Good Americans want cops protecting them from people like you. Government by the people of the people....specifically the majority haha. And the majority here like their cops.

Deal with it or move haha!!!
I'm sure its dont know. I'm seeing signs that people are waking up to the corruption the Black and Latino communities have long known about within the ranks of feral chimps/kkk members parading as law enforcement. Good americans have nothing to fear from people like me. Hence another reason I think they are just clueless.

Police corruption and violence has always been the norm. It's just that now, more people are beginning to see it. More & more are recording interactions with cops. Like i said, we've only scratched the surface.
The System's rigged. Most cops get away with their crimes. And they always have. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans have been completely clueless as to the extent of their arrogant bullying.

And we've only scratched the surface. Police corruption and violence is the norm. It's time to start arresting and prosecuting more aggressively. A message has to be sent.

So YOU say. Most Americans are quite happy with American law enforcement. PROVEN by the fact that juries of American citizens almost always side with the cops.

Don't like it??? Mexico and Syria have plenty of room.
Thats what he meant by most americans being completely clueless. Thanks for citing more evidence of that fact.

Or don't care? Good Americans want cops protecting them from people like you. Government by the people of the people....specifically the majority haha. And the majority here like their cops.

Deal with it or move haha!!!
I'm sure its dont know. I'm seeing signs that people are waking up to the corruption the Black and Latino communities have long known about within the ranks of feral chimps/kkk members parading as law enforcement. Good americans have nothing to fear from people like me. Hence another reason I think they are just clueless.

Police corruption and violence has always been the norm. It's just that now, more people are beginning to see it. More & more are recording interactions with cops. Like i said, we've only scratched the surface.
It seems the media is sympathetic to your cop hate and accommodates it with touching stories about how the girl just lost her mother, something you Leftists repeated over and over again to garner sympathy for the thug. It turns out it's a lie and I should have seen it that way from the beginning. You Leftists don't know how NOT to lie.
Now the feral bitch is "wearing a cast" eh?
No problem. We'll all get the check out her medical report and see if her arm/hand was broken, which of course is the only reason a medical professional would put on a cast right?
I can see her lawyer (please tell me it's Crump) sneaking around in the Dollar Store' buying halloween makeup kits so the bitch can be photographed, in the lawyer's office of course. We'll see her with missing teeth and blacks eyes and blood all over the poor thing's clothes.
The neck brace the lawyer always has stashed away in a drawer.
Now the feral bitch is "wearing a cast" eh?
No problem. We'll all get the check out her medical report and see if her arm/hand was broken, which of course is the only reason a medical professional would put on a cast right?
I can see her lawyer (please tell me it's Crump) sneaking around in the Dollar Store' buying halloween makeup kits so the bitch can be photographed, in the lawyer's office of course. We'll see her with missing teeth and blacks eyes and blood all over the poor thing's clothes.
The neck brace the lawyer always has stashed away in a drawer.
I've already asked for the XRAY. Apparently there isn't one but we're just supposed to believe there is....like Global Warming and Obama's long form birth certificate.
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Do you read the Newsweek link?
It clearly states the girl's mother and grandmother are alive.
Do you think Newsweek is 'lying'?
Only to the same degree that practically all crap journalism seems to spread misinformation as the foundation of their business model.
Wait and see what transpires in this case pal.
I don't post 'lies'.
You spread disinformation.
The LIB controlled MSM attempted to garner sympathy for the feral bitch by claiming she couldn't be responsible for her actions because she was in such "deep grief" over her mother and grandmother's "sudden deaths".
They tried it with Trayvon putting up photos of when he was twelve. They continually referred to "BIG MIKE' as a "gentle giant".
What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots???
The truth ALWAYS is revealed leaving you ALWAYS looking look fools. It never ends
Newsweek is part of the "LIB controlled MSM." This link you're using is from the "LIB controlled MSM."

You are furiously and enthusiastically doing the work of the "LIB controlled MSM."
Got any links to that interesting new data you have discovered?
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Face it, you lying Leftwats have been caught in yet another lie. Now watch Hillary and do what she does, she'll show you how to handle being caught in a lie.
As usual you guys are a day late and a dollar short. Your purportless trivia is no longer of interest to most people. The story has peaked and not of much interest anymore. Old news.
Now the feral bitch is "wearing a cast" eh?
No problem. We'll all get the check out her medical report and see if her arm/hand was broken, which of course is the only reason a medical professional would put on a cast right?
I can see her lawyer (please tell me it's Crump) sneaking around in the Dollar Store' buying halloween makeup kits so the bitch can be photographed, in the lawyer's office of course. We'll see her with missing teeth and blacks eyes and blood all over the poor thing's clothes.
The neck brace the lawyer always has stashed away in a drawer.
I've already asked for the XRAY. Apparently there isn't one but we're just supposed to believe there is....like Global Warming and Obama's long form birth certificate.
Anyone, including the bitch's lawyer can buy what's needed to make a cast.
Every medical supply store sells the kits.
Fiberglass leg arm casting tape cast kits
Another LIB fucking lie. 100% guaranteed.
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Face it, you lying Leftwats have been caught in yet another lie. Now watch Hillary and do what she does, she'll show you how to handle being caught in a lie.
As usual you guys are a day late and a dollar short. Your purportless trivia is no longer of interest to most people. The story has peaked and not of much interest anymore. Old news.

Exactly! That's precisely how Hillary handles being caught in a lie. See? You can learn from the best.
Now the feral bitch is "wearing a cast" eh?
No problem. We'll all get the check out her medical report and see if her arm/hand was broken, which of course is the only reason a medical professional would put on a cast right?
I can see her lawyer (please tell me it's Crump) sneaking around in the Dollar Store' buying halloween makeup kits so the bitch can be photographed, in the lawyer's office of course. We'll see her with missing teeth and blacks eyes and blood all over the poor thing's clothes.
The neck brace the lawyer always has stashed away in a drawer.
I've already asked for the XRAY. Apparently there isn't one but we're just supposed to believe there is....like Global Warming and Obama's long form birth certificate.
Anyone, including the bitch's lawyer can buy what's needed to make a cast.
Every medical supply store sells the kits.
Fiberglass leg arm casting tape cast kits
Another LIB fucking lie. 100% guaranteed.

After getting duped by the "poor bereaved girl" angle, I'm not believing ANYTHING they say. I'm sure the cast is fake too.
How's this one?
The bitch's mother AND grandmother ARE ALIVE!!!!!
PRO TIP TO LIBS: Crawl back under your rocks and wait for another phony bullshit 'cause'. Then crawl out and make fools of yourselves once again.
How does that substantially change the story. The kid was still in foster care. Whether the kid was in foster care because of a deceased parent or some other reason is irrelevant to the issue of how Officer Slam handled the situation. The kids obnoxious and immature behavior does not entitle Officer Slam to use police brutality.
Yes it does. He was using whatever force he deemed appropriate to make the arrest.
Field's police union lawyers, who are the best in the country have already filed a number of lawsuits naming the school board, the politician /sheriff and the county. Fields won the lottery. The structured settlement, which he will sell for a lump sum BTW is going to be about 800K. He'll pocket around 600K. The hilarious thing is Fields is already considering a number of job offers. I'll not say from who just now.
The negro bitch committed a number of felony crimes and her charges are being drawn up.
She will do a small amount of federal prison time while undergoing some utterly useless (cough) 'counselling'.
I predict the bitch will be serving serious federal prison time or she'll be dead within two years.

I don't believe you. I have a feeling the links to your claims will be the same as the last one. You like to take an irrelevant fact and use it to propagate an opinionated racist rant.
Face it, you lying Leftwats have been caught in yet another lie. Now watch Hillary and do what she does, she'll show you how to handle being caught in a lie.
As usual you guys are a day late and a dollar short. Your purportless trivia is no longer of interest to most people. The story has peaked and not of much interest anymore. Old news.
Ahhhh. So now your friends in the MSM have been caught lying to attempt to garner unwarranted sympathy for a violent feral bitch it's "Old News". Ya fucking right asshole.
Every time you get your ass handed to you it's suddenly "old news".
Dear God you're a dummy.

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