Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

they'll have a problem since he followed the law.
That is why he is on the unemployment line and banned from any school property..sure enough...:ack-1:

I hope Fields has legal fees up the ass that last for years to pay off, if ever. I hope this puts him on food stamps and he loses his trailer.
And if he qualifies for free legal help, I hope he gets the guy that graduated in last place at Redneck Muthah' School of Law in Charleston.
You really are a dumb fuck.
Fields has a legal team with the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf. They are being 100% paid for by the Police Union asshole! Fields doesn't get charged a fucking dime!
HAAA HAAAA you asshole! That's part of what Police Union dues are for. BTW asshol the Police Union lawyers NEVER agree to touch any case unless it's 100% guaranteed the LEO is innocent. That's right 100% quarenteed.
The fucking sheriff/country and school district are not only having to cough up about 800K to Fields they are also having to pay the Police Union's lawyer's costs in the forthcoming structured settlements. Yes I said settlements.......plural.
Go back under your rock and wait for another 'cause' where you can again make a fucking fool of yourself.
Still got that Trayvon hoodie with a photo of when he was twelve printed on it? Ever wear it in public asshole?
Fucking loser.
Scott Hayes is Field's defense attorney. Attorney Hates specialises in wrongful dismissal suits against LEO's. He is paid by the legal defense fund from the National Police Union.
Fired S.C. deputy's attorney: 'Actions were justified'

Wow, what a spectacular meltdown. If your skin were any thinner I could see the red on your neck.
So the policeman's union lawyers have to have a guarantee that the accused is innocent? Really. How do they get that when the FBI is involved?

Oops....According to his website he is an independent criminal defense attorney, not an attorney for the policemen's union.
Scott Hayes | Attorney

Do you beat up teenage girls too?
What context? It's one sentence daclaring you opinion.
I asked you about your opinion and you are unwilling or unable to address it. You might be retarded. You see, one person posts something and others respond. The original poster then responds to those. That's why it's called a thread.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Dude, you are just too stupid to talk to. You can't read and you can't concentrate on anything. I'm just going to point at you and laugh.

Ha ha!
What context? It's one sentence daclaring you opinion.
I asked you about your opinion and you are unwilling or unable to address it. You might be retarded. You see, one person posts something and others respond. The original poster then responds to those. That's why it's called a thread.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Dude, you are just too stupid to talk to. You can't read and you can't concentrate on anything. I'm just going to point at you and laugh.

Ha ha!

We're going for six days then?

Alrrrrrighty then.


perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.

Obviously. So boring that you posted back on this one twice.
That's some kinda boredom.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.
Its not about you...its about a steroid abusing ex school cop
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
The negro bitch ruined her own life.
She's just another negro raised with ZERO guidance. Her life is fucked.
Wait until the media finds out her past record with LE.

You really think the left wing media will care?
And we also have to take into account African American distrust of police. They don't see police the same way most white people do. They see cops shooting and killing them more often than helping them. I'm sure this girl knew what was coming. It happened just as she thought it would.

Maybe they should consider the way "white people" see them?

Or is cultural understanding a one way street with you libs?

Rhetorical question. I know your answer.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.

Answer the question. Or are you all GOP-candidate sensitive and touchy?
And we also have to take into account African American distrust of police. They don't see police the same way most white people do. They see cops shooting and killing them more often than helping them. I'm sure this girl knew what was coming. It happened just as she thought it would.

Maybe they should consider the way "white people" see them?

Or is cultural understanding a one way street with you libs?

Rhetorical question. I know your answer.
we all know that in smoeone's world that happened, but in reality not so much. Welcome to reality and that never happened. But you go with it. Posting lies is the liberal signature.
Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
she obviously doesn't give a shit. I couldn't care less what her ambitions are. I don't feel sorry for her either. now I answered your question answer mine--- why didn't she just get out of her desk and leave as asked by both the teacher and the cop?

I doubt he can answer you. He doesn't read too well.

Her identity is being withheld because SHE IS A MINOR, so there is not much out there and for this thread to hit 3000 posts is ridiculous.
Two things have come to light: she was texting and that's what created this horrific disturbance that so disrupted these other 29 innocents.
Secondly, she is a foster child which means already that she has had a tough time in a system that absolutely sucks.
Thirdly, let's let some cop beat up your kid for texting and see what you do.

Wouldn't happen. I didn't raise ignorant thugs. 4 of my 5 daughters graduated with no discipline problems at all, the youngest is a senior. They were raised well. You lose yet again moron.
She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
The negro bitch ruined her own life.
She's just another negro raised with ZERO guidance. Her life is fucked.
Wait until the media finds out her past record with LE.

You really think the left wing media will care?

Oh, so you're joining forces with a racist here but come tomorrow you will get your scaly skin up again about being called a racist....I see.
What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.

Answer the question. Or are you all GOP-candidate sensitive and touchy?
kidnapping 29 students. I'll help him out here.

BTW, why would she go back when she didn't want to be there anyway?
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
she obviously doesn't give a shit. I couldn't care less what her ambitions are. I don't feel sorry for her either. now I answered your question answer mine--- why didn't she just get out of her desk and leave as asked by both the teacher and the cop?

I doubt he can answer you. He doesn't read too well.

Her identity is being withheld because SHE IS A MINOR, so there is not much out there and for this thread to hit 3000 posts is ridiculous.
Two things have come to light: she was texting and that's what created this horrific disturbance that so disrupted these other 29 innocents.
Secondly, she is a foster child which means already that she has had a tough time in a system that absolutely sucks.
Thirdly, let's let some cop beat up your kid for texting and see what you do.

Wouldn't happen. I didn't raise ignorant thugs. 4 of my 5 daughters graduated with no discipline problems at all, the youngest is a senior. They were raised well. You lose yet again moron.

What did the 5th one do? And do they know their daddy is a bigot?
Do they roll over and let errant stupid public school officials ride them?
Ooh, you're such a good father.
Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
she obviously doesn't give a shit. I couldn't care less what her ambitions are. I don't feel sorry for her either. now I answered your question answer mine--- why didn't she just get out of her desk and leave as asked by both the teacher and the cop?

I doubt he can answer you. He doesn't read too well.

Her identity is being withheld because SHE IS A MINOR, so there is not much out there and for this thread to hit 3000 posts is ridiculous.
Two things have come to light: she was texting and that's what created this horrific disturbance that so disrupted these other 29 innocents.
Secondly, she is a foster child which means already that she has had a tough time in a system that absolutely sucks.
Thirdly, let's let some cop beat up your kid for texting and see what you do.

Wouldn't happen. I didn't raise ignorant thugs. 4 of my 5 daughters graduated with no discipline problems at all, the youngest is a senior. They were raised well. You lose yet again moron.

What did the 5th one do? And do they know their daddy is a bigot?
Do they roll over and let errant stupid public school officials ride them?
Ooh, you're such a good father.
hahahahahahhahhahahahhha dude you can't read. LOFNL. wow, smart didn't ever find you dude.

try re-reading it one more time or here I'll give you the cheat sheet, the 5th hasn't graduated yet, she's a senior. holy crap, and you all can't understand.
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.

Answer the question. Or are you all GOP-candidate sensitive and touchy?
kidnapping 29 students. I'll help him out here.

BTW, why would she go back when she didn't want to be there anyway?

What? Did you use the word "kidnapping"?
I had three or four verbal altercations with high school teachers and a principal when I was a teenager. Two of them were over the length of boys' hair, not supposed to be below the collar. I thought it was stupid. I bet looking back even rednecks would agree with that now.
Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.

Answer the question. Or are you all GOP-candidate sensitive and touchy?
kidnapping 29 students. I'll help him out here.

BTW, why would she go back when she didn't want to be there anyway?

What? Did you use the word "kidnapping"?
I had three or four verbal altercations with high school teachers and a principal when I was a teenager. Two of them were over the length of boys' hair, not supposed to be below the collar. I thought it was stupid. I bet looking back even rednecks would agree with that now.
did you say something?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

Honestly, I have noticed one thing that all of the lefties here have in common, they are all illiterate to some degree. I used to think that they just didn't bother to read the posts they were responding to, but then when I pointed that out to them and they re read it they still didn't understand. But that is self-evident. To be a lefty is to be less intelligent than most people.

Then how come after five fucking days you still can't figure out why you said she should be expelled?

Your ignorance bores me.

Answer the question. Or are you all GOP-candidate sensitive and touchy?
kidnapping 29 students. I'll help him out here.

BTW, why would she go back when she didn't want to be there anyway?
She's 16, it's the law.

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