Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

Curios asshole. Can you explain why ZERO charges have been brought against Fields?
The sheriff and a SP couldn't come up with a charge.
Another case of you being a **** dummy.
Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Duh --- why do you think? It's amazing enough he was fired.
Cops close ranks. Usually it's a lot of hemming and hawing about "uh, we're doing an 'internal investigation', which is bureaucrat-speak for "we're stalling until this thing blows over".

But clearly goon-boy's guilty of assault and reckless endangerment at the very least. The sheriff certainly could come up with those charges ---- if he wanted to. So far he's resisting public pressure.

It's the culture. "Our teammates, right or wrong"

You should be asking Sheriff Lott that question.
what public pressure. Post up that link princess!
The Police never ever do anything wrong ...these cops should be allowed to brutalize any citizen they wish to brutalize..
Ex Cop in prison ?...get him ...make him pay

Ex-Sheriff's Deputy Gets 8 Years Prison For 'Savage Beating' Of Jail Visitor


AP Photo / AP
ByAMANDA LEE MYERSPublishedNovember 3, 2015, 9:37 AM EST 3779 views

Ex-Sheriff's Deputy Gets 8 Years Prison For 'Savage Beating' Of Jail Visitor

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was sentenced to eight years in federal prison Monday for overseeing the backroom beating of a jail visitor who fellow guards testified was handcuffed on the ground and covered in blood.

U.S. District Judge George King ordered former Sgt. Eric Gonzalez taken into custody immediately after sentencing, telling him he had "abused his authority and corrupted the very system he was sworn to uphold."

Gonzalez, a 15-year veteran of the Sheriff's Department, was found guilty in June of deprivation of civil rights, conspiracy to violate constitutional rights and falsification of records in the 2011 beating of Gabriel Carrillo. Four other deputies have been convicted in the case and await sentencing, while a fifth was indicted last month and faces trial in December.

The convictions in Carrillo's beating are part of a federal investigation of civil rights abuses and corruption at the nation's largest sheriff's department.

Nearly two dozen members of the department, including the former second-in-command, have been charged with crimes ranging from beatings to obstruction of justice; 15 of them have been convicted so far, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

"The convictions in Carrillo's beating are part of a federal investigation of civil rights abuses and corruption at the nation's largest sheriff's department."

You know who is also being investigated by the Feds ...Ben Fields...
There's an entire other thread on this shit but here's another random example:

-- while she's handcuffed. As I recall at the time all the cop got was a weekend desk suspension, and he even whined about that.

This is the kind of shit authoritarian knob-gobblers like JC get off on while they sell the rest of us out.
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Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.

More deflection off the issue because you can't deal with it. Fucking coward. Onto ignore you go. Ciao.
29 classmates held hostage, let's present it correctly now.

And btw, if it were me I file charges against her for kidnapping her classmates.
Very good!
Field's Police Union lawyers have included a possible kidnapping charge in their notice to file against the sheriff/county and school district.
Gold Star!
funny stuff I just found on the internet on WBLK radio webpage:

"SC ‘School Resource Deputy’, Ben Fields, Had Right To Act As He Did According to “Disturbing School Law” in SC

Read More: SC Officer Had Rights according to "Disturbing School Law"!
"The convictions in Carrillo's beating are part of a federal investigation of civil rights abuses and corruption at the nation's largest sheriff's department."

You know who is also being investigated by the Feds ...Ben Fields...
Hmm, it seems he acted according to a law on the books. Thanks, WBLK radio webpage:

"SC ‘School Resource Deputy’, Ben Fields, Had Right To Act As He Did According to “Disturbing School Law” in SC

Read More: SC Officer Had Rights according to "Disturbing School Law"! | SC Officer Had Rights according to"
The Police never ever do anything wrong ...these cops should be allowed to brutalize any citizen they wish to brutalize..
Ex Cop in prison ?...get him ...make him pay

Ex-Sheriff's Deputy Gets 8 Years Prison For 'Savage Beating' Of Jail Visitor


AP Photo / AP
ByAMANDA LEE MYERSPublishedNovember 3, 2015, 9:37 AM EST 3779 views

Ex-Sheriff's Deputy Gets 8 Years Prison For 'Savage Beating' Of Jail Visitor

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was sentenced to eight years in federal prison Monday for overseeing the backroom beating of a jail visitor who fellow guards testified was handcuffed on the ground and covered in blood.

U.S. District Judge George King ordered former Sgt. Eric Gonzalez taken into custody immediately after sentencing, telling him he had "abused his authority and corrupted the very system he was sworn to uphold."

Gonzalez, a 15-year veteran of the Sheriff's Department, was found guilty in June of deprivation of civil rights, conspiracy to violate constitutional rights and falsification of records in the 2011 beating of Gabriel Carrillo. Four other deputies have been convicted in the case and await sentencing, while a fifth was indicted last month and faces trial in December.

The convictions in Carrillo's beating are part of a federal investigation of civil rights abuses and corruption at the nation's largest sheriff's department.

Nearly two dozen members of the department, including the former second-in-command, have been charged with crimes ranging from beatings to obstruction of justice; 15 of them have been convicted so far, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.
good, but no relevance to this case.
She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
she obviously doesn't give a shit. I couldn't care less what her ambitions are. I don't feel sorry for her either. now I answered your question answer mine--- why didn't she just get out of her desk and leave as asked by both the teacher and the cop?

I doubt he can answer you. He doesn't read too well.

Her identity is being withheld because SHE IS A MINOR, so there is not much out there and for this thread to hit 3000 posts is ridiculous.
Two things have come to light: she was texting and that's what created this horrific disturbance that so disrupted these other 29 innocents.
Secondly, she is a foster child which means already that she has had a tough time in a system that absolutely sucks.
Thirdly, let's let some cop beat up your kid for texting and see what you do.
they'll have a problem since he followed the law.
That is why he is on the unemployment line and banned from any school property..sure enough...:ack-1:

I hope Fields has legal fees up the ass that last for years to pay off, if ever. I hope this puts him on food stamps and he loses his trailer.
And if he qualifies for free legal help, I hope he gets the guy that graduated in last place at Redneck Muthah' School of Law in Charleston.
So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

Curios asshole. Can you explain why ZERO charges have been brought against Fields?
The sheriff and a SP couldn't come up with a charge.
Another case of you being a **** dummy.
Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Duh --- why do you think? It's amazing enough he was fired.
Cops close ranks. Usually it's a lot of hemming and hawing about "uh, we're doing an 'internal investigation', which is bureaucrat-speak for "we're stalling until this thing blows over".

But clearly goon-boy's guilty of assault and reckless endangerment at the very least. The sheriff certainly could come up with those charges ---- if he wanted to. So far he's resisting public pressure.

It's the culture. "Our teammates, right or wrong"

You should be asking Sheriff Lott that question.
what public pressure. Post up that link princess!

The sheriff doesn't have to do anything until the FBI concludes its investigation. Everybody forget they were called in on Day One?
they'll have a problem since he followed the law.
That is why he is on the unemployment line and banned from any school property..sure enough...:ack-1:

I hope Fields has legal fees up the ass that last for years to pay off, if ever. I hope this puts him on food stamps and he loses his trailer.
And if he qualifies for free legal help, I hope he gets the guy that graduated in last place at Redneck Muthah' School of Law in Charleston.
You really are a dumb fuck.
Fields has a legal team with the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf. They are being 100% paid for by the Police Union asshole! Fields doesn't get charged a fucking dime!
HAAA HAAAA you asshole! That's part of what Police Union dues are for. BTW asshol the Police Union lawyers NEVER agree to touch any case unless it's 100% guaranteed the LEO is innocent. That's right 100% quarenteed.
The fucking sheriff/country and school district are not only having to cough up about 800K to Fields they are also having to pay the Police Union's lawyer's costs in the forthcoming structured settlements. Yes I said settlements.......plural.
Go back under your rock and wait for another 'cause' where you can again make a fucking fool of yourself.
Still got that Trayvon hoodie with a photo of when he was twelve printed on it? Ever wear it in public asshole?
Fucking loser.
Scott Hayes is Field's defense attorney. Attorney Hates specialises in wrongful dismissal suits against LEO's. He is paid by the legal defense fund from the National Police Union.
Fired S.C. deputy's attorney: 'Actions were justified'
they'll have a problem since he followed the law.
That is why he is on the unemployment line and banned from any school property..sure enough...:ack-1:

I hope Fields has legal fees up the ass that last for years to pay off, if ever. I hope this puts him on food stamps and he loses his trailer.
And if he qualifies for free legal help, I hope he gets the guy that graduated in last place at Redneck Muthah' School of Law in Charleston.
You really are a dumb fuck.
Fields has a legal team with the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf. They are being 100% paid for by the Police Union asshole! Fields doesn't get charged a fucking dime!
HAAA HAAAA you asshole! That's part of what Police Union dues are for. BTW asshol the Police Union lawyers NEVER agree to touch any case unless it's 100% guaranteed the LEO is innocent. That's right 100% quarenteed.
The fucking sheriff/country and school district are not only having to cough up about 800K to Fields they are also having to pay the Police Union's lawyer's costs in the forthcoming structured settlements. Yes I said settlements.......plural.
Go back under your rock and wait for another 'cause' where you can again make a fucking fool of yourself.
Still got that Trayvon hoodie with a photo of when he was twelve printed on it? Ever wear it in public asshole?
Fucking loser.
Scott Hayes is Field's defense attorney. Attorney Hates specialises in wrongful dismissal suits against LEO's. He is paid by the legal defense fund from the National Police Union.
Fired S.C. deputy's attorney: 'Actions were justified'

Hmm...You say he has union lawyers then post a link citing his non union lawyer?
they'll have a problem since he followed the law.
That is why he is on the unemployment line and banned from any school property..sure enough...:ack-1:

I hope Fields has legal fees up the ass that last for years to pay off, if ever. I hope this puts him on food stamps and he loses his trailer.
And if he qualifies for free legal help, I hope he gets the guy that graduated in last place at Redneck Muthah' School of Law in Charleston.
You really are a dumb fuck.
Fields has a legal team with the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf. They are being 100% paid for by the Police Union asshole! Fields doesn't get charged a fucking dime!
HAAA HAAAA you asshole! That's part of what Police Union dues are for. BTW asshol the Police Union lawyers NEVER agree to touch any case unless it's 100% guaranteed the LEO is innocent. That's right 100% quarenteed.
The fucking sheriff/country and school district are not only having to cough up about 800K to Fields they are also having to pay the Police Union's lawyer's costs in the forthcoming structured settlements. Yes I said settlements.......plural.
Go back under your rock and wait for another 'cause' where you can again make a fucking fool of yourself.
Still got that Trayvon hoodie with a photo of when he was twelve printed on it? Ever wear it in public asshole?
Fucking loser.
Scott Hayes is Field's defense attorney. Attorney Hates specialises in wrongful dismissal suits against LEO's. He is paid by the legal defense fund from the National Police Union.
Fired S.C. deputy's attorney: 'Actions were justified'
With a post like this...do not ever call anyone "dumb."
they'll have a problem since he followed the law.
That is why he is on the unemployment line and banned from any school property..sure enough...:ack-1:

I hope Fields has legal fees up the ass that last for years to pay off, if ever. I hope this puts him on food stamps and he loses his trailer.
And if he qualifies for free legal help, I hope he gets the guy that graduated in last place at Redneck Muthah' School of Law in Charleston.
You really are a dumb fuck.
Fields has a legal team with the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf. They are being 100% paid for by the Police Union asshole! Fields doesn't get charged a fucking dime!
HAAA HAAAA you asshole! That's part of what Police Union dues are for. BTW asshol the Police Union lawyers NEVER agree to touch any case unless it's 100% guaranteed the LEO is innocent. That's right 100% quarenteed.
The fucking sheriff/country and school district are not only having to cough up about 800K to Fields they are also having to pay the Police Union's lawyer's costs in the forthcoming structured settlements. Yes I said settlements.......plural.
Go back under your rock and wait for another 'cause' where you can again make a fucking fool of yourself.
Still got that Trayvon hoodie with a photo of when he was twelve printed on it? Ever wear it in public asshole?
Fucking loser.
Scott Hayes is Field's defense attorney. Attorney Hates specialises in wrongful dismissal suits against LEO's. He is paid by the legal defense fund from the National Police Union.
Fired S.C. deputy's attorney: 'Actions were justified'

Hmm...You say he has union lawyers then post a link citing his non union lawyer?

SC is a non-union state. Cops here have FOP or PBA...a third party advocacy group which they pay dues to, a lot like doctors malpractice insurance. So...PBA/FOP is who gets the lawyer.

And they hire some of the best. Andy Savage in Charleston...one of the best defense attorneys in the South....has been a long time PBA/FOP retained lawyer.

So yes...non union technically...but FOP/PBA is a strong group that hires from only the best of defense attorneys.
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

Curios asshole. Can you explain why ZERO charges have been brought against Fields?
The sheriff and a SP couldn't come up with a charge.
Another case of you being a **** dummy.
Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Duh --- why do you think? It's amazing enough he was fired.
Cops close ranks. Usually it's a lot of hemming and hawing about "uh, we're doing an 'internal investigation', which is bureaucrat-speak for "we're stalling until this thing blows over".

But clearly goon-boy's guilty of assault and reckless endangerment at the very least. The sheriff certainly could come up with those charges ---- if he wanted to. So far he's resisting public pressure.

It's the culture. "Our teammates, right or wrong"

You should be asking Sheriff Lott that question.
what public pressure. Post up that link princess!

The sheriff doesn't have to do anything until the FBI concludes its investigation. Everybody forget they were called in on Day One?
maybe you should post to the right poster.
3000!!!!! A ghetto brat won't follow school rules...resists then hits a cop who follows the hand to hand techniques he's taught and arrests her...no one is injured...shes back in school.....and we got 3000 God damn posts over it!!

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