Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Citing his getting fired as "Evidence" of wrongdoing is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

It is quite plausible that the Authority in question would throw a low level employee under the bus to save itself grief.

Pretty bizarre justification angle there. The dumbass brutally attacked an unarmed teenaged girl. He should have never been given a gun & badge in the first place. And therein lies the problem.
exactly how did he attack her? curious your view.

And then answer why she just didn't get up and leave when asked to?

the word is provoke, you should learn it.

Yes we know, you goose steppers would have been fine with the dummy shooting & killing her. You would have concocted some bizarre justification angle on it too.

Would also love to hear the lame rationalizations they'd come up with if the girl sitting behind the tackle had been impaled in the eye by a flying desk with a force of 150 pounds. She missed that by inches.

Oh wait, she was black too so they'd come up with "she was another thug, she had it coming". :rolleyes:

They wouldn't care. The cops are always right. They're lost souls.
the blacks have poor leaders, the democrats couldn't care less about them. They keep their thumbs on em very well and the blacks keep voting them into office. Funny stuff. But it's the cop that's the problem, right.
It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

You must be retarded. Goon boy bench presses over six hundred pounds. I myself posted a video of him doing that.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it, and throw that person against a wall ----- yet faced with the headscratching dilemma of simply dragging the desk from point A to point B he suddenly becomes a paraplegic?

Your knee pads are showing, cop knob gobbler.
They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Why does her behavior as you outlined it deserve to ruin her life. It's a simple question that you and your retarded brother can't seem to understand. You posted an opinion and I'm asking you why.
The negro bitch ruined her own life.
She's just another negro raised with ZERO guidance. Her life is fucked.
Wait until the media finds out her past record with LE.
She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.
Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.
If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it?
With two adult men, no big deal. And he had no trouble throwing her around all alone now did he?

Request a female officer for backup. I think the situation is diffused very quickly. But that would mean the cop actually using his brain. And we know few cops are doing that these days. Their first instinct is to resort to violence. It's their training unfortunately.
Do you have any warrants?
When was the last time you were arrested.
How many times have you been incarcerated?
Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

I see I hit pay-dirt.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

I see I hit pay-dirt.

Keep your masturbation play-by-play off the board. Adults are talking.

There is no more abject fucking ballless wimp coward than he who gets presented with evidence right in front of his fucking face and then goes "duh, I don't see anything".

Fuck you coward.
It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.

More deflection off the issue because you can't deal with it. Fucking coward. Onto ignore you go. Ciao.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

I see I hit pay-dirt.

Keep your masturbation play-by-play off the board. Adults are talking.

There is no more abject fucking ballless wimp coward than he who gets presented with evidence right in front of his fucking face and then goes "duh, I don't see anything".

Fuck you coward.
I saw the evidence and saw the young student behaving like an asshole and needed guidance on how to leave a room when asked to do so. So take your little tantrum and box it up for later. You'll probably use it then as you continue to flail.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

Curios asshole. Can you explain why ZERO charges have been brought against Fields?
The sheriff and a SP couldn't come up with a charge.
Another case of you being a **** dummy.
Do you have any outstanding warrants?
How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.

More deflection off the issue because you can't deal with it. Fucking coward. Onto ignore you go. Ciao.
29 classmates held hostage, let's present it correctly now.

And btw, if it were me I file charges against her for kidnapping her classmates.
How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.

More deflection off the issue because you can't deal with it. Fucking coward. Onto ignore you go. Ciao.
BTW, I have the facts on my side, and because I do, I can banter with you all day. See you have no ground with which you can stand, you don't have any moral ground because she was wrong, and the mere fact that you can't admit that is what puts me miles above you on the moral high ground.
He just pulls it out of his ass. Came in here last week declaring the kid should be expelled. I asked him nicely, "on what basis"? He has yet to think of anything at all in response. That was five days ago.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.

More deflection off the issue because you can't deal with it. Fucking coward. Onto ignore you go. Ciao.
29 classmates held hostage, let's present it correctly now.

And btw, if it were me I file charges against her for kidnapping her classmates.
Very good!
Field's Police Union lawyers have included a possible kidnapping charge in their notice to file against the sheriff/county and school district.
Gold Star!
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

Curios asshole. Can you explain why ZERO charges have been brought against Fields?
The sheriff and a SP couldn't come up with a charge.
Another case of you being a **** dummy.
Do you have any outstanding warrants?
see them whine when they have no facts to support their point of view or position. It's funny stuff. He's just a chicken shit on a message board who thinks he's owed something. And when he doesn't get his little ole way he pouts, flips out, and then puts me on ignore, because he can't win an argument.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.

So he can flip a desk over backward, with a person in it,
you have that video, let's see it.

GO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK, LOSER. It's been posted 150 times, from three different angles.

Curios asshole. Can you explain why ZERO charges have been brought against Fields?
The sheriff and a SP couldn't come up with a charge.
Another case of you being a **** dummy.
Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Duh --- why do you think? It's amazing enough he was fired.
Cops close ranks. Usually it's a lot of hemming and hawing about "uh, we're doing an 'internal investigation', which is bureaucrat-speak for "we're stalling until this thing blows over".

But clearly goon-boy's guilty of assault and reckless endangerment at the very least. The sheriff certainly could come up with those charges ---- if he wanted to. So far he's resisting public pressure.

It's the culture. "Our teammates, right or wrong"

You should be asking Sheriff Lott that question.
Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

Irrelevant. There's some story there but whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

Again for the intellectually gummed up, this isn't a story about the girl, except as far as she represents any of us that could have been on the same receiving end. This is a story about a goon cop who flipped the fuck out, committed assault and reckless endangerment, and arguably false arrest. And in the larger scope it's a story about knob gobblers like you who egg them on.

Fucking coward.
you have no authority to tell me it is irrelevant. You either explain the intention behind it and why she choose to do that, or you sir continue to back a kidnapper, someone who held her 29 classmates hostage while she acted like an asshole. yeah you back that story friend, me I have the cops back.

More deflection off the issue because you can't deal with it. Fucking coward. Onto ignore you go. Ciao.
29 classmates held hostage, let's present it correctly now.

And btw, if it were me I file charges against her for kidnapping her classmates.
Very good!
Field's Police Union lawyers have included a possible kidnapping charge in their notice to file against the sheriff/county and school district.
Gold Star!

---- link?

Didn't think so.

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