Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.

With every post you loudly and proudly proclaim your ignoance. Keep it up. What is it? Is it that you can't read? I mean it's almost like you can't understand even the simplest concepts. You read a post like mine above, one sentence, one idea, and you make up a paragraph about it. None of which follows the concept and idea of the post you responded to. You can read the words, but any context is totally lost on you. That sucks man, tough way to go through life.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her

What context? It's one sentence daclaring you opinion.
I asked you about your opinion and you are unwilling or unable to address it. You might be retarded. You see, one person posts something and others respond. The original poster then responds to those. That's why it's called a thread.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

^ projection

You bring nothing. You should explain yourself with each post. People shouldn't have to chase you down for pages to get a reasonable response.
She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

I'm psychic, I'm an empath, I am a remote viewer.

You're a racist moron.
With every post you loudly and proudly proclaim your ignoance. Keep it up. What is it? Is it that you can't read? I mean it's almost like you can't understand even the simplest concepts. You read a post like mine above, one sentence, one idea, and you make up a paragraph about it. None of which follows the concept and idea of the post you responded to. You can read the words, but any context is totally lost on you. That sucks man, tough way to go through life.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her

What context? It's one sentence daclaring you opinion.
I asked you about your opinion and you are unwilling or unable to address it. You might be retarded. You see, one person posts something and others respond. The original poster then responds to those. That's why it's called a thread.
perhaps you should take your own advice!

What's the context there Corky?
well jean, it's like this, you don't do what you suggested constitutes posting in a thread. None of you do. Your only reason for being here is to start trouble, we all know that, it's hilarious to watch, you all ignore the questions in a thread. Not just this one either.

^ projection

You bring nothing. You should explain yourself with each post. People shouldn't have to chase you down for pages to get a reasonable response.
again, you should take your own advice.
She's a kid, school is not usually a place they like to be.
really, I have seven grandchildren and they love to be in school. They miss it during the summer months when they're off. So again, you fail.
I hated school, it was boring and filled with stupid people, much like this place. Smart kids don't like school.
smart kids love to learn, that's the purpose of school. So your entire post is hypocritical. you have no desire to learn and I can definitely believe you hated school. So you don't fit the mold of a smart student. But hey, thanks for playing.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

I'm psychic, I'm an empath, I am a remote viewer.

You're a racist moron.
you're a racist moron!
really, I have seven grandchildren and they love to be in school. They miss it during the summer months when they're off. So again, you fail.
I hated school, it was boring and filled with stupid people, much like this place. Smart kids don't like school.
smart kids love to learn, that's the purpose of school. So your entire post is hypocritical. you have no desire to learn and I can definitely believe you hated school. So you don't fit the mold of a smart student. But hey, thanks for playing.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
funny how you post something up and like, hey look at me, I am the smartest guy alive. I respond and wow, you hate it. Dude you're hilarious.
Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.

How so? Do you have access to her records?
How could you possibly know that?

I'm psychic, I'm an empath, I am a remote viewer.

You're a racist moron.

Ah! Racist. It took you longer than I thought it would to get to that. Sure sign of a loser.

Stupid, illiterate, and can't stop showing it to everyone. Tough break for you, good luck with that, moron.
I hated school, it was boring and filled with stupid people, much like this place. Smart kids don't like school.
smart kids love to learn, that's the purpose of school. So your entire post is hypocritical. you have no desire to learn and I can definitely believe you hated school. So you don't fit the mold of a smart student. But hey, thanks for playing.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
funny how you post something up and like, hey look at me, I am the smartest guy alive. I respond and wow, you hate it. Dude you're hilarious.
Being really fucking smart in America isn't very hard, unfortunately.

And that said, I'm off. The clients are calling.
smart kids love to learn, that's the purpose of school. So your entire post is hypocritical. you have no desire to learn and I can definitely believe you hated school. So you don't fit the mold of a smart student. But hey, thanks for playing.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
funny how you post something up and like, hey look at me, I am the smartest guy alive. I respond and wow, you hate it. Dude you're hilarious.
Being really fucking smart in America isn't very hard, unfortunately.

And that said, I'm off. The clients are calling.
make sure you tell them how smart you are.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
funny how you post something up and like, hey look at me, I am the smartest guy alive. I respond and wow, you hate it. Dude you're hilarious.
Being really fucking smart in America isn't very hard, unfortunately.

And that said, I'm off. The clients are calling.
make sure you tell them how smart you are.

It's pretty funny. I've been see his posts for years now. If he was smart in school, someone or something must have damaged his brain because he isn't smart now.
smart kids love to learn, that's the purpose of school. So your entire post is hypocritical. you have no desire to learn and I can definitely believe you hated school. So you don't fit the mold of a smart student. But hey, thanks for playing.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
funny how you post something up and like, hey look at me, I am the smartest guy alive. I respond and wow, you hate it. Dude you're hilarious.
Being really fucking smart in America isn't very hard, unfortunately.

And that said, I'm off. The clients are calling.

Don't forget your knee pads.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

The cop behaved much worse. He viciously attacked her. Thank God he's no longer a cop. He was a danger to the Citizenry. But in my own personal opinion, losing his job isn't enough. He should have been charged with assault and booked. He got off too easy.
Bullshit! You don't arrest cops because you're a pussy. If I were a cop I wouldn't get involved if you were being beaten. I wouldn't want to go to jail being too rough.

Yeah, let's check the tale of the tape...

An unarmed teenaged girl sitting at a desk VS. A hulking roided-up adult male armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol.

Yeah, she was a real threat. He's the pussy. He should have never been given a gun & badge in the first place. And he did get off easy. He viciously attacked the girl. He should have been charged with assault.
She has a good case. She'll sue and win. She was brutally attacked. But the mongoloid cop will only lose his job. He won't be prosecuted. And that's how it usually works. The System is rigged.

That's right. We have it all rigged. It's all for us and all against you. Sucks doesn't it? But for us....it's awesome and it's never changing. Life is better for us and sucks for you haha!!!

We'll see. More & more Citizens are recording interactions with cops. More are becoming aware of the ugly state of things with our police. Corruption and violence might not always be the norm. I'm an optimist.
and more and more everyone is seeing how stupid people really are when engaging the police. It's funny and sad at the same time. And those who think they are do-gooders by backing the criminal or suspect are confused. But it's understandable, you think liberlism is good.

Innocent until proven guilty. A concept lost on Authority-Worshipping Goose Steppers.
I learned what they were teaching, three years before they tried to teach it to me. Most of the time, I knew more than they did. B-o-r-i-n-g...
well I knew five years ahead and loved it. Enjoyed the sports, the choir, the band all of the attractions to use the school. Only chumps find it b-o-r-i-n-g.
You are a real little follower, so be it. And I don't believe for a second that you knew anything before they taught you something. No child who does is happy when adults try to explain something to them that they are already fucking know.
funny how you post something up and like, hey look at me, I am the smartest guy alive. I respond and wow, you hate it. Dude you're hilarious.
Being really fucking smart in America isn't very hard, unfortunately.

And that said, I'm off. The clients are calling.
make sure you tell them how smart you are.
They already know, which is why they pay me the big bucks.
You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.

Yes, you would get your boner over another innocent Citizen being brutally murdered by your beloved Gestapo. Seriously, y'all are a bunch of loony Nazi Bootlickers. Shame on ya.
I can't wait to see the body cam footage of you getting shot by police. You'll be a star. I'll even start a thread.

It's too bad you quit your cop job, dumbass.

Is there anyone here who believes this idiot was a cop?

Sadly, i can believe it. Look who they're giving guns & badges to. Time to stop giving guns & badges to dumb Nazi thugs.
funny stuff, you just want them in the hands of criminals who truly are bad people. one day, you may expect something different, your life has never encountered the need for help.

I never said that. I said our police training is pitiful. They've been Militarized. Their first instinct is to resort to violence. They think they're soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan kicking down doors and killing at will.

But they're not soldiers. They're domestic police. They wanna be soldiers? Let them join up and ship em off to to fight ISIS. We don't want that behavior from our cops.
Like anyone cares what you believe. Tell us more about how this poor little porch monkey was a brat because she just lost her mother.

The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.
She was not injured (until her lawyer said "Yo shawty...you be needin to be sayin you gots injured rounch hurr"
She was not under arrest, nor had she performed a criminal act, she was injured, the cop lost it, and now his career is finished. That last part is the only good part.

Yeah, the Authority-Worshippers don't get it. They just know the cops are always right. The mongoloid has lost his job. But is that enough? I don't think so. He should have been arrested and booked. He brutally attacked the girl.
naw, he did his job. And BTW, the girl did her job as well.

That's your opinion. But he has lost his job. He's too dumb and violent to be cop. The Citizenry is better off now that he's gone. However, i think he got off easy. He should have been charged and booked. It should have been sorted out in court later.
Like anyone cares what you believe. Tell us more about how this poor little porch monkey was a brat because she just lost her mother.

The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.

If you can't think of any other logical ways this situation could have been handled, it's a good thing you're not a cop either. There were many logical ways to handle this. But the mongoloid of course chose violence. And that's the big problem with our police. Too many dumb violent idiots are being given guns & badges.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

The cop behaved much worse. He viciously attacked her. Thank God he's no longer a cop. He was a danger to the Citizenry. But in my own personal opinion, losing his job isn't enough. He should have been charged with assault and booked. He got off too easy.
Bullshit! You don't arrest cops because you're a pussy. If I were a cop I wouldn't get involved if you were being beaten. I wouldn't want to go to jail being too rough.

Yeah, let's check the tale of the tape...

An unarmed teenaged girl sitting at a desk VS. A hulking roided-up adult male armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol.

Yeah, she was a real threat. He's the pussy. He should have never been given a gun & badge in the first place. And he did get off easy. He viciously attacked the girl. He should have been charged with assault.
Young people today will see a parent beating their kids and say the same thing you're saying about that cop. That he was too violent. Well guess what? Today parents don't hit their kids and look at the brats there producing. Maybe we need to beat him a little harder
The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

Citing his getting fired as "Evidence" of wrongdoing is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

It is quite plausible that the Authority in question would throw a low level employee under the bus to save itself grief.

Pretty bizarre justification angle there. The dumbass brutally attacked an unarmed teenaged girl. He should have never been given a gun & badge in the first place. And therein lies the problem.
exactly how did he attack her? curious your view.

And then answer why she just didn't get up and leave when asked to?

the word is provoke, you should learn it.

Yes we know, you goose steppers would have been fine with the dummy shooting & killing her. You would have concocted some bizarre justification angle on it too.

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