Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Imagine being that teacher and being judged by that girls test grades. In all probability that girl
1) has no respect for any teachers or authority
2) Doesnt study
3) Doesnt care

and now the teacher will be on the hook for that girl not performing well. Who would want that job which entails basically very low wages plus dealing with situations like that. SOmehow it will come back to be the teachers fault.
someone posted on youtube a 2011 video of students taking over a class in Chicago on a substitute teacher. guess the race.
It's too bad you quit your cop job, dumbass.

Is there anyone here who believes this idiot was a cop?

Like anyone cares what you believe. Tell us more about how this poor little porch monkey was a brat because she just lost her mother.

The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.
She was not injured (until her lawyer said "Yo shawty...you be needin to be sayin you gots injured rounch hurr"
She was not under arrest, nor had she performed a criminal act, she was injured, the cop lost it, and now his career is finished. That last part is the only good part.

Yeah, the Authority-Worshippers don't get it. They just know the cops are always right. The mongoloid has lost his job. But is that enough? I don't think so. He should have been arrested and booked. He brutally attacked the girl.
naw, he did his job. And BTW, the girl did her job as well.
I posted no such thing. I've said nothing about her mother OR grandmother, nor do I know that info. I'm not even aware of "three different threads" nor have I been in that many.

So Fuck You, Liar.

You're part of the lying machine that is the American Left. It started with the lie told by the New York Daily News and then spread by you minions in return. You don't like being associated with lying leftists, stop being one.

Go fuck yourself, lying hack.

You got something on me -- quote it.

In the absence of that you're a fucking LIAR.

Do I make myself clear?

Tell us more about how she "lost her mother" you lying Leftist hack.

FUCK you asshole. I don't claim to know jack shit about her mother. I don't even know her name.

Quote me or admit you were wrong and then shut the fuck up, fucking liar.


Ha, don't worry about it. It's not like the loyal Bootlickers care about this girl or her mother. Just read most of their replies carefully. They actually wish the mongoloid cop would have killed her. They would have invented some sort of warped justification for it. They're Nazi morons. Can't reason with em.
I knew you all didn't care about education. I knew it.
I see you have nothing to say. Pin a medal on that cop!

They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.

With every post you loudly and proudly proclaim your ignoance. Keep it up. What is it? Is it that you can't read? I mean it's almost like you can't understand even the simplest concepts. You read a post like mine above, one sentence, one idea, and you make up a paragraph about it. None of which follows the concept and idea of the post you responded to. You can read the words, but any context is totally lost on you. That sucks man, tough way to go through life.
It's too bad you quit your cop job, dumbass.

Is there anyone here who believes this idiot was a cop?

Like anyone cares what you believe. Tell us more about how this poor little porch monkey was a brat because she just lost her mother.

The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
Like anyone cares what you believe. Tell us more about how this poor little porch monkey was a brat because she just lost her mother.

The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

Citing his getting fired as "Evidence" of wrongdoing is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

It is quite plausible that the Authority in question would throw a low level employee under the bus to save itself grief.

Pretty bizarre justification angle there. The dumbass brutally attacked an unarmed teenaged girl. He should have never been given a gun & badge in the first place. And therein lies the problem.
exactly how did he attack her? curious your view.

And then answer why she just didn't get up and leave when asked to?

the word is provoke, you should learn it.
I see you have nothing to say. Pin a medal on that cop!

They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.
Like anyone cares what you believe. Tell us more about how this poor little porch monkey was a brat because she just lost her mother.

The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
The NY Daily News posted that in an article, and I believe they have now updated their story. A story which is completely irrelevant to what happened.

KING: S.C. teen assaulted by deputy is in foster care

It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it? you should know that is physically impossible, but I get that you have no other answer.
I see you have nothing to say. Pin a medal on that cop!

They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.
She's a kid, school is not usually a place they like to be.
It is irrelevant. Which makes me wonder why libs jumped on it so hard and emphasized it so much.

ALL that's relevant....

She was being placed under arrest.
She resisited.
He used force as he's trained.

Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness.

All it took was one look at the video. The same video you look at and deny what's happening right there in it with fables of self-propelled desk-aircraft.

And that's because you're a FUCKING LIAR.

If that's his training, we definitely need to end that training. There were so many other logical ways to handle this. But as usual, the cop chose violence. He viciously attacked the girl. And i don't think losing his job is enough. I think she has a strong case. He should have been charged.
so, what do you think the training ought to be? Let's see how you extricate the suspect from the classroom.
In this case, pick up the desk, with her in it, and carry it into the hall.
hahahahahahahahhaahhaahhaaha funny stuff frances, just how does he do that? ever pick up a desk with 140 pounds in it?
With two adult men, no big deal. And he had no trouble throwing her around all alone now did he?
I see you have nothing to say. Pin a medal on that cop!

They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.

It's obvious that she wasn't just some innocent student caught in a bad situation for the first time in her life. That kind of stupidity and that attitude is develope over time. She's a loser, a thug, and soon to be a useless burden on society and the taxpayers.
You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening

Do you hve a link to this story? Because I am guessing if you post it, we are going to find out it is nowhere even in the same zip code as what you are portraying it as.
Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.
She's a kid, school is not usually a place they like to be.
really, I have seven grandchildren and they love to be in school. They miss it during the summer months when they're off. So again, you fail.
Eaton County, MI — It was announced this week that the officer who shot and killed 17-year-old Deven Guilford for flexing his rights this past February, will not be charged for any crimes.

Deven was traveling along the road and flashed his lights at an officer because his headlights were so bright that they nearly made Deven run off the road. He was then pulled over by Sgt. Frost of the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office, who stopped the young man for no other reason than the fact that he flashed his lights.

When Frost approached the car, Guilford explained that he was simply flashing his lights to be a polite driver, and let the officer know that his high beams were on so he didn’t cause an accident.

The officer began to get aggressive with Guilford when he was not immediately obedient and attempted to flex his rights during the traffic stop. Guilford refused to show the officer his license and registration because he had broken no laws and the officer had no reason to stop him.

Guilford also began recording the encounter with his cell phone and let the officer know that he was filming for his own safety. He then asked the officer if he was being detained and for what reason. He was told that he was being detained because he refused to comply with Frost and show him his ID. However, not showing his ID is a secondary offense, meaning the officer would actually need a real reason to pull him over to begin with.

On a power trip, Frost violently ripped Guilford out of the vehicle and forced him down to the ground. Guilford attempted to remain filming while he complied with the officer’s orders and moved to the ground. Sadly, Guilford was not moving fast enough for Frost, so he tased the young boy. At this time, both the body camera and the cell phone footage got cut off.

Off camera, Frost shot and killed the young boy. The known details are sparse because the killing happened out of the view of the dash-cam, and the body camera was turned off at that point. However, the officer claims that the young boy attacked him, so he “feared for his life” and killed him, firing 7 shots from his weapon.

After the announcement that officer Frost would not be charged, the Guilford family released the following statement:

“There was no reason or necessity for the officer to physically remove our son from the car without considering other options to avoid an unnecessary violent escalation. It must be also noted that Deven was not in possession (of) any weapon and emphatically told the officer that he was not armed. We also have serious concerns about whether the officer used unreasonable force against Deven under the circumstances.”

Read more at Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening

Do you hve a link to this story? Because I am guessing if you post it, we are going to find out it is nowhere even in the same zip code as what you are portraying it as.
Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
another cop with a medal for his chest. This time for dealing with a punk in the dark. post them all, I will comment on them all, you keep posting the ignorant kids of the country, and I'll continue to defend the cop who sticks their necks on the line daily and have to encounter ashats like this and the girl.
Eaton County, MI — It was announced this week that the officer who shot and killed 17-year-old Deven Guilford for flexing his rights this past February, will not be charged for any crimes.

Deven was traveling along the road and flashed his lights at an officer because his headlights were so bright that they nearly made Deven run off the road. He was then pulled over by Sgt. Frost of the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office, who stopped the young man for no other reason than the fact that he flashed his lights.

When Frost approached the car, Guilford explained that he was simply flashing his lights to be a polite driver, and let the officer know that his high beams were on so he didn’t cause an accident.

The officer began to get aggressive with Guilford when he was not immediately obedient and attempted to flex his rights during the traffic stop. Guilford refused to show the officer his license and registration because he had broken no laws and the officer had no reason to stop him.

Guilford also began recording the encounter with his cell phone and let the officer know that he was filming for his own safety. He then asked the officer if he was being detained and for what reason. He was told that he was being detained because he refused to comply with Frost and show him his ID. However, not showing his ID is a secondary offense, meaning the officer would actually need a real reason to pull him over to begin with.

On a power trip, Frost violently ripped Guilford out of the vehicle and forced him down to the ground. Guilford attempted to remain filming while he complied with the officer’s orders and moved to the ground. Sadly, Guilford was not moving fast enough for Frost, so he tased the young boy. At this time, both the body camera and the cell phone footage got cut off.

Off camera, Frost shot and killed the young boy. The known details are sparse because the killing happened out of the view of the dash-cam, and the body camera was turned off at that point. However, the officer claims that the young boy attacked him, so he “feared for his life” and killed him, firing 7 shots from his weapon.

After the announcement that officer Frost would not be charged, the Guilford family released the following statement:

“There was no reason or necessity for the officer to physically remove our son from the car without considering other options to avoid an unnecessary violent escalation. It must be also noted that Deven was not in possession (of) any weapon and emphatically told the officer that he was not armed. We also have serious concerns about whether the officer used unreasonable force against Deven under the circumstances.”

Read more at Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
another cop with a medal for his chest. This time for dealing with a punk in the dark. post them all, I will comment on them all, you keep posting the ignorant kids of the country, and I'll continue to defend the cop who sticks their necks on the line daily and have to encounter ashats like this and the girl.
You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening

Do you hve a link to this story? Because I am guessing if you post it, we are going to find out it is nowhere even in the same zip code as what you are portraying it as.
Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
another cop with a medal for his chest. This time for dealing with a punk in the dark. post them all, I will comment on them all, you keep posting the ignorant kids of the country, and I'll continue to defend the cop who sticks their necks on the line daily and have to encounter ashats like this and the girl.
I agree with you. Sure the cop was scary. So put the fucking phone down and do whatever he says. He's the law.
You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening

Do you hve a link to this story? Because I am guessing if you post it, we are going to find out it is nowhere even in the same zip code as what you are portraying it as.
Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
another cop with a medal for his chest. This time for dealing with a punk in the dark. post them all, I will comment on them all, you keep posting the ignorant kids of the country, and I'll continue to defend the cop who sticks their necks on the line daily and have to encounter ashats like this and the girl.
I agree with you. Sure the cop was scary. So put the fucking phone down and do whatever he says. He's the law.
I couldn't tell.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.
you know her? you know the pendulum swings both ways. the same thing can be asked of you. Why didn't she just leave when asked to leave, it was obvious she had no intention of being taught? She doesn't care. And yet you want us to care about her? I would if she had some sense of humility, but until then, she can rot somewhere uneducated and it's fine with me.
She's a kid, school is not usually a place they like to be.
really, I have seven grandchildren and they love to be in school. They miss it during the summer months when they're off. So again, you fail.

None of my 5 kids liked school, but they went, and they didn't waste time or fight with the teachers. All 4 who have graduated High School have gone on to college mostly on scholarships. The youngest is a senior right now and will be attending UCF with the help of Bright Futures money.

So yeah, he does fail. He always fails.

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