Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:

Keep waiting retard.

Waiting doesn't require any work on my end so -- whatever.

Now, if I had made an assertion I couldn't find any way to back up --- that would be a heavy load.

Sucketh to be thee.

You can't understand what you read and that results in you getting things wrong and being impossible to explain things to. If I had your mental shortcomings it would suck. I don't so I'm just fine thanks.

So to review ---- if you could pull yourself away from your arsenal long enough to administrate a school, you'd expel this student, and when she and her parents inquired as to what the expulsion was for, you'd hem and haw for several days and then go "keep waiting retard".

That about covers it.


FOUR DAYS AGO you were "expelling" her, yet four days later you still don't know why?
Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.
"Yesterday’s incident was an outrageous exception to the culture, conduct and standards in which we so strongly believe in in this district. ... What happened yesterday – what we all watched on that shamefully shocking video – is reprehensible, unforgivable and inconsistent with everything that this district stands for, what we work for and what we aspire to be. ... The safety and the dignity of our students is our highest priority.” -- School Board Chairman James Manning

“In a situation like yesterday, you see the sheer painfulness of watching it, and as it went on, it’s really upsetting – incredibly upsetting. Maybe like you, it hit me in the gut. ... Our district and our school have zero tolerance for what occurred. I personally have zero tolerance as well. I think of our 2,000 students as my own.” -- Spring Valley Principal Jeff Temoney

“I am greatly concerned by these videos. The safety of our students is always our No. 1 priority. School districts contract with hundreds of dedicated school resource officers who work hard to protect our students across South Carolina. However, these videos and what they appear to show should concern all of us in public education. While it is vital that students have respect for law enforcement, it is equally important that law enforcement ensure they do not abuse the power and trust school districts instill in them.

“I am pleased that Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott has moved quickly to place the officer on unpaid leave and initiate a thorough investigation of the officer involved, by reaching out to both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice. Richland School District 2’s Superintendent Dr. Debbie Hamm has acted swiftly to ensure that pending the result of the investigation, the officer will not be working within any of the district’s schools. This matter must be investigated thoroughly and appropriate action taken.” --- Molly Spearman, SC State Superintendent of Education

“There is no justification whatsoever for treating a child like this. Regardless of the reason for the officer’s actions, such egregious use of force – against young people who are sitting in their classrooms – is outrageous. School should be a place to learn and grow, not a place to be brutalized. We must take action to address the criminalization of children in South Carolina, especially at school.” -- Victoria Middleton, SC ACLU

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

Your only answer was "it's irrelevant". And that was in response to my asking what exactly you know about the girl.

You're actually going to expel a student from school on the basis of ------ nothing.
That speaks nothing about the expulsion, but volumes about you.
Keep waiting retard.

Waiting doesn't require any work on my end so -- whatever.

Now, if I had made an assertion I couldn't find any way to back up --- that would be a heavy load.

Sucketh to be thee.

You can't understand what you read and that results in you getting things wrong and being impossible to explain things to. If I had your mental shortcomings it would suck. I don't so I'm just fine thanks.

So to review ---- if you could pull yourself away from your arsenal long enough to administrate a school, you'd expel this student, and when she and her parents inquired as to what the expulsion was for, you'd hem and haw for several days and then go "keep waiting retard".

That about covers it.


FOUR DAYS AGO you were "expelling" her, yet four days later you still don't know why?

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

Your only answer was "it's irrelevant". And that was in response to my asking what exactly you know about the girl.

You're actually going to expel a student from school on the basis of ------ nothing.
That speaks nothing about the expulsion, but volumes about you.

You are on the wrong conversation, nit wit.
That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

Your only answer was "it's irrelevant". And that was in response to my asking what exactly you know about the girl.

You're actually going to expel a student from school on the basis of ------ nothing.
That speaks nothing about the expulsion, but volumes about you.

You are on the wrong conversation, nit wit.

Doesn't matter -- I've got the right green face. The one that has contributed absolutely zero here and has run away like a little girl when pressed for his reasoning. Besides --- I asked first. And you're still running away.

Seems to me your face oughta be yellow, not green.
Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

Your only answer was "it's irrelevant". And that was in response to my asking what exactly you know about the girl.

You're actually going to expel a student from school on the basis of ------ nothing.
That speaks nothing about the expulsion, but volumes about you.

You are on the wrong conversation, nit wit.

Doesn't matter -- I've got the right green face. The one that has contributed absolutely zero here and has run away like a little girl when pressed for his reasoning. Besides --- I asked first. And you're still running away.

Seems to me your face oughta be yellow, not green.

So....what should cops do to be "true servants"?? Your vague idealistic response should be entertaining.

Cops dont serve individuals. They serve society.

And what exactly is "society" comprised of? Pretzels?

What should cops do to be servants? Their job, that's what. Stop swaggering around looking to see how many heads you can bust. Stop addressing the public as if it's an enemy and you're some kind of occupying army. Start working WITH us instead of AGAINST us.

I might add ---- FUCKING DUH.

Yeah...you don't get it.

You say they can serve by "doing their job". Ok. THEIR JOB is "LAW ENFORCEMENT". Not hugging. Not ass kissing. Not being a god damn guidance counselor.

Someone violates a law. Cops arrive. Decide to enforce it or not. Use force if the person resists the arrest or ticket. Use self defense if attacked. And ya know....when people violate a petty law and are nice and cooperative...cops usually are very leniant. But fuck with them and be a prick...or worse, assault them or resist...and guess what? It's not gonna go well.

THAT IS their job. Nothing more. Nothing less.

All this hug-a-thug nonsense community policing came from politicians and liberals who wanted to appease cop haters and to try to make people like the rule enforcers...which is almost impossible by human nature.

They do work WITH us....when US are the good guys. If you are the one breaking the law....THEIR JOB is not to work with you.

That's the job. You can be a miserable shithead the rest of you rife trying to swim up a waterfall and change it....or you can accept it and start following the rules that your fellow citizens passed.

Go fuck yourself you lying scumbag racist asshole piece of shit. Vermin like you forever trying to divide and dehumanize people so you can bust seven more heads because you're too fucking stupid to think your way out of a situation any other way make me want to puke. That's why you're not in the uniform --- you're not fit to wear it.

Go straight to hell and never come back. And take Stormtrooper Ben Dover and Jackbooter Eric Casebolt with you. Your ilk is bringing us down, and we will not stand for it.

Hahaha...you mad bro??:badgrin:

You obviously couldn't debate my last point. So...the liberal nastiness emerges.
The Muddas of the world aren't the problem, you are with your reflexive taking the side of the punk against the cop.

Okay. Try to picture this in your mind.

A big muscular BLACK cop throws a WHITE girl to the floor for not putting away a cell phone.

You'd be organizing a lynch mob, Cleetus.

My wife has a pet peeve about people who think meat comes from grocery stores.

THese people are the same, they want good schools, but aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom.

It strikes me a teacher who has to call in a cop because a girl didn't put her cell phone away fast enough isn't controlling herself, much less her classroom.
If the punk in question was some white punk do you think that Saintmicheal would be crying over the little tykes feelings?

A white punk never would have been manhandled by a cop like that and you know it.

Only a liberal could think that you can have control in a classroom without the threat of force.

That threat was called. THe call was met.

(forgive me if I mangled the poker terms, I'm not a gambler)

Again, the offending action was "not putting away a cell phone".
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

The cop behaved much worse. He viciously attacked her. Thank God he's no longer a cop. He was a danger to the Citizenry. But in my own personal opinion, losing his job isn't enough. He should have been charged with assault and booked. He got off too easy.
Bullshit! You don't arrest cops because you're a pussy. If I were a cop I wouldn't get involved if you were being beaten. I wouldn't want to go to jail being too rough.
The Muddas of the world aren't the problem, you are with your reflexive taking the side of the punk against the cop.

Okay. Try to picture this in your mind.

A big muscular BLACK cop throws a WHITE girl to the floor for not putting away a cell phone.

You'd be organizing a lynch mob, Cleetus.

My wife has a pet peeve about people who think meat comes from grocery stores.

THese people are the same, they want good schools, but aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom.

It strikes me a teacher who has to call in a cop because a girl didn't put her cell phone away fast enough isn't controlling herself, much less her classroom.
No we would not cry for the girl who didn't listen to the cops.
Did you see the white kid who didn't put the cellphone down and the cop shot him? Fuck him! Don't resist arrest.
Did you see the white kid who didn't put the cellphone down and the cop shot him? Fuck him! Don't resist arrest.

Which teen was that?
You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening
So, given America's 15-second Short Attention Span Theater symptomology...

Is anyone besides a fraction of the blogging community still talking about this, or really giving two shits?
Apparently YOU care. You're here desperately attempting to feed people an old Hillary piece of bullshit: "at this point who cares".
Guess what pal? The Police Union lawyers care. Field's cares. The school board and the county and the sheriff who have each received a nice envelope containing copies of the numerous lawsuits field's Police Union lawyers have already filed with the courts certainly care. The settlement will cost the above mentioned about 800K.
That's a lot of colored pencils, county office staff salaries and patrol car's tanks of gas.
Oh ya. The feral negro bitch certainly cares. The Police Union lawyer are the best in the country. THEY are going to make sure the bitch is made an example of BIG TIME!
"Fuck with one of our LEO's we we are going to fuck with you bitch".
Calm yourself, Princess... frankly, I don't give a rat's ass about either the Feral Teen nor the Busted Cop... my words meant exactly what they said...

Have we beat this frigging thing into the ground yet? Are we ready to stop flogging a dead horse? Lots of far more important stuff to deal with.
Ya and that's why you keep posting on this thread.
Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

No one is smart enough to see nothing.
Why do you object to my post and not say why? You use passive aggressive posts that say nothing and when called on it you say sorry stupid.
Who does that? A child? A moron?
That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

Your only answer was "it's irrelevant". And that was in response to my asking what exactly you know about the girl.

You're actually going to expel a student from school on the basis of ------ nothing.
That speaks nothing about the expulsion, but volumes about you.

You are on the wrong conversation, nit wit.

Yet it still applies quite well.

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