Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:

Keep waiting retard.

Waiting doesn't require any work on my end so -- whatever.

Now, if I had made an assertion I couldn't find any way to back up --- that would be a heavy load.

Sucketh to be thee.

Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:

Keep waiting retard.

Waiting doesn't require any work on my end so -- whatever.

Now, if I had made an assertion I couldn't find any way to back up --- that would be a heavy load.

Sucketh to be thee.

You can't understand what you read and that results in you getting things wrong and being impossible to explain things to. If I had your mental shortcomings it would suck. I don't so I'm just fine thanks.
Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:

Keep waiting retard.

Waiting doesn't require any work on my end so -- whatever.

Now, if I had made an assertion I couldn't find any way to back up --- that would be a heavy load.

Sucketh to be thee.

You can't understand what you read and that results in you getting things wrong and being impossible to explain things to. If I had your mental shortcomings it would suck. I don't so I'm just fine thanks.

So to review ---- if you could pull yourself away from your arsenal long enough to administrate a school, you'd expel this student, and when she and her parents inquired as to what the expulsion was for, you'd hem and haw for several days and then go "keep waiting retard".

That about covers it.
So, given America's 15-second Short Attention Span Theater symptomology...

Is anyone besides a fraction of the blogging community still talking about this, or really giving two shits?
Apparently YOU care. You're here desperately attempting to feed people an old Hillary piece of bullshit: "at this point who cares".
Guess what pal? The Police Union lawyers care. Field's cares. The school board and the county and the sheriff who have each received a nice envelope containing copies of the numerous lawsuits field's Police Union lawyers have already filed with the courts certainly care. The settlement will cost the above mentioned about 800K.
That's a lot of colored pencils, county office staff salaries and patrol car's tanks of gas.
Oh ya. The feral negro bitch certainly cares. The Police Union lawyer are the best in the country. THEY are going to make sure the bitch is made an example of BIG TIME!
"Fuck with one of our LEO's we we are going to fuck with you bitch".
Calm yourself, Princess... frankly, I don't give a rat's ass about either the Feral Teen nor the Busted Cop... my words meant exactly what they said...

Have we beat this frigging thing into the ground yet? Are we ready to stop flogging a dead horse? Lots of far more important stuff to deal with.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.
Fields has the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf.........'pro-bono'.
They are 100% reimbursed from Police Union funds set aside for just such a case as this one.
Fields is going to settle with the county for close to one million dollars.
The negro bitch can look forward to a lifetime, however short it will be, of praying she never needs to call LE. She'll have a list of felony crimes which will mean she won't even be able to get a job at a fucking FF take-out.
Welfare and food stamps. What a lovely way to spend the rest of one's pathetic loser life.

guy, Fields will be lucky if he stays out of prison.

Not with his previous uses of excessive force against children. Not with this video. No one other than a hateful klansman could look at this video and not say, "Damn!"

He'll be back on patrol within 2 years....but with a house paid off by his settlement check. Wanna make a bet on it??

With any luck, he will be 6' under after a closed-casket service in 2 years.
Ahhh.....a long list of custom police memes. Always a good way to enhance the debate.

I looked at the links. Not a single officers name/rank was listed.

Hmm...maybe because cops that do not conform to the Blue Wall Of Silence end up (at best) ostracized?!
Start arresting and prosecuting more cops, and their behavior will change. Nothing scares a cop more than the thought of doing prison time with those he or she locked up. The mere threat of losing their job isn't enough. They have to face serious prison time. Otherwise, they'll continue to believe they can get away with anything.

They don't go to general population. They go to minimum security isolated wings. It's a guaranteed target...just like celebrities...so they don't go to general. I know it breaks your heart.

They should go to maximum security's general population, with "BENT COP" tattooed on their faces.
It's completely fine and even patriotic to ask questions of authority.

However...there's a time for it. When a cop is putting hands on and detaining you....do not physically resist. It's that simple. If you avoid that....99.999999999999999999999% chance you will not be harmed at all.

But...CHOOSE to resist? I'd say it's about a 50% chance you're gonna get a foot in the ass.

And if then you collect a big judgement from a fired cop. So I'm actually kind of good with that. Wealth redistribution, baby.

Not how it works. On duty...cop has civil immunity as long as he is not convicted of a crime. Can sue him as an agent of the government...but can't go after his personal ownings.

Which is ANOTHER thing that needs to go away.
Start arresting and prosecuting more cops, and their behavior will change. Nothing scares a cop more than the thought of doing prison time with those he or she locked up. The mere threat of losing their job isn't enough. They have to face serious prison time. Otherwise, they'll continue to believe they can get away with anything.

They don't go to general population. They go to minimum security isolated wings. It's a guaranteed target...just like celebrities...so they don't go to general. I know it breaks your heart.

Still, the thought scares the shite out of em. The thought of losing their job just isn't enough. There has to be a serious threat of being arrested & prosecuted. Right now, that threat is just an empty one.

No its not. They are held to the same laws and courts as everyone else. Self defense is self defense. For everyone.

The System's rigged. Most cops get away with their crimes. And they always have. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans have been completely clueless as to the extent of their arrogant bullying.

And we've only scratched the surface. Police corruption and violence is the norm. It's time to start arresting and prosecuting more aggressively. A message has to be sent.
Curious that only those who have a history of breaking the law have a negative attitude of LEO's.

No, that is an out-and-out LIE.
No its not. They are held to the same laws and courts as everyone else. Self defense is self defense. For everyone.

The System's rigged. Most cops get away with their crimes. And they always have. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans have been completely clueless as to the extent of their arrogant bullying.

And we've only scratched the surface. Police corruption and violence is the norm. It's time to start arresting and prosecuting more aggressively. A message has to be sent.
Curious that only those who have a history of breaking the law have a negative attitude of LEO's.
But not so curiuos at all, that all of those who have a history of sycophantic authority-hugging have a positive attitude toward LEO's.

It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That is either the stupidest or the most dishonest thing EVER POSTED ON THE INTERNET.
It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
But his question is valid. All cop haters have a reason for hating cops, usually stemming from their own lawless behavior. Tell us some more about how you "fought the law and the law won."

I don't hate cops. I hate bad cops. And i'm sick of em getting away with their crimes. Losing their jobs just isn't good enough. They need to be arrested and prosecuted, just like average Citizens are.
So parole? Was it armed robbery or just a simple case of B&E or trafficking meth?

Only criminals hate cops, so you have outed yourself as a criminal. I'm just curious as to what kind.

Does it HURT to be this stupid?
Right, they're not soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. We don't want our police kicking Citizens' doors down and killing at will. If they wanna be soldiers, fine. Let em join up and go fight ISIS. We don't want roided-up militarized police terrorizing Citizens. It's time to end the militarization and begin holding police accountable.

Had my brother behaved in Afghanistan the way some cops behave, he would have been court-martialed.
It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.

To the Leftist hypocrites:


On behalf of all police officers everywhere.

It's their job to protect and serve. They can't handle it? So be it. Stop whining and go do something else for a living. Go be a rent-a-cop at the mall. No one's gonna miss a dumb roided-up mongoloid cop.
I'm not a cop anymore, you twit. And using references like "dumb roided up mongoloid cop" is precisely the hate I'm talking about that you deny. You hate cops because you're a felon who fell afoul of the criminal justice system and got EXACTLY what you deserved, but like an immature punk you got everyone to blame but yourself.

Bullshit. I already told you, i hate bad cops. And this one is a roided-up mongoloid. Let's check the tale of the tape... An unarmed teenaged girl sitting at a desk vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. He's a joke. Fuck em.

Cop haters like you think all cops are bad. You're the kind that sees a cop and already has a plan to be snarky and uncooperative and (we can only hope) get your ass shot by them. The funny thing is, when your kind calls the cops, which is all the time, you seem to lose that attitude when you think you need them.

So what's on your felony record. This is an anonymous platform and nobody knows who you really are, so honesty isn't going to endanger you.

Why did you get shit-canned off the police force and when? Were the drug runners paying you off or did you get caught shaking down the local businesses?
And the public outrage for a backtalking disobediant rebellious child to her teacher and then a uniformed police officer is...Where?

I agree with you. It was totally unacceptable and a clear sign of the state of our nation. When our young people witness our politicians lie through their teeth and get away with cold blooded murder (as in the case of Hillary Clinton) and then continue on a campaign to become president of the United States?! Without any public outrage?

They believe they can get away with anything too.

Children today are reared in public schools that are more or less a moral vacuum. If they are not taught morality at home they simply will have none.

Essentially the US is now raising a generation of wild animals devoid of respect for authority.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. It had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.

Yes, you would get your boner over another innocent Citizen being brutally murdered by your beloved Gestapo. Seriously, y'all are a bunch of loony Nazi Bootlickers. Shame on ya.
I can't wait to see the body cam footage of you getting shot by police. You'll be a star. I'll even start a thread.

It's too bad you quit your cop job, dumbass.

Is there anyone here who believes this idiot was a cop?

I'm sure he was...he's a nasty, vicious, psychotic turd, so he fits in perfectly.
Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but he's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.

So, kill em? That's your solution? God, you Authority-Worshippers are so damn lost. No wonder so many cops think they can get away with anything. You deranged kooks have led to them to believe that.
My solution is zero tolerance. Are you telling me we can't insist kids behave? You act like kids are doing us the favor by showing up to school. Then they behave badly? What would happen in the real world? She'd be fired.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there. You raising a future trashy citizen. We should be able to expel all the kids who aren't trying. Transfer all the kids that are trying to a different class or different school. Make people appreciate school.

If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

But for some reason public schools are forced to babysit losers. Throw them out. Make it like the military. Both are public institutions. Right?

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