Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom


Passively sits at her desk and authority....
My point stands.
My point stands tall....Cop seen on video cop loses his right to remain employed or set foot on campus..tata

Um, yeah, see for one second there you tried to support your position, and did raise a real point.

I countered that point.

YOur reply did not address my point at all.

You simply reverted to your normal routine of Logical Fallacies. DO you wish to know which 3 Logical Fallacies you used?

My point stands.

The young woman lost her right to be secure in her person when she refused to leave the room, thus becoming a Trespasser AND furthermore when she hit the cop.
RIght here, Buc's statement.

"He used force as he's trained."

And your response where you cite the fact he was fired as evidence that the cop violated procedure.

"Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness."

That's an Appeal to Authority.


Read the phrase I responded to. You've already quoted it twice here:

"He used force as he's trained." -- the key phrase to which I responded being .... wait for it...

"as he's trained"

That is what I took issue with. Way back there in post -- that wasn't even made to you in the first place.
The poster attempted to maintain that picking up a 16-year-old girl literally half his size by the desk, flipping it over nearly impaling a bystander in the eye and (almost certainly destroying her laptop) and then literally throwing her against a wall ---- is what he's "trained" to do.

WHO is his superior that oversees that training and whether it's properly applied?
and WHO fired him for what he did?

Well whattaya know --- same guy. The guy who assessed him is the guy who's supposed to be assessing him. Stop the fuckin' presses.
That's how I know he did not apply that force "as he's trained". The sheriff already said as much.

It is NOT obvious that the only possible reason he could have been fired is that he didn't

"use force as he's trained".

I presented a completely reasonable alternative, ie that the Authority in question fired the cop to cover the Authority's own ass.

YOu have refused to address that possibility repeatedly.

YOU presented second-guessing conspiracy theories based on nothing. And then you want to call "fallacy"? Poster please.

Whether the sheriff fires him or not is ultimately irrelevant to this point; he's already articulated that the goon went beyond the pale of proper procedure. Actually considering the blatant disregard police in general have for their own excess, we can presume that even in the sheriff's analysis, he went WAY beyond -- to the point where he found the action indefensible and had no alternative. And "wid a quickness" is a reference to the fact that it took him only two days to come to that conclusion --- versus the usual hemming and hawing about "well uh we're doing an 'internal investigation'... "

The act of firing him would seem logical under the circumstance but it's not a given; he could have gone the usual route of suspension with pay while we "internally investigate" which is a euphemism for "wait for the outrage to die down". But here he didn't have that latitude. On the other hand based only on what we've seen on video he could also have charged Deputy Goon with assault and/or reckless endangerment. So far he stopped short of that, again there's that police closed-ranks mentality.

Then there's the fact that the school itself banned the goon from any of its facilities, before that action was taken. That doesn't have anything to do with what proper police procedure is but it does show us the school itself saw Goon as a threat.

NONE of that is an "Appeal to Authority" as it's not even part of an argument -- it's simply stating factual events. And the course of those events disprove the poster's original point that this was within his "training". His training and how he applies it isn't up to us here for scorekeeping --- it's up to his boss.

YOu keep citing "The video" without any explanation of what procedure the cop supposedly violated.

I'm not the fucking cop, Dumbass. I don't NEED to know what the procedures are or are not. HE DOES.

Having no awareness of the event at all I could be told simply that "deputy Goon took action X (with no details on the action) and was fired for violating police procedure".

That's it. It makes the whole point as to whether or not Deputy Goon violated procedure. Same as "plumber apprentice Smith worked on a drain and was fired for violating proper plumbing procedure". It isn't something that's open to interpretive argument -- except between the apprentice and his boss.

Use of force is part of the job of a cop. All you are demonstrating is that our society is too squeamish to enforce civilized behavior even in a classroom, let alone the Street or God FOrbid, the Border.

"Squeamish" is not at issue here, even if you keep trying to force it into arguments where it was never articulated. "Use of force" as a tactic is not at issue here either. DEGREE is. "Border" is not in any way related to anything whatsoever here. Columbia isn't even anywhere near a STATE border.

"Civilized behavior" is a sick joke. You're apparently so eager to lick the boots of authority that you're willing to turn a blind eye to a vicious attack in which a 16-year-old girl is put in a choke hold, flipped over backward IN A DESK, that desk smashing into another person's desk nearly impaling her in the skull and then thrown against a wall. You authoritarian sycophants really give me the urge to regurge. Grow a pair one of these days and stand up for We the People there, Neville Chamberlain.

Oh wait -- speaking of "civilized behavior", one of the students did that, stood up to say something about this girl who no one in the class knew, on the basis of simple justice. Deputy Goon arrested her too.

Holy shit man, grow a pair already. Learn to stand the fuck up for your own rights as a free citizen and quit slacking off the rest of us who are willing to stand up to abuse of that citizenship. If we were a football team would you be handing off the ball to the other team's defense? That's what you're desperately trying to find a way to do here.

And on what planet would a classroom full of kids be deemed a MORE -- not LESS -- appropriate place for storm trooper tactics than the street? Are you smoking crack?

Again --- learn to read. You look pathetic here.
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We should be glad no serious injuries occurred.
Had Fields attempted to "cuff" the bitch while she was still sitting in her desk the chances are very good she would have suffered an injury.
You sit at a desk with a back on it and have someone take your arms and "cuff" you. Then get back to us.
"What's in the video" cannot be considered "an authority" dumb shit.

I can't believe you continue to dig yourself deeper here....

Don't play dumb. You kept bringing up the fact the cop was fired as evidence of wrong doing.

Pure Appeal to Authority and I explained how so step by step.

NO I FUCKING DO NOT. Your claiming something that does not exist DOES NOT MAKE IT A REAL THING, DUMBASS.

For about the tenth time, the evidence is in the video. The sentence "the evidence is in the video" does not somehow morph itself into "the fact the cop was fired is evidence of wrongdoing" just because that's what you wish it had said.

Lern too reed, fucking moron.

Is what's in the video ALL of the evidence? Or just a piece of the larger incident?

It's all the evidence that's needed. Unless you have more that shows where he dragged her out by the hair and set her on fire.

That's not the point; the poster keeps trying to put words in my mouth so he can point to what he thinks is a fallacy.

^^Liberal saying "all the evidence isn't needed". Just the part making the cop look as bad as possible i suppose .

Remember this folks. At least 2 liberals saying that only this piece of evidence matters....and "all the evidence" isn't important here. UNLIKE cases like Ferguson....where they want all evidence released immediately.

They only want evidence that supports the end result they want. They never want just the whole truth.

Once AGAIN --- do you have evidence that Deputy Goon took her out and drew and quartered her? Or the other girl who stood up to say 'stop'? If so bring it on. We can't comment on evidence we don't have.
RIght here, Buc's statement.

"He used force as he's trained."

And your response where you cite the fact he was fired as evidence that the cop violated procedure.

"Obviously if the last were true he wouldn't have got his as FIRED wid a quickness."

That's an Appeal to Authority.


Read the phrase I responded to. You've already quoted it twice here:

"He used force as he's trained." -- the key phrase to which I responded being .... wait for it...

"as he's trained"

That is what I took issue with. Way back there in post -- that wasn't even made to you in the first place.
The poster attempted to maintain that picking up a 16-year-old girl literally half his size by the desk, flipping it over nearly impaling a bystander in the eye and (almost certainly destroying her laptop) and then literally throwing her against a wall ---- is what he's "trained" to do.

WHO is his superior that oversees that training and whether it's properly applied?
and WHO fired him for what he did?

Well whattaya know --- same guy. The guy who assessed him is the guy who's supposed to be assessing him. Stop the fuckin' presses.
That's how I know he did not apply that force "as he's trained". The sheriff already said as much.

It is NOT obvious that the only possible reason he could have been fired is that he didn't

"use force as he's trained".

I presented a completely reasonable alternative, ie that the Authority in question fired the cop to cover the Authority's own ass.

YOu have refused to address that possibility repeatedly.

YOU presented second-guessing conspiracy theories based on nothing. And then you want to call "fallacy"? Poster please.

Whether the sheriff fires him or not is ultimately irrelevant to this point; he's already articulated that the goon went beyond the pale of proper procedure. Actually considering the blatant disregard police in general have for their own excess, we can presume that even in the sheriff's analysis, he went WAY beyond -- to the point where he found the action indefensible and had no alternative. And "wid a quickness" is a reference to the fact that it took him only two days to come to that conclusion --- versus the usual hemming and hawing about "well uh we're doing an 'internal investigation'... "

The act of firing him would seem logical under the circumstance but it's not a given; he could have gone the usual route of suspension with pay while we "internally investigate" which is a euphemism for "wait for the outrage to die down". But here he didn't have that latitude. On the other hand based only on what we've seen on video he could also have charged Deputy Goon with assault and/or reckless endangerment. So far he stopped short of that, again there's that police closed-ranks mentality.

Then there's the fact that the school itself banned the goon from any of its facilities, before that action was taken. That doesn't have anything to do with what proper police procedure is but it does show us the school itself saw Goon as a threat.

NONE of that is an "Appeal to Authority" as it's not even part of an argument -- it's simply stating factual events. And the course of those events disprove the poster's original point that this was within his "training". His training and how he applies it isn't up to us here for scorekeeping --- it's up to his boss.

YOu keep citing "The video" without any explanation of what procedure the cop supposedly violated.

I'm not the fucking cop, Dumbass. I don't NEED to know what the procedures are or are not. HE DOES.

Having no awareness of the event at all I could be told simply that "deputy Goon took action X (with no details on the action) and was fired for violating police procedure".

That's it. It makes the whole point as to whether or not Deputy Goon violated procedure. Same as "plumber apprentice Smith worked on a drain and was fired for violating proper plumbing procedure". It isn't something that's open to interpretive argument -- except between the apprentice and his boss.

Use of force is part of the job of a cop. All you are demonstrating is that our society is too squeamish to enforce civilized behavior even in a classroom, let alone the Street or God FOrbid, the Border.

"Squeamish" is not at issue here, even if you keep trying to force it into arguments where it was never articulated. "Use of force" as a tactic is not at issue here either. DEGREE is. "Border" is not in any way related to anything whatsoever here. Columbia isn't even anywhere near a STATE border.

"Civilized behavior" is a sick joke. You're apparently so eager to lick the boots of authority that you're willing to turn a blind eye to a vicious attack in which a 16-year-old girl is put in a choke hold, flipped over backward IN A DESK, that desk smashing into another person's desk nearly impaling her in the skull and then thrown against a wall. You authoritarian sycophants really give me the urge to regurge. Grow a pair one of these days and stand up for We the People there, Neville Chamberlain.

Oh wait -- speaking of "civilized behavior", one of the students did that, stood up to say something about this girl who no one in the class knew, on the basis of simple justice. Deputy Goon arrested her too.

Holy shit man, grow a pair already. Learn to stand the fuck up for your own rights as a free citizen and quit slacking off the rest of us who are willing to stand up to abuse of that citizenship. If we were a football team would you be handing off the ball to the other team's defense? That's what you're desperately trying to find a way to do here.

And on what planet would a classroom full of kids be deemed a MORE -- not LESS -- appropriate place for storm trooper tactics than the street? Are you smoking crack?

Again --- learn to read. You look pathetic here.

Most of your post is just emotionally bs. I have dealt with the two main points such as they are.

And when you cite the actions of an Authority as evidence you are right, that's an Appeal to Authority. Just stop doing that and I'll stop point out it's a Logical Fallacy.

1. The size and age of the young woman who refused to leave the room and had to be forcible removed is irrelevant, no matter how upsetting it is to you personally.

2, THe Police Chief says it is a violation of procedure? WHat is the proper procedure for dragging a young woman out of a school chair? THey have a standard procedure for that?

That sounds like vague cover your ass bullshit.
And when you cite the actions of an Authority as evidence you are right, that's an Appeal to Authority. Just stop doing that and I'll stop point out it's a Logical Fallacy.

Actually, stop trying to find fallacies where none exist and I'll stop schooling you on what they are and are not. I mean it's a neat thing having a new toy and all but you've gotta learn how it works.

I've cited no outside authority. I simply restated the fact -- which is not subject to debate -- that the goon's boss assessed his actions and found them over the top. Period. That's not a matter of opinion.

1. The size and age of the young woman who refused to leave the room and had to be forcible removed is irrelevant, no matter how upsetting it is to you personally.

Once again sticking words in my mouth? "How upsetting it is to me personally" is irrelevant. "How much latitude authority figures are given to abuse the public" is the crux of the matter here. You seem to want to constantly water this down into an emotional thing. That time of the month is it?

The size and age, relative to his size and -- not "age" but build --- are irrelevant to the transgression and enforcement of the law, but it's crucial to the degree of his assault upon her and endangerment of the girl sitting behind her. In colloquial terms, he flipped the fuck out. And he's damn lucky it wasn't far worse, no thanks to his reckless endangerment.

2, THe Police Chief says it is a violation of procedure? WHat is the proper procedure for dragging a young woman out of a school chair? THey have a standard procedure for that?

Fucked if I know, you'd have to ask him. But I have no doubt it does not include choke holds, flipping over backward, endangering innocent bystanders or throwing the subject into a wall.

But again, that's his job to assess, and he assessed it. Period. I really don't need to know which of those are more violation than others. Apparently you do, for whatever proxy-bootlicking reasons. Good luck on that quest.

Hey why don't you go visit Deputy Goon and ask him? How much do you weigh? Don't worry, the rest of us will still be here backing you up while you're getting kicked in the face while licking his boots. You know, standing up for the simple human rights you're so bent on giving away... with any luck you'll still be able to murmur through your broken teeth, "thank you Sir, may I have another?"

That sounds like vague cover your ass bullshit.

That sounds like a concession.
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And when you cite the actions of an Authority as evidence you are right, that's an Appeal to Authority. Just stop doing that and I'll stop point out it's a Logical Fallacy.

Actually, stop trying to find fallacies where none exist and I'll stop schooling you on what they are and are not. I mean it's a neat thing having a new toy and all but you've gotta learn how it works.

I've cited no outside authority. I simply restated the fact -- which is not subject to debate -- that the goon's boss assessed his actions and found them over the top. Period. That's not a matter of opinion.

1. The size and age of the young woman who refused to leave the room and had to be forcible removed is irrelevant, no matter how upsetting it is to you personally.

Once again sticking words in my mouth? "How upsetting it is to me personally" is irrelevant. "How much latitude authority figures are given to abuse the public" is the crux of the matter here. You seem to want to constantly water this down into an emotional thing. That time of the month is it?

The size and age, relative to his size and -- not "age" but build --- are irrelevant to the transgression and enforcement of the law, but it's crucial to the degree of his assault upon her and endangerment of the girl sitting behind her. In colloquial terms, he flipped the fuck out. And he's damn lucky it wasn't far worse, no thanks to his reckless endangerment.

2, THe Police Chief says it is a violation of procedure? WHat is the proper procedure for dragging a young woman out of a school chair? THey have a standard procedure for that?

Fucked if I know, you'd have to ask him. But I have no doubt it does not include choke holds, flipping over backward, endangering innocent bystanders or throwing the subject into a wall.

But again, that's his job to assess, and he assessed it. Period. I really don't need to know which of those are more violation than others. Apparently you do, for whatever proxy-bootlicking reasons. Good luck on that quest.

Hey why don't you go visit Deputy Goon and ask him? How much do you weigh? Don't worry, the rest of us will still be here backing you up while you're getting kicked in the face while licking his boots. You know, standing up for the simple human rights you're so bent on giving away... with any luck you'll still be able to murmur through your broken teeth, "thank you Sir, may I have another?"

That sounds like vague cover your ass bullshit.

That sounds like a concession.
Please let us know when Field's is charged with any unlawful act.
You see pal the fact that Fields was never/will never be charged with any unlawful act means he has a 100% lock on winning a 'wrongful dismissal suit' period. That's just for starters.
His Police Union lawyers are already having meetings with the sheriff, the county and the school district.
They are going to pony up a total of about 800K in a structured settlement with Fields........who won't have to pay a nickle to the lawyers who are being 100% reimbursed from the funds the Police Union have set aside.
Every time I saw my union fee deduction I understood if I were ever to get railroaded for doing my job by some asshole LIB politician the union lawyers would be there to help.
And when you cite the actions of an Authority as evidence you are right, that's an Appeal to Authority. Just stop doing that and I'll stop point out it's a Logical Fallacy.

Actually, stop trying to find fallacies where none exist and I'll stop schooling you on what they are and are not. I mean it's a neat thing having a new toy and all but you've gotta learn how it works.

I've cited no outside authority. I simply restated the fact -- which is not subject to debate -- that the goon's boss assessed his actions and found them over the top. Period. That's not a matter of opinion.

1. The size and age of the young woman who refused to leave the room and had to be forcible removed is irrelevant, no matter how upsetting it is to you personally.

Once again sticking words in my mouth? "How upsetting it is to me personally" is irrelevant. "How much latitude authority figures are given to abuse the public" is the crux of the matter here. You seem to want to constantly water this down into an emotional thing. That time of the month is it?

The size and age, relative to his size and -- not "age" but build --- are irrelevant to the transgression and enforcement of the law, but it's crucial to the degree of his assault upon her and endangerment of the girl sitting behind her. In colloquial terms, he flipped the fuck out. And he's damn lucky it wasn't far worse, no thanks to his reckless endangerment.

2, THe Police Chief says it is a violation of procedure? WHat is the proper procedure for dragging a young woman out of a school chair? THey have a standard procedure for that?

Fucked if I know, you'd have to ask him. But I have no doubt it does not include choke holds, flipping over backward, endangering innocent bystanders or throwing the subject into a wall.

But again, that's his job to assess, and he assessed it. Period. I really don't need to know which of those are more violation than others. Apparently you do, for whatever proxy-bootlicking reasons. Good luck on that quest.

Hey why don't you go visit Deputy Goon and ask him? How much do you weigh? Don't worry, the rest of us will still be here backing you up while you're getting kicked in the face while licking his boots. You know, standing up for the simple human rights you're so bent on giving away... with any luck you'll still be able to murmur through your broken teeth, "thank you Sir, may I have another?"

That sounds like vague cover your ass bullshit.

That sounds like a concession.

1. An Authority does not have to be an outside Authority for An Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy.

2. THe "degree of the assault"? THe one that the Authority you trust so much says was uninjured? What degree of assault is "no injury"? Jeez, it's funny, you think with such a big cop "flipping out" on such a small girl that she would have been badly hurt.

3. Actually, my understanding of police procedure is that if a criminal punches a cop that justifies quite a bit of force, which this young woman did.

4. And me calling the Police Chief's statement "vague cover your ass bullshit" could in no way be seen as a concession by me. Don't play dishonest games. I will call you on such bullshit.
1. An Authority does not have to be an outside Authority for An Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy.

To be an Appeal to Authority fallacy, it sure does. It has to be some source outside the argument. Which doesn't apply here, since there IS NO argument.

Police chief fired Deputy Goon. That's a fact. Not open to debate.

If I were to quote Herman V. Finstervlep opining that said goon should have been charged with assault and reckless endangerment, AND maintained that therefore it "proves" Deputy Goon did so, THEN you would have an Appeal to Authority.

But ..................................................................................................... I didn't.

Sucks to be you.

2. THe "degree of the assault"? THe one that the Authority you trust so much says was uninjured? What degree of assault is "no injury"? Jeez, it's funny, you think with such a big cop "flipping out" on such a small girl that she would have been badly hurt.

No point made here, no response warranted.

3. Actually, my understanding of police procedure is that if a criminal punches a cop that justifies quite a bit of force, which this young woman did.

Which is not at all what she did, since she was literally in no position to do so.

4. And me calling the Police Chief's statement "vague cover your ass bullshit" could in no way be seen as a concession by me. Don't play dishonest games. I will call you on such bullshit.

Get this straight Clyde -- I'm the one calling out YOUR dishonesty. And I just did it again in the previous line.

Anything else?
Well, if further investigation shows differently, I will accept that as well. My point is that I wasn't there, and I'm not a cop. I'll leave the final verdict to the experts.
Just one "expert" and he's a politician throwing his deputy under the bus.

If that is true then the police union will sue.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.
Just one "expert" and he's a politician throwing his deputy under the bus.

If that is true then the police union will sue.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:
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Just one "expert" and he's a politician throwing his deputy under the bus.

If that is true then the police union will sue.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?
If that is true then the police union will sue.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:

Keep waiting retard.
If that is true then the police union will sue.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

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