Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Only a witless tool of stupid believes that the only way to control a classroom is to slam kids around........

Odd you felt a need to lie about what I said.

If you feel that you cannot honestly counter my point, you should consider that that means you are wrong.

LIberals. All the self awareness of a Turnip.
Only a witless tool of stupid believes that the only way to control a classroom is to slam kids around........

Odd you felt a need to lie about what I said.

If you feel that you cannot honestly counter my point, you should consider that that means you are wrong.

LIberals. All the self awareness of a Turnip.
Quit appealing to authority to justify the beat down of a child and then turning around and whining its me appealing to authority when I mention the steroid abuser was fired...
It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.

To the Leftist hypocrites:


On behalf of all police officers everywhere.

It's their job to protect and serve. They can't handle it? So be it. Stop whining and go do something else for a living. Go be a rent-a-cop at the mall. No one's gonna miss a dumb roided-up mongoloid cop.
I'm not a cop anymore, you twit. And using references like "dumb roided up mongoloid cop" is precisely the hate I'm talking about that you deny. You hate cops because you're a felon who fell afoul of the criminal justice system and got EXACTLY what you deserved, but like an immature punk you got everyone to blame but yourself.

Bullshit. I already told you, i hate bad cops. And this one is a roided-up mongoloid. Let's check the tale of the tape... An unarmed teenaged girl sitting at a desk vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. He's a joke. Fuck em.

Cop haters like you think all cops are bad. You're the kind that sees a cop and already has a plan to be snarky and uncooperative and (we can only hope) get your ass shot by them. The funny thing is, when your kind calls the cops, which is all the time, you seem to lose that attitude when you think you need them.

So what's on your felony record. This is an anonymous platform and nobody knows who you really are, so honesty isn't going to endanger you.

Police apologists see just the opposite. Only an idiot exhibits the same behavior they are criticizing in the same post.
It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but Ben Carson's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.
I was the only Native American in an almost all white school. The kids were mostly polite and apart from normal shenanigans, they were not out of control. I got shit from some of them and I had to learn quickly how to fight, but I never experienced discrimination by the adults and they even stepped in to protect me. I'm glad I went to the school I did and I'm making sure my kids go to a good school too.
I moved to an all white school eventually and learned as a Greek I wasn't white either. Close enough though. We had Jews Chaldeans and Lebanese kids but they blended in too.

We had 3 blacks in our school. Ironic. The two brothers were nice the one kid was ghetto criminal. He hung out with the burnouts. Perfect example of a bad black. But I'm sure his mom wanted better for him but where daddy at? This is what our problem is. Bad parenting. Or no parenting.

Funny how you characterize the kid as a "perfect example of a bad black" and the others he hangs with as just "burnouts". Obviously there is something in your worldview that draws that distinction.
Here is the paradox for Correl and company

The student broke rules in the classroom...the "Authority" in the classroom decided physical violence was called for...Correl enthusiastically approves.....

The Cop is viewed on a video physically accosting the student. The "Authorities" doing the viewing decide this behavior is inappropriate and broke rules... Correl says the hell with the authority's Judgement because they fired him...
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. It had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.

Yes, you would get your boner over another innocent Citizen being brutally murdered by your beloved Gestapo. Seriously, y'all are a bunch of loony Nazi Bootlickers. Shame on ya.
I can't wait to see the body cam footage of you getting shot by police. You'll be a star. I'll even start a thread.

It's too bad you quit your cop job, dumbass.

Is there anyone here who believes this idiot was a cop?

Well if he was, he's not a very good spokesman for police officers. He exhibits all of the attitude and bias that we point to in these cases while simultaineously denies that police are like that at all. A special kind of idiot.
I don't Appeal to anything. There was no beating. THe young woman was forcible removed from the room.
You are appealing to the cops authority to justify manhandling a hapless student...you would be whining if Cliven Bundy got the same treatment....
I don't Appeal to anything. There was no beating. THe young woman was forcible removed from the room.

You do not question the student being forcibly removed you only question Ben Fields being forcibly removed from the Job.......
Only a witless tool of stupid believes that the only way to control a classroom is to slam kids around........

Odd you felt a need to lie about what I said.

If you feel that you cannot honestly counter my point, you should consider that that means you are wrong.

LIberals. All the self awareness of a Turnip.

Quit appealing to authority to justify the beat down of a child and then turning around and whining its me appealing to authority when I mention the steroid abuser was fired...

YOu don't understand the meaning of Logical Fallacy or Appeal to Authority. Sorry to not include the links before. I assumed you already had that knowledge.


"Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logicof your argument. Fallacies can be either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack evidence that supports their claim."

Argument from authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Argument from authority, also ad verecundiam and appeal to authority, is a common form of argument which leads to a logical fallacy.[1]

In informal reasoning, the appeal to authority is a form of argument attempting to establish a statistical syllogism.[2] The appeal to authority relies on an argument of the form:[3]

A is an authority on a particular topic
A says something about that topic
A is probably correct
Fallacious examples of using the appeal include any appeal to authority used in the context of logical reasoning, and appealing to the position of an authority or authorities to dismiss evidence,[4][5][6] as authorities can come to the wrong judgments through error, bias, dishonesty, or falling prey to groupthink. Thus, the appeal to authority is not a generally reliable argument for establishing facts."

THus, my pointing out that you libs are wrong to use the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority is not a contradiction to my support of control by the "Authority" of the Teacher and the Cop in question to maintain order in the classroom.

I am not citing the Authority of the Cop and the TEacher and saying that you cannot question it. YOu are welcome to make your case despite the fact that the Cop disagrees with you, presumably.

But you libs have offered nothing beyond your discomfort at seeing force used.
. You appeal to the Sheriff's decision, and imply that the decision was the right one, because the Sheriff made the decision. Even in your numerous responses, wherein you repeat your assertion, you never once explain WHY the decision was correct... and in THAT you fail reason and set your argument on the unsound construct OKA: ipse dixit.

Horseshit. I've just been telling your sock over and over that the evidence is right there in the video.

In English there's only one thing that can mean, and that is that the evidence is right there in the video.

The video to which you refer fails to show the attack the individual made against the officer. Where she struck the officer; a felony criminal act, which in my state is worthy of a 5000 fine and 5 years in prison.

At that point she becomes a belligerent and has subjected herself to the force necessary to subdue her... up to and including deadly force.

Unfortunately for your lying ass, the evidence for that is in the video too, and it says you're a liar.
You ain't the first though. We had one asshat trying to tell us the desk threw itself.

You claim he violated procedure? What procedure did he violate?

The one that got him fired.
But you libs have offered nothing beyond your discomfort at seeing force used.

Have I forgotten to mention the "discomfort at seeing force used" that was experienced by the authorities [and most others viewing the video]...This is what led to the COP being "
forcibly removed from employment"

logical fallacy LOL
I don't Appeal to anything. There was no beating. THe young woman was forcible removed from the room.

You do not question the student being forcibly removed you only question Ben Fields being forcibly removed from the Job.......

THe answer for why the student was forcible removed is that she was disruptive, refused to leave and even hit the cop.

The answer for why the cop was fired was that seeing force being use to maintain order upsets your delicate lib sensibilities.
But you libs have offered nothing beyond your discomfort at seeing force used.

Have I forgotten to mention the "discomfort at seeing force used" that was experienced by the authorities [and most others viewing the video]...This is what led to the COP being "
forcibly removed from employment"

logical fallacy LOL

And there you go again, with Appeal to Authority.

Is that all you've got?
And there you go again, with Appeal to Authority.

Is that all you've got?

You are trying to reverse the charges" ...

dude if I was to say "the child's Lawyer says ...such and such about what happened" you would say

of course he is a biased source

Since you have demonstrated a distinct respect for authority even when the authority is seen in a video assaulting a helpless child I then cite the documented fact that "the authorities forcibly removed this guy from employment"...not because I need the authorities to validate my point of view but because I figure you did ...but...you know this just as well as I do...you are just struggling with it LOL

You only object to the authorities in the second case

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