Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Not how it works. On duty...cop has civil immunity as long as he is not convicted of a crime. Can sue him as an agent of the government...but can't go after his personal ownings.

Yeah, after a few cities start paying out million dollar settlements, watch how fast they start disowning the bullies.

This guy got FIRED. You think anyone is going to defend him.

The days of being a bully with a badge are over, baby. Time for some professional law enforcement.
We all want the same thing, to take the cops out of the zoos and let the chimps have at each other with no interference. Why are we fighting?

We all want the same thing, to take the cops out of the zoos and let the chimps have at each other with no interference. Why are we fighting?

^Former police officer who believes that excessive use of force by police is not racially motivated.

If the punk in question was some white punk do you think that Saintmicheal would be crying over the little tykes feelings?
The Muddas of the world aren't the problem, you are with your reflexive taking the side of the punk against the cop.
They are not a problem to you and you are everything you entitled Idiot...

potentate white entitled dude ...he speaks for you...he approves of violence against the Balk girl exactly as you do ...are you the one who wrote you wanted to see her "breathing through her blood"...
So, you always believe Police Captain's?

THat's good to know.

Oh, and your Appealing to Authority AGAIN.

Are you under the impression it took a Police Captain's highly reluctant firing [here is a clue for you: he did it because nothing could neutralize what was on that video and make it OK] to convince me of what my eyes saw ?

Yeah I am appealing to the authority of My eyes ...yes I believe my eyes when my eyes see a 300lb bully assaulting a 15 year old girl..I admit an Appeal to my Eyesight ..ROFLMAO

The only reason that is brought up is to catch you in a paradox where in you justify the physical violence of the cop by appealing to his authority but when he is fired you go against the authorities who fired his sorry ass... I am appealing to authority ON YOUR BEHALF LOL

Nope, you cited the Police Chief's actions as evidence for your side of the debate.

That's Appeal to Authority.
THese people are the same, they want good schools, but aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom.

Only to an entitled white morn who thinks not approving of an assault by a 300lb man on a hapless student is the same as " aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom."...you are an arrogant wuzz........
Time for a little humor:
We're getting into a bus with fifty other White tourists in New Orleans to go on a tour of a old grave yard. (Supposed to be very interesting)
The driver of the bus is a big Black dude.
Just before he starts the bus he says over the loudspeaker what his name is. Then he says with a laugh "Notice which part of the bus I'm sitting in".
Pretty funny.
Ya, he's sitting in the driver's seat, driving all the honkies around. In other words, still working for the white man.
The Muddas of the world aren't the problem, you are with your reflexive taking the side of the punk against the cop.
They are not a problem to you and you are everything you entitled Idiot...

potentate white entitled dude ...he speaks for you...he approves of violence against the Balk girl exactly as you do ...are you the one who wrote you wanted to see her "breathing through her blood"...

Exactly what do you think that I think I am entitled to?

What is this really about in your little lib mind?
THese people are the same, they want good schools, but aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom.

Only to an entitled white morn who thinks not approving of an assault by a 300lb man on a hapless student is the same as " aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom."...you are an arrogant wuzz........
She told her friends: get your phones out and check this out. Just before the incident. Proving once again that there are no innocent nignags.
Nope, you cited the Police Chief's actions as evidence for your side of the debate.

That's Appeal to Authority.
Are you nuts...lets say today the Police Chief turns around and says " I am giving Ben Fields a promotion he did the Right thing"
That I would change my mind...?

The only Reason I mention the Chief is FOR YOU...the Chief did not convince me of the wrong that was done...my own eyes did that...The Chief is only mentioned because you worship authority over all and I am throwing authority at you...for me the matter was settled before the chief fired the dude ...you know all of this though...you are being dishonest is all
[QUOTE="Correll, post: 12709812, member: 53993"
THese people are the same, they want good schools, but aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom.

Only to an entitled white morn who thinks not approving of an assault by a 300lb man on a hapless student is the same as " aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom."...you are an arrogant wuzz........[/QUOTE]

Only a liberal could think that you can have control in a classroom without the threat of force.

That threat was called. THe call was met.

(forgive me if I mangled the poker terms, I'm not a gambler)
So, given America's 15-second Short Attention Span Theater symptomology...

Is anyone besides a fraction of the blogging community still talking about this, or really giving two shits?
Apparently YOU care. You're here desperately attempting to feed people an old Hillary piece of bullshit: "at this point who cares".
Guess what pal? The Police Union lawyers care. Field's cares. The school board and the county and the sheriff who have each received a nice envelope containing copies of the numerous lawsuits field's Police Union lawyers have already filed with the courts certainly care. The settlement will cost the above mentioned about 800K.
That's a lot of colored pencils, county office staff salaries and patrol car's tanks of gas.
Oh ya. The feral negro bitch certainly cares. The Police Union lawyer are the best in the country. THEY are going to make sure the bitch is made an example of BIG TIME!
"Fuck with one of our LEO's we we are going to fuck with you bitch".
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If the punk in question was some white punk do you think that Saintmicheal would be crying over the little tykes feelings?
You call her a punk out of racial animus.... she sat quietly albeit uncooperative..the Gorilla started slamming her around and nearly injured the student behind his victim.,..
You should reconsider blindly swallowing the verdict. Sheriff Lott admitted his findings were at odds with other cops, witnesses, teachers and administrators who all supported Fields. He also admitted to not factoring in the girl's assault and the simple fact that there's no non violent way to deal with a feral negro thug who is determined to fight. Also in the background is the clear motive of protecting the city from rioting, uncontrolled hordes of rioting chimps who will threaten to burn the city down. Sheriff Lott is a pussy and a politician who has no problem sacrificing his deputies for the greater peace and tranquility.

Well, if further investigation shows differently, I will accept that as well. My point is that I wasn't there, and I'm not a cop. I'll leave the final verdict to the experts.
Just one "expert" and he's a politician throwing his deputy under the bus.

If that is true then the police union will sue.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.
Only a liberal could think that you can have control in a classroom without the threat of force.
Suspension detentions and being banned from activities can all be used ..ONLY A SIMPLETON thinks one has to Officer slam children to control them,

Can a person control their children at home without force or violence....if you are seen in a video doing that to your own child say a daughter age fifteen ...guess what the authorities are going to do ..................................
Nope, you cited the Police Chief's actions as evidence for your side of the debate.

That's Appeal to Authority.
Are you nuts...lets say today the Police Chief turns around and says " I am giving Ben Fields a promotion he did the Right thing"
That I would change my mind...?

The only Reason I mention the Chief is FOR YOU...the Chief did not convince me of the wrong that was done...my own eyes did that...The Chief is only mentioned because you worship authority over all and I am throwing authority at you...for me the matter was settled before the chief fired the dude ...you know all of this though...you are being dishonest is all

"Throwing Authority" is just your words for citing Authority or Appeal to Authority.

It is unpleasant to see force being used to maintain order.

You want order, do you not? But you aren't prepared to see it being maintained.


effete | lacking strength, courage, or spirit

a : having lost character, vitality, or strength <the effete monarchies … of feudal Europe — G. M. Trevelyan>

b : marked by weakness or decadence <the effete East>

c : soft or delicate from or as if from a pampered existence <peddled … trendy tweeds to effeteEasterners — William Helmer> <effete tenderfeet>; also : characteristic of an effete person <a wool scarf … a bit effete on an outdoorsman — Nelson Bryant>"
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

No, and it's irrelevant.
Already in the works.

Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

What for?

Wait, I asked you the same thing two days ago and you ran away.

See ya again Monday.

I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

That's what I call turning tail and running away.
Ha ha! We now know what the story isn't. It isn't a poor, disturbed girl who just lost her parents. No, that was a lie you Leftards pushed for hundreds of pages on 3 different threads. Mother and grandmother are alive and well. http://www.newsweek.com/south-carolina-student-flipped-police-officer-foster-care-388119

Stop lying, Leftists!

Officer slam is still just slam now.
Is it just me or has the definition of "thug" gotten far too broad? More than likely though it's that your view is far too narrow. Now a kid with a cellphone in class is a " thug" to be handled by police.

They have also been calling her a punk and calling for her to be shot and to end up on the rug "breathing through her own blood"..I believe these are Christians...
Only a liberal could think that you can have control in a classroom without the threat of force.
Suspension detentions and being banned from activities can all be used ..ONLY A SIMPLETON thinks one has to Officer slam children to control them,

Can a person control their children at home without force or violence....if you are seen in a video doing that to your own child say a daughter age fifteen ...guess what the authorities are going to do ..................................

You believe in spanking?
Only a witless tool of stupid believes that the only way to control a classroom is to slam kids around........
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

No, and it's irrelevant.
Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

What for?

Wait, I asked you the same thing two days ago and you ran away.

See ya again Monday.

I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

That's what I call turning tail and running away.
Ha ha! We now know what the story isn't. It isn't a poor, disturbed girl who just lost her parents. No, that was a lie you Leftards pushed for hundreds of pages on 3 different threads. Mother and grandmother are alive and well. http://www.newsweek.com/south-carolina-student-flipped-police-officer-foster-care-388119

Stop lying, Leftists!

Officer slam is still just slam now.

And that is another Appeal to Authority.

THe fact that the Authority in question took you side, is cited as Final Proof, all else is irrelevant.

And that's a Logical Fallacy.

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