Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

He should have pulled out his gun and shot her.
Correl...see the post above I am quoting... I feel more respect for that post than any of your mealy mouth screeds...he says exactly what he means ...you do not say what you mean you try to varnish it and disguise it... You are in the same boat as the guy above but you want to camouflage it with sophistry...
Isn't there a law that says if you don't cooperate with the cops that they can shoot you?
wasn't there a Law that ni**ers had to go to the back of the bus ?

LOL the "Einstein" posting above is surely one of those "anti Government Freedom lovers" ....
He should have pulled out his gun and shot her.
There you go LOL there you have it...this "Einstein" says if a child is uncooperative in school shoot her...I have to believe that has to be a Right wing Christian poster LOL
Isn't there a law that says if you don't cooperate with the cops that they can shoot you?
Nope, but someone like you would think so.
C'mon, then at least he should have tazered her. That's allowed, isn't it?
So, given America's 15-second Short Attention Span Theater symptomology...

Is anyone besides a fraction of the blogging community still talking about this, or really giving two shits?
So, given America's 15-second Short Attention Span Theater symptomology...

Is anyone besides a fraction of the blogging community still talking about this, or really giving two shits?
You are here ain't you...get your droppings out of here fly boy ....
Without her actions, nothing occurs. Are you so stupid you don't get cause/effect? Yes you are. Try resisting arrest and tell me how quickly they get your hat to the hospital.

So by your logic, cops should start shooting jaywalkers and litterers...

No, they should just stop showing up when Leftist cop hater hypocrites call them.

^ Believes police should decide who, how and when they are going to protect and serve.
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And you were unable to address substantially ANYTHING I said.

You saw force being used. It was upsetting to you.
The fact it was upsetting to me is the least of it.

It was upsetting to school officials and the Police Captain and they fired the Gorilla you defend..
You have been frustrated by the fact the Gorilla you defend was fired
and is now prohibited from setting foot on any school...you want to ignore it worse you want to twist is into saying the mentioning he was fired amounts to "an appeal to authority" when it is ONLY YOU who are appealing to authority to justify something that when people watch it they are filled with revulsion but not you you are delighted that the child [for she is a child was abused by a 300lb gorilla who is likely breaking the law by using steroids] being assaulted..you like it you delight in it...you are a conscienceless person

So, you always believe Police Captain's?

THat's good to know.

Oh, and your Appealing to Authority AGAIN.
He should have pulled out his gun and shot her.
Correl...see the post above I am quoting... I feel more respect for that post than any of your mealy mouth screeds...he says exactly what he means ...you do not say what you mean you try to varnish it and disguise it... You are in the same boat as the guy above but you want to camouflage it with sophistry...

Do you even know what that word means?

What I am doing is the opposite of sophistry.
Not how it works. On duty...cop has civil immunity as long as he is not convicted of a crime. Can sue him as an agent of the government...but can't go after his personal ownings.

Yeah, after a few cities start paying out million dollar settlements, watch how fast they start disowning the bullies.

This guy got FIRED. You think anyone is going to defend him.

The days of being a bully with a badge are over, baby. Time for some professional law enforcement.
We all want the same thing, to take the cops out of the zoos and let the chimps have at each other with no interference. Why are we fighting?

We all want the same thing, to take the cops out of the zoos and let the chimps have at each other with no interference. Why are we fighting?

^Former police officer who believes that excessive use of force by police is not racially motivated.
Time for a little humor:
We're getting into a bus with fifty other White tourists in New Orleans to go on a tour of a old grave yard. (Supposed to be very interesting)
The driver of the bus is a big Black dude.
Just before he starts the bus he says over the loudspeaker what his name is. Then he says with a laugh "Notice which part of the bus I'm sitting in".
Pretty funny.
So, you always believe Police Captain's?

THat's good to know.

Oh, and your Appealing to Authority AGAIN.

Are you under the impression it took a Police Captain's highly reluctant firing [here is a clue for you: he did it because nothing could neutralize what was on that video and make it OK] to convince me of what my eyes saw ?

Yeah I am appealing to the authority of My eyes ...yes I believe my eyes when my eyes see a 300lb bully assaulting a 15 year old girl..I admit an Appeal to my Eyesight ..ROFLMAO

The only reason that is brought up is to catch you in a paradox where in you justify the physical violence of the cop by appealing to his authority but when he is fired you go against the authorities who fired his sorry ass... I am appealing to authority ON YOUR BEHALF LOL
I endorse the use of force to enforce the law, even if the law breaker in question is a "teenage girl" and the officer in question is a 300 pound man.

Being a girl is not a "Get out of Jail Card".

Or at least, it shouldn't be.
Yes I am sure that when Cliven Bundy was defying court orders and pointing rifles at Law enforcers that you were enraged LOL..
You are an idiot Right wing racist
who cannot see that the man committed a crime to wit an assault on a minor child and the endangerment of the child sitting directly behind his victim ..he was fired for it but he needs to be in prison were he can teach men his own size how tough he is ..

And you were unable to address substantially ANYTHING I said.

You saw force being used. It was upsetting to you.

Your focus on the fact the cop was bigger than the young woman shows how little you understand about the way the world works.

We don't WANT for Law Enforcement to be an equal fight every time society is tested. We want those who want to tear down society to be outclassed.

The fact that you and yours are siding with the punk who refused to respect her teacher, the cop or her fellow students who we HOPE at least some were there to learn, is a good sign of how we are a declining culture.
As a liberal I don't think these other liberals have a clue what it takes to police a black highschool.

He's lucky the other kids didn't jump him.

Didn't a principal just get beat up by a 15 and 13 year old?

I want the next cop in that school to be a liberal.

My wife has a pet peeve about people who think meat comes from grocery stores.

THese people are the same, they want good schools, but aren't willing to give Teachers any support in maintaining control in the classroom.

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