Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
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At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but he's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.

So, kill em? That's your solution? God, you Authority-Worshippers are so damn lost. No wonder so many cops think they can get away with anything. You deranged kooks have led to them to believe that.
My solution is zero tolerance. Are you telling me we can't insist kids behave? You act like kids are doing us the favor by showing up to school. Then they behave badly? What would happen in the real world? She'd be fired.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there. You raising a future trashy citizen. We should be able to expel all the kids who aren't trying. Transfer all the kids that are trying to a different class or different school. Make people appreciate school.

If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

But for some reason public schools are forced to babysit losers. Throw them out. Make it like the military. Both are public institutions. Right?

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners?
Let's see how one of your pussy cops does in there. Put a woman cop there. Without a gun too.

You just made the good kids less safe.
Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
Let's see how one of your pussy cops does in there. Put a woman cop there. Without a gun too.

"Pussy cops"?? Isn't that term revealing of the entire fuckin' problem. :rolleyes:

But that is an excellent idea -- female cop without a gun. Why, without a gun they'd have to work with :::shudder::: actual people skills. :ack-1: Oh the horror.

One thing I noticed roving around Ireland -- the cops there, they don't carry guns and more to the point they don't walk around with this adversarial attitude of "let's see how many heads I can bust today". Consequently, when the cops arrive or are already there, where we would think "oh shit, it's the cops", Irish people think, "oh good, it's the cops". They're seen as actual public servants who are actually there to serve and protect --- and not public enemies who are there to attack and throw people around.

What a concept.

You just made the good kids less safe.

Horseshit. You just made EVERYBODY safer. That -- the safety of their students -- was this school's entire concern when they banned goon-boy from any of their facilities, before he got his ass canned.

"Student safety is and always will be the District's top priority. The District will not tolerate any actions that jeopardize the safety of our students.

"Upon learning of the incident, school and district administrators began an investigation. We are working closely and in full cooperation with the Richland County Sheriff's Department to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.

"Pending the outcome of the investigation, the District has directed that the school resource officer not return to any school in the District." -- Debbie Hamm, Richland School Disctrict Two Superintendent

The amount of force used on a female student by a male officer appears to me to be excessive and unnecessary. As the parent of a daughter in Richland School District Two I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously. The district superintendent has been in constant contact with the Richland County Sheriff to express our concern over this matter and the district has banned the deputy in question from all District Two property. The Sheriff has assured us that a full investigation is under way and that he wants the same questions answered that we all have about this matter.

"At this time, I will reserve further comment and judgement until the full investigation has been completed. However, I want to assure you that the Richland Two Board and District staff are committed to the safety of all of our students and are taking immediate steps to ensure that our students are treated with the full respect and dignity that they deserve while in our care." --- Jim Manning, Richland Two Board Chair

The fact remains --- you swagger around looking for trouble, you're gonna find it, even if it's trouble you just created. ESPECIALLY if it's what you just created.
Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
Let's see how one of your pussy cops does in there. Put a woman cop there. Without a gun too.

"Pussy cops"?? Isn't that term revealing of the entire fuckin' problem. :rolleyes:

But that is an excellent idea -- female cop without a gun. Why, without a gun they'd have to work with :::shudder::: actual people skills. :ack-1: Oh the horror.

One thing I noticed roving around Ireland -- the cops there, they don't carry guns and more to the point they don't walk around with this adversarial attitude of "let's see how many heads I can bust today". Consequently, when the cops arrive or are already there, where we would think "oh shit, it's the cops", Irish people think, "oh good, it's the cops". They're seen as actual public servants who are actually there to serve and protect --- and not public enemies who are there to attack and throw people around.

What a concept.

You just made the good kids less safe.

Horseshit. You just made EVERYBODY safer. That -- the safety of their students -- was this school's entire concern when they banned goon-boy from any of their facilities, before he got his ass canned.

"Student safety is and always will be the District's top priority. The District will not tolerate any actions that jeopardize the safety of our students.

"Upon learning of the incident, school and district administrators began an investigation. We are working closely and in full cooperation with the Richland County Sheriff's Department to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.

"Pending the outcome of the investigation, the District has directed that the school resource officer not return to any school in the District." -- Debbie Hamm, Richland School Disctrict Two Superintendent

The amount of force used on a female student by a male officer appears to me to be excessive and unnecessary. As the parent of a daughter in Richland School District Two I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously. The district superintendent has been in constant contact with the Richland County Sheriff to express our concern over this matter and the district has banned the deputy in question from all District Two property. The Sheriff has assured us that a full investigation is under way and that he wants the same questions answered that we all have about this matter.

"At this time, I will reserve further comment and judgement until the full investigation has been completed. However, I want to assure you that the Richland Two Board and District staff are committed to the safety of all of our students and are taking immediate steps to ensure that our students are treated with the full respect and dignity that they deserve while in our care." --- Jim Manning, Richland Two Board Chair

The fact remains --- you swagger around looking for trouble, you're gonna find it, even if it's trouble you just created. ESPECIALLY if it's what you just created.
I agree with a lot of what you said. He was too rough. And I don't know if this school is as rough as the school I went to.

The kids had guns and knives. Not all of them but they were often found in school. My principal was hospitalized. That happened recently in a detroit school.

But I shouldn't assume that was the same as the school here. I don't think this school was that hard. So you're probably right. But I'd need to know more about this school to have an opinion.
It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but he's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.

So, kill em? That's your solution? God, you Authority-Worshippers are so damn lost. No wonder so many cops think they can get away with anything. You deranged kooks have led to them to believe that.
My solution is zero tolerance. Are you telling me we can't insist kids behave? You act like kids are doing us the favor by showing up to school. Then they behave badly? What would happen in the real world? She'd be fired.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there. You raising a future trashy citizen. We should be able to expel all the kids who aren't trying. Transfer all the kids that are trying to a different class or different school. Make people appreciate school.

If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

But for some reason public schools are forced to babysit losers. Throw them out. Make it like the military. Both are public institutions. Right?

100% correct.
Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
Let's see how one of your pussy cops does in there. Put a woman cop there. Without a gun too.

"Pussy cops"?? Isn't that term revealing of the entire fuckin' problem. :rolleyes:

But that is an excellent idea -- female cop without a gun. Why, without a gun they'd have to work with :::shudder::: actual people skills. :ack-1: Oh the horror.

One thing I noticed roving around Ireland -- the cops there, they don't carry guns and more to the point they don't walk around with this adversarial attitude of "let's see how many heads I can bust today". Consequently, when the cops arrive or are already there, where we would think "oh shit, it's the cops", Irish people think, "oh good, it's the cops". They're seen as actual public servants who are actually there to serve and protect --- and not public enemies who are there to attack and throw people around.

What a concept.

You just made the good kids less safe.

Horseshit. You just made EVERYBODY safer. That -- the safety of their students -- was this school's entire concern when they banned goon-boy from any of their facilities, before he got his ass canned.

"Student safety is and always will be the District's top priority. The District will not tolerate any actions that jeopardize the safety of our students.

"Upon learning of the incident, school and district administrators began an investigation. We are working closely and in full cooperation with the Richland County Sheriff's Department to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.

"Pending the outcome of the investigation, the District has directed that the school resource officer not return to any school in the District." -- Debbie Hamm, Richland School Disctrict Two Superintendent

The amount of force used on a female student by a male officer appears to me to be excessive and unnecessary. As the parent of a daughter in Richland School District Two I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously. The district superintendent has been in constant contact with the Richland County Sheriff to express our concern over this matter and the district has banned the deputy in question from all District Two property. The Sheriff has assured us that a full investigation is under way and that he wants the same questions answered that we all have about this matter.

"At this time, I will reserve further comment and judgement until the full investigation has been completed. However, I want to assure you that the Richland Two Board and District staff are committed to the safety of all of our students and are taking immediate steps to ensure that our students are treated with the full respect and dignity that they deserve while in our care." --- Jim Manning, Richland Two Board Chair

The fact remains --- you swagger around looking for trouble, you're gonna find it, even if it's trouble you just created. ESPECIALLY if it's what you just created.

Well hell....let's make them TRUE public servants and give them menus, pen and paper...so they can take our lunch and drink orders. And make them SERVANTS of the highest caliber...and require them to come clean our bathrooms!!

They are public servants....right? At least how you idiots view them.
Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
Let's see how one of your pussy cops does in there. Put a woman cop there. Without a gun too.

"Pussy cops"?? Isn't that term revealing of the entire fuckin' problem. :rolleyes:

But that is an excellent idea -- female cop without a gun. Why, without a gun they'd have to work with :::shudder::: actual people skills. :ack-1: Oh the horror.

One thing I noticed roving around Ireland -- the cops there, they don't carry guns and more to the point they don't walk around with this adversarial attitude of "let's see how many heads I can bust today". Consequently, when the cops arrive or are already there, where we would think "oh shit, it's the cops", Irish people think, "oh good, it's the cops". They're seen as actual public servants who are actually there to serve and protect --- and not public enemies who are there to attack and throw people around.

What a concept.

You just made the good kids less safe.

Horseshit. You just made EVERYBODY safer. That -- the safety of their students -- was this school's entire concern when they banned goon-boy from any of their facilities, before he got his ass canned.

"Student safety is and always will be the District's top priority. The District will not tolerate any actions that jeopardize the safety of our students.

"Upon learning of the incident, school and district administrators began an investigation. We are working closely and in full cooperation with the Richland County Sheriff's Department to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.

"Pending the outcome of the investigation, the District has directed that the school resource officer not return to any school in the District." -- Debbie Hamm, Richland School Disctrict Two Superintendent

The amount of force used on a female student by a male officer appears to me to be excessive and unnecessary. As the parent of a daughter in Richland School District Two I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously. The district superintendent has been in constant contact with the Richland County Sheriff to express our concern over this matter and the district has banned the deputy in question from all District Two property. The Sheriff has assured us that a full investigation is under way and that he wants the same questions answered that we all have about this matter.

"At this time, I will reserve further comment and judgement until the full investigation has been completed. However, I want to assure you that the Richland Two Board and District staff are committed to the safety of all of our students and are taking immediate steps to ensure that our students are treated with the full respect and dignity that they deserve while in our care." --- Jim Manning, Richland Two Board Chair

The fact remains --- you swagger around looking for trouble, you're gonna find it, even if it's trouble you just created. ESPECIALLY if it's what you just created.

Well hell....let's make them TRUE public servants and give them menus, pen and paper...so they can take our lunch and drink orders. And make them SERVANTS of the highest caliber...and require them to come clean our bathrooms!!

They are public servants....right? At least how you idiots view them.

Scares the fuckin' shit outta your ilk to actually serve the public rather than besiege it, donut?

Oh sorry.... shouldn't have used the word donut. You prolly didn't even see the rest of the post.

If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.
Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
Let's see how one of your pussy cops does in there. Put a woman cop there. Without a gun too.

"Pussy cops"?? Isn't that term revealing of the entire fuckin' problem. :rolleyes:

But that is an excellent idea -- female cop without a gun. Why, without a gun they'd have to work with :::shudder::: actual people skills. :ack-1: Oh the horror.

One thing I noticed roving around Ireland -- the cops there, they don't carry guns and more to the point they don't walk around with this adversarial attitude of "let's see how many heads I can bust today". Consequently, when the cops arrive or are already there, where we would think "oh shit, it's the cops", Irish people think, "oh good, it's the cops". They're seen as actual public servants who are actually there to serve and protect --- and not public enemies who are there to attack and throw people around.

What a concept.

You just made the good kids less safe.

Horseshit. You just made EVERYBODY safer. That -- the safety of their students -- was this school's entire concern when they banned goon-boy from any of their facilities, before he got his ass canned.

"Student safety is and always will be the District's top priority. The District will not tolerate any actions that jeopardize the safety of our students.

"Upon learning of the incident, school and district administrators began an investigation. We are working closely and in full cooperation with the Richland County Sheriff's Department to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.

"Pending the outcome of the investigation, the District has directed that the school resource officer not return to any school in the District." -- Debbie Hamm, Richland School Disctrict Two Superintendent

The amount of force used on a female student by a male officer appears to me to be excessive and unnecessary. As the parent of a daughter in Richland School District Two I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously. The district superintendent has been in constant contact with the Richland County Sheriff to express our concern over this matter and the district has banned the deputy in question from all District Two property. The Sheriff has assured us that a full investigation is under way and that he wants the same questions answered that we all have about this matter.

"At this time, I will reserve further comment and judgement until the full investigation has been completed. However, I want to assure you that the Richland Two Board and District staff are committed to the safety of all of our students and are taking immediate steps to ensure that our students are treated with the full respect and dignity that they deserve while in our care." --- Jim Manning, Richland Two Board Chair

The fact remains --- you swagger around looking for trouble, you're gonna find it, even if it's trouble you just created. ESPECIALLY if it's what you just created.

Well hell....let's make them TRUE public servants and give them menus, pen and paper...so they can take our lunch and drink orders. And make them SERVANTS of the highest caliber...and require them to come clean our bathrooms!!

They are public servants....right? At least how you idiots view them.

Scares the fuckin' shit outta your ilk to actually serve the public rather than besiege it, donut?

Oh sorry.... shouldn't have used the word donut. You prolly didn't even see the rest of the post.

Yeah I saw it. Summary: "Blah blah...cops suck; blah blah...cops should be like unarmed Ireland cops; blah blah be a servant".

So....what should cops do to be "true servants"?? Your vague idealistic response should be entertaining.

Cops dont serve individuals. They serve society. Sometimes...an individual's concern is addressed as a part of the greater good for society. Sometimes....an individual is the problem causing a problem to the greater society...and cops must enforce laws upon that individual ON BEHALF of the greater society.

That concept is WAY too complex for you. I get that. But that is the nature of what and who cops serve. They don't serve YOU. They serve the society YOU live in. Sometimes you may be the problem...sometimes you are the one in need....most times you are neither and go about life not knowing what's going on. 99% of which one you are...is your own choices and lifestyle. So don't blame cops for where you chose to be.
Right, they're not soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. We don't want our police kicking Citizens' doors down and killing at will. If they wanna be soldiers, fine. Let em join up and go fight ISIS. We don't want roided-up militarized police terrorizing Citizens. It's time to end the militarization and begin holding police accountable.

Had my brother behaved in Afghanistan the way some cops behave, he would have been court-martialed.

Excellent point. Thanks.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

Assuming based on --- what?

From reports within the class she's a new student who didn't talk to anybody, and apparently she pulled her cellphone out and was uncooperative about putting it back so the teacher called in the goon squad. That teacher's no longer doing that class. According to her attorney she's an orphan in foster care.

That's about all anyone knows, so .... not sure how you get to "ghetto" out of that.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

Assuming based on --- what?

From reports within the class she's a new student who didn't talk to anybody, and apparently she pulled her cellphone out and was uncooperative about putting it back so the teacher called in the goon squad. That teacher's no longer doing that class. According to her attorney she's an orphan in foster care.

That's about all anyone knows, so .... not sure how you get to "ghetto" out of that.

She has mom and grandma alive....they just didn't want her ass. Like many ghetto parents. Dad...draw a number. They have no clue who or where he is.

And she's new...because her last school kicked her out. For....guess what?
So....what should cops do to be "true servants"?? Your vague idealistic response should be entertaining.

Cops dont serve individuals. They serve society.

And what exactly is "society" comprised of? Pretzels?

What should cops do to be servants? Their job, that's what. Stop swaggering around looking to see how many heads you can bust. Stop addressing the public as if it's an enemy and you're some kind of occupying army. Start working WITH us instead of AGAINST us.

I might add ---- FUCKING DUH.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

The cop behaved much worse. He viciously attacked her. Thank God he's no longer a cop. He was a danger to the Citizenry. But in my own personal opinion, losing his job isn't enough. He should have been charged with assault and booked. He got off too easy.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

Assuming based on --- what?

From reports within the class she's a new student who didn't talk to anybody, and apparently she pulled her cellphone out and was uncooperative about putting it back so the teacher called in the goon squad. That teacher's no longer doing that class. According to her attorney she's an orphan in foster care.

That's about all anyone knows, so .... not sure how you get to "ghetto" out of that.

She has mom and grandma alive....they just didn't want her ass. Like many ghetto parents. Dad...draw a number. They have no clue who or where he is.

And she's new...because her last school kicked her out. For....guess what?

I know this is a fool's errand but ------ link?

Doesn't matter. Your racist asshole attempt to dehumanize yet another citizen so that you can issue a pass for yet more head-busting is noted and logged.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

The cop behaved much worse. He viciously attacked her. Thank God he's no longer a cop. He was a danger to the Citizenry. But in my own personal opinion, losing his job isn't enough. He should have been charged with assault and booked. He got off too easy.

And reckless endangerment too. Check out the girl sitting behind the action*, whose desk took the force of the desk flipped over (with the student still in it). She's very nearly impaled in the eye, and her laptop screen is almost certainly shattered.

* second video on this page -- don't know how to embed it here
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So....what should cops do to be "true servants"?? Your vague idealistic response should be entertaining.

Cops dont serve individuals. They serve society.

And what exactly is "society" comprised of? Pretzels?

What should cops do to be servants? Their job, that's what. Stop swaggering around looking to see how many heads you can bust. Stop addressing the public as if it's an enemy and you're some kind of occupying army. Start working WITH us instead of AGAINST us.

I might add ---- FUCKING DUH.

Yeah...you don't get it.

You say they can serve by "doing their job". Ok. THEIR JOB is "LAW ENFORCEMENT". Not hugging. Not ass kissing. Not being a god damn guidance counselor.

Someone violates a law. Cops arrive. Decide to enforce it or not. Use force if the person resists the arrest or ticket. Use self defense if attacked. And ya know....when people violate a petty law and are nice and cooperative...cops usually are very leniant. But fuck with them and be a prick...or worse, assault them or resist...and guess what? It's not gonna go well.

THAT IS their job. Nothing more. Nothing less.

All this hug-a-thug nonsense community policing came from politicians and liberals who wanted to appease cop haters and to try to make people like the rule enforcers...which is almost impossible by human nature.

They do work WITH us....when US are the good guys. If you are the one breaking the law....THEIR JOB is not to work with you.

That's the job. You can be a miserable shithead the rest of you rife trying to swim up a waterfall and change it....or you can accept it and start following the rules that your fellow citizens passed.
If that girl went home and said she was expelled I would imagine the parents would wise up.

"Expelled" ------ for what?
Another wag suggested the same thing, and I asked him the same question.
He ran away.

Who the fuck is teaching these kids manners? Start there.

The far better question --- who the fuck is teaching this cop manners? Besides nobody?
If they expelled kids who weren't trying and didn't care or respect authority maybe we'd see better students.

Again, I don't know if this girls a bad person or was just having a bad day. I'm assuming shes a ghetto gurl.

The cop behaved much worse. He viciously attacked her. Thank God he's no longer a cop. He was a danger to the Citizenry. But in my own personal opinion, losing his job isn't enough. He should have been charged with assault and booked. He got off too easy.

And reckless endangerment too. Check out the girl sitting behind the action, whose desk took the force of the desk flipped over (with the student still in it). She's very nearly impaled in the eye, and her laptop screen is almost certainly shattered.

Yeah, pretty ugly stuff. He got off easy. But that's usually the way it goes. They get suspended or lose their jobs. They very rarely get charged and prosecuted. The System's rigged.
"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Really? I'm still waiting for you to articulate why you said this girl whose name you don't even know should be "expelled". Since last week. Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

Give us your definition for "thug".

Yanno what -- I've got TWO cellphones. Am I a double-thug?
Or do I have to be black?

I get the idea that black people just get awarded extra thug points. It's just not fair. :crybaby:

Keep waiting retard.

Waiting doesn't require any work on my end so -- whatever.

Now, if I had made an assertion I couldn't find any way to back up --- that would be a heavy load.

Sucketh to be thee.

You can't understand what you read and that results in you getting things wrong and being impossible to explain things to. If I had your mental shortcomings it would suck. I don't so I'm just fine thanks.

So to review ---- if you could pull yourself away from your arsenal long enough to administrate a school, you'd expel this student, and when she and her parents inquired as to what the expulsion was for, you'd hem and haw for several days and then go "keep waiting retard".

That about covers it.

So....what should cops do to be "true servants"?? Your vague idealistic response should be entertaining.

Cops dont serve individuals. They serve society.

And what exactly is "society" comprised of? Pretzels?

What should cops do to be servants? Their job, that's what. Stop swaggering around looking to see how many heads you can bust. Stop addressing the public as if it's an enemy and you're some kind of occupying army. Start working WITH us instead of AGAINST us.

I might add ---- FUCKING DUH.

Yeah...you don't get it.

You say they can serve by "doing their job". Ok. THEIR JOB is "LAW ENFORCEMENT". Not hugging. Not ass kissing. Not being a god damn guidance counselor.

Someone violates a law. Cops arrive. Decide to enforce it or not. Use force if the person resists the arrest or ticket. Use self defense if attacked. And ya know....when people violate a petty law and are nice and cooperative...cops usually are very leniant. But fuck with them and be a prick...or worse, assault them or resist...and guess what? It's not gonna go well.

THAT IS their job. Nothing more. Nothing less.

All this hug-a-thug nonsense community policing came from politicians and liberals who wanted to appease cop haters and to try to make people like the rule enforcers...which is almost impossible by human nature.

They do work WITH us....when US are the good guys. If you are the one breaking the law....THEIR JOB is not to work with you.

That's the job. You can be a miserable shithead the rest of you rife trying to swim up a waterfall and change it....or you can accept it and start following the rules that your fellow citizens passed.

Go fuck yourself you lying scumbag racist asshole piece of shit. Vermin like you forever trying to divide and dehumanize people so you can bust seven more heads because you're too fucking stupid to think your way out of a situation any other way make me want to puke. That's why you're not in the uniform --- you're not fit to wear it.

Go straight to hell and never come back. And take Stormtrooper Ben Dover and Jackbooter Eric Casebolt with you. Your ilk is bringing us down, and we will not stand for it.

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