Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening

Do you hve a link to this story? Because I am guessing if you post it, we are going to find out it is nowhere even in the same zip code as what you are portraying it as.
Did you see the white kid who didn't put the cellphone down and the cop shot him? Fuck him! Don't resist arrest.

Which teen was that?
You don't remember a week or two ago the young white boy kept videotaping the police officer and the cop told him to put the phone down while being arrested and he wouldn't do it and then resisted arrest so the cop shot him dead? That's interesting. When its a white kid you don't even remember it happening
You are correct. The fucking thug happened to be White. He 'got dead' when he attacked the LEO.
You're right asshole NO ONE here automatically came to the defense of the thug "because of his color".
You see asshole we who understand there are times when a LEO must use deadly force aren't stupid enough to drag 'race' into every confrontation with LE.
Only dummys like you LIBs and anarchists and assholes who commit crimes and attempt to deflect their criminal behaviour on those who in the course of their duty must deal with the sub-human scum are that fucking stupid.
The White thug got what he had coming. End of story.
The Police meanwhile are in "full crying whine mode" claiming they are being brutally and viciously filmed while committing crimes of violence against citizens under color of Law...this kind of anti Police brutality has to end.....
...Ya and that's why you keep posting on this thread. Dummy.
Thank you for your feedback, darlin'...
Still sitting on the "dead horse" I see. s that you or the fucking dead horse?
Still yammering-on about the feral little twit who got tossed-around by the cop in South Carolina?


Time to move on...
...Ya and that's why you keep posting on this thread. Dummy.
Thank you for your feedback, darlin'...
Still sitting on the "dead horse" I see. s that you or the fucking dead horse?
Still yammering-on about the feral little twit who got tossed-around by the cop in South Carolina?


Time to move on...
Ya let's all watch You "move on". Not going to happen.
Just as with 'Big Mike' and 'T-Boner' you have invested too much in attempting to justify what ends up never being justified.
You're a fucking born loser compulsively choosing the wrong side.
One or both of your parents must have told you at some formative part in your life that you were a loser who would never succeed at anything.
Surprisingly often children will make decisions later in life to prove their parent/s were correct.
These cop haters AKA criminals most of them,and the anarchists and LIBs have one thing in common.
Social misfits. Neverwasers. Neverwillbes.
Just take a look at them when they were doing their 'Occupy' bullshit.
Losers who were never taught to pick up after themselves.
...Ya and that's why you keep posting on this thread. Dummy.
Thank you for your feedback, darlin'...
Still sitting on the "dead horse" I see. s that you or the fucking dead horse?
Still yammering-on about the feral little twit who got tossed-around by the cop in South Carolina?


Time to move on...
Ya let's all watch You "move on". Not going to happen.
Just as with 'Big Mike' and 'T-Boner' you have invested too much in attempting to justify what ends up never being justified.
You're a fucking born loser compulsively choosing the wrong side.
One or both of your parents must have told you at some formative part in your life that you were a loser who would never succeed at anything.
Surprisingly often children will make decisions later in life to prove their parent/s were correct.
Put down the bong, son...

All I've done is remark that we're burnin' up way too much time on small-time shit like this...

The offense and the angst are all yours..
...Ya and that's why you keep posting on this thread. Dummy.
Thank you for your feedback, darlin'...
Still sitting on the "dead horse" I see. s that you or the fucking dead horse?
Still yammering-on about the feral little twit who got tossed-around by the cop in South Carolina?


Time to move on...
Ya let's all watch You "move on". Not going to happen.
Just as with 'Big Mike' and 'T-Boner' you have invested too much in attempting to justify what ends up never being justified.
You're a fucking born loser compulsively choosing the wrong side.
One or both of your parents must have told you at some formative part in your life that you were a loser who would never succeed at anything.
Surprisingly often children will make decisions later in life to prove their parent/s were correct.
Put down the bong, son...

All I've done is remark that we're burnin' up way too much time on small-time shit like this...

The offense and the angst are all yours..
I thought you have "moved on". Climbed off the "dead horse" as you describe the issue.
Don't want any more "yammering" about it.
It's all "small shit" to you.
Yet you keep coming back to this thread.
Why is that?
Because you haven't been made enough of a fool of yourself yet.
You're waiting until news of Fields settling for an 'undisclosed' amount needs to happen.
You need to read the AP headline that the feral bitch is being charged with some felonies first.
You remind me of the little nutcase who used to go into local bars and pick fights with men he knew would end up beating the shit out of him. Only then would the idiot be happy and go home.
We've all seen people like that.
You're one of them.
Still got a Trayvon hoodie with a photo of him when he was twelve printed on it?
Still got your 'HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT' T-shirt?
Wear them in public much?
"A kid with a cell phone" that's it? That is all you know? Educate yourself so you don't say such stupid things.

That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

No one is smart enough to see nothing.
Why do you object to my post and not say why? You use passive aggressive posts that say nothing and when called on it you say sorry stupid.
Who does that? A child? A moron?

How hard is your skull? I don't care to talk to you. You make crap up, you don't read posts, or you can't read, you are a left wing nutter and I don't waste time arguing with you people. I just point at you and laugh. At some point you might get it and stop, or you could be clueless like Pogo, and keep coming back for more abuse.
That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

No one is smart enough to see nothing.
Why do you object to my post and not say why? You use passive aggressive posts that say nothing and when called on it you say sorry stupid.
Who does that? A child? A moron?

How hard is your skull? I don't care to talk to you. You make crap up, you don't read posts, or you can't read, you are a left wing nutter and I don't waste time arguing with you people. I just point at you and laugh. At some point you might get it and stop, or you could be clueless like Pogo, and keep coming back for more abuse.

So you really have nothing to say then. Nothing relevant to add. Like we didn't already know that.
That's not it?

Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

No one is smart enough to see nothing.
Why do you object to my post and not say why? You use passive aggressive posts that say nothing and when called on it you say sorry stupid.
Who does that? A child? A moron?

How hard is your skull? I don't care to talk to you. You make crap up, you don't read posts, or you can't read, you are a left wing nutter and I don't waste time arguing with you people. I just point at you and laugh. At some point you might get it and stop, or you could be clueless like Pogo, and keep coming back for more abuse.
That's the whole point with them. They are masochists who actually need to have their asses headed to them.
They do it 'in real life' and they do it here.
You can see them wandering around looking for a problem based on their behavior. In their work environment, if they are currently able to hold down a job. In their personal/familial relationships.
They are the assholes who are always getting into some sort of trouble with authority figures.
They are the ones who drive without carrying a driver's license and hope they get pulled over so they can 'have a problem' with a LEO. That's a 'big score' for them which will sustain their weird negative view of life before they have to go create another 'problem' in their lives.
They can't even sit on a fucking bus without getting into some sort of negative situation which most of the time they bring on themselves.
Or little negro brat is a case in point.
I've sat in on counselling sessions with these people and they all have one thing in common: When they were little somebody in authority said/did some things to them to belittle and embarrass and hurt them.
Now they need to feed a compulsion to confirm they are infact what someone said they were as a child.
The pattern basically never varies.
Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

No one is smart enough to see nothing.
Why do you object to my post and not say why? You use passive aggressive posts that say nothing and when called on it you say sorry stupid.
Who does that? A child? A moron?

How hard is your skull? I don't care to talk to you. You make crap up, you don't read posts, or you can't read, you are a left wing nutter and I don't waste time arguing with you people. I just point at you and laugh. At some point you might get it and stop, or you could be clueless like Pogo, and keep coming back for more abuse.

So you really have nothing to say then. Nothing relevant to add. Like we didn't already know that.

Yeah, it was so much nothing that you can't stop posting about it, can you dumbass?
Educate yourself. Do I have to do everything for you?

You just made no point whatsoever.

Oh I made the point, it isn't my fault if you aren't smart enough to see it.

No one is smart enough to see nothing.
Why do you object to my post and not say why? You use passive aggressive posts that say nothing and when called on it you say sorry stupid.
Who does that? A child? A moron?

How hard is your skull? I don't care to talk to you. You make crap up, you don't read posts, or you can't read, you are a left wing nutter and I don't waste time arguing with you people. I just point at you and laugh. At some point you might get it and stop, or you could be clueless like Pogo, and keep coming back for more abuse.
That's the whole point with them. They are masochists who actually need to have their asses headed to them.
They do it 'in real life' and they do it here.
You can see them wandering around looking for a problem based on their behavior. In their work environment, if they are currently able to hold down a job. In their personal/familial relationships.
They are the assholes who are always getting into some sort of trouble with authority figures.
They are the ones who drive without carrying a driver's license and hope they get pulled over so they can 'have a problem' with a LEO. That's a 'big score' for them which will sustain their weird negative view of life before they have to go create another 'problem' in their lives.
They can't even sit on a fucking bus without getting into some sort of negative situation which most of the time they bring on themselves.
Or little negro brat is a case in point.
I've sat in on counselling sessions with these people and they all have one thing in common: When they were little somebody in authority said/did some things to them to belittle and embarrass and hurt them.
Now they need to feed a compulsion to confirm they are infact what someone said they were as a child.
The pattern basically never varies.

I've seen it as a parent. My kids are grown now and all but one is out of the house. The whole time they were growing up I had to fight the growing trend that all you need in life is attitude. This thug-lita is a perfect example. She won't be told what to do, she has no consideration for the other students, she just does what she wants and her whole life she got by on an attitude.

She uses that to fight her deep knowledge of the fact that she really is nothing ad has no future at all. She compensates.
She has a good case. She'll sue and win. She was brutally attacked. But the mongoloid cop will only lose his job. He won't be prosecuted. And that's how it usually works. The System is rigged.

That's right. We have it all rigged. It's all for us and all against you. Sucks doesn't it? But for us....it's awesome and it's never changing. Life is better for us and sucks for you haha!!!

We'll see. More & more Citizens are recording interactions with cops. More are becoming aware of the ugly state of things with our police. Corruption and violence might not always be the norm. I'm an optimist.
and more and more everyone is seeing how stupid people really are when engaging the police. It's funny and sad at the same time. And those who think they are do-gooders by backing the criminal or suspect are confused. But it's understandable, you think liberlism is good.
You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. It had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.

Yes, you would get your boner over another innocent Citizen being brutally murdered by your beloved Gestapo. Seriously, y'all are a bunch of loony Nazi Bootlickers. Shame on ya.
I can't wait to see the body cam footage of you getting shot by police. You'll be a star. I'll even start a thread.

It's too bad you quit your cop job, dumbass.

Is there anyone here who believes this idiot was a cop?

Sadly, i can believe it. Look who they're giving guns & badges to. Time to stop giving guns & badges to dumb Nazi thugs.
funny stuff, you just want them in the hands of criminals who truly are bad people. one day, you may expect something different, your life has never encountered the need for help.
I see you have nothing to say. Pin a medal on that cop!

They are going to pin something on that racist thug, but it won't be a medal.
she doesn't deserve anything pinned on her.

She deserves the wasted life that lies ahead of her.

Why do you believe her life should be ruined over misbehavior in school? You don't know a damned thing about her. I suspect it's really about a white officer losing his job over her.

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