Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Resisting what? Verbal command to put away here cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults or abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child?
NO "kids are not bratty". Your kids probably are but not all kids.
The negro bitch was behaving like a fucking moron and 100% got what she wanted.
Another time and place. Another time and place and she would have regretted her bonobo behaviour for whatever was left of her worthless life.

You are a low life punk ass worthless scum bag racist little bitch . Your daughter probably carry a sawed off shot gun to class. Your gave her for her 12th birthday.
Nope. Not sawed off. Twenty gauge and she was ten years old not twelve. And I taught her how to use it defending herself against sub-human Tree Dwellers like you.
The LAW was broken by this girl. Police enforce the laws.

Based on your viewpoint, a citizen, because they pay taxes to drive on the roads can pull over a speeder and give them a ticket.

The steroid Juiced body Building Gorilla broke the law...he committed aggravated child abuse ...the student was hospitalized on Monday...the juiced up Gorilla needs to be fired and prosecuted and hung out to dry for all to see

"Few incidents better communicate just how over-policed America, particularly Black America, is in 2015 than a teenage girl being thrown around like a rag doll over having a cell phone in class. Whether this was a violation of a school rule or not, it wasn't a crime, and is among the most minor violations of school rules. For such horrendous force to be used by an intimidating officer on a young girl should've resulted in the immediate termination of Officer Ben Fields"

So you have proof he takes steroids?

Let's see. The person making the quote plays the race card then has no clue that what the girl did IS a crime under SC law. He/She wants to make it out as if the only reason the cop did what he did was the race of the girl. I could say the only reason the girl refused to follow the rules was because she's black.
Proof that he takes steroids? Cop haters don't need proof for any of their accusations. Their cop hate is completely irrational.
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder
Looks more like a chimp to me.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
The officer is heard several times telling her to stand up, which she refuses to do. He then asks her if she is going to stand up or force him to get her up - he offers her a choice...the only one she is going to get. She chose poorly.

Not saying he did not use excessive force, but he told her to get up - she refused. Cop versus bratty, disrespectful kid - she wasn't intelligent enough to know she was NOT going to win that one.
Negros are not winning many wars now day anyway.
The only wars the negroes ever won was in Africa warring against the neighboring jungle tribes of bonobos.
It's not a matter of teachers not wanting to. There is very little a teacher can do and from what one eyewitness stated, the teacher did pretty much all the teacher could do by requesting the student go to the discipline office. It used to be that parents did their job at home and all the teachers had to do was make such a request. Now, the reason so many students are the way they are is because the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I have a very good friend that teaches and he says he used to wonder why students acted the way they did until he met some of their parents. He said it took about a 2 minute conversation with the parents to know why the child was that way.

Teachers can drag the bitch out. Fuck her. Bouncers can do it. Well....teachers are the schools bouncers. Quit being pussy ass liberals and take care of it. Don't call cops to science class.

Teachers can't do that.

The LAW was broken by this girl. Police enforce the laws.

Based on your viewpoint, a citizen, because they pay taxes to drive on the roads can pull over a speeder and give them a ticket.

YES they can. How can bouncers and corporate security remove and detain people?? It's legal if you are the official employee and given permission to perform security functions...which teachers can do.

It's time to take cops out of schools and get the school staff to keep order in their own house.

You ever worked in a school district? Bouncers and corporate security can because where they're doing it is private property. If you're on the sidewalk in front of my house, public way, and you're doing something I don't like, I can't throw you off the sidewalk. However, once you step foot in my yard, private property, the rules change.

No...because you aren't entrusted with any authority on that sidewalk.

IN a school....the school staff does have an authority position. That's why teachers can break up fights and drag the brats to the principles office. Football coaches used to be who did it. Perfectly legal.

BUT....teachers have gotten spoiled with cops in schools. One fucking snot nosed brat talks back..."just call the cops". Fuck that. Time to go back to the old days when teachers handled it.

AND SOON....teachers will have to because cops aren't gonna put themselves in that position. Even if a minor law is broken....just like a speeding ticket, the cops can just say no, not enforcing it. Discretion is a wonderful thing.
Exactly. I hear people claiming teachers don't have the authority to remove a student. Bull effing shit. When somebody acts unlawfully, private citizens are empowered to handle the situation until the cops arrive anywhere from forcefully expelling them (like bouncers do) to restraining them, to placing them under citizens arrest. Teachers are no different. And what's more, if the teacher is assaulted in the process like this chimp assaulted the police officer, further charges can be filed. People got their heads up their asses thinking that only cops can conduct forcible arrests.
The only wars the negroes ever won was in Africa warring against the neighboring jungle tribes of bonobos.
I beg to differ:

- The 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry was an infantry regiment that saw extensive service in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The regiment was one of the first official African-American units in the United States during the Civil War and helped the Union win the Civil War.

- Buffalo Soldiers were originally members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army, formed on September 21, 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. They helped 'win the west'.

- The Tuskegee Airmen were members of the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces, and helped win a World War.
Exactly. I hear people claiming teachers don't have the authority to remove a student. Bull effing shit.

Not so, and for the same reason this policeman is being sued twice already. (OK, not for the SAME reason but for the TREAT of the same reason - law suits and being charged with child abuse, etc...)
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
If that had been my daughter, having charges lodged against him would be the least of his problems. It would be very possible that he wouldn't be around to answer to those charges.
Threatening violence and murder against police officers?

Attention parents: This is why kids rebel against cops, because they see idiot adults setting this kind of example, anywhere from criticizing cops for doing their job to this asshole threatening to murder a police officer. When kids see this, they feel justified in getting snotty and then resisting arrest and getting hurt or even killed like that 17 year old in my other thread. If you love your children, teach them to respect the law and to respect the police. If you teach them to hate the cops, you got nobody to blame but yourselves when they get injured or shot.
Rebellious teenagers are the consequences of not spanking/beating your kids enough forcing them to submit to authority.
Well intended, but I rarely spank my children and never beat them, but they know to respect law enforcement. Do you know how I teach them? When I got pulled over with them in the car, I treated the officer with the utmost respect and thanked him for the job he did. That more than anything is what kids learn from.
After this whole thing is sorted out, the parents should be issued a citation for wasting everyone's time, causing division in the community, and raising a daughter that is a cancer on society.

If their welfare or paychecks were garnished, they might give a little extra attention to instilling some moral decency and respect into that uncivilized being they claim to have raised.

The parents already have it bad. They're going to have to find another school to train their chimp because she's most certainly expelled at this one.
Proof that he takes steroids? Cop haters don't need proof for any of their accusations. Their cop hate is completely irrational.
After 8 separate Investigation of Benghazi you poltroons of crap are still proclaiming Hillary Clinton guilty of something or other ....

Proof ? how about dude gets drug screened for steroids...test his hair...
They should do a hair test for steroid use...use of steroids can lead to Rage incidents...

While doing that, they should do a paternity test on the personS the girl's baby mama thinks might be her baby daddy.
Folks in glass houses should not throw stones chump

Says the one that's made the accusation about the police officer and steroids.

I know who both of my parents are chimp.
Are you sure? See, what does an attack on personality or insinuating racial superiority do for the discussion? I disagree with Ty but your comment adds nothing.

I think he was trying to say "chump" but got a letter wrong. I do that a lot.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.

Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

"She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead," Rutherford told the network.

Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but "may have had a rug burn."
Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.

That goon would not be so brave ...he is brave with a teenage girl unarmed and skinny ...the gorilla would not be so brave with someone that could fight back
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.

You are such an angel growing up. When you were in high school how many times have you disobeyed your teachers? Zero? That's a joke right? You did not see any high school kids misbehaving? That's a joke too. right?
Is that mean parents of these kids are also bad?

I didn't disobey the teachers. You claiming I did means you claim to know more about me than I know. My dad made it clear what would happen to me if I did something like this girl did. While I don't know whether or not he would have done it, I do know I didn't give him a chance to prove it.
I'm exactly right. Your such an angel growing up. Don't lie to yourself. You never disobey any of your teacher when you were in high school? Be honest now.
Yes, "being honest" I've given my teachers a hard time, but when they said to go to the principal's office there was no argument. In fact, I can't recall EVER seeing a student do what this feral animal did. In my day it simply didn't happen.
Attention parents:
South Carolina authorities will announce Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields, the school resource officer who was caught on camera violently flipping a high school student in her classroom, will be relieved of duty, sources told N ... (NBC News)

Aww man, this is another loss for the USMB Video Forensics unit. All they take is L's.

NOW its time to deploy the excuse maker 5000. Crank her up boys!
Force of this nature is only appropriate if the person constitutes a danger to himself, or others. This child did not. In addition, a cop should never act out of anger, which is what this cop did. The cop could have permanently injured the girl, who was passively resisting. (In fact, the cop almost injured the kid sitting behind her). While she is obviously a problem child who should be removed from the school, there are many other ways to do that other than by tossing her around the room like a rag doll.

Passive resistance is injuring the rights of others.

That you are under the impression that passive resistance must be met with passive opposition, doesn't alter the inevitable fact that passive resistance is only valuable to the point where passivity gets your ass kicked.

FACT: No student in that classroom, will be using THAT method again, EXCEPT where the powers that be EMPOWER the resistors by removing the one individual that settled the issue.

Now... what you're advocating here, is to lower the standard of behavior.

This can, and will only, result in lower performance, thus encouraging more of the behavior which caused the problem. The COP is NOT THE PROBLEM.

The only reason that the Cop was there, is that Schools stopped allowing TEACHERS to do their job.

That kid and that attitude would never have survived the individuals running the schools I attended.

In my world... had I behaved as that kid did... and had that cop done to me what he did to that kid... when my old man got home that night... what the cop did would have been a PARADE of Ice cream and Cake, compared to what my Dad would have done to me, that night.

Reader, what you see in the above cited response, is what is OKA: THE PROBLEM!
Last edited:
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.

Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

"She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead," Rutherford told the network.

Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but "may have had a rug burn."

Hey, whats a little broken arm compared to disrespectful words or actions? Sticks and stone will sooth the bones but words hurt like the Dickens.

Isnt that how it goes? For cops?
education code chapter 37. discipline; law and order - Texas:
- "A teacher may remove from class a student"...under certain conditions...

Department of Education reminds teachers to avoid ...-
- "TEACHERS are being reminded to avoid physically restraining or removing children from classrooms unless there is an 'emergency'..."

New law limits student discipline measure
- LINK: New law limits student discipline measure

"Assembly Bill 420 – signed by Brown on Saturday – eliminates willful defiance or disruption of school activities as a reason to expel students. It also prevents administrators from using that reason to issue suspensions to K-3 students. The willful defiance category has come under fire because it has been disproportionately used statewide to discipline African-American students and, in some districts, Latino students. In 2012-13, African-Americans made up about 6 percent of total enrollment, but 19 percent of suspensions for defiance.

“California is now the first state in the nation to take badly needed measures to curtail suspensions and expulsions for 'minor' misbehavior in our schools,” said Assemblyman Roger Dickinson, D-Sacramento, who introduced the bill."

- Evidently Gov Brown has sided with all the complaining mummies and daddies whose unruly little brats are being tossed from schools who are refusing to put up with their crap. According to Brown, the schools and teachers just have to 'deal' with the disrespect, disobedience, and defiance... like the one seen here.


Teachers and schools don't want to have to deal with the public outcries from mummy and daddy, don't want to have to worry about being sued or have charges filed against them, so - with parents / public forcing their hand - they have brought in the people who do have the legal authority to legally deal with 'Johnny' and / or 'Suzie' when they show their ass in school, cops like this guy. Don't want the cops involved, then ensure 'Johhny' and 'Suzy' are raised right - respectful, courteous, obedient, and NOT disruptive. If not, cops are going to be dealing with them, and at that point you won't have to worry about suspensions you will be dealing with bailing your kids out of jail!

I don't blame the kids so much - they were raised this way, allowed to show their ass, be disobedient and disrespectful.

I don't blame the cops that much - they have to deal with these kids who are like they are because of the parents.

The parents didn't / don't like when their brats get detention or suspended or expelled so they raised hell at the schools and at the government instead of addressing their own kids' behavior. They forced the schools and the teachers to throw their hands up and refuse to deal with it which caused the cops to have to get involved. Now the parents again are raising hell with anyone BUT the ones causing the problem - THEIR KIDS.


Oh wait, because as we have seen from Liberals and Obama, there is no personal accountability, it's always someone else's fault!

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