Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

What you forget is that if the girl had followed policy and done what she was told to do by someone having he authority to do so, nothing would have occurred. You should really study Cause/Effect.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.
The next time one of you LIB/Anarchist assholes claims the LEO is a "racist" consider the FACT that he has been living with a Black woman for years.
He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

Apparently the girl wasn't raised properly enough to be in a taxpayer funded school.
Yeah because NO other child that age plays on a cell phone at school...sure thing sparky.

What it was is irrelevant. What she did shows disrespect and an attitude of not having to do what you're told even when the one telling you have the authority to do so. It could have been anything.
OK I will get a badge and tell you to turn over your guns. Now do it! See you didnt do it...no respect for the law.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

What you forget is that if the girl had followed policy and done what she was told to do by someone having he authority to do so, nothing would have occurred. You should really study Cause/Effect.

I understand cause and effect. It's the measure the officer put in to effect that's the issue. Do you suppose that was the only measure he could have taken?

I'm sure we all managed to get through school without police intervention. Police should not have been involved in this incident. The staff should be able to handle this. Cell phones in class is probably the number one problem from any kid in class everywhere in America. It's easily handled daily without poiice intervention.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.

Apparently your mother didn't do such a great job teaching her boy respect for women. Any grown man( there are several on here), who continually refer to women as "bitch" have no respect for either themselves or women. Grow up. She's a fourteen year old. Who does that?
I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

Apparently the girl wasn't raised properly enough to be in a taxpayer funded school.
Yeah because NO other child that age plays on a cell phone at school...sure thing sparky.

What it was is irrelevant. What she did shows disrespect and an attitude of not having to do what you're told even when the one telling you have the authority to do so. It could have been anything.
OK I will get a badge and tell you to turn over your guns. Now do it! See you didnt do it...no respect for the law.

Turn them over for what? What have I done in order for you to make such a request? I wouldn't do it because you don't have the authority to tell me to. In this situation, the teacher had the authority to tell the girl to go to the discipline office and the officer had the authority to tell her to get up and leave. SHE refused to do what those in authority told her to do for violating the rules. You make it out as if the girl had done nothing and they were picking on her.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.

Apparently your mother didn't do such a great job teaching her boy respect for women. Any grown man( there are several on here), who continually refer to women as "bitch" have no respect for either themselves or women. Grow up. She's a fourteen year old. Who does that?

I refer to someone as what they are and age is irrelevant.

I have respect for women. I don't have respect for people who act like bitches.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

What you forget is that if the girl had followed policy and done what she was told to do by someone having he authority to do so, nothing would have occurred. You should really study Cause/Effect.

I understand cause and effect. It's the measure the officer put in to effect that's the issue. Do you suppose that was the only measure he could have taken?

I'm sure we all managed to get through school without police intervention. Police should not have been involved in this incident. The staff should be able to handle this. Cell phones in class is probably the number one problem from any kid in class everywhere in America. It's easily handled daily without poiice intervention.

Apparently not. If the girl had done what she was asked to do, your question of "do you suppose . . " wouldn't need to be asked as what needed to be done wouldn't be a consideration. NO action would have occurred.

She broke State law. The school tried to handle it as the first line of defense when only school policy had been broken. When she refused, it violated State law not just policy. Had she done what the staff has the authority to do in such situations and gone where she was told to go by someone having the authority to tell her to do, the rest doesn't occur.

It's easily handled without police intervention or school intervention. All she had to do is not bring her phone to school like the rules say. You make it out as if it's not a big deal that it was only a phone. It goes beyond that. It's blatant disregard for the rules and authority with the specific item being irrelevant.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

What were the circumstances / facts? In today's society you can file a law suit against anyone for any reason and make stuff up all you want. I am not saying that is the case, but I would like to know the details before condemning the cop based on two law suits filed against him.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.

Apparently your mother didn't do such a great job teaching her boy respect for women. Any grown man( there are several on here), who continually refer to women as "bitch" have no respect for either themselves or women. Grow up. She's a fourteen year old. Who does that?
The negro "bitch" acted like a "bitch" and she was treated accordingly.
Had I been the LEO I would have walked up to her with my Taser drawn and said: I'm going to count to five. If you haven't gotten out of your chair by then I'm going to light your punk ass up". "One...Two...."
She is your run of the mill 'Tree Dweller Bonobo' bitch who believes she can act like a bonobo in civilised society and get away with it.
'Fuck and fight. Fight and fuck'. That about sums up their lives.
Conservative65 said above the teacher can't discipline the child anymore. That is true. Teachers are not allowed to touch a student, physically / bodily, anymore to get them to do anything.

I partly find that stupid, as having taken discipline out of schools have resulted in events like this. Parents obviously aren't raising their kids right, either. Growing up I never would have done something like this - I would have gotten in trouble at school and then gotten my backside torn up at home. We were taught discipline and respect, two things the video shows this girl was missing.

Now, evidently, the police aren't even allowed to do anything. The comments about no single police officer should be able to make an arrest on their own is ridiculous. They are sworn LAW ENFORCERS. The disrespect shown by this girl is part of the problem today. A policeman asks you to do something, you do it...period.

Part of this disrespect, IMO, stems from the division being taught / preached from all the way at the top - our President - to the parents and the thugs called Black Lives Matter who have openly called for the murders of all whites and of cops. Al Sharpton a few months back held a protest in NYC in which he called for blacks to openly refuse to comply with any police. (Yeah, that's a good way to ensure MORE violence, you jackass.) People like this ignorant race-baiter is not a 'leader' or a role-model. They should be shunned.

As far as the cop in the video goes, he did become too aggressive. When the girl flat out refused to stand up as ordered, unfortunately - because of the anti-cop society we live in now - he should have called for back-up, not to do his job but instead so the perception of a one-sided event like this is being blown up to be is not given.

If the girl flat out refuses to get up, refuses to obey his commands, what is the policeman's alternative to dragging her out of the chair. IF he had called for back-up and she still refused to get out of the chair, I honestly would not have had a problem with them tazing her....IF it had gone that far. As they policeman asked her, "Are you going to get up out of the chair, or am I going to have to MAKE you get up?" It was HER choice not to and to force the policeman's hand.

I am so sick of the lack of personal accountability these days. This was really simple:
- TEACHER: You are being disrespectful and disruptive. Leave the class.
-- No.

- POLICEMAN: "Are you going to get up out of the chair, or am I going to have to MAKE you get up?"
- No.

Congratulations, you just BROKE THE LAW - Refusal to comply with an officer
- He tries to get her up - she fights him.
Congratulations, you just broke the law AGAIN - Resisting Arrest.

Once Discipline was taken out of schools and out of the hands of teachers and principals, the responsibility and accountability of student behavior was handed over to the POLICE. PARENTS force this action by refusing / opposing discipline in school. So now instead of 'Johhny' / 'Suzy' getting detention or suspended...or expelled, 'Johnny' / 'Suzy' is going to JAIL.

If I was the school I would tell the parents to take their child to another school.
The fate of the police officer is now up to the sheriff, who is under a lot of pressure by some parents.
The police officer has become a victim of perception being made more important than reality. He did not body slam that girl. The desk turned over because of her resistance and gravity did the the rest. Also, being dragged across the floor a few feet is not excessive force for a cop to use to make an arrest if the brat is resisting.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
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Conservative65 said above the teacher can't discipline the child anymore. That is true. Teachers are not allowed to touch a student, physically / bodily, anymore to get them to do anything.

I partly find that stupid, as having taken discipline out of schools have resulted in events like this. Parents obviously aren't raising their kids right, either. Growing up I never would have done something like this - I would have gotten in trouble at school and then gotten my backside torn up at home. We were taught discipline and respect, two things the video shows this girl was missing.

Now, evidently, the police aren't even allowed to do anything. The comments about no single police officer should be able to make an arrest on their own is ridiculous. They are sworn LAW ENFORCERS. The disrespect shown by this girl is part of the problem today. A policeman asks you to do something, you do it...period.

Part of this disrespect, IMO, stems from the division being taught / preached from all the way at the top - our President - to the parents and the thugs called Black Lives Matter who have openly called for the murders of all whites and of cops. Al Sharpton a few months back held a protest in NYC in which he called for blacks to openly refuse to comply with any police. (Yeah, that's a good way to ensure MORE violence, you jackass.) People like this ignorant race-baiter is not a 'leader' or a role-model. They should be shunned.

As far as the cop in the video goes, he did become too aggressive. When the girl flat out refused to stand up as ordered, unfortunately - because of the anti-cop society we live in now - he should have called for back-up, not to do his job but instead so the perception of a one-sided event like this is being blown up to be is not given.

If the girl flat out refuses to get up, refuses to obey his commands, what is the policeman's alternative to dragging her out of the chair. IF he had called for back-up and she still refused to get out of the chair, I honestly would not have had a problem with them tazing her....IF it had gone that far. As they policeman asked her, "Are you going to get up out of the chair, or am I going to have to MAKE you get up?" It was HER choice not to and to force the policeman's hand.

I am so sick of the lack of personal accountability these days. This was really simple:
- TEACHER: You are being disrespectful and disruptive. Leave the class.
-- No.

- POLICEMAN: "Are you going to get up out of the chair, or am I going to have to MAKE you get up?"
- No.

Congratulations, you just BROKE THE LAW - Refusal to comply with an officer
- He tries to get her up - she fights him.
Congratulations, you just broke the law AGAIN - Resisting Arrest.

Once Discipline was taken out of schools and out of the hands of teachers and principals, the responsibility and accountability of student behavior was handed over to the POLICE. PARENTS force this action by refusing / opposing discipline in school. So now instead of 'Johhny' / 'Suzy' getting detention or suspended...or expelled, 'Johnny' / 'Suzy' is going to JAIL.

If I was the school I would tell the parents to take their child to another school.
The fate of the police officer is now up to the sheriff, who is under a lot of pressure by some parents.
The police officer has become a victim of perception being made more important than reality. He did not body slam that girl. The desk turned over because of her resistance and gravity did the the rest. Also, being dragged across the floor a few feet is not excessive force for a cop to use to make an arrest if the brat is resisting.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away here cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults or abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child?
NO "kids are not bratty". Your kids probably are but not all kids.
The negro bitch was behaving like a fucking moron and 100% got what she wanted.
Another time and place. Another time and place and she would have regretted her bonobo behaviour for whatever was left of her worthless life.
The act did not warrant the use of this kind of forceful action. He would not have removed a pit bull from the room with that kid of force.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away here cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults or abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child?
NO "kids are not bratty". Your kids probably are but not all kids.
The negro bitch was behaving like a fucking moron and 100% got what she wanted.
Another time and place. Another time and place and she would have regretted her bonobo behaviour for whatever was left of her worthless life.

You are a low life punk ass worthless scum bag racist little bitch . Your daughter probably carry a sawed off shot gun to class. Your gave her for her 12th birthday.
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